Unable to login in iTuneConnect with apple developer credential - ios

Actually I have apple developer account and i am as Agent in it. But when i login to iTunesConnect with developer account credentials, it will not show developer dashboard in iTuneconnect. It shows page as image
instead of iTunesConnect dashboard like

As per image, seems like you're not having full rights of account. You're added with developer rights only. With developer rights, it will not allow you to see other details.
It would be great if you can check account rights once.

To access the itunesConnect Dashboard, You need a paid apple developer account.

You need to setup the payment contracts within iTunesConnect.
Without these contracts you can not see any these in iTunesConnect.

There must be privileges issue, Ask him to give you access in iTunessConnect too. Because adding agent in developer portal isn't enough to to acces iTunessConnect.
Check following link for clearance and steps to add admin/User in iTunnesConnect.
Check following link for steps to add user in apple developer account
NOTE : Developer account and iTunesConnect are 2 entities. One need to be added in both separately to access contents


How to enable "Access to Cloud Managed Developer ID Certificate" in App Store Connect?

As an Admin in App Store Connect, the setting Access to Cloud Managed Developer ID Certificate is disabled / greyed out. I cannot check this box for users on other accounts. Any idea how I can enable and tick this box?
Log in to App Store Connect
Select the "Users and Access" tab
Select a user
Under "Additional Resources", I cannot check "Access to Cloud Managed Developer ID Certificate"
So I contacted Apple Developer Support over this issue and they responded that this Access to Cloud Managed Developer ID Certificate setting is only modifiable by the Account Holder role.
Furthermore, access to this setting can only be given to Admins. Access cannot be given to any other roles in App Store Connect.
For example, our Account Holder successfully gave access to one of our Admins. When the Account Holder tried to give access to this setting to any Developer, he wasn't able to click the checkmark. Apple said this is expected behaviour. On Wednesday, June 8, 2022, I asked Apple for a feature request to allow an Account Holder to give a Developer role access. That's all I can do.
If you are experiencing this issue, please go to the Developer Support page and click the "Contact Us" button in the top right corner. Please politely ask Apple to change this access, so Apple knows it's a priority, and will make the change.

Unable to grant access to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles

I bought an apple developer account and I'm trying to add a user as admin and grant access to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles. But the checkbox is disabled I'm unable to tick it.
I think you have created Apple Developer account as Individual.
To Add other user as Admin with (Certificate, Identifiers & Profiles) access you just need to change your Apple Developer account from Individual to Company / Organisation and then you will be able to grant above access to your added users.
You need to enrol on the Apple developer program as an organization, and to do this,
you need to be legally registered as an organized, because
you need your "DUNS" number.
Organization account required
Your apple developer account must be an organization to have other developers added via App Store Connect to create their provisioning profiles. It doesn't cost more, it just requires more information / setup.
As per the apple documentation:
Note: If you’re enrolled as an individual and add users in App Store Connect, users receive access only to your content in App Store Connect and are not considered part of your team in the Apple Developer Program.
Management of users and roles is done in App Store Connect.
Therefore, you have to be an organization. This does not cost anything extra.
As everyone else, I found Kuldeep's answer useful, but wanted more official documentation.
Although another apple page under "Enrolling in the Apple Developer Program as an individual" says:
If you're an individual or sole proprietor/single-person business, follow these steps to enroll
Company registration required
I called the Apple support team, and the mentioned that they do migrations to Organization accounts for sole proprieters all the time.
You can "try" to find your organization on the DUNS lookup page with valid details. If it doesn't succeed in finding it, it can submit for you.
However, a few days after I submitted the form, I was not given a DUNS number. Instead, I got a reply saying no business exists for this organization. This concludes that you need a business registration. You can see the email at Applying for DUNS Number: 'Apple Tracking Number' and 'Purpose'.
After being on the phone with Apple support, I gave them some constructive feedback: we should have a "team" account, not just "Individual" and "Organization".
Same issue here,
Client add me as as Admin in Appstore, but they missed to give access for
Access to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles
Once they give Admin access then need to give access for
Access to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles
Or else they delete your account and add it again, that time give access for all.
The details about all the access and user roles are explained at https://developer.apple.com/support/roles/

Can not add account as role admin in Apple developer

I try to add new account as role admin, I already use an account with role Account Holder but when dialog add admin I can't check to option Access to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles in Developer Resources sector and when I hit Invite it show error like image below.
Does anybody know this error, please help me? I research from google but no luck.
It seems that you are using an Individual Account, aren't you?.
If that, please check on here.
Note: If you’re enrolled as an individual and add users in App Store Connect, users receive access only to your content in App Store Connect and are not considered part of your team in the Apple Developer Program.

How do you allow third party to publish your iphone app

I have a client with an apple developer account. Its brand new and we are both new to Apple.
He has paid to developer an iphone app.
The developer wants to publish the app directly to the store.
The client does not want to share login details for the account.
What options are there?
I am asking because I know on Google Play Developer console you could invite someone to manage your account (or give them publishing priviledges) by inviting them using their gmail email via the console.
Easiest solution. Tell your client to change his password and give you the new password. Publish the app on iTunes, tell your client to change his password back. If he doesn't trust you enough to give you a half-hour access to his account, why on earth does he trust you to write the app in the first place.
Next easiest solution (assumes you have a paid up account.) You publish the app on your account and mark it so it doesn't automatically go in the store after approval. Once the app is approved, transfer ownership to him. There are a whole bunch of restrictions on this process, including No iCloud, Passbook or in-app purchase subscriptions. For more details, Google "Transferring and Deleting iOS Apps" or see [https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/LanguagesUtilities/Conceptual/iTunesConnect_Guide/Chapters/TransferringAndDeletingApps.html]
Next easiest solution would be to give the customer access to the source and explain to him how to build the app and put it in the store.
-- Addition --
A new solution is available now. The client could give you admin privileges to his appstore (https://appstoreconnect.apple.com) account.
The easiest solution to this funny question is to let your client share his screen with logged in account at iTunes Connect (via Team Viewer for example). You do all your job and it's all.

Apple Developer Program: invite 3rd party company as Admin or Member?

The company I work for owns an iOS Apple Developer account and I'm responsible for managing this account (I'm the Agent). We have hired a 3rd party company to build and release an iPhone app for us.
We would like to give them access to our developer account to publish the app, but was wondering what level of access the would require.
Obviously, I don't want to give them login credentials to our appleID, and I don't want them to have any visibility to financial and legal info on our developer account.
I took a look at the information here but still can't decide if they should be "Admin" or "User".
Any thoughts based on your experience? Thanks!
You need to review the roles in iTunes Connect, not the Developer Center, for publishing capabilities: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/LanguagesUtilities/Conceptual/iTunesConnect_Guide/Appendices/Properties.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40011225-CH26-SW24
If the deep link doesn't work, (and even if it does, you'll want to review the whole doc): https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/LanguagesUtilities/Conceptual/iTunesConnect_Guide/Chapters/About.html and drill down through the "Setting up user accounts" section.
