How to concatenate strings in Sightly/HTL? - sightly

I have the following code:
<sly"${'' # path=properties.targetURL}"></sly>
I want to concatenate properties.linkType to properties.targetURL.
Any ideas how it can be done? I've found examples on the net but they don't seem to work for my situation.

That depends on what kind of string concatenation you have in mind:
Concatenating strings using an operator is not supported, ie. you cannot do ${properties.targetURL + properties.linkType}. A workaround (suggested by #Jens) is to do something like: <sly data-sly-test.concatenated="${'{0}{1}' # format=[properties.targetURL, properties.linkType]}"></sly>
Concatenating strings in HTML output can be done by placing HTL expression next to each other, ie. ${properties.targetUrl}${properties.linkType}
Sending both strings to an Use Object is supported via multiple expression options: <sly"${'' # path=properties.targetURL, type=properties.linkType}"></sly>
Concatenating strings to form an URL might be possible in some cases using URI Manipulation

I just want to add one more way to concatenate strings to the above answer, by using # join.
<sly data-sly-test="${['String1','String2','String3'] # join = '-'}"/>
It will give output as:


Difficulty applying a Regex to a Rails View. Should I make it a helper method?

I am trying to apply the following regex to one of my views:
This is to remove any string of consecutive non-whitespace characters including any white space characters that follow from the start of the line (remove everything except the first word). I have input it on Rubular and it works.
I was wondering how I would be able to apply it to my rails project. Would I create a rails helper method? So far I have tested it in irb and it is not returning the right value:
I would like to know how I can fix my method and if making it a helper method is the right approach. Thank you very much for your help guys!
The =~ operator matches the regular expression against a string, and it returns either the offset of the match from the string if it is found, otherwise nil.
You could either try it with String.match and work with the match data.
or you don't use regex for readability. Split the string on spaces and return and array of the words and take the first one, like:
str.split(' ').first

passing a column name as a variable to an ActiveRecord query

Let's say I have a query:
Foo.where("lower(bar) LIKE ?", "%#{baz}%")
which transforms to plain SQL as:
... WHERE (lower(bar) LIKE ...
and works perfectly. But instead of bar I want to pass an argument. So I tried to rewrite it like this:
Foo.where("lower(?) LIKE ?", bar, "%#{baz}%")
where bar is a variable containing a string 'bar'. In this case it stops working and transforms to plain SQL as:
... WHERE (lower('bar') LIKE ...
So how can I make this query work?
You might want to try using sprintf-style % escapes in the template to avoid the the column name you wish to interpolate from being quoted:
Foo.where("lower(%s) LIKE '%s'", bar, "%#{baz}%")
(N.B. The single quotes around the second %s - the second argument does want to be quoted)
Lastly, you can use sprintf-style % escapes in the template. This works slightly differently than the previous methods; you are responsible for ensuring that the values in the template are properly quoted. The values are passed to the connector for quoting, but the caller is responsible for ensuring they are enclosed in quotes in the resulting SQL. After quoting, the values are inserted using the same escapes as the Ruby core method Kernel::sprintf.
You can construct your query via Arel:
bar = :field_name # or 'string_name'.to_sym

Rails query by number of digits in field

I have a Rails app with a table: "clients". the clients table has a field: phone. phone data type is string. I'm using postgresql. I would like to write a query which selects all clients which have a phone value containing more than 10 digits. phone does not have a specific format:
+1 781-658-2687
+1 (207) 846-3332
I've been trying variations of the following:
Client.where("LENGTH(REGEXP_REPLACE(phone,'[^\d]', '')) > 10")
Any help would be great.
You almost have it but you're missing the 'g' option to regexp_replace, from the fine manual:
The regexp_replace function provides substitution of new text for substrings that match POSIX regular expression patterns. [...] The flags parameter is an optional text string containing zero or more single-letter flags that change the function's behavior. Flag i specifies case-insensitive matching, while flag g specifies replacement of each matching substring rather than only the first one.
So regexp_replace(string, pattern, replacement) behaves like Ruby's String#sub whereas regexp_replace(string, pattern, replacement, 'g') behaves like Ruby's String#gsub.
You'll also need to get a \d through your double-quoted Ruby string all the way down to PostgreSQL so you'll need to say \\d in your Ruby. Things tend to get messy when everyone wants to use the same escape character.
This should do what you want:
Client.where("LENGTH(REGEXP_REPLACE(phone, '[^\\d]', '', 'g')) > 10")
# --------------------------------------------^^---------^^^
Try this:
phone_number.gsub(/[^\d]/, '').length

How do I repeat a capturing group?

I have an input string that looks something like this:
Now I don't care about the part that follows the last letter A, it'll always be A and exactly 20 numbers that are of no use to me. I do, however, need the part before the last letter A, and ideally, I'd need it to be separated into two different captures, just like this:
1: HLI6Ch60000Ch500C0Ch46400Ch30000Ch21888Ch10E79CS07
2: LCU3Ch37880Ch27800Ch16480CS8C
The only way to identify these matches is that they end with characters CS followed by two hexadecimal characters. I thought that a regular expression like (.+?CS.{2})+ (or (.+?CS[[:xdigit:]]{2})+) would do the job but when tried on, it only captures the last group and gives the following warning:
Note: A repeated capturing group will only capture the last iteration. Put a capturing group around the repeated group to capture all iterations or use a non-capturing group instead if you're not interested in the data
Which I thought suggests that I should use regular expression like ((.+?CS.{2})+) instead and I mean – sure, now I get two captures, but they look like this:
1: HLI6Ch60000Ch500C0Ch46400Ch30000Ch21888Ch10E79CS07LCU3Ch37880Ch27800Ch16480CS8C
2: LCU3Ch37880Ch27800Ch16480CS8C
Meaning the first one is… slightly longer than I'd like it to be. If it helps in any way, I should point out that the final regular expression will be part of an iOS application so an instance of NSRegularExpression class will be used – not sure if that's a helpful information at all, it's just that I know that NSRegularExpression doesn't support every part of the world of regular expressions.
You can direclty use this.See demo.Grab the group or capture.
It doesn't seem like you need a capturing group at all:
will match all strings that end in CS + 2 hex digits.
Test it live on
(?: # Start a group.
(?!CS[0-9A-F]{2}) # Make sure we can't match CSff here,
. # if so, match any character.
)+ # Do this at least once.
CS[0-9A-F]{2} # Then match CSff.
Change your regex to,
You don't need to put the regex inside another capturing group and make it to repeat one or more times. Just print the group index 1 to get your desired output.

how to use dynamic variable for symbols in ruby where statements

I dont how to accomplish this problem.
I faced with this problem 3 times and each time I put it in my todo list but even tho I tried to find a solution I couldnt.
For examples,
I m trying to create a query with dynamic variables of this example; 'K')
there are 3 arguments in this example;
1)first_name - My model attribute
2)start - Query type (start/end/cont )
3)'3' - value
I was able to create dynamic ActiveRecord using static symbols but how am I suppose to make dynamic input
Thanks in advance
let me show you a some kind of pseudo-code
varArray.each_with_index |x,index|
queryString=varArray[i]+"_"+filterArray=[i] #lets say varArray[i], this will be first_name, an actual model attribute/a column in my db
#and filterArray like /start/end/with a filter type
#and finally valArray a string value like 'geo' or 'paul'
User.where(queryString valArray[i]).result
I tried to use send(variable) but that didnt help me either, so i dont how should i proceed,
This is one of a few cases where new fancy Ruby 1.9 syntax for defining hashes doesn't cut it. You have to use the traditional hashrocket (=>) that allows you to specify not only symbols, but any arbitrary values as hash keys:
column = "#{first_name}_size_#{query_type}".to_sym
User.where( column => value )
AFAIK, ActiveRecord is able to accept strings instead of symbols as column names, so you don't even need to call to_sym.
