Check if grain exists by GUID in Microsoft Orleans - orleans

How do you check if a grain exists already for a particular Id?
Considering the below will create a new player grain with the Id I pass into GetGrain() if it doesn't exist, I am not sure how to check if one already exists.
public async Task<Guid> Create(Guid playerGuid)
var player = GrainClient.GrainFactory.GetGrain<IPlayerGrain>(playerGuid);
var gameGuid = await player.CreateGame();
return gameGuid;

The short answer is to store some state so the grain knows whether or not it has been activated previously.
Grains in Orleans are never explicitly created or destroyed: they are always available to handle requests. So, technically, the concept of whether or not a grain exists does not apply to Orleans. On the other hand, we can ask "has a grain with this id ever been activated before".
There are two cases you might want to check:
The grain has never been activated, but you're expecting that it has. Eg: I'm calling a method on IPlayerGrain, but the player doesn't exist.
The grain has been activated previously, but you're expecting that it hasn't. Eg: I'm trying to create a new game for this player, but that id has already been taken.
In the code sample below, you can see both cases:
The call to IPlayerGrain.CreateGame() will throw an exception if the player has never been created before. Ignore the fact that I'm never setting Created, that could be done in some CreatePlayer(...) method.
The call to IGameGrain.TryCreateGame(player) returns false if the game has already been created. In that case, IPlayerGrain.CreateGame() will continue looping until it's found a game which hasn't been created. With a Guid id it's unlikely that you'll ever see a collision, but I understand the desire to be cautious - just incase the stars align and consipire against you.
public interface IPlayerGrain : IGrainWithGuidKey
Task<Guid> CreateGame();
public class PlayerState
public bool Created { get; set; }
public class PlayerGrain : Grain<PlayerState>, IPlayerGrain
public async Task<Guid> CreateGame()
if (!this.State.Created)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Player does not exist.");
var thisPlayer = this.AsReference<IPlayerGrain>();
var created = false;
var gameId = default(Guid);
while (!created)
// Get a new, random game grain
gameId = Guid.NewGuid();
// Try to create a game.
created = await this.GrainFactory.GetGrain<IGameGrain>(gameId)
// If the game was successfully created, break out and return the id.
// Otherwise, keep looping.
return gameId;
public interface IGameGrain : IGrainWithGuidKey
// Returns true if game was created, false otherwise.
Task<bool> TryCreateGame(IPlayerGrain player);
public class GameState
public IPlayerGrain Player { get; set; }
public class GameGrain : Grain<GameState>, IGameGrain
public async Task<bool> TryCreateGame(IPlayerGrain player)
// If this grain already has a player, return false.
if (this.State.Player != null) return false;
// Otherwise, set the player, write it to storage, and return true.
this.State.Player = player;
await this.WriteStateAsync();
return true;
The Create method in your question does not need to change.


How to share same data one action method to other action method in ASP.NET MVC

When i call my admin controller- Index Action method will get all the user details
when i want select particular user again i dont want to hit the DB.
both action method same controller and i'm using model popup for display details.
My Question
I dont want to use entity framework.
- when admin form load i will get all the user details this is Index Action Method
-based on user id i need to display particular user so again i dont want hit to the DB already i'm having all the user details. that details how to get another action method?
i can remember i used session to share the data globally. like that mvc is possible? please help me.
It looks you're looking for a cache mechanism. For simple scenarios, I use a simple static variable, but I keep it in a separated class. Let's suppose you have a User class like this:
public class User
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
You could create a class like this:
public static class UserCacheService
private static IEnumerable<User> _users;
private static readonly object lockObj = new object();
public static IEnumerable<User> GetUsers()
lock (lockObj)
if (_users == null)
using (var db = new MyNiceDbContext())
_users = db.Users.ToList();
return _users;
public static void InvalidateCache()
lock (lockObj)
_users = null;
Then you can get your shared users in any action, of any controller like this:
public class AdminController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
// the first time, it'll need to get users from DB (e.g with Entity Framework)
var users = UserCacheService.GetUsers();
return View();
The first time, the _users in your UserCacheService will be null, and as expected, it'll need to load users from database. However, the next time it won't, no matter if you are using another controller:
public class AnotherController : Controller
public ActionResult Index(string userId)
// now, it won't load from DB anymore, because _users is already populated...
var users = UserCacheService.GetUsers();
var currentUser = users.Where(u => u.Id == userId).FirstOrDefault();
if (currentUser != null)
// do something with the user...
return View();
There are times when unfortunately your _users will become null again, for example when you restart your ApplicationPool in IIS, but UserCacheService is already prepared for fetching database once if that's the case.
Be careful about three things:
Whenever you keep data in memory (like _users), you are consuming
your server's memory, which might be limited. Don't start trying to
keep everything in memory, only data you know you'll need everytime.
Whenever you update something in your users, like a name, an address or something else, since the _users will not get from database everytime, you need to call the UserCacheService.InvalidateCache() method, in order to force the next call to load again from database, thus making sure you have _users up to date.
This only works for simplistic scenarios. If you have your application distributed in two or more servers, this won't work, as each server has it's own memory and they can't share it out of the box. That's when you would look forward for something like Redis. Though, I don't think it's your case here.

How to Get Current Project Name from TeamFoundationRequestContext

I'm writing a plugin for a TFS process.
I need to get the Project Name from the TeamFoundationRequestContext whenever a work item is in the process of saving.
Normally I can get the work item ID because the record has already been saved. However, when the work Item is being saved the first time, I do not have a way to get the work item ID.
My question is how can I get the Project Name from the TeamFoundationRequestContext when the work item saves for the first time.
Here is a class that captures the work item changed event and checks to see if it is a newly created work item.
From within the event if it is a newly created work item you can then do what you need with the Project name that is associated with that work item.
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Server;
using System;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Common;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Server;
namespace TfsProcess.CaptureProjectNameOnNewWorkItem
public class CaptureProjectNameOnNewWorkItem : ISubscriber
public string Name
return "CaptureProjectNameOnNewWorkItem";
public SubscriberPriority Priority
return SubscriberPriority.Normal;
public EventNotificationStatus ProcessEvent(
TeamFoundationRequestContext requestContext,
NotificationType notificationType,
object notificationEventArgs,
out int statusCode,
out string statusMessage,
out ExceptionPropertyCollection properties)
statusCode = 0;
properties = null;
statusMessage = String.Empty;
ProcessNotification(notificationType, notificationEventArgs, requestContext);
catch (Exception exception)
TeamFoundationApplicationCore.LogException("Error processing event", exception);
return EventNotificationStatus.ActionPermitted;
private static void ProcessNotification(NotificationType notificationType, object notificationEventArgs, TeamFoundationRequestContext requestContext)
if (notificationType == NotificationType.Notification && notificationEventArgs is Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Server.WorkItemChangedEvent)
var ev = notificationEventArgs as WorkItemChangedEvent;
if (ev.ChangeType == ChangeTypes.New)
//Do somethin with the project name of the newly created work item
// projectName = ev.PortfolioProject;
public Type[] SubscribedTypes()
return new Type[1] { typeof(WorkItemChangedEvent) };
You could create a plugin implementing the ITeamFoundationRequestFilter interface, which gets executed BEFORE or AFTER Team Foundation Server receives and processes requests. This allows you to validate work items and cancel the creation of the work item if it is not valid based on some logic for instance.
Here is a link to blog with a implementation of this that will cancel the creation of the work item if it is being created by a certain user.
Getting information from a TFS Request
How to implement ITeamFoundationRequestFilter
In order to get the Work Item ID you will intercept the xml soap response and parse it for the work item value.
Using the filter plugin you can filter for any of the methods responsible for updating, creating and querying work items.
The blog goes into more explanation and implementation.
The WorkItemChangedEvent event has a PortfolioProject property, so you should be able to get it like this:
var ev = (WorkItemChangedEvent)notificationEventArgs;
var projectName = ev.PortfolioProject

EntityFramework and ont-to-many CRUD operations

I'm really trying hard to put everything on my project to work with the EF, but it's really getting difficult and sometimes it makes me wonder if it's really the smart move (to rely on EF against coding all the ins and outs of the database).
Well, my problem is still related to 1-N creating/editing/deleting functionality (something that should be simple, right?).
Ok, I'm pasting here some simple equivalent of my code.
For the Entities, I got the main class as:
public class Lote
public int? IDLote { get; set; }
public string Obs {get;set;}
public string DocumentoExtra { get; set; }
public List<DocumentoLote> Documentos { get; set; }
public void LoadLists()
OlimpiqueDBContext myDbContext = new OlimpiqueDBContext();
var docs = (from doc in myDbContext.DocumentosLote
where doc.IDLote == this.IDLote
select doc);
this.Documentos = docs.ToList<DocumentoLote>();
[Notice that i used the nullable int? for Key - otherwise it throws me validation exception asking for a value on creation]
For the child class, i got this:
public class DocumentoLote
public int? IDDocumentoLote { get; set; }
public int IDDocumento { get; set; }
public virtual Documento Documento { get; set; }
public int IDLote { get; set; }
public virtual Lote Lote { get; set; }
[Notice that the child class has a reference back to the owner class, which are the "IDLote" and "Lote" attributes, and the owner class has a list of child class instances - so I got i bi-directional refernce - I assume that this is somehow related to the problems]
I got a Controller and View generated automatically by VS2012 with Read/Write functionality related to the class Lote.
What I did in the View can be described as: I used a Jquery DataTable to manage the child class data (the user can add "N" instances on the DataTable). I substituted the Post Button with a call to a JS method that simply gets all the data from the Form and from the DataTable and wrap it in a JSon object and send it to the controller via Ajax.
The controller method that receives it can be simplified as below:
public JsonResult Edit(Lote lote)
if (lote.IDLote.HasValue)
//Separete updates/inserts from deletes
List<int?> dbDocs = db.DocumentosLote
.Where(dt => dt.IDLote == lote.IDLote)
.Select(dt => dt.IDDocumentoLote)
List<int?> postedDocs = lote.Documentos
.Select(pt => pt.IDDocumentoLote)
List<int?> deletedDocs = dbDocs
//Perform deletes
foreach (var delDocId in deletedDocs)
if (delDocId.HasValue)
DocumentoLote delDoc = db.DocumentosLote
.Where(dt => dt.IDLote == lote.IDLote && dt.IDDocumentoLote == delDocId)
db.Entry(delDoc).State = EntityState.Deleted;
//Perform insert and updates
foreach (var doc in lote.Documentos)
if (doc.IDDocumentoLote.HasValue)
db.Entry(doc).State = EntityState.Modified;
db.Entry(doc).State = EntityState.Added;
doc.IDLote = (int)lote.IDLote;
// If Sucess== 1 then Save/Update Successfull else there it has Exception
return Json(new { Success = 1, ex = "" });
return Json(new { Success = 0, ex = "Falha ao tentar salvar os dados" });
catch (Exception ex)
// If Sucess== 0 then Unable to perform Save/Update Operation and send Exception to View as JSON
return Json(new { Success = 0, ex = ex.Message.ToString() });
Problems: Well I really passed through a lot to got to this point and now, I got only 2 problems. The first being that the creation is throwing a Validation Exception sayin that it needs an IDLote (for the child classes - but anyway, how would i have it if the owner class itself still doesn't have an Id at that point in creation?)
Second problem: Deletion dont work at all! Doesn't matter how i code it, it throws the exception "objects cannot be defined because they are attached to different ObjectContext objects". I really feel that this has something to do with the bidirectional reference between owner-children classes, but still, don't have a clue on exactly whats happening and how to solve it
I'm starting to feel really lost here. Any ideas on this would be very appreciated. Thanks
As there are a lot of views on this old question and now I do have some answer, I'm posting them for reference:
Q - Regarding the int? type for the key attributes:
A - It doesn't have to be a nullable int at all. The entity can be declared with a simple int attribute as key and when posting the JSon object from the View, back to some controller method, this attribute (the key) can be filled with the value "0". EF will generate the correct value as soon as it persists the object.
Q - Regarding the navigational attributes and how to implement the relation between the two classes when neither of them have already got a value (non-zero) on theis keys:
A - The JSon object to be sent back can implement the exact navigational relationaship between them. Wehn the controller binds the data posted to the model it should be receiving, it will "understand" their relationship and as soon as the values for the keys are generated, they will correctly reference one another.
Q - Regarding the error described on the delete method attempts:
A - When objects should interact with other objects, and those interactions should be persisted or "understood" by EF in any way, they must have been obtained, generated or attached to a same DBContext. EF rely on the DB context to create a tree of this interactions, thus, rendering impossible to build this tree when objets are not present on the same DB Context.

MVVM Light - Unable to update parent view from child - nested edit

My situation is slightly different than from other posts and I was not able to solve it with the other trhreads. So that why I ask.
I have a class that is obtained from deserializing an XML like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>node 1</name>
<text>text 1</text>
<url>url 1</url>
<name>node 2</name>
<text>text 2</text>
<url>url 2</url>
so the class is:
public class csNodeList
public csNodeList()
Leaf = new csLeafCollection();
public csLeafCollection Leaf
public class csLeaf
public csLeaf()
Name ="";
Description = "";
Address = "";
public string Name
public string Description
public string Address
public class csLeafCollection : System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection<csLeaf>
Then I have 2 Views, one to show all the leafs and one to edit one leaf. I've implemented commit and rollback so I use messaging back and forth to pass the new values and I store the old ones.
To do so I copy the objects a a backup variable and then I modify the ones associated via binding to the XAML view, in this way (in theory) any change to the ViewModel data should be reflected.
Also is better because if I commit the changes I just discard the backup variables (this is 90% of the times) and if I need to roll back I copy back from the backup variables.
public const string listPropertyName = "list";
private csNodeList _list = new csNodeList();
public csNodeList list
return _list;
Set(listPropertyName, ref _list, value, false);
Using the message I send back the new values of a node and I put them in the correct position:
private void DoSomething(csMessage message)
csMessage rmessage;
if (message != null)
switch (message.destination)
case csMessage.e2MessageDest.updateNode:
//_editP should be fine.
list.Leaf[list.Leaf.IndexOf(_editP)].Name = ((csLeaf)message.payload).Name;
list.Leaf[list.Leaf.IndexOf(_editP)].Text= ((csLeaf)message.payload).Text;
list.Leaf[list.Leaf.IndexOf(_editP)].Address = ((csLeaf)message.payload).Address;
RaisePropertyChanged(listPropertyName , null, _list, true);
The code is executed correctly and the item is changed.
BUT the RaisePropertyChanged is ignored. I've tried even just the one with the listPropertyName without any change.
If I save the changes exit from the app and get back I see the new value correctly stored
Can you please help me?
The reason why your RaisePropertyChanged is ignored is hat yor Leaf class des not implement INotifyOropertyChanged. Commonly the model is wrapped into a view model which then implements INotifyPropertyChanged to notify the view hat something has happened.
However, you also can implement INotifyPropertyChanged on the model class directly. To implement INotifyPropertyChanged each property has to raise the propty changed event.
public string Property {
get { ... }
set {
if (_propertyField == value)
_propertyField = value;
The code assumes hat there is a method RaisePropertyChanged which actually taises the PropertyChangedEvent.
Thank you everyone for the help.
Investigating your suggestion I've found a slightly different solution; as you correctly said the issue is that the leaf fields are not "observable" so they do not generate a notification event.
I've noticed that if I add or Delete a profile the binding is updated.
So what I've decided to do is not to edit directly the leafs but to replace the node.
What I do not like is that I have to create a node to replace the old one and this allocates a little bit more memory... but for small data like the one I have it can work without any major impact on the app performance/memory foot print.
Here is what I do:
csLeaf _leaf = new slLeaf();
_leaf.Name = ((csLeaf)message.payload).Name;
_leaf.Text= ((csLeaf)message.payload).Text;
_leaf.URL = ((csLeaf)message.payload).Address;
list.Leaf[list.Leaf.IndexOf(_editP)] = _leaf;
To optimized readabilty of code I've enhanced it adding a constructor with 3 parameters so that the code can be:
csLeaf _leaf = new slLeaf(((csLeaf)message.payload).Name, ((csLeaf)message.payload).Text, ((csLeaf)message.payload).Address);
list.Leaf[list.Leaf.IndexOf(_editP)] = _leaf;
The constructor is:
public csLeaf(string _name, string _description, string _address)
Name = _name;
Description = _description;
Address = _address;

NInject, nHibernate, and auditing in ASP.NET MVC

I am working on an inherited application which makes use of NInject and nHibernate as part of an ASP.NET MVC (C#) application. Currently, I'm looking at a problem with the auditing of modifications. Each entity has ChangedOn/ChangedBy and CreatedOn/CreatedBy fields, which are mapped to database columns. However, these either get filled with the wrong username or no username at all. I think this is because it has been configured in the wrong way, but I don't know enough about nHibernate and NInject to solve the issue, so I hope someone can help. Below some code snippets to hopefully provide sufficient insight in the application.
Creating the session factory and session:
public class NHibernateModule : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
Bind<ISessionFactory>().ToProvider(new SessionFactoryProvider()).InSingletonScope();
Bind<ISession>().ToProvider(new SessionProvider()).InRequestScope();
Bind<User>().ToProvider(new UserProvider()).InRequestScope();
Bind<IStamper>().ToProvider(new StamperProvider()).InRequestScope();
public class SessionProvider : Provider<ISession>
protected override ISession CreateInstance(IContext context)
// Create session
var sessionFactory = context.Kernel.Get<ISessionFactory>();
var session = sessionFactory.OpenSession();
session.FlushMode = FlushMode.Commit;
return session;
public class SessionFactoryProvider : Provider<ISessionFactory>
protected override ISessionFactory CreateInstance(IContext context)
var connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DefaultConnectionString"].ToString();
var stamper = context.Kernel.Get<IStamper>();
return NHibernateHelper.CreateSessionFactory(connectionString, stamper);
public class StamperProvider : Provider<IStamper>
protected override IStamper CreateInstance(IContext context)
System.Security.Principal.IPrincipal user = HttpContext.Current.User;
System.Security.Principal.IIdentity identity = user == null ? null : user.Identity;
string name = identity == null ? "Unknown" : identity.Name;
return new Stamper(name);
public class UserProvider : Provider<User>
protected override UserCreateInstance(IContext context)
var userRepos = context.Kernel.Get<IUserRepository>();
System.Security.Principal.IPrincipal user = HttpContext.Current.User;
System.Security.Principal.IIdentity identity = user == null ? null : user.Identity;
string name = identity == null ? "" : identity.Name;
var user = userRepos.GetByName(name);
return user;
Configuring the session factory:
public static ISessionFactory CreateSessionFactory(string connectionString, IStamper stamper)
// Info:
return Fluently.Configure()
.Mappings(m =>
.Conventions.Add(PrimaryKey.Name.Is(x => "Id"))
// Register
.ExposeConfiguration(c => {
c.EventListeners.PreInsertEventListeners =
new IPreInsertEventListener[] { new EventListener(stamper) };
c.EventListeners.PreUpdateEventListeners =
new IPreUpdateEventListener[] { new EventListener(stamper) };
Snippet from the eventlistener:
public bool OnPreInsert(PreInsertEvent e)
_stamper.Insert(e.Entity as IStampedEntity, e.State, e.Persister);
return false;
As you can see the session factory is in a singleton scope. Therefore the eventlistener and stamper also get instantiated in this scope (I think). And this means that when the user is not yet logged in, the username in the stamper is set to an empty string or "Unknown".
I tried to compensate for this problem, by modifying the Stamper. It checks if the username is null or empty. If this is true, it tries to find the active user, and fill the username-property with that user's name:
private string GetUserName()
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_userName))
var user = ServiceLocator.Resolve<User>();
if (user != null)
_userName = user.UserName;
return _userName;
But this results in a completely different user's name, which is also logged in to the application, being logged in the database. My guess this is because it resolves the wrong active user, being the last user logged in, instead of the user that started the transaction.
The offending parts are here:
.ToProvider(new SessionFactoryProvider())
.ToProvider(new StamperProvider())
And later on:
public class SessionFactoryProvider : Provider<ISessionFactory>
protected override ISessionFactory CreateInstance(IContext context)
// Unimportant lines omitted
var stamper = context.Kernel.Get<IStamper>();
return NHibernateHelper.CreateSessionFactory(connectionString, stamper);
public class StamperProvider : Provider<IStamper>
protected override IStamper CreateInstance(IContext context)
// Unimportant lines omitted
string name = /* whatever */
return new Stamper(name);
Let's analyze what's going on with the code:
The ISessionFactory is bound as single-instance. There will only ever be one throughout the lifetime of the process. This is fairly typical.
The ISessionFactory is initialized with SessionFactoryProvider which immediately goes out to get an instance of IStamper, and passes this as a constant argument to initialize the session factory.
The IStamper in turn is initialized by the StamperProvider which initializes a Stamper class with a constant name set to the current user principal/identity.
The net result of this is that as long as the process is alive, every single "stamp" will be assigned the name of whichever user was first to log in. This might even be the anonymous user, which explains why you're seeing so many blank entries.
Whoever wrote this only got half the equation right. The IStamper is bound to the request scope, but it's being supplied to a singleton, which means that only one IStamper will ever be created. You're lucky that the Stamper doesn't hold any resources or have any finalizers, otherwise you'd probably end up with a lot of ObjectDisposedException and other weird errors.
There are three possible solutions to this:
(Recommended) - Rewrite the Stamper class to look up the current user on each call, instead of being initialized with static user info. Afterward, the Stamper class would no longer take any constructor arguments. You can the bind the IStamper InSingletonScope instead of InRequestScope.
Create an abstract IStamperFactory with a GetStamper method, and a concrete StamperFactory which implements it by wrapping the IKernel instance. Bind these together InSingletonScope. Have your concrete factory return kernel.Get<IStamper>(). Modify the session factory to accept and hold an IStamperFactory instead of an IStamper. Each time it needs to stamp, use the factory to get a new IStamper instance.
Change the ISessionFactory to be InRequestScope. Not recommended because it will hurt performance and potentially mess up ID generators if you don't use DB-generated identities, but it will solve your auditing problem.
Aaronaught, you're analysis describes exactly what I suspected. However, I found there is a fourth solution which is easier and more straightforward IMHO.
I modified the sessionprovider, such that the call to OpenSession takes an instance of IInterceptor as argument. As it turns out, the event listeners aren't actually supposed to be used for auditing (a bit of a rant, but other than that he is right, according to Fabio as well).
The AuditInterceptor implements OnFlushDirty (for auditing existing entities) and OnSave (for auditing newly created entities). The SessionProvider looks as below:
public class SessionProvider : Provider<ISession>
protected override ISession CreateInstance(IContext context)
// Create session
System.Security.Principal.IPrincipal user = HttpContext.Current.User;
System.Security.Principal.IIdentity identity = user == null ? null : user.Identity;
string name = identity == null ? "" : identity.Name;
var sessionFactory = context.Kernel.Get<ISessionFactory>();
var session = sessionFactory.OpenSession(new AuditInterceptor(name));
session.FlushMode = FlushMode.Commit;
return session;
