How to remove Selectitem from f:selectitems using ADF? - jsf-2

I want to remove Selectitem from f:selectitems using ADF and manage bean when click a button

You can use this code to clear selection
public BindingContainer getBindings() {
return BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();
/**Method to Clear selected value of shuttle (Reset Shuttle)
* #param actionEvent
public void resetShuttleAction(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
BindingContainer bc = this.getBindings();
JUCtrlListBinding listBindings = (JUCtrlListBinding)bc.get("DepartmentsView1");
For details check -


Unkown Key in Vaadin 14 Grid during selection

I'm using a Grid in Vaadin 14. The grid is in multi-selection mode.
The selection handler takes a couple of seconds to complete and I'm calling setItems(...) at the end to update the items in the grid.
When the user selects another row while the previous selection handler is still running, I get an "Unknown key" error similar to the one described in, even though the new set of items still contains the selected item (another object instance but same according to equals()). This seems to be because the keys in the KeyMapper have already been changed due to setItems(), so the key coming from the client is not present anymore.
Is there a way to work around this, for example by disabling selection while the previous request is in progress?
To work around this Vaadin bug, I'm also calling setPageSize() with the exact number of items as argument. But it seems the same problem occurs even if I don't call setPageSize(), so it's probably due to setItems().
Do not change the grids items inside a SelectionListener.
You can still do all the things you wanted, but setting the items anew is not actually needed. In fact it will only create problems as you are experiencing now.
While working at this answer, I realized you will need to do your own Checkbox Column in order to be able to do actions for the one item that was just "selected", instead of removing all then add all selected ones (because much better performance). Here is how that could look.
// in my code samples, a `Foo` item can have many `Bar` items. The grid is of type Bar.
Grid.Column customSelectionColumn = grid.addComponentColumn(item -> {
Checkbox isSelected = new Checkbox();
isSelected.addValueChangeListener(event -> {
boolean newSelectedValue = event.getValue();
} else {
// make a Checkbox that selects all in the header
Checkbox toggleSelectAll = new Checkbox();
toggleSelectAll.addValueChangeListener(event -> {
} else {
grid.getDataProvider().refreshAll(); // updates custom checkbox value of each item
I solved this problem. Vaadin use data as key in HashMap. You need calc hashCode use immutable data fields. For example
public class TestData {
private int id;
private String name;
public TestData(int id) { = id;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(id);
public int getId() {
return id;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;

How to assign default value for dropdown list in Umbraco?

I have created custom data type based on built-in dropdown list, but cannot figure out how to specify default value for the list. The default value is always blank:
The default dropdown does not support default value
There is two way of achieving what you want
create your own dropdown datatype (or use a plugin someone else has made - I am not sure which one support it, but maybe have a look at nuPickers )
since it is your custom made you can control it. More about how to create one checkout doc Tutorial - Creating a property editor
use a web api handler to intercept the call of getting the content value - and set a default value to your property if it is empty (null)
below is some un-tested code:
first create the web api handler
public class SetDropdownDefaultHandler : DelegatingHandler
protected override async Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync
(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var response = await base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken);
var url = request?.RequestUri?.AbsolutePath.ToLower;
// only process when a create (getempty) or editing a specific content (getbyid)
if (url == "/umbraco/backoffice/umbracoapi/content/getempty"
|| url == "/umbraco/backoffice/umbracoapi/content/getbyid")
var content = (ObjectContent)response.Content;
var data = content?.Value as PagedResult<ContentItemBasic<ContentPropertyBasic, IContent>>;
if (data?.Items != null)
var tempResult = data?.Items?.ToList();
foreach (var item in tempResult)
foreach (var prop in item?.Properties?.Where(p => p?.Editor == "Umbraco.DropDown"))
var propStr = prop.Value?.ToString();
if (!propStr.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
// set your default value if it is empty
prop.Value = "your default option prevalue id";
data.Items = tempResult;
return response;
then register it at started event
public class UmbracoEvent : ApplicationEventHandler
protected override void ApplicationStarted(UmbracoApplicationBase umbracoApplication, ApplicationContext applicationContext)
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.MessageHandlers.Add(new SetDropdownDefaultHandler());
your problem maybe you don't know your prevalueid - you can look it up in db or you could use datatype service to get the datatype prevalues then decide which to put as default
Look at: FieldType.DropDownList in the fieldTypes folder.
Replace:<option value=""></option>
var settings = Model.AdditionalSettings;
<option value="">#settings["DefaultValue"]</option>
Then ensure you set the default value property in your dropdown list in the Umbraco Forms backoffice for the given form

Remove value change listener

I am facing problem in value change listener.
I have added value change listener in vaadin option group which has six checkboxes.
optionGroup.addValueChangeListener(this :: optionGroupValueChanged);
private void optionGroupValueChanged(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {
Now I have one another checkbox which selects all the checkboxes of the option group (because it's multiselect). I want to avoid call of value change listener for individual checkboxes so that I first removed the value change listener and added after selecting all as stated below.
selectAllCheckBox.addValueChangeListener(this :: selectAllChecked);
private void selectAllChecked(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {
final boolean isChecked = (boolean) valueChangeEvent.getProperty().getValue();
//Following line does not remove the value change listener
optionGroup.removeValueChangeListener(this :: optionGroupValueChanged);
if(isChecked) {
//So here it will call value change of option group six time
optionGroup.getItemIds().stream().forEach( itemId ->;
} else {
optionGroup.addValueChangeListener(this :: optionGroupValueChanged);
I have checked code of vaadin removeValueChangeListener method it contains markAsDirty(); method. What is the reason of this behavior ? Is there any other alternative solution for my problem ?
Note : Version of vaadin is 7.5.0
That's because this :: optionGroupValueChanged creates each time new instance of ValueChangeListener. You don't want this, you want to remove very specific instance of ValueChangeListener. The solution is to remember (in private field in example) the reference to the listener and pass it in your add and remove ValueChangeListener calls.
optionGroupListener = this :: optionGroupValueChanged;
private void selectAllChecked(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {
final boolean isChecked = (boolean) valueChangeEvent.getProperty().getValue();
//change here
optionGroup.removeValueChangeListener(optionGroupListener );
if(isChecked) {
optionGroup.getItemIds().stream().forEach( itemId ->;
} else {
//and here
optionGroup.addValueChangeListener(optionGroupListener );

unable to Validate Custom components in SmartGWT

I am unable to get my custom compoenent to be validated in the dynamic form. I tried many versions but it is not working as expected. For e.g. either the label is not showing in BOLD to indicate the field is mandatory and it aloows to save the form without entering anything in the field. Only when the user enters something in the field and deletes it, then the red icon is displayed to the user that the field is mandatory.I dont know what i am missing. please help. code is below
telnumber = new CustomTelephoneTextItem();
Below is my Custom TextItem which i am using in the above class
public class CustomTelephoneTextItem extends CanvasItem
textField_value = new CustomIntegerItem();
form.setItems(textField_value, textField_code);
First, if you want to item title showin bold, you must call item's setRequired(true).
in your code is telnumber.setRequired(true);
Second, if you want to validate item on form.validate(), you must override validate() function in your item and write validation code in this function.
in your code is call form.validate() in CustomTelephoneTextItem validate() function
Here is the code to be implemented to validate custom component
This code will go in your Custom component which you will implement
public Object getValue()
if (validate() && textField_value.getValue() != null)
return textField_value.getValue();
return null;
public void setRequired(Boolean required) {
public Boolean validate() {
return super.validate();
public void setValidators(Validator... validators) {
Then in the class where you will create the custom component you will call the setRequired() method,like so

Get changed unsaved property value of a node in content tab, after clicking save button and before saving the changes. Umbraco

I want to get a node's property value that has been changed after clicking save button and before saving the changes programmatically, on content tab in BackOffice.
The node could contain many properties. When the save button is clicked, I want to first get the new changed value for the node's properties. I think Umbraco should have APIs to get those in server side.
Any idea would be very much appreciated.
You want to wire into the Document.BeforeSave method in an IApplicationEventHandler class. Like so (assuming you're changing bodyText from "apple" to "orange"):
using umbraco.cms.businesslogic.web;
using Umbraco.Core;
using Umbraco.Web;
namespace ClassLibrary1
public class Class1 : IApplicationEventHandler
public void OnApplicationStarted(UmbracoApplication httpApplication, ApplicationContext applicationContext)
Document.BeforeSave += new Document.SaveEventHandler(Document_BeforeSave);
Document.AfterSave += new Document.SaveEventHandler(Document_AfterSave);
void Document_BeforeSave(Document sender, umbraco.cms.businesslogic.SaveEventArgs e)
// your code goes here!
sender.getProperty("bodyText").Value // returns apple
void Document_AfterSave(Document sender, umbraco.cms.businesslogic.SaveEventArgs e)
// your code goes here!
sender.getProperty("bodyText").Value // returns orange
public void OnApplicationStarting(UmbracoApplication httpApplication, ApplicationContext applicationContext)
// unused
public void OnApplicationInitialized(UmbracoApplication httpApplication, ApplicationContext applicationContext)
// unused
I tested this in Umbraco 4.11
What you could do is use a jquery event handler, that is targeted at the field in the umbraco admin you want to check for changes. This example will work by finding the label of the umbraco field you want to monitor and then adding a jquery event handler that will fire when the field that is the sibling to the label is changed - this example will work for any changes to the 'Name' field that is on every node's 'properties' tab. Different field types will hold the value differently, so $(this).val() should usually work for most - but not all field types.
Drop this into the end of \umbraco\editcontent.aspx
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
$("div.propertyItemheader:contains('Name') + div.propertyItemContent").keyup(function () {
alert("field changed");
