Compose an ActiveRecord query having array of string conditions - ruby-on-rails

I have an array of strings that are to serve as params for a where call in a model.
How do I append each of the strings in the models where call and return the active record relation for an additional limit call
I have tried the following but it only adds the first item to the where clause
array = ['active = true', 'expired = false', 'created_at > 2017-04-18 10:36:28']
array.reduce { | item | Post.where(item) }
Posts.where('active = true')
whereas am begging for
Posts.where('active = true').where('expired = false').where('created_at > 2017-04-18 10:36:28')

Just join array's elements into a single string:
array.join(' AND ')
#=> "active = true AND expired = false AND created_at > 2017-04-18 10:36:28"
And use it:
Post.where(array.join(' AND '))
created_at > 2017-04-18 10:36:28 will probably throw you a syntax error, but that's out of the question's scope.


Scope Order by Count with Conditions Rails

I have a model Category that has_many Pendencies. I would like to create a scope that order the categories by the amount of Pendencies that has active = true without excluding active = false.
What I have so far is:
scope :order_by_pendencies, -> { left_joins(:pendencies).group(:id).order('COUNT( DESC')}
This will order it by number of pendencies, but I want to order by pendencies that has active = true.
Another try was:
scope :order_by_pendencies, -> { left_joins(:pendencies).group(:id).where(' = ?', true).order('COUNT( DESC')}
This will order by number of pendencies that has = true, but will exclude the = false.
Thank you for your help.
I guess you want to sort by the amount of active pendencies without ignoring categories that have no active pendencies.
That would be something like:
scope :order_by_pendencies, -> {
active_count_q = Pendency.
where(active: true).
select(:category_id, "COUNT(*) AS count")
joins("LEFT JOIN (#{active_count_q.to_sql}) AS ac ON ac.category_id = id").
order("ac.count DESC")
The equivalent SQL query:
SELECT *, ac.count
FROM categories
SELECT category_id, COUNT(*) AS count
FROM pendencies
GROUP BY category_id
WHERE active = true
) AS ac ON ac.category_id = id
ORDER BY ac.count DESC
Note that if there are no active pendencies for a category, the count will be null and will be added to the end of the list.
A similar subquery could be added to sort additionally by the total amount of pendencies...
C# answer as requested:
method() {
....OrderBy((category) => category.Count(pendencies.Where((pendency) => pendency.Active))
Or in straight SQL:
SELECT, ..., ActivePendnecies
FROM (SELECT, ..., count(pendency) ActivePendnecies
FROM category
LEFT JOIN pendency ON = AND pendnecy.Active = 1
GROUP BY, ...) P
ORDER BY ActivePendnecies;
We have to output ActivePendnecies in SQL even if the code will throw it out because otherwise the optimizer is within its rights to throw out the ORDER BY.
For now I developed the following (it's working, but I believe that it's not the best way):
scope :order_by_pendencies, -> { scoped = Category.left_joins(:pendencies)
.order('COUNT( DESC')
.where(' = ?', true)
all = Category.all
(scoped + all).uniq}

Rails 5: iteration with condition to map matching records

I have this method in my rating/rating.rb Model, where I basically need to create array of arrays with matching inventory and rating IDs:
def inventory_ratings
inventory = Inventory::Inventory.where(id: inv).order(date: :desc)
rating = Rating::Rating.where(id: rtg).order(valid_from: :desc)
columns = [:inventory_id, :rating_id]
values = {|inv|
if (inv.position_id == rating.position_id &&
r =
[, r ]
Rating::InventoryRating.import columns, values, validate: false
At the moment I get this error:
NoMethodError: undefined method "position_id" for #<Rating::Rating::ActiveRecord_Relation:0x007ffff6067bf8> since I probably have to somehow iterate through each rating to get position_id, valid_from and valid_to.
How do I add that extra iteration so each inventory record iterates through each rating record and maps if it matches IF statement, please? Thank you!
How about this:
values = []
inventory.each do |inv|
values.concat([].product(rating.where('position_id = ? AND valid_from <= ? AND valid_to >= ?', inv.position_id,,

How to build a query with arbitrary placeholder conditions in ActiveRecord?

Assume I have an arbitrary number of Group records and I wanna query User record which has_many :groups, the catch is that users are queries by two bound fields from the groups table.
At the SQL level, I should end up with something like this:
SELECT * FROM users where ( = 1 OR users.status = 0) OR( = 2 OR users.status = 1) ... -- to infinity
This is an example of what I came up with:
# Doesn't look like a good solution. Just for illustration.
or_query = do |g|
"( = #{} AND users.status = #{} )"
User.joins(:categories).where(or_query) # Works
What I think I should be doing is something along the lines of this:
# Better?
or_query = do |g|
"( = ? AND users.status = ? )".bind(, #Fake method BTW
User.joins(:categories).where(or_query) # Works
How can I achieve this?
There has to be a better way, right?
I'm using Rails 4.2. So the shiny #or operator isn't supported for me.
I would collect the condition parameters separately into an array and pass that array (splatted, i.e. as an arguments list) to the where condition:
or_query_params = []
or_query = do |g|
or_query_params += [g.category_id,]
"( = ? AND users.status = ?)"
end.join(' OR ')
User.joins(:categories).where(or_query, *or_query_params)
Alternatively, you might use ActiveRecord sanitization:
or_query = do |g|
"( = #{ActiveRecord::Base.sanitize(g.category_id)} AND users.status = #{ActiveRecord::Base.sanitize(})"
end.join(' OR ')

Activerecord where array with less than condition

I have an array of conditions i'm passing to where(), with the conditions being added one at a time such as
conditions[:key] = values[:key]
search = ModelName.where(conditions)
which works fine for all those that i want to compare with '=', however I want to add a '<=' condition to the array instead of '=' such as
conditions[:key <=] = values[:key]
which of course won't work. Is there a way to make this work so it i can combine '=' clauses with '<=' clauses in the same condition array?
One way of doing it:
You could use <= in a where clause like this:
User.where('`users`.`age` <= ?', 20)
This will generate the following SQL:
SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE (`users`.`age` <= 20)
For multiple conditions, you could do this:
User.where('`users`.`age` <= ?', 20).where('`users`.`name` = ?', 'Rakib')
Here is another way for multiple conditions in where clause:
User.where('(id >= ?) AND (name= ?)', 1, 'Rakib')
You can add any amount of AND OR conditions like this in your ActiveRecord where clause. I just showed with 2 to keep it simple.
See Ruby on Rails Official Documentation for Array Conditions for more information.
Another slight variation of how to use Array Conditions in where clause:
conditions_array = ["(id >= ?) AND (name = ?)", 1, "Rakib"]
I think, this one will fit your exact requirement.
You could use arel.
conditions = {x: [:eq, 1], y: [:gt, 2]}
model_names = ModelName.where(nil)
conditions.each do |field, options|
condition = ModelName.arel_table[field].send(*options)
model_names = model_names.where(condition)
model_names.to_sql --> 'SELECT * FROM model_names WHERE x = 1 and y > 2'

Check if string contains element in Array

I'm using Rails and learning ActiveRecord and I came across a vexing problem. Here's an array in my model:
#sea_countries = ['Singapore','Malaysia','Indonesia', 'Vietnam', 'Philippines', 'Thailand']
And here's my ActiveRecord object:
#sea_funding = StartupFunding.joins(:startup)
.where('startups.locations LIKE ?', '%Singapore%')
What I'm trying to do is to return a result where a string in the 'locations' column matches any element in the Array. I'm able to match the strings to each element of an Array (as above), but I'm not sure how to iterate over the whole Array such that the element is included as long as there's one match.
The intent is that an element with multiple locations 'Singapore,Malaysia' would be included within #sea_funding as well.
Well, don't ask me why 'locations' is set as a string. It's just the way the previous developer did it.
You use an IN clause in your .where filter:
#sea_funding = StartupFunding.joins(:startup)
.where(["startups.locations IN (?)", #sea_countries])
This will return a boolean TRUE if the value of the locations column in startups can be found in the sea_countries array, false if it is absent.
Could this work for you?
first = true
where_clause = nil
sea_countries.each do |country|
quoted_country = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quote_string(country)
if first
where_clause = "startups.locations LIKE '%#{quoted_country}%' "
first = false
where_clause += "OR startups.locations LIKE '%#{quoted_country}%' "
#sea_funding = StartupFunding.joins(:startup)
