It is possible to paste a whole Class on JShell? - jshell

I would like to know if using the new command jshell, it is possible to test a whole Java class.
Many thanks in advance.
Juan antonio

Use /open command to let JShell read the Java class as a snippet.
/open C:\ should add contents of as a snippet.
A question on similar lines is answered here


Geany custom folding for custom filetype

Company i work develops a new programming language which will ease job of engineer. My job is to supply this language with a nice editor which is also involves code folding. I need to have custom code folding which is not include "{" and "}". I am working with Geany filetypes. I add new filetype. I want to fold some structure like below.
if %condition% then for each %element% in %range% do
%statement% %statement%
else if %condition% then end for
end if
I know my language far from c type , however add such line to my code for enabling syntax coloring.
Any kind of help will be appreciated.
I dont know exact answer but i know how i can dig it up. As far there is no an answer i am going to write how can the answer can be appeared. Using scintilla and its lexers can take us to solution of this problem. Both Geany and Scintilla documentations mention about support of that feature.
Under Debian :
cp /usr/share/geany/filetypes.c ~/.config/geany/filedefs/
chown myUser:myGroup ~/.config/geany/filedefs/filetypes.c
Edit the file. Under the section [lexer_properties] add the line:
Save the file.
Open geany. You are now able to put userfoldings using the default //{ and //} delimiters in c and in cpp. These do not influence your code because to c and cpp it are comments.

Xcode wont suggest my code snippets

I added a simple code snippet:
And when i'm trying to type "tablerows" in my class i get no suggestions. Tried to clean the project didnt help.
Any ideas? Thank you.
The completion scope is important. If you have set it to be "Class Implementation" then you have to try the shortcut in the class -- outside any methods. I hope you are doing that, since the code snippet is actually a method.
Restart XCode completely, to apply the changes. Thanks to #Moshe

How do I add a wireshark column that will display the value of an HTTP Request Query Parameter?

For example :
If I had
I would like to see a column that would display the value of p2 if it existed in the request.
I googled, asked people around but can't find a good answer.
If think creating a dissector might help, but I don't want to write a new dissector for http.. that's an overkill.
And there is no http.request.queryParams["p2"] syntax for use of Custom Column type.
Thanks in advance!
Edit : I solved my own Question, adding the best implementation so far in my own answer below.
Well, the solution was indeed in dissectors.
Wireshark help is not very good, the examples are ok though.
The main problem was that wireshark help defines that you can write your lua script, and place it in the plugins directory, which is searched recursively for lua files.
I did place my lua there and nothing worked, After almost 2 hours of fiddling, I found out instead of putting it in the plugins directory, it had to be in plugins//myScript.lua in order to work...
Now just to share my work :
To answer my own question :

Example on using getopt.pas

Could someone provide a simple example using getopt.pas with short and long command line switches use case?
Getopt.pas is a delphi unit for parsing command line switches.
I've found more than one version of it.
from fpc
The following is another SO question regarding this subject but no example is given; beside it this links to a source that alike the previous links is not self-contained
Is there an implementation of "getopt" for Delphi?
Here is a demo of the GPC code that you link to: getoptdemo.pas []

How can I remove the numeration of some titles in LaTeX?

I'm writing my degree project report using the article class and I want a structure like this:
1. What
2. Where
3. Etc.
I was searching and I found that using \setcounter{secnumdepth}{-1} the complete numeration is eliminated. And if I use * these sections don't appear in the table of content. So what can I do? Can this be done without installing packages (like memoir)?
It was asked before, but I did not find it when I searched. Sorry :(
\section*{Foo and Bar}
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Foo and Bar}
Using the * version of the section commands might help. Try \section*{Abstract} and see if it is close enough.
