PromiseKit flatMapError - ios

ReactiveSwift has this great function called flatMapError that allows you to respond with an event stream when an error occurs. A simple example might look like:
authenticationProducer.flatMapError { _ in self.reauthenticate() }
Whenever an error occurs, that error gets mapped into a producer that attempts to re-authenticate.
How would I build a similar operator using PromiseKit? The function signature would look like:
func flatMapError<U>(_ transform: #escaping (Error) -> Promise<U>) -> Promise<U>
My implementation so far:
func flatMapError<U>(_ transform: #escaping (Error) -> Promise<U>) -> Promise<U> {
return Promise<U> { resolve, reject in
self.catch { error in
let promise = transform(error)
let _ = promise.then { value in

Use recover, it behaves as you request.


Completion handler in function

I have a function that looks like this, and I have tried to add a completionHandler in the code below:
func getValueFromAPI(completionHandler: (_ result: Bool) -> Void){
apii.getVehicle(id!).done {
(vehicle: Vehicle) -> Void in
print("ggg.state: \(vehicle.state!)")
print("ggg.state: \(vehicle.displayName!)")
apii.getAllData(vehicle).done { (extendedVehicle: VehicleExtended) in
let entryBattery = (extendedVehicle.chargeState?.batteryLevel)!
let entryCarState = (extendedVehicle.state)!
print("entryBattery: \(entryBattery)")
print("entryCarState: \(entryCarState)")
}.catch { (error) in
print("ERROOOOR: \(error)")
}.catch { error in
print("errorr: \(error)")
I have already tried to add a complete handler, but I get the following error on these lines:
Line: apii.getVehicle(id!).done {
Error: Escaping closure captures non-escaping parameter 'completionHandler'
Line: apii.getAllData(vehicle).done { (extendedVehicle: VehicleExtended) in
Error: Escaping closure captures non-escaping parameter 'completionHandler'
What am I doing wrong here, and how can I fix this?
I am using Swift 5.
You need to declare your completionHandler to be an escaping closure. E.g.:
func getValueFromAPI(completionHandler: #escaping (Bool) -> Void) {
Note the #escaping qualifier.

API funtion using RxSwift

I want to change the API request code written using the closure to RxSwift.
For example, I would like to make rxGetList() function using getList() function.
// This function cannot be modified.
func getList(success: #escaping ([String]) -> Void,
failure: #escaping (Error) -> Void) {
// Request to Server...
func rxGetList() -> Observable<String> {
// Using getList() function
What code should I write in TODO section?
Please give me some advice.
The easiest way to meet your expectations is to use something like this:
func rxGetList() -> Observable<String> {
return Observable.create { observer in
getList(success: { result in
for everyString in result {
}, failure: { error in
return Disposables.create() {
// specify any action to be performed on observable dispose (like cancel URL task)
Note that you have [String] specified as an input type of your success closure. If it's not a typo then above code fits. If you want one String instead, it's as simple as this:
func rxGetList() -> Observable<String> {
return Observable.create { observer in
getList(success: { result in
}, failure: { error in
return Disposables.create() {
// specify any action to be performed on observable dispose (like cancel URL task)
Petr Grigorev's answer is the correct one, but if you want to have fun with some extreme function composition, here's a more advanced way to handle it:
let rxGetList = Observable.create(rx_(getList(success:failure:)))
.flatMap { Observable.from($0) }
func rx_<A>(_ fn: #escaping (#escaping (A) -> Void, #escaping (Error) -> Void) -> Void) -> (AnyObserver<A>) -> Disposable {
fn(singleObserve($0), $0.onError)
return Disposables.create()
func singleObserve<A>(_ observer: AnyObserver<A>) -> (A) -> Void {
I'm not sure about actually using the above, but if you have a lot of functions that you want to wrap, it may help reduce the amount of code you have to write.

Cannot convert value of type '(Void) -> ()' to expected argument type '() -> Void'

I am trying to implement the TradeIt ios SDK and I am not able to compile due to issues in the sdk.
let promises = self.getAllDisplayableLinkedBrokers().map {
linkedBroker in
return Promise<Void> { seal in
onSuccess: seal.fulfill,
onSecurityQuestion: onSecurityQuestion,
onFailure: { tradeItErrorResult in
onFailure(tradeItErrorResult, linkedBroker)
on the line with onSuccess: seal.fulfill, there is an error: Cannot convert value of type '(Void) -> ()' to expected argument type '() -> Void'
The following is the definition for the authenticateIfNeeded method that details what it's expecting for onSuccess.
#objc public func authenticateIfNeeded(onSuccess: #escaping () -> Void, onSecurityQuestion: #escaping (TradeItSecurityQuestionResult,_ submitAnswer: #escaping (String) -> Void, _ onCancelSecurityQuestion: #escaping () -> Void) -> Void,
onFailure: #escaping (TradeItErrorResult) -> Void
) -> Void {
guard let error = self.error else {
if error.requiresAuthentication() {
onSuccess: onSuccess,
onSecurityQuestion: onSecurityQuestion,
onFailure: onFailure
} else if error.requiresRelink() {
} else {
I am developing a react native application and I need to create a react native module for ios for the TradeIt sdk. That is why I am not familiar with objective-c and have a steep learning curve ahead of me. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
could you try this:
return Promise<Void> { seal in
onSuccess: seal.fulfill(()),
onSuccess: seal.fulfill,
This line says to call seal.fulfill() on success. However, fulfill requires a value of the type you promised. You promised a Void (which is just another name for ()), so you need to pass that.
onSuccess: { seal.fulfill(()) },
This syntax is a little unfortunate, which is why I generally avoid specializing on Void this way. I'm not very familiar with PromiseKit, but I would look and see if there's another tool that is designed for the "no useful return value" case than Promise<Void>. There may not be, but sometimes there's another name for it.
As a note, I don't see any Objective-C here. This is entirely Swift.

Firebase observer architecture

Okay, so I'm trying to build an iOS app that relies on Firebase (To work with its android version)
I started with creating a repository for each actor in my app and a general repository to manage them all
Each repository manages the observers of this actor. An example:
Inside the PagesRepository, this is a function that retrieves all the pages from Firebase and returns it inside a completionHandler:
//MARK: Gets the whole pages list
func getPagesList(completionHandler: #escaping (_ pages: [Page]?, _ error: NSError?) -> Void) {
func displayError(error: String) {
completionHandler(nil, self.getErrorFromString(error))
pagesRef.observe(DataEventType.value) { pagesSnapshot in
guard pagesSnapshot.exists() else {
displayError(error: "Pages snapshot doesn't exist")
var pagesList = [Page]()
for pageSnapshot in pagesSnapshot.children {
pagesList.append(Page(snapshot: pageSnapshot as! DataSnapshot))
completionHandler(pagesList, nil)
And then I call it from the ViewController like this:
repository.getPagesList { (pages, error) in
guard error == nil else {
//Do processing
I know this may be a lot to take in, but my problem is that every time I call the function, it creates a new observer but doesn't cancel the old one... So, the completionHandler is called multiple times with different values
How should I manage this problem?
(Sorry for being complicated and a little unclear, I'm just really lost)
It seems like you only want to observe the value once so I would use this instead:
func getPagesList(completionHandler: #escaping (_ pages: [Page]?, _ error: NSError?) -> Void) {
func displayError(error: String) {
completionHandler(nil, self.getErrorFromString(error))
pagesRef.observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (pagesSnapshot) in
var pagesList = [Page]()
for pageSnapshot in pagesSnapshot.children {
pagesList.append(Page(snapshot: pageSnapshot as! DataSnapshot))
completionHandler(pagesList, nil)
}) { (error) in
// Display error

How to use typealias when getting data from server

I am trying to get user data from a server. The application does not have to show any views until the data is loaded.
I read about typealias and I don't understand how to use it.
What I want: when data is loaded, move on to next step. If failed, load data again.
Here's how I declare typealias
typealias onCompleted = () -> ()
typealias onFailed = () -> ()
Here is my request code
func getUserData(_ completed: #escaping onCompleted, failed: #escaping onFailed){
let fullURL = AFUtils.getFullURL(AUTHURL.getUserData)
AFNetworking.requestGETURL(fullURL, params: nil, success: {
(JSONResponse) -> Void in
if let status = JSONResponse["status"].string {
switch status{
case Status.ok:
But how could I use this on my view controller when calling getUserData?
Assuming your custom AFNetworking.requestGETURLs completion handler is called on the main queue:
func viewDidLoad() {
//do somthing and update ui
}) {
//handle error
How I understand your comment, you actually want to name your completion and error block parameters. If so, change the method to :
func getUserData(completion completed: #escaping onCompleted, error failed: #escaping onFailed){ ... }
and call it like this:
getUserData(completion: {
//do somthing and update ui
}, error: {
//handle error
