How to determine if an object stopped moving or left the frame - opencv

Every tutorial, sample or blog I have read show various ways to track a moving object in a frame, as long as it is moving. This has become ubiquitous.
What I have been trying to figure out is how to determine if the object stopped moving or actually left the frame. When using background separation, when an object stops moving it becomes part of the foreground and as such "disappears". It "reappears" when it moves again. As far as I can tell the same behavior exists when an object leaves the frame, it just "disappears". For example the following code fragment demonstrates this:
**BackgroundSubtractorMOG2 _fgDetector = new BackgroundSubtractorMOG2();
CvBlobDetector _blobDetector = new CvBlobDetector();
CvTracks _tracker = new CvTracks();
CvBlobs _blobs = new CvBlobs();**
private int FindAndTrack()
CvInvoke.GaussianBlur(_analyzeMat, _smoothedFrame, new System.Drawing.Size(3, 3), 1);
#region use the BG/FG detector to find the forground mask
_fgDetector.Apply(_smoothedFrame, _foregroundMask);
#endregion use the BG/FG detector to find the forground mask
_blobDetector.Detect(_foregroundMask.ToImage<Gray, byte>(), _blobs);
_blobs.FilterByArea(_minimumAreaValue, int.MaxValue);
_tracker.Update(_blobs, 0.01 * _scaleValue, 1, 5);
return _tracker.Count;
I am no longer sure that background separation may be the answer.
What would give a definitive indication of a object leaving the frame?

Place tracker.update as condition for if loop if condition fails your object of interest has left the frame.
If you want to detect if object has moved or not then compare x & y values of bounding box of object with previous x & y values of bounding box if values are same than object has stopped moving else it has moved


Bounding box only for the visible part of the layer

I was wondering if there is a way to get the bounding box of not the complete layer, but only the part of the layer that is visible in the current zoom level of the map?
So, I need to get the screen coordinates of the bounding box of the layer drawn on the screen. I could not find a way to achieve this.
Unfortunately this is not solving my problem. This is exactly the point that I got to latest and in some cases it is not working. Since stackoverflow does not allow me to upload images because of my reputation I will try to describe:
Imagine that I have a path which is crossing the screen almost parallel to y axis, however outside the screen it is at least x-axis long. In this case the solution proposed will return min and max screen coordinates for x axis, where it needs to be a short interval that it is crossing the screen. In a way I need the bounding box of the visible part of the layer.
Thank you all for your answers. I tried to use "getFeaturesInExtent" function, but I get an error saying: "Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function". I am using the latest OpenLayers which is version 3.4.0. I suppose I am getting this error because this function is not implemented in this version.
The way I am using is the following:
var mapExtent = map.getView().calculateExtent(map.getSize());
var features = result.getSource().getFeaturesInExtent(mapExtent);
What kind of solution do you suggest for me? (I tried to use master version downloading ZIP from:, but the map did not work in this case.)
Thanks again!
I think the only things what you need is the extent of the view and the extent of the layer and the ol.extent.getIntersection() Function.
You can get the Extent of the current View by f.ex
The global extent of your layer by
And the intersecting Extent with.
ol.extent.getIntersection(extent1, extent2,opt_extent)
Should return the intersecting extent of the current view and your layer. Be aware that not all mentioned functions are stable.
I found the solution in the following:
var mapExtent = map.getView().calculateExtent(map.getSize());
var intersectedFeatures = [];
for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++){
if(ol.extent.containsCoordinate(mapExtent, points[i]))
var visibleLayerExtent = ol.extent.boundingExtent(intersectedFeatures);
Thank you all for the help!

colour detection bot

I want to create a script to automatically click on a moving target on a game.
To do this I want to check colours on the screen to determine where my target is and then click him, repeating this if he moves.
I'm not skilled at programming and there might be an easier solution to what I have proposed below:
1/Split the screen into equal tiles - size of tile should represent the in game object.
2/Loop through each pixel of each tile and create a histogram of the pixel colours.
3/If the most common recorded colour matches what we need, we MIGHT have the correct tile. Save the coords and click the object to complete task
4/Every 0.5 seconds check colour to determine if the object has moved, if it hasnt, keep clicking, if it has repeat steps 1, 2 and 3.
The step I am unsure of how to do technically is step 1. What data structure would I need for a tile? Would a 2D array suffice? Store the value of each colour in this array and then determine if it is the object. Also in pseudo how would I split the screen up into tiles to be searched? The tile issue is my main problem.
EDIT for rayryeng 2:
I will be using Python for this task. This is not my game, I just want to create a macro to automatically perform a task for me in the game. I have no code yet, I am looking more for the ideas behind making this work than actual code.
3rd edit and final code:
import win32gui, win32api
#function to take in coords and return colour
def colour_return(x,y):
colours = win32gui.GetPixel(win32gui.GetDC(win32gui.GetActiveWindow()), x,y)
return colours
def click(x,y):
#variable declaration
x = 1
y = 1
pixel_value = []
colour_found = 0
while x < 1600:
pixel_value = colour_return(x,y)
if pixel_value == 1844766:
#print x
print y
if x == 1600:
#print tile
pixel_value = 0
This is the final code that I have produced. It works but it is incredibly slow. It takes 30 seconds seconds to search all 1600 pixels of y=1. I guess it is my method that is not working. Instead of using histograms and tiles I am now just searching for a colour and clicking the coordinates when it matches. What is the fastest method to use when searching an entire screen for a certain colour? I've seen colour detection bots that manage to keep up every second with a moving character.

XNA 4.0: How to remove text after drawn to screen?

Good day everyone.
I'm trying to draw the text "Pass Complete!" to screen with this code:
spriteBatch.DrawString(font, "PASS COMPLETE!", new Vector2(30, 130), Color.White);
Which does fire off the proper IF statement. However, how do I go about then removing that text from the screen? I'm really not sure at all where to go on from here and my instructor wants me to google the answer or find it in textbook. I have been all over my XNA textbook and I have found no outlet to removing that text.
Thanks for any and all help.
protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
I have the IF statement included in here. Basically it checks collision with p_Receiver and if it the bool checks out, it draws the DrawString. Should I maybe be looking at this from a different angle?
I went ahead with the following as the answer and it's working better then before. :)
if (PassInfo == 3) {
(timer code)
(IF timer not "used up" then run the draw)
Working good for now.
I appreciate it.
I'm doing this by function that add text with some parameters into generic list. and then i update and draw items from that list. in pseudo code:
function addText(text,position,duration)
texts.add(new t(text,position,duration))
end function
function updateText()
for each t as text in texts.findall(where
t.duration -= 1
if t.duration < 0 then = false
end function
function drawText()
for each t as text in texts.findall(where
//draw it
end function
so by this you can add unlimited number of texts on different position and duration on screen.
A lot of games redraw the entire window / screen each time through the draw cycle so there's a distinct chance that the solution to removing it is simply to stop drawing it.
i.e. have your if condition not draw the text when it is no longer required.
If, on the other hand, you've some more complex drawing logic that only draws portions of the window / screen that need updating then you'll need to include logic to redraw that part of the screen that contained the text once it is no longer needed.

Repeating 2d world

How to make a 2d world with fixed size, which would repeat itself when reached any side of the map?
When you reach a side of a map you see the opposite side of the map which merged togeather with this one. The idea is that if you didn't have a minimap you would not even notice the transition of map repeating itself.
I have a few ideas how to make it:
1) Keeping total of 3x3 world like these all the time which are exactly the same and updated the same way, just the players exists in only one of them.
2) Another way would be to seperate the map into smaller peaces and add them to required place when asked.
Either way it can be complicated to complete it. I remember that more thatn 10 years ago i played some game like that with soldiers following each other in a repeating wold shooting other AI soldiers.
Mostly waned to hear your thoughts about the idea and how it could be achieved. I'm coding in XNA(C#).
Another alternative is to generate noise using libnoise libraries. The beauty of this is that you can generate noise over a theoretical infinite amount of space.
Take a look at the following:
There is also an XNA port of the above at:
If you end up using the XNA port, you can do something like this:
Perlin perlin = new Perlin();
perlin.Frequency = 0.5f; //height
perlin.Lacunarity = 2f; //frequency increase between octaves
perlin.OctaveCount = 5; //Number of passes
perlin.Persistence = 0.45f; //
perlin.Quality = QualityMode.High;
perlin.Seed = 8;
//Create our 2d map
Noise2D _map = new Noise2D(CHUNKSIZE_WIDTH, CHUNKSIZE_HEIGHT, perlin);
//Get a section
_map.GeneratePlanar(left, right, top, down);
GeneratePlanar is the function to call to get the sections in each direction that will connect seamlessly with the rest of your world.
If the game is tile based I think what you should do is:
Keep only one array for the game area.
Determine the visible area using modulo arithmetics over the size of the game area mod w and h where these are the width and height of the table.
E.g. if the table is 80x100 (0,0) top left coordinates with a width of 80 and height of 100 and the rect of the viewport is at (70,90) with a width of 40 and height of 20 you index with [70-79][0-29] for the x coordinate and [90-99][0-9] for the y. This can be achieved by calculating the index with the following formula:
idx = (n+i)%80 (or%100) where n is the top coordinate(x or y) for the rect and i is in the range for the width/height of the viewport.
This assumes that one step of movement moves the camera with non fractional coordinates.
So this is your second alternative in a little bit more detailed way. If you only want to repeat the terrain, you should separate the contents of the tile. In this case the contents will most likely be generated on the fly since you don't store them.
Hope this helped.

Missing depth info after first mesh

I'm using SlimDX for a Direct3D 10 apps. In the apps I've loaded 2 to more mesh, with images loaded as texture and using a fx code for shader. The code was modified from SlimDX's sample "SimpleModel10"
I move the draw call, shader setup code into a class that manage 1 mesh, shader (effect) and draw call. Then I initialize 2 copy of this class, then call the draw function one after another.
The output, no matter how I change the Z position of the mesh, the one being draw later will always stay on top. Later, when I use PIX to debug the draw call, I found out that the 2nd mesh doesn't have depth while the first one does. I've tried with 3 meshes, 2nd and 3rd one will not have depth too. The funny thing is all of then are instantiated from the same class, using the same draw call.
What could have cause such problem?
Following is part of the code in the draw function of the class, I've omitted the rest as it's lengthy involved a few classes. I keep the existing OnRenderBegin() and OnRenderEnd() of the sample:
lock (this)
device.InputAssembler.SetIndexBuffer(indices, Format.R32_UInt, 0);
device.InputAssembler.SetVertexBuffers(0, binding);
device.DrawIndexed(indexCount, 0, 0);
device.InputAssembler.SetIndexBuffer(null, Format.Unknown, 0);
device.InputAssembler.SetVertexBuffers(0, nullBinding);
Edit: After much debugging and code isolation, I found out the culprit is Font.Draw() in my DrawString() function
internal void DrawString(string text)
string[] texts = text.Split(new string[] {"\r\n"}, StringSplitOptions.None);
int y = PanelY;
foreach (string t in texts)
font.Draw(sprite, t, new System.Drawing.Rectangle(PanelX, y, PanelSize.Width, PanelSize.Height), FontDrawFlags.SingleLine, new Color4(Color.Red));
y += font.Description.Height;
Comment out Font.Draw solve the problem. Maybe it automatically set some states which causes the next Mesh draw to discard depth. Looking into SlimDX's source code now.
After much debugging in PIX, this is the conclusion.
Calling Font.Draw() will automatically set DepthEnable to false and DepthFunction to D3D10_COMPARISON_NEVER, that's after comparing PIX's detail on the OutputMerger of before and after calling Font.Draw
Context10_1.Device.OutputMerger.DepthStencilState = depthStencilState;
Put that before the next Mesh draw call fixed the problem.
Previously I only set the DepthStencilState in the OnRenderBegin()
