I have searched a lot but I did not find any related post, blog or question about my issue.
I need to check all processes and time of them on JWPlayer when player is loading; Is it possible on iOS?
When I set url of a video (it is stream) the JWPlayer get a long time to be initialized. I want to check what is the process which increase response time.
The JWPlayer version is 2.4.1
I suggest to use Safari iOS inspector connecting the device to Safari Desktop. then you can check all performances. This is the Apple how-to: https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/AppleApplications/Conceptual/Safari_Developer_Guide/GettingStarted/GettingStarted.html
note: maybe you mean... jwplayer v.7?
using JwPlayer iOS SDK with Xcode you can check che CPU use and processes using Instruments, and Time Profiler tool, ex. https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/DeveloperTools/Conceptual/InstrumentsUserGuide/MeasuringCPUUse.html
I'm barely new to iOS.
I'm able to reproduce streams(no local video) via AVPlayer using Airplay.
Also, MPNowPlayingInfo and RemoteCommandManager are supported, using external medatada, not included into the streams.
But, I would like to fill the info panel with title, artwork, etc. on AppleTv/tvOS.
The image is part of WWDC17 talk titled "Now Playing and Remote
Commands on tvOS".
My question is not about tvOS apps, which the referenced talk is about, but about a iOS app that plays video via Airplay.
My guess is that the played AVAsset needs to have medatada, which currently would be empty.
I've been checking AVMutableMetaDataItem, but still don't understand if that's what I would need to use, nor how to do it.
Does anyone has any hint?
The WWDC 2019 Talk :( https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2019/503/ ) which is about Delivering Intuitive Media Playback with AVKit speaks about using the external metadata during Airplay and how they have provided the API for iOS now which is similar to what was present on tvOS. (Refer from duration of 7 minutes in the Video mentioned above where they explain the same.) Hope this helps:)
I've recently run into a issue with taking video on new iPhones(8 and up) written in Xamarin. When capturing the video video on older devices the codec is H.264, but on new devices Apple has switch to H.265. These videos are played in browser and pretty much everything I've checked doesn't support H.265.
Since you can change in the setting of the device between (high efficiency-H.265 and most compatiable-H.264), I figured you can do this programmatically. I haven't been able to find any information on how to do this if at all. Any help would be appreciated.
You can set the codec on a AVCaptureVideoDataOutput, which you add to your Session, through WeakVideoSettings which is just a dictionary of settings.
You can find the keys in the official apple docs: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/avfoundation/avassetwriterinput/video_settings_dictionaries
I have developed an iOS app that gets webviews from a Wordpress page. These Wordpress pages has embedded Vimeo videoes, which are hidden from Vimeo search and can only be seen and embedded on my domain.
I have a Wordpress plugin for embedding the Vimeo videos. Lately, in the app (not at the webpage/desktop view where the content also can be viewed), instead of showing the video I get the message “Sorry, because of its privacy settings, this video cannot be played here”. When I go back to the menu, and then back to the video page (web view) a few seconds later, the video is shown and everything's working.
Is it something wrong with the plugin I use?(https://wordpress.org/plugins/advanced-responsive-video-embedder/)
Or maybe a cache delay?
Update: Can it have something to do with iOS9?
Update II:
I got an answer from Vimeo:
Hi there, Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We are currently aware of an issue where videos with domain-level embed privacy are not playable on Chrome and Safari for iOS 9.3, or Safari 9.1 for OSX due to a bug with Apple's WebKit browser engine.
We have confirmed that the next update to iOS, v9.3.2, will fix this issue. There is no ETA for the update, however, as Apple does not comment on the timing of their future releases. In the meantime, you should be able to work around this by temporarily disabling domain-level privacy for your videos.
Puffin works fine.
Download a browser app named PUFFIN from AppStore, it is able to run the videos which showed the privacy error in ios 9.3.
I'm trying to gain access to a live stream through the RTSP protocol on iOS. I'm trying to run the example from this website: http://www.gdcl.co.uk/2013/02/20/iOS-Video-Encoding.html and it's advertised that you can just take the url (rtsp://) and paste it into quicktime player, VLC or some other means, but whenever I try it fails. When I try in quicktime player it gives me this error: The document “Macintosh HD” could not be opened. The file may be damaged or may not be a movie file that is compatible with QuickTime Player.
What am I doing wrong? Is the example broken or do I need to update some specs in the code. I'm running iOS 9.3 and it's told to work > 7.0.
I was able to play this back on VLC when compiling and running on my iOS device. You need to ensure that you are on WiFi (vs LTE or 3G). I'm on iOS 9.2.1 and played back with VLC version 2.2.2.
You can then take it a step further as I was successful in ingesting it into Wowza via Stream file with the following configuration:
uri : "rtsp://[rtsp-address-as-published-on-the-app]",
I would suggest reviewing what the console logs say in your iOS application (xcode) and then also take a look at your VLC error messages/logs as well to see what the exact issue is when you try to playback.
W're developing an iPad app (iOS 4.3.5) that uses UIWebView to load YouTube videos. About once in five times a YouTube video will fail to load and I only see the following blank screen with YouTube's logo:
Looking in the debug logs I can only see the following warnings:
warning: Unable to read symbols for /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/4.3.5 (8L1)/Symbols/System/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/QuickTime Plugin.webplugin/QuickTime Plugin (file not found).
warning: No copy of QuickTime Plugin.webplugin/QuickTime Plugin found locally, reading from memory on remote device. This may slow down the debug session.
I've read about this warning (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7149593/warning-while-playing-a-video-link-in-my-app) and don't think it effects this problem.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
Try with video tag of HTML 5. I have done the same thing with video tag and its working perfect with my application.
Below is the sample code for the same...
<html><head><video controls=\"controls\"><source src=\"%#\" type=\"video/mp4\" height=\"%0.0f\" width=\"%0.0f\"/></video></body></html>
(Answering my own questions)
OK. I'm pretty sure I figured this out. Some videos don't have a mobile player. You can look at the JSON output here:
And here:
Notice how the second video (cd4jvtAr8JM) doesn't have the mobile player link. I guess this means that YouTube hasn't encoded it yet for mobile. Or it's restricted for mobile. Regardless, these type of videos all won't play for me.