Is it possible to edit an intent more than 7 times? - amazon-lex

The only way I found to edit an intent in Amazon Lex is by selecting Latest in the drop down menu next to the intent name. Then, every time I click Build, the version number increases. When it reaches the version 7, the Latest option disappears and I am not able to edit the intent anymore. Does it mean I can only edit an intent 7 times? Or is there any other way to edit intents?

I have successfully updated beyond 7 versions. If you are still seeing this behavior, it may be appropriate to file a bug report.
Are you positive you are saving changes made to your intent, before you attempt to build a new version? Sometimes with the UI it is tricky to know if you have made changes. For example, when adding a slot, you need to click on the "+" button for the new slot to be registered as a change for when you save the intent.


Can jenkins display and/or alter arbitrary text files on the parameterized build screen?

I´m currently working on a solution to generate release notes for a continuously delivered software package at least partly automatic.
We are using a jenkins build server who does all the work. A build occurs at least once a month and is parameterized. I´d like to show the content of the last release notes in the parameterized screen and be able to add new content there.
In addition, i will add a script to search the lastest code commits and add relevant ones also to the release notes.
Is there a solution to
Show a text file in the parameterized screen.
Alter a text file in said screen.
This is a requirement, because we´re usually building several release candidates each cycle, so it would be great to "keep" the notes of the previous candidate so we don´t have to enter them again.
You should check the Reactive Reference Dynamic Parameter plugin.
The name is a bit tricky I know, but in short, it can display anything you wish on the parameterized screen (including HTML & Javascript).
Here is a simple configuration I made showing how to display a simple bootstrap HTML table.

Fortify SSC Doesn't Update Audit Issues

I have a Jenkins server setup which automatically runs Fortify and uploads it to SSC. Unfortunately, SSC seems to have stopped updating.
I can see the artifact in the artifacts table and I have to manually approve it, as always, due to a "missing external metadata" issue. However, when I go to "audit issues", the issue count isn't update. If I download the project file, the appropriate number of issues is shown in the desktop application.
Does anyone have ideas?
What version of SSC are you using?
Are you giving SSC enough time to update its metrics. There are certain actions that require SSC to recalculate metrics. Normally the recalculations are done at midnight. There is an indicator that an update needs to be done (and can be triggered manually).
In the HTML SSC interface (introduced in 4.40) you will see two yellow arrows in a circle (thing of a refresh icon). That is letting you know recalculations need to be done. This is also a button that can be pressed to kick it off now.
In the older flash UI, when looking at the details page of a project version, there can be a Refresh button, if this is visible it means a recalculation needs to be done, either at the scheduled time or can be triggered manually.
Side Note
To get around the "missing external metadata" issue, you need to update the rulepacks on the SSC Server. You can do this in the Rulepacks section of the Admin area.

Xcode rebuild on changes`

How can I make Xcode automatically build when I save changes to a file?
I may have to stop developing for apple if I need to hit that stupid play button/ reach for a mouse one more time.
I am so desperate that I have even considered using Java.robots to click the screen for me on git commits
Look at Jenkins - This does exactly what you want. It's a bit of a faff to get it set up the first time, but it will save you hours in the long term.
You can build without running by hitting (CMD+B) by default. The default behavior of the IDE is to save modified files upon build, so if you just want to save and build all the time, just hit build, and it will do both for you.
You can even modify the shortcut key for build to be cmd+s if you really want to by opening up XCode preferences (Cmd+, by default, or going to the "XCode" menu in the top left and selecting preferences), and go to the keybindings section and change the "Build" action keybinding to be cmd+s

In TFS 2010/2012, how do you classify bugs?

In TFS (2010 and up at least), we have the concept of iteration, which seems to be supposed to help assigning work (what do we do in release 1.0, what is planned for 1.1 and what is left in the backlog). I have to mention I've been looking at the Scrumm template for TFS2012.
Now, how do you classify bugs by product version?
For example, imagine we have the a product with v1.0 and v2.0 in the wild and v3.0 in developpment.
Now, we discover a bug in v1.0, and it turns out v2.0 and v3.0 also contains the bug.
Code-wise, we'll correct the bug in dev, then merge it to v1.1 and v2.1 so that our current users are not left in the cold with their version (because we cannot always mandate upgrading to the latest version).
When creating a bug in TFS, we have the option of indicating an iteration path. But we can only use one iteration, whereas we need to be able to declare the bug as existing in all three version, and mark it as corrected independently as the merges happen.
Is there any way to support that way of working in TFS, or am I looking at it wrong?
One way to accomplish this would be to modify the default Work Item Type for Bug in TFS:
In VS 2010, open the editor by choosing Tools > Process Editor >
Types > Open WIT From Server from the main menu
In the Select Work Item Type dialog, expand the Team Project
that you would like this template to apply to, select Bug and
click OK.
When the editor opens, you'll see a list of all available fields for
the Bug work item. You should notice a Found In field
available in the list. By providing the version number(s) in this
field, it should be pretty easy to write queries that can find bugs
by version.
To display this field, choose the Layout tab to bring up the
form editor. It's basically just a big tree view. Expand the group
for Group - Classification (or wherever you think this field is
most appropriate), right-click Column and choose New Control
In the attributes panel, choose Found In for the Field Name, and
also update the label.
Choose Preview Form to test your changes, then save and close
the editor
There are a number of ways around this, depending on how you choose to approach it. One is to not use the standard Areas field (Mike C suggests a good alternative). Another is to create work items to more accurately reflect the state of the work you're doing. What I mean is this:
If you're releasing a fix across three different versions of your software, I'd assume that you'd want to test it against all three versions to assume the fix is consistent across all of the codebases. A fix that worked in V1.0 may not work the same in V3.0 because the surrounding/affected code may be different.
At some point in that process you could therefore have three separate (but linked) representations of the bug: maybe three copies of the bug itself, or three test cases (one per version that the bug should be tested on) all linked to the original bug. Then, if the bug is fixed in V1.0 but requires more work to be fixed in V3.0, your work items accurately reflect this.

Can I make a context menu entry only appear if an app is running?

Is is possible to have right-mouse-click entries only appear when my application is running? What I am thinking is that I want people to be able to right-click a file in windows explorer and be able to select an entry "Email this file to technical support", but I need my app to be running in order to do that, so I want the entry to disappear when my app isn't running.
I guess the second part of my question is how to implement that function - i.e. how can I get a right-click menu entry click from Windows Explorer recognised and acted on my my app if the app is already running, or will I have to have a minion app that just passes a message to the main app?
A shell context-menu extension can decide whether to create any menu items easily enough. Change your handling of the IContextMenu.QueryContextMenu method accordingly. (Delphi comes with a sample project for context-menu extensions. Start from there if you don't already have one.)
Another option is to keep the menu item visible all the time. If your application isn't running, then have the menu extension start your program first. Why should the user have to worry about what order to do things?
