Are open array parameters, classes and strings passed by reference? - delphi

I have read on SO that open array parameters are passed by reference automatically. Is this the same thing for classes and strings or I have to use the var?
I refer to the fact that I want to pass to a function (or procedure) a parameter by reference. Like in C++ I always pass std::string& for example, it is explicit otherwise I pass a copy

Your statement about open arrays is not correct. There are three forms of open array parameter:
procedure ByValue(arr: array of Integer);
procedure ConstParam(const arr: array of Integer);
procedure VarParam(var arr: array of Integer);
The final two forms, var and const, pass a reference to the array. However, the first, passing by value, passes a copy. If you want to avoid making a copy, then you should use either a var or const parameter. Choose between these depending on whether or not you wish the caller's array to be modified.
As for classes and strings, these types are reference types. Since they are already references, when you pass one to a procedure, you are passing the reference.
Let's look at the various possibilities for classes:
procedure ByValue(obj: TObject);
procedure ConstParam(const obj: TObject);
procedure VarParam(var obj: TObject);
procedure OutParam(out obj: TObject);
For ByValue and ConstParam, the reference is passed directly. The difference between the two is that in the implementation of ConstParam, the reference cannot be modified. It can in ByValue. The caller cannot see that modification. Of course, you can always call methods on obj that modify the state of the object. In practice there's little point in using const for a reference type.
For VarParam and OutParam, the address of the reference is passed. Thus the procedure receives a pointer to a pointer to the object. All of the pointer handling is hidden from you. But this is what allows you to modify the reference and have the caller see that modification.
Strings are also reference types, and so are handled similarly.


FreePascal RTTI. Is there a way to invoke method?

I'm trying to find out if there is a way to do things similar to Delphi's enhanced RTTI features.
As far as I know FPC doesn't provide RTTI features which appeared in Delphi since Delphi 2010. But I'd like to find some way to do a few tricks during runtime.
Using typinfo unit in FPC I can do such things as:
get Object published property list - via getPropList from typinfo unit;
get/set value of the Object's published property - via GetPropValue(...): Variant/SetPropValue(...Value: Variant);
get published method - via MethodAddres;
But I haven't found a way to do things like:
call methods;
call constructors, or create Objects;
Update: the problem with constructors is much like methods one - I want to have a way to pass different params in it:
// concept of code
TClass = class of TObject;
TMyClass1 = class
constructor Create(Param1: Integer; Param2: string); override;
TMyClass2 = class
constructor Create(ObjectParam: Object); override;
TParams = array of Variant;
Classes: array of TClass
Instances: array of Object;
ParamArray: array of TParams;
For I := 0 to Count-1 do
LocalConstructor := #(Classes[I].Create);
Instances[I] := CallConstructor(LocalConstructor, ParamArray[I]);
So I need to call constructor without knowing its signature.
So my problem is to call an Object's method and pass some parameters to it. It could look like function CallMethod(Instance: Object; MethodName: String; Params: array of Variant): Variant;
If I'm not mistaken it could be solved via Delphi's 2010+ RTTI. But before using enhanced Delphi's RTTI I'd like to understand is it possible in FPC.
In other words my current problem is pass arguments to a routine.
I know it can be done using this scheme:
TmyProc = procedure CallMe(x: byte);
var proc: TmyProc;
proc := pointerToFunc^;
But I need to implement it without knowing count and types of parameters (during compile time).
There are a few links related to the topic:
Delphi: Call a function whose name is stored in a string
The second article ( describes a way to pass arguments to a routine imported from DLL by name. Which is almost that I need I suppose. But I'm not sure that way is reliable.
Maybe there's any library, which implements these things using "old" typinfo unit (without RTTI unit)?
Also I'm interested in a way to create some kind of universal event handlers - procedures which can be assigned to different events (with different sets of parameters) e.g.:
procedure myEventHandler(params: array of variant);
Button.OnClick := myEventHandler;
Button.OnMouseMove := myEventHandler;
is this possible? Or at least something similar to it?
You can call methods, even not published, using MethodAddress, but it's up to you to ensure correct argument list.
You can call constructors using metaclasses (class references), example of it could be seen in TCollection: you pass class of your collection item at runtime and then it can be created when needed. By defining abstract class with virtual (and probably abstract) constructor, you can come up with argument list you wish, some example here.
AFAIK there is no way to determine argument list at runtime, but if you design both the methods to call and caller itself, there are many ways you can implement similar behavior.
For example, you pass variant open array (Array of const), as it's done in Format(), so number of arguments and its type may vary. But even having one and only pointer as the argument, you sure can pass as many as you want, all you need to do is to come up with some class to which it will lead.

How to pass method of arbitrary type into a procedure and identify it?

I have a thread library which has three constructors for three different method types. I want them to be merged into one and some kind of logic to tell them apart inside the constructor. Is it possible? As there is TValue for values and such, is there a similar thing for method types?
I have the following types supported for now;
TAgThreadMethod1 = procedure of object;
TAgThreadMethod2 = procedure;
TAgThreadMethod3 = procedure(const AThread: TAgThread) of object;
and the constructors are like so:
constructor Create(const AOnRun: TAgThreadMethod1); overload; virtual;
constructor Create(const AOnRun: TAgThreadMethod2); overload; virtual;
constructor Create(const AOnRun: TAgThreadMethod3); overload; virtual;
For reference, I don't want the user to have the ability to change the worker method at a later time after the construction at all. So if a solution exists which can do something like this in a single constructor, is also welcome;
constructor Create
(const AOnRun: [Some type which can hold arbitrary method types]);
// code to identify the method contained in AOnRun.
// if supported, assign it the correct handler.
There isn't any good way to do this, because the whole point of a method pointer is to be invoked at some later point, and you can't do that unless you know its signature. So losing the distinction between signatures is very counterproductive.
If you only want to have to store one type of call inside your object, you could make the three constructors each create an anonymous method with a unified signature that wraps calls to the three types, and just store that instead of having to deal with multiple distinct method types. But what you're asking for, specifically, won't work.
I think that the best that you can do is have a constructor that accepts the most general form of the procedural type. That is TProc<TAgThread>. This will be the master constructor, the only virtual constructor. You can then delegate the other constructors to the master constructors.
To recap, the declaration in SysUtils is:
TProc<T> = reference to procedure(Arg1: T);
So your master constructor is:
constructor Create(AOnRun: TProc<TAgThread>); overload; virtual;
The other constructors are not virtual and might look like this:
constructor Create(AOnRun: TAgThreadMethod1); overload;
Implemented as:
constructor TMyClass.Create(AOnRun: TAgThreadMethod1);
procedure(Thread: TAgThread)
The master constructor, the virtual one, does all the work. The other constructors, the non-virtual ones, adapt their arguments to fit that of the master constructor.
It is possible, but not with only a TValue.
Instead of passing the method itself, you could pass it as a TRttiMethod like this: MyRegisterMethod(TRttiContext.GetType(TMyClassType).GetMethod('MyMethodName'));
If you want to pass all constructors you will need to use a loop like this:
for MyMethod in TRttiContext.GetType(TMyClassType).GetMethods do
if MyMethod.IsConstructor then // As in your example you only want constructors
Later, you can call this method like this: MyRegisteredMethod.Invoke(nil, MyMethodParams). MyMethodParams is an array of TValue, which you will need to provide. This can be stored in a TValue itself (although it might be easier to just store them in a TArray). Note that you will only want to use nil in the invoke in case of a class method.
If you want to make sure the parameters are OK, you can verify them by looking them up in MyRttiMethod.GetParameters and compare their actual types to the actual types of the TValues in the array of TValue. This can also be used to find the correct method as well.

How to free an object which is in a record?

Here I have a tricky situation, I guess. I need to be able to free an object which is a field of a record. I would normally write the cleanup code in the destructor, if it was a class. But since record types can't introduce a "destructor", how would it be possible to call TObject(Field).Free; ?
There'll be two types of usage I predict:
Replacing the record with a new one.
I think this usage would be easy to implement. Since records are value types and so they are copied on assignment, I can overload the assigning operator and free the objects owned by old record.
( Edit: Assignment overloading wasn't able. That's a new info to me.. )
Exiting the scope where record variable defined.
I can think of a private method that frees the objects and this method could be called on scope excitation manually. BUT, here is the same question: How to make it more recordly? This behaviour kind of feels like a class...
Here is a sample (and obviously not the intended usage):
TProperties = record
... some other spesific typed fields: Integers, pointers etc..
FBaseData: Pointer;
FAdditionalData: TList<Pointer>;
//FAdditionalData: array of Pointer; this was the first intended definition
called in record constructor or manually in record variable scope by accessing the field publicly like
procedure TFormX.ButtonXClick(Sender: TObject);
rec: TProperties;
//rec:=TProperties.Create(with some parameters);
//do some work with rec
After exiting the ButtonClick scope the rec is no more but a TList still keeps its existance which causes to memory leaks...
If all you have in the record is an object reference, then you can't get the compiler to help you. You are in sole charge of the lifetime of that object. You cannot overload the assignment operator, and you don't get any notification of scope finalisation.
What you can do though is to add a guard interface that will manage the lifetime of the object.
TMyRecord = record
obj: TMyObject;
guard: IInterface;
You need to make sure that TMyObject manages its lifetime by reference counting. For example by deriving from TInterfacedObject.
When you initialise the record you do this:
rec.obj := TMyObject.Create;
rec.guard := rec.obj;
At this point, the guard field of the record will now manage your object's lifetime.
In fact, if you want to push this idea further, you can build a dedicated class to guard the lifetime of objects. That then no longer constrains you to implement IInterface on your class. There are plenty of examples on the web that illustrate the technique. For example I offer Jarrod Hollingworth's article titled Smart Pointers, and Barry Kelly's titled Reference-counted pointers, revisited. There are many more out there. It's an old trick!
Note however, that what you have here is a strange hybrid of value type and reference type. On the face of it, records are value types. However, this one acts like a reference type. If you have other fields in the record that are value types then that would be even more confusing. You'll need to be very aware of this issue when you work with such a record.
On the face of it, without knowing more about your design, I'd be inclined to advise you not to put object references in records. They fit better inside reference types, i.e. classes.
I remember that someone created a class named TLifetimeWatcher. Basically, it looks like:
TLifetimeWatcher = class(TInterfacedObject)
fInstance: TObject;
fProc: TProc;
constructor Create(instance: TObject); overload;
constructor Create(instance: TObject; proc: TProc); overload;
destructor Destroy; override;
// The (cleanup) proc will be executed in the destructor if assigned, otherwise the instance will be freed by invoking the Free method.
THeaderStruct = record
class operator Initialize (out Header: THeaderStruct);
class operator Finalize (var Header: THeaderStruct);

Delphi> Please explain this: type... procedure of object

I've encountered some code that's new to me...
I've never really seen a type declaration of a procedure of object, and I just don't
see the point.
Why couldn't the developer simply keep a field of type Boolean?
TFinishedCaptureEvent = procedure(AFinished: Boolean) of object;
TFrameCard = class(TFrame)
FOnFinishedCapture: TFinishedCaptureEvent;
procedure DoUpdateMessage(AMessageType: TMessageType);
property OnFinishedCapture: TFinishedCaptureEvent read FOnFinishedCapture write FOnFinishedCapture;
procedure TFrameCard.DoUpdateMessage(AMessageType: TMessageType);
if Assigned(FOnFinishedCapture) then
Let's break this down into two parts to be easier to understand. First, procedure(AFinished: Boolean) isn't a boolean variable, it's a reference to a procedure that takes a boolean as a parameter. It's basically a procedure header, except without the procedure name because this is just a type definition. Any procedure that matches this signature can be assigned to this variable.
The of object part means that this isn't just a procedure reference, but a method reference; it has to belong to an object. The compiler needs to know the difference so that it can store the self pointer for the object together with the procedure pointer so it can be invoked properly, as the other posters have pointed out.
Basically, this is declaring a new event handler, and it's a pretty common pattern in Delphi. It's the same thing that the VCL does all over the place. When you create a button and assign an OnClick handler, it has to be a procedure (Sender: TObject) of object;. Your form gives the button a method reference referring to itself and the event handler procedure, and then the button uses that information to invoke the handler on the form when someone clicks it.
This code is doing the same thing. It's providing a way for some external object to be notified when DoUpdateMessage runs, using the standard Delphi idiom for event notification.
A procedure of object is a procedure reference for procedures contained in class instances. When calling procedures that are members of a class, the implict Self reference must be passed with the other parameters. Using procedure of object tells the compiler to store the Self reference with the procedure address inside the procedure reference, so that when the procedure is called via the procedure reference, the Self reference will be automatically passed.
In the code snippet you provided, TFinishedCaptureEvent is defined as a procedure of object, meaning that any variables created of its type will contain 2 values: the Self value and the procedure address. When this variable is assigned to, in particular when the assignment is inside a class, the compiler will automatically set the Self value inside this variable to the instance of the class that contains the procedure being assigned to the variable. When the variable is called (FOnFinishedCapture(False)), the compiler automatically passes the correct Self value back to the procedure that was assigned to this variable.
I don't understand how you relate this to a field of boolean.
But TFinishedCaptureEvent = procedure(AFinished: Boolean) of object declares a delegate/method pointer type, which is used for events. It's a record which contains a self pointer and a function pointer. When you call the delegate, the function is called with the self passed as a parameter to the function.

how to safely bypass Delphi Error: "types of formal and actual parameters must be identical"

I need a way to write a generic procedure to act upon an object type or any of its descendants.
My first attempt was to declare
procedure TotalDestroy(var obj:TMyObject);
but when using it with a descendant object
type TMyNewerObject = class(TMyObject);
var someNewerObject: TMyNewerObject;
I get the infamous error "types of formal and actual parameters must be identical"
So, while strugling to find a solution, I looked at the source code of Delphi system FreeAndNil procedure. And I found this awesome declaration, along with this astonishing comment
{ FreeAndNil frees the given TObject instance and
sets the variable reference to nil.
Be careful to only pass TObjects to this routine. }
procedure FreeAndNil(var Obj);
It avoids the type checking error, but it uses no safety net.
My question is ... is there any safe way to check the type of an untyped var parameter?
or in other words, can you improve this Delphi source code so that the warning would not be needed?
procedure FreeAndNil(var Obj);
Temp: TObject;
Temp := TObject(Obj);
Pointer(Obj) := nil;
Let's examine what you want to do.
You want to call a method that takes X, passing in an object of type Y, where Y is a descendant of X. The snag, the parameter is a "var" parameter.
Let's analyze what you could do if that was possible.
TBase = class
TDescendant = class(TBase)
procedure Fiddle(var x: TBase);
x := TDescendant.Create;
TOtherDescendant = class(TBase)
var a: TOtherDescendant;
a := TOtherDescendant.Create;
Uh-oh, now a no longer contains an instance of TOtherDescendant, it contains an instance of TDescendant. That probably comes as a surprise to the code that follows the call.
You must not only consider what you intend to do with the syntax you propose, but effectively what you could do with the syntax.
You should read Eric Lipperts excellent blog post about similar issues in .NET, found here: Why do ref and out parameters not allow type variation?.
I've written about this before, using an example very similar to Lasse's:
Delphi Q&A: Why must the types of actual and formal var parameters be identical?
Unless you're writing an assignment statement to change the value of the input parameter itself, and not just one of its properties, you shouldn't pass a parameter by reference in the first place.
If you are writing an assignment statement to change the parameter's value, then the compiler message really is true, and you should heed it.
One reason for needing to by-pass the error is when you're writing a function like TApplication.CreateForm. Its job is to change the input parameter's value, and the type of the new value varies and cannot be determined at compile time. If you're writing such a function, then your only option with Delphi is to use an untyped var parameter, and then there is extra burden on both the caller and the receiver to make sure everything goes right. The caller needs to make sure it passes a variable that is capable of holding values of whatever type the function will put in it, and the function needs to make sure it stores a value of a type compatible with what the caller requested.
In the case of CreateForm, the caller passes in a class-reference literal and a variable of that class type. The function instantiates the class and stores the reference in the variable.
I don't think very highly of either CreateForm or FreeAndNil, largely because of the way their untyped parameters sacrifice type safety in return for comparatively little extra convenience. You haven't shown the implementation of your TotalDestroy function, but I suspect its var parameter will ultimately provide the same low utility as in those other two functions. See my articles on both:
When should I use FreeAndNil?
Why shouldn't I call Application.CreateForm?
In addition to what Lasse wrote, which is quite correct, most of the time you don't want to pass an object to a var parameter anyway.
An object is a reference type. What you see as the object is actually a reference to it. You would only want to pass an object reference to a var parameter if you wanted to change your object out for a new object. If you just want to be able to modify the members of the object, then you can do that by simply passing it to a normal parameter. Make method call take a TMyObject parameter instead of a var TMyObject parameter and it should work.
Of course, if you really are replacing the object, then feel free to disregard all this, and see Lasse's answer.
can you improve this Delphi source code so that the warning would not be needed?
Yes, you can get a type safe way to avoid the compiler error.
In the newest Delphi 10.4 Sidney, the FreeAndNil procedure has been changed into this:
procedure FreeAndNil(const [ref] Obj: TObject);
Temp: TObject;
Temp := Obj;
TObject(Pointer(#Obj)^) := nil;
It is type safe for objects and will catch errors when passing an interface reference for example.
The way to pass a parameter by const [ref] means that the parameter is passed by reference. Without the [ref] attribute, parameters with size equal and smaller than a pointer would otherwise be passed by value.
Here, even though the object is passed as a constant, the reference will be modified.
In that sense, it is not a perfect declaration, but will do its job better than the former implementation.
From New features in Delphi 10.4:
This means that incorrect usage of FreeAndNil will now cause a compiler error. In the past, incorrect usage would not be caught, leading to difficult bugs. Note that although the parameter is declared as const, the by-reference variable is indeed modified.
A new, but ‘not as bad’, class of incorrect calling is possible with this declaration of FreeAndNil: the method can be called passing in properties or a method result, as well as cast expressions, a type’s implicit conversion to TObject, etc. The nil-ed value will then be the temporary variable in the expression.
