Rancher development environment - docker

I started to use rancher recently for a project.
Within few days I set up a standard microservice architecture with 4 basic services (hosted on Digital Ocean), trying to make it as production ready as possible
Api Gateway
GraphQL Api
OAuth2 Server
it also includes Loadbalancers, Health checks etc...
I'm amazed at how good it is, as such I heavily used all the features provided by rancher in my configs, for example, the DNS conventions <service>.<stack>, sidekicks, rancher-compose etc...
The above services lives in their own repository and they have their
own Dockerfile , docker-compose.yml and rancher-compose.yml for production, so that they can be deployed independently.
Now that I proved myself that rancher will be my new "friend", I need a strategy to run the same application on my local environment and being able to develop my services, just like I would do with Vagrant.
I'm wondering what's the best approach to port an application that runs on rancher to a development environment.
I had some ideas on how to tackle this, however, none of them seemed to allow me to achieve it without re-configuring the whole services for development.
1 - Rancher on local machine
This is the first approach I took, install a rancher-server and a rancher-client locally and deploy the whole stack just like in production. It seemed the most logical idea to me. However, this wouldn't allow me to change the code of the services and being reflected into the containers live. Maybe using shared volumes might work but it looks trivial to me if you have any idea please let me know. For me, This solution is gone :(
2 - Docker compose
My second attempt was to use plainly docker compose and shared volumes, omitting load balancers and all the features of rancher :( However, this might work, I would need to change all the configurations of all my services where they point to a rancher specific DNS domain <service>.<stack> to use just <service> over the bridge network. But this means maintaining 2 different configurations for different environments, which is weird and not fun to do.
3 - Vagrant
As the second solution is already messy (double docker-compose and double configuration for the services) why not just re-create the whole environment in vagrant (without rancher features, maybe with ansible) where one nginx does reverse proxy and resolve requests between services. However, this require also quite a lot work and double effort again :(
Is there any other approach which will make rancher suitable for a development environment in a non-painfull way? How companies which rely on rancher or any other platform tools solved this issue?

Rancher on the local machine is a common pattern. If you run Rancher on a VM, or locally on a Linux box, when you launch your stacks the subtle change is that you add volumes to the host..
- /Users/myhome/code:/src
You could now use templating features in the compose files and the Rancher CLI. Something like:
{{ if dev-local == "true"}}
- /Users/blah:/src
Then you could have an answers file that just has


Should I dockerize mysql and nginx in production?

Our company has a dedicated Linux server that wants to host all services on it.
We have several wordpress, laravel, asp and node websites. We want to dockerize all of these. But we want all services to use the same mysql.
Should we also run mysql in Docker? or not.
How will it be to up and down Docker Compose of one of the projects? Do they affect each other?
I am a little confused.
Well, it all depends on the size of your application/services. On a virtual machine, I would not suggest Dockerizing everything and running a docker-compose to up services. Take for example a database like MySQL, in docker container there are some constraints like the maximum size of the volume/container and networking, which by using the docker-compose you need to take care of with additional parameters, daemon changes. Which can be all configured but to know what exactly needs to be configured in what way is a painful process. There can also be problems with the replication of database, you should not have one database in production. What if the data gets lost? Shouldn't you have a second replica?
Now, for the reverse proxy, it depends. Depends on the size of the production as well. What happends if the container is restarted, upgraded? Will the proxy be down and all your services be unavailable? YES! It may be only for a few minutes, but this is production we are talking about.
On the other hand, it all depends on the size of the project, the size of the traffic, and the budget. Take for example a deployment on kubernetes (you did not specify the deployment target, only docker compose so i will default to kubernetes), where everything is in the form of containers. For each node, you have a ingress-controller (one of the most popular is nginx). If this is production you are talking about, then you can write ingress rules to route the traffic. Ingress-controller is deployed as a DaemonSet, so each node has its own ingress-controller and if one node is down, you would also have another one. The same goes for the database.
What I am trying to say, is that running a simple docker-compose on a machine in production is very risky. Use an environment that can scale up either horizontally or vertically (docker swarm, kube). I hope, I clarified the idea behind the production deployment well.

Does it make sense to run Kubernetes on a single server?

I'm using Docker I have implemented a system to deploy environments (on a single server) based on Git branches using Traefik (*.dev.domain.com) and Docker Compose templates.
I like Kubernetes and I've never switched to it since I'm limited to one single server for my infrastructure. I've only used it using local installations (Docker for Windows).
So, my question is: does it make sense to run a Kubernetes "cluster" (master and nodes) on a single server to orchestrate and route containers (in place of Traefik/Rancher/Docker Compose)?
This use is for development and staging only for the moment, so high availability is not a prerequisite.
If it is not a production environment, it doesn't matter how many nodes you are using. So yes, it should be just fine in this case. But make sure all the k8s features you will need in production are available in test/dev, to keep things similar and portable.
I do not see a requirement for kubernetes unless we are doing below at least for single host using native docker run or docker-compose or docker engine swarm mode -
Make sure there are enough(>=2) replicas of your app in a single server and you are balancing the load across those apps docker containers.
If you want to go bit advanced, we should be able to scale up & down dynamically (docker swarm mode supports this out of the box else use jwilder nginx proxy).
Your deployment should not cause a downtime. Make sure a single container is always healthy at any instant of time while deploying.
Container should auto heal(restart automatically) in case your HTTP or TCP health check fails.
Doing all of the above will certainly put you in a better place but single host is still a single source of failure which you got to deal with at regular intervals.
Preferred : if possible try to start with docker engine swarm mode or kubernetes single master or minikube. This will automatically take care of all the above scenarios out of the box and will also allow you to further scale up anytime by adding more nodes without changing much in your YML files for docker swarm or kubernetes.
Ref -
I would use single host k8s only if I managed clusters with the same project that I would like to deploy to the said host. This enables you to reuse manifests and all the automation you've created for your clusters.
Have I had single host environments only, I would probably stick to docker-compose.
If you're looking to try it out your easiest options are probably minikube (easy to run single-node cluster locally but without some features) or using one of the free trial accounts for a managed Kubernetes service from one of the big cloud providers (fully-featured and multi-node but limited use before you have to pay).

How to link multiple docker swarm services?

I'm a huge fan of the docker philosophy (or at least I think I am). Even so, I'm still quite novice in the sense that I don't seem to grasp the intended way of using docker.
As I see it currently, there are two ways of using docker.
Create a container with everything I need for the app in it.
For example, I would like something like a Drupal site. I would then put nginx, php, mysql and code into a container. I could run this as a service in swarm mode and scale it as needed. If I need another Drupal site, I would then run a second container/service that holds nginx, php and mysql and (slightly) different code. I would now need 2 images to run a container or service off.
Pro's - Easy, everything I need in a single container
Con's - Cannot run each container on port 80 (so need a reverse proxy or something). (Not sure at but I could imagine) Server load is higher since there are multiple containers/services running nginx, php and mysql.
Create 4 separate containers. 1 nginx container, 1 php container, 1 mysql container and 1 code/data container.
For example, I would like the same Drupal site. I could now run them all as a separate service and scale them across my servers as the amount of code containers (Drupal sites or other sites) increases. I would only need 1 image per container/service instead of a separate image for each site.
Pro's - Modular, single responsibility per service (1 for database, 1 for webserver etc), easy to scale only the area that needs scaling (scale database if requests increase, nginx if traffic increases etc).
Con's - I don't know how to make this work :).
Personally I would opt to make a setup according to the second option. Have a database container/service, nginx container/service etc. This seems much more flexible to me and makes more sense.
I am struggling however on how to make this work. How would I make the nginx service look at the php service and point the nginx config to the code folder in the data service etc. I have read some stuff about an overlay network but that does not make clear to me how nginx would look for php in a separate container/service.
I therefore have 2 (and a half) questions:
How is docker meant to be used (option 1 or 2 above or totally different)?
How can I link services together (make nginx look for php in a different service)?
(half) I know I am a beginner trying to grasp the concept but setting up a simple webserver and running websites seems like a basic task (at least, it is for me in conventional ways) but I can't seem to find my answers online anywhere. Am I totally off par in the way I think I would like to use docker or have I not been looking well enough?
How is docker meant to be used (option 1 or 2 above or totally different)?
Upto you, I prefer using Option #2, but i have at times used mix of Option #1 and options #2 also. So it all depends on the use case and which options looks better for the use case. At one of our client it was needed to have SSH and Nginx, PHP all in same container. So we mixed #1 and #2. Mysql, redis on their own container and app on one container
How can I link services together (make nginx look for php in a different service)?
Use docker-compose to define your services and docker stack to deploy them. You won't have to worry about the names of the services
version: '3'
image: nginx
image: mysql
Now deploy using
docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose.yml myapp
In your nginx container you can reach mysql by using it's service name db. So linking happens automatically and you need not worry.
I know I am a beginner trying to grasp the concept but setting up a simple webserver and running websites seems like a basic task (at least, it is for me in conventional ways) but I can't seem to find my answers online anywhere. Am I totally off par in the way I think I would like to use docker or have I not been looking well enough
There are lot of good resources available in forms of articles, you just need to look

Multiple images inside one container

So, here is the problem, I need to do some development and for that I need following packages:
One option is that I take a Ubuntu image, create a container and start installing them one by one and done, start my server, and expose the ports.
But this can easily be done in a virtual box also, and it will not going to use the power of Docker. So for that I have to start building my own image with these packages. Now here is the question if I start writing my Dockerfile and if place the commands to download the Node js (and others) inside of it, this again becomes the same thing like virtualization.
What I need is that I start from Ubuntu and keep on adding the references of MongoDb, NodeJs, RabbitMq, Nginx and Redis inside the Dockerfile and finally expose the respective ports out.
Here are the queries I have:
Is this possible? Like adding the refrences of other images inside the Dockerfile when you are starting FROM one base image.
If yes then how?
Also is this the correct practice or not?
How to do these kind of things in Docker ?
Thanks in advance.
Keep images light. Run one service per container. Use the official images on docker hub for mongodb, nodejs, rabbitmq, nginx etc. Extend them if needed. If you want to run everything in a fat container you might as well just use a VM.
You can of course do crazy stuff in a dev setup, but why spend time setting up something that has zero value in a production environment? What if you need to scale up one of the services? How do set memory and cpu constraints on each service? .. and the list goes on.
Don't make monolithic containers.
A good start is to use docker-compose to configure a set of services that can talk to each other. You can make a prod and dev version of your docker-compose.yml file.
Getting into the right frame of mind
In a perfect world you would run your containers in clustered environment in production to be able to scale your system and have concurrency, but that might be overkill depending on what you are running. It's at least good to have this in the back of your head because it can help you to make the right decisions.
Some points to think about if you want to be a purist :
How do you have persistent volume storage across multiple hosts?
Reverse proxy / load balancer should probably be the entry point into the system that talks to the containers using the internal network.
Is my service even able run in a clustered environment (multiple instances of the container)
You can of course do dirty things in dev such as mapping in host volumes for persistent storage (and many people who use docker standalone in prod do that as well).
Ideally we should separate docker in dev and docker i prod. Docker is a fantastic tool during development as you can have redis, memcached, postgres, mongodb, rabbitmq, node or whatnot up and running in minutes sharing that compose setup with the rest of the team. Docker in prod can be a completely different beast.
I would also like to add that I'm generally against the fanaticism that "everything should be running in docker" in prod. Run services in docker when it makes sense. It's also not uncommon for larger companies to make their own base images. This can be a lot of work and will require maintenance to keep up with security fixes etc. It's not necessarily the first thing you jump on when starting with docker.

Kubernetes for a Development Environment

Good day
We have a development environment that consists of 6 virtual machines. Currently we are using Vagrant and Ansible with VirtualBox.
As you can imagine, hosting this environment is a maintenance nightmare particularly as versions of software/OS change. Not too mention resource load for developer machines.
We have started migrating some virtual machines to docker. But this itself poses problems around orchestration, correct configurations, communication etc. This led me to Kubernetes.
Would someone be so kind as to provide some reasoning as to whether Kubernetes would or wouldn't be the right tool for the job? That is managing and orchestrating 'development' docker containers.
This is quite complex topic and many things have to be considered if it's worth to use k8s as local dev environment. Especially I used it when I wanted to have my local developer environment very close to production one which was running on Kubernetes. This helped to avoid many configuration bugs.
In my opinion Kubernetes(k8s) will provide you all you need for a development environment.
It gives you much flexibility and does much configuration itself. Few examples:
An easy way to deploy new version into local kubernetes stack
You prepare k8s replication controller files for each of your application module (keep in mind that they need to be stateless modules)
In replication controller you specify the docker image and that's it.
Using this approach you can push new docker images to local docker_registry and then using kubectl control the lifecycle of your application.
Easy way to scale your application modules
For example:
kubectl scale rc your_application_service --replicas=3
This way k8s will check how many pods you have running for your service and if it recognises that the number is smaller then the replicas value it will create new to satisfy the replicas number.
It's endless topic and many other things come to my mind, but I would suggest you to try it out.
There is a https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/docs/devel/developer-guides/vagrant.md project for running the k8s cluster in vagrant.
Of course you have to remember that if you have many services all of them have to be pushed to local repository and run by k8s. This will require some time but if you automate local deploy with some custom scripts you won't regret.
As wsl mentioned before, it is a quite complex topic. But i'm doing this as well at the moment. So let me summaries some things for you:
With Kubernetes (k8s) you're going to orchestrate your SaaS Application. In best case, it is a Cloud-native Application. The properties/requirements for a Cloud-native Application are formulated by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), which basically were formed around k8s, after Google donates it to the Linux Foundation.
So the properties/requirements for a Cloud-native Application are: Container packaged, Dynamically managed and Micro-services oriented (cncf.io/about/charter). You will benefit mostly from k8s, if your applications are micro-service based and every service has a separate container.
With micro-service based applications, every service can be developed independently. The developer only needs to follow the 12Factor Method (12factor.net) for example (use env var instead of hard coded IP addresses, etc).
In the next step the developer build the container for a service and pushes it the a container registry. For a local develop environment, you may need to run a container registry inside the cluster as well, so the developer can push and test his code locally.
Then you're able to define your k8s replication-controllers, services, PetSets, etc. with Ports, Port-mapping, env vars, Container Images... and create and run it inside the cluster.
The k8s-documentation recommend Minikube for running k8s locally (kubernetes.io/docs/getting-started-guides/minikube/). With Minikube you got features like DNS, NodePorts, ConfigMaps and Secrets
But I choose the multi node CoreOS Kubernetes with Vagrant Cluster for my Development Environment as Puja Abbassi mentioned in the Blog "Finding The Right Local Kubernetes Development Environment" (https://deis.com/blog/2016/local-kubernetes-development-environment/), it is closer to the my production environment (12Factor: 10 - Dev/prod parity).
With the Vagrant Environment you got features like:
Networking with flannel
Service Discovery with etcd
DNS names for a set of containers with SkyDNS
internal load balancing
If you want to know, how everything works look inside this Github repo github.com/coreos/coreos-kubernetes/tree/master/multi-node (vagrant and generic folder).
So you have to ask yourself, if you or your developers really need to run a complete "cloud environment" locally. In many cases a developer can develop a service (based on micro-services and containers) independently.
But sometimes it is necessary to have multiple or all services run on your local machine as a dev-environment.
