How to set constraints in Xcode 8 in Objective C - ios

I am new in iOS and I am facing problem regarding to set constraints in Xcode 8. I have set constraints in Xcode 6.2 now I update xcode 8 and my constraint are not working.
I have tried each thing which is on net but nothing help. I have also changed Opens in "Xcode 7.x" but not work. I am using custom tableview and it shows text as in the image.
Constraint screenshot:

Select the controller size same as Xcode 6.2 in the storyboard.


Xcode 8.2 Interface Builder Update Frame & Constraint Issue

I recently updated from Xcode 7.3 to 8.2. I was using autolayouts and size classes in Interface Builder in 7.3 and everything worked fine. Now in 8.2 the IB preview doesn't correctly represent the positions of the views. However when I run it on a device or a simulator it looks fine. But if I update frames or update constraints in the preview everything gets jumbled up.
Is there anything I can do to stop update frames or update constraints mucking everything up?
Near the Stack button, there is a new "Update frame" button, its just left to the stack button
I worked out what the problem was. There was nothing wrong with the constraints I had. The issue was that in Xcode 7 the storyboard was in ipad size. Initially when I loaded the project in Xcode 8, it opened to view as iphone 7 plus size. When I changed the storyboard to view as ipad pro size and updated frames it fixed everything. And then when I changed to view as iphone 7 plus size it resized everything perfectly as it should have done in the first place.

Xcode 7 Constraint Suggestion is buggy

I made a simple screen in Xcode 7 containing a single UIImageView. Then I set its constraints (as shown in the screenshot). But Xcode still suggesting to change UIImageView's Leading and Trailing constraints. I am not sure what is it that I am doing wrong here because this kind of error did NOT happened in Xcode 6.4

Constraint icons missing from iOS8 Storyboard in XCode 6.4 for app that was originally written under earlier versions of iOS

I wrote an app for iOS4 or iOS5. I upgraded it to iOS6. Adding the new constraints were rather traumatic (I had to almost completely redo the Storyboard and I had to create a bunch of constraints since they didn't exist before), but I got through it. Now I'm upgrading to iOS8 using XCode 6.4. I have written other apps in iOS8 and the constraint icons are always on the bottom; there are 3 of them: Align, Pin, and Resolve Auto-Layout. However, in this older app, all of these icons are missing (also the W Any H Any in the middle is missing as well). One of the constraints is wrong, but I can't fix it because I don't have any constraint icons. How do I get them back?
Here is a new app that shows the constraint icons:
Here is the old app with the constraint icons missing:
Select the storyboard (on the left) and the File inspector (on the right; not present in your screen shots, you'll have to show it deliberately). The File inspector has a Use Auto Layout checkbox. If the storyboard doesn't use auto layout, you won't see those constraint icons.
If the autolayout checkbox is not available, quiting Xcode and reopening worked for me.

iOS simulator not showing content with Xcode 6.3

I am using Xcode 6.3
I added textfield into the storyboard file.
Its showing in the MainStoryboard Preview.
But getting blank screen, when i am running app using IOS simulator.
Please give me suggestion so that i can resolve this issue.
If frame is outside of bounds of its superview you will not see it. So you need to set appropriate constraints to your viewController

Automatic constraints to storyboard and xib in XCode 6?

I was just trying to learn Autolayout in XCode 6. But I noticed a strange change in the XCode 6 that is whenever I drag and drop a button (or any UI element) on a xib the XCode isn't automatically adding the constraints to the button. However I do remember this facility was there in the previous versions of XCode. But in XCode 6 I had to explicitly add the constraints to the UI element. Here are the images of what happens in previous version of Xcode 6 and previous version of Xcode .
There we can see in XCode 6 no constraints have been added by default but however in previous version of XCode constraint was added by default.
So it would be helpful if you guys let me know if there's a way to enable the feature of adding constraints by default in XCode 6 or is it the way XCode 6 ways where we need to add constraints manually?
Thanks in advance :)
With the introduction of size classes, to have a universal storyboard for both iPhone and iPad, setting the constraints automatically wouldn't make much sense for me.
You can ask Xcode to resolve auto layout issues for you by pressing the (Resolve Auto Layout Issues) button in the lower right of the Interface Builder window and choosing “Add Missing Constraints”. The added constraints will fix the subviews relative to their superviews.
Adding the constraints automatically while editing was done in Xcode 4, and it was a disaster. Every time you moved a view, it broke something.
As of 5, any missing constraints will be added at compile time to your views. If you select a view and look in the size inspector, it will tell you this. See here for more details on constraints and interface builder.
