UITabbar View overlap title on image after present the another UIViewController - ios

I am using the UITabbarview with for item. For every tabbar item I am using the image and title.
Its perfect when I come that TabbarViewcontroller screen and navigate to another to anther UIViewcontroller by push.
But if i navigation to another UIViewController by present then come back to same TabbarviewController screen then title overlap on image of bar item.
like the images
Now I am not able to understand, why this happening and how to resolve this issue.

use this code in your "viewWillAppear" method.
[UITabBarItem appearance].titlePositionAdjustment = UIOffsetMake(0, -3);

Select tab bar icon and choose image inset all = 0


alternating between toolbar / tab bar

my app is structured as follow: UITabBarController > UINavigationController > ViewControllerOne > ViewControllerTwo.
the UINavigationBar has at the bottom the tab bar, now when the user navigates into the second view controller, i want to be able to hide the tab bar and replace is with a tool bar. i tried this code:
[self.navigationController.tabBarController.tabBar setHidden:YES];
[self.navigationController.toolbar setHidden:NO];
when i run the app the tab bar is hidden but the toolbar doesn't appear. plus, since the last VC is a table view controller, when i scroll through the cells there is a white gap between the table and the bottom of the view. how can i fix that?
That won't work because when you hide the tab bar like that the subviews won't be adjusted properly (that's why you get the white space). You'll have to use
self.hidesBottomBarWhenPushed = YES;
In your init method or awakeFromNib... and then
[self.navigationController setToolbarHidden:NO animated:YES];
In the viewDidLoad for example.
That way the tab bar controller's view is going to layout correctly it's subviews when you hide the tab bar. Just remember to call self.hidesBottomBarWhenPushed = NO; in your first view controller otherwise the tab bar is still going to be hidden when the second view controller is popped from the navigation stack.
Try to assigning toolbar with appropriate frame and adding it to self.tabBarController.view

how do I display different views in a view controller using a tab bar

I have a view controller that has a map view and a second view under the a tab bar. How do I go about updating the second view when I press buttons on the tab bar?
I tried:
LocationNotesViewController lnvc = new LocationNotesViewController();
lnvc.View.Frame = MainPageTabBarView.Frame;
MainPageTabBarView = lnvc.View;
Nothing happens...the view doesn't update.
I want to update the second view with different things when a user clicks on the tabbar...
If you put a UIView underlying whatever data you want displayed in it, you can use the IBAction of the tabBar to programtically cahnge out the contents of the UIView.
Or you could have the IBActions of the tabbar create new UIViews on the fly, containing whatever you want inside.
Code to do this would be like explained here: http://www.programmerscountry.com/creating-uiviewcontrols-programatically/.
Not exactly the same, but you will understand how it works from that answer.
To switch UIViewControllers use this piece of code:
UIViewController *viewController =
[self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"4"];
[self presentViewController:a animated:YES completion:nil];
I think this is a work around - but I was able to make this happen by doing:
LocationNotesViewController lnvc = new LocationNotesViewController();
lnvc.View.Frame = new RectangleF(MainPageTabBarView.Frame.X, MainPageTabBarView.Frame.Y - MainPageTabBarView.Frame.Y, MainPageTabBarView.Frame.Width, MainPageTabBarView.Frame.Height);

Display UIViewController as Popup in iPhone

Since there is no complete, definitive answer to this common recurring question, I'll ask and answer it here.
Often we need to present a UIViewController such that it doesn't cover full screen, as in the picture below.
Apple provides several similar UIViewController, such as UIAlertView, Twitter or Facebook share view controller, etc..
How can we achieve this effect for a custom controller?
NOTE : This solution is broken in iOS 8. I will post new solution ASAP.
I am going to answer here using storyboard but it is also possible without storyboard.
Init: Create two UIViewController in storyboard.
lets say FirstViewController which is normal and SecondViewController which will be the popup.
Modal Segue: Put UIButton in FirstViewController and create a segue on this UIButton to SecondViewController as modal segue.
Make Transparent: Now select UIView (UIView Which is created by default with UIViewController) of SecondViewController and change its background color to clear color.
Make background Dim: Add an UIImageView in SecondViewController which covers whole screen and sets its image to some dimmed semi transparent image. You can get a sample from here : UIAlertView Background Image
Display Design: Now add an UIView and make any kind of design you want to show. Here is a screenshot of my storyboard
Here I have add segue on login button which open SecondViewController as popup to ask username and password
Important: Now that main step. We want that SecondViewController doesn't hide FirstViewController completely. We have set clear color but this is not enough. By default it adds black behind model presentation so we have to add one line of code in viewDidLoad of FirstViewController. You can add it at another place also but it should run before segue.
[self setModalPresentationStyle:UIModalPresentationCurrentContext];
Dismiss: When to dismiss depends on your use case. This is a modal presentation so to dismiss we do what we do for modal presentation:
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:Nil];
Thats all.....
Any kind of suggestion and comment are welcome.
Demo :
You can get demo source project from Here : Popup Demo
NEW : Someone have done very nice job on this concept : MZFormSheetController
New : I found one more code to get this kind of function : KLCPopup
iOS 8 Update : I made this method to work with both iOS 7 and iOS 8
+ (void)setPresentationStyleForSelfController:(UIViewController *)selfController presentingController:(UIViewController *)presentingController
if (iOSVersion >= 8.0)
presentingController.providesPresentationContextTransitionStyle = YES;
presentingController.definesPresentationContext = YES;
[presentingController setModalPresentationStyle:UIModalPresentationOverCurrentContext];
[selfController setModalPresentationStyle:UIModalPresentationCurrentContext];
[selfController.navigationController setModalPresentationStyle:UIModalPresentationCurrentContext];
Can use this method inside prepareForSegue deligate like this
- (void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender {
PopUpViewController *popup = segue.destinationViewController;
[self setPresentationStyleForSelfController:self presentingController:popup]
Modal Popups in Interface Builder (Storyboards)
Step 1
On the ViewController you want as your modal popup, make the background color of the root UIView clear.
Tip: Do not use the root UIView as your popup. Add a new UIView that is smaller to be your popup.
Step 2
Create a Segue to the ViewController that has your popup. Select "Present Modally".
Two Methods To Create Popup From Here
Method One - Using the Segue
Select the Segue and change Presentation to "Over Current Context":
Method Two - Using the View Controller
Select the ViewController Scene that is your popup. In Attributes Inspector, under View Controller section, set Presentation to "Over Current Context":
Either method will work. That should do it!
You can do this in Interface Builder.
For the view you wish to present modally set its outermost view background to transparent
Control + click and drag from the host view controller to the modal view controller
Select present modally
Click on the newly created segue and in the Attribute Inspector (on the right) set "Presentation" to "Over Current Context"
Feel free to use my form sheet controller MZFormSheetControllerfor iPhone, in example project there are many examples on how to present modal view controller which will not cover full window and has many presentation/transition styles.
You can also try newest version of MZFormSheetController which is called MZFormSheetPresentationController and have a lot of more features.
You can use EzPopup (https://github.com/huynguyencong/EzPopup), it is a Swift pod and very easy to use:
// init YourViewController
let contentVC = ...
// Init popup view controller with content is your content view controller
let popupVC = PopupViewController(contentController: contentVC, popupWidth: 100, popupHeight: 200)
// show it by call present(_ , animated:) method from a current UIViewController
present(popupVC, animated: true)
Imao put UIImageView on background is not the best idea . In my case i added on controller view other 2 views . First view has [UIColor clearColor] on background, second - color which u want to be transparent (grey in my case).Note that order is important.Then for second view set alpha 0.5(alpha >=0 <=1).Added this to lines in prepareForSegue
infoVC.providesPresentationContextTransitionStyle = YES;
infoVC.definesPresentationContext = YES;
And thats all.
Swift 4:
To add an overlay, or the popup view
You can also use the Container View with which you get a free View Controller ( you get the Container View from the usual object palette/library)
Have a View (ViewForContainer in the pic) that holds this Container View, to dim it when the contents of Container View are displayed. Connect the outlet inside the first View Controller
Hide this View when 1st VC loads
Unhide when Button is clicked
To dim this View when the Container View content is displayed, set the Views Background to Black and opacity to 30%
You will get this effect when you click on the Button
You can do this to add any other subview to the view controller.
First set the status bar to None for the ViewController which you want to add as subview so that you can resize to whatever you want. Then create a button in Present View controller and a method for button click. In the method:
- (IBAction)btnLogin:(id)sender {
SubView *sub = [[SubView alloc] initWithNibName:#"SubView" bundle:nil];
sub.view.frame = CGRectMake(20, 100, sub.view.frame.size.width, sub.view.frame.size.height);
[self.view addSubview:sub.view];
Hope this helps, feel free to ask if any queries...

Change Image of UItabbar Item, Using storyboards

I have the following story board:
As you can see there is a tab bar application with 5 tabs, on the storyboard I've assign the logo for each tab. Now when the user clicks a cell in a particular view I want to change the image of one of the tabs. How can I do this? I don't have an instance of the tab bar view controller or items since storyboards pretty much does all this for me. So my question is what methods do I have to implement to change the image? If I need the tab bar controller how can I get its instance and in which class should I point it to?
Thank you very much,
In any UIViewController class that is part of the Tab Bar hierarchy, all you have to do to get in instance of the tab bar controller is:
//In UIViewController
UITabBarController *tabBarController = self.tabBarController;
You can then change the image as so
//Suppose you want to change the 1st (0th) tab bar image
UITabBarItem * tabItem = [tabBarController.tabBar.items objectAtIndex: 0];
tabItem.image = //whatever image you want to change to
Each UIViewController has a property called tabBarItem which is a UITabBarItem that the tab bar controller uses to set the image representing that controller. You can manipulate that to change the image of the controller in question.
I found that -- at least in Xcode 6.1.1 using Swift -- the direct manipulation of the tabBarItem did not work for me.
However, #borrrden's answer put me on the right track. Apple's documentation for UITabBarController states pretty clearly:
You should never access the tab bar view of a tab bar controller
directly. To configure the tabs of a tab bar controller, you assign
the view controllers that provide the root view for each tab to the
viewControllers property.
Tab bar items are configured through their corresponding view
controller. To associate a tab bar item with a view controller, create
a new instance of the UITabBarItem class, configure it appropriately
for the view controller, and assign it to the view controller’s
tabBarItem property.
Therefore, in accordance with that, below is what I came up with that did work for me.
It's written in Swift, and I hope that future readers can translate it accordingly if they need to (I also changed the image names to be super-generic).
I also used UIImage's imageWithRenderingMode method so I could use custom images instead of the shadowy silhouette default images that iOS creates (I would like to credit #NSHeffalump's answer here for that...).
if let viewControllers = tabBarController.viewControllers as? Array<UIViewController> {
var tabBarItemImageNames = ["TabBarItemImage0","TabBarItemImage1","TabBarItemImage2","TabBarItemImage3","TabBarItemImage4"]
var vcIndex = 0
for vc:UIViewController in viewControllers {
let selectedImage = UIImage(named: tabBarItemImageNames[vcIndex])?.imageWithRenderingMode(UIImageRenderingMode.AlwaysOriginal)
let image = UIImage(named: tabBarItemImageNames[vcIndex])?.imageWithRenderingMode(UIImageRenderingMode.AlwaysOriginal)
var tabBarItem = UITabBarItem(title: "", image: image, selectedImage: selectedImage)
vc.tabBarItem = tabBarItem

White space in place of a hidden tab bar

I use UINavigationController inside UITabBarController and one of the screens in my navigationcontroller is a UIImageView. When I want to show that image full screen I have to hide the navigation bar and tab bar. I'm able to hide the navigation bar correctly but when I hide the tab bar, it leaves 50px of white space. Any suggestion?
Thank you for all
I have found the best solution to my problem .
MyImageViewController.hidesBottomBarWhenPushed = YES ;
[self.navigationController pushViewController:MyImageViewController animated:YES];
It gave me the response I wanted .
Thank you for your share
I think you can show it on model view controller.
Put modelviewcontroller over tabbarcontroller.
FullImageView*objFullImageView = [[FullImageView alloc] initWithNibName:#"FullImageView" bundle:nil];
objFullImageView.image = OriginalImage;
UINavigationController *tempNav = [[[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:objFullImageView] autorelease];
[objFullImageView release];
self.tabBarCtrl.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationPageSheet;
[self.tabBarCtrl presentModalViewController:tempNav animated:YES];
UIImage *image;
#property(nonatomic, retain) UIImage *image;
#synthesize image;
viewDidLoad /ViewWillApper
//Set image in your UIImageView
I solved this problem by changing constraints.
I had a view in my tabbar viewController whose bottom constraint was given (=0) from Safe Area.bootom. This was causing white space at the bottom. Changing this constraint to (=0) from Superview.bottom solved my proble.
You can increase the height of your image view frame.
After hours of research, this thread resolved my blank space issue when hidding the tabbar: hiding TabBar when rotating iPhone device to landscape
It's been quite a long time since the original post, but I thought I could jump in and add my thoughts.
Another option would be to set the option Hide bottom bar on push directly within the Storyboard for all those controllers which are pushed within a navigation controller inside a tabbar controller. This works within iOS7 simulator/targets as well, both at 3.5" and 4".
