Escape only some characters in where clause - ruby-on-rails

I want to fetch records that have some string field start with a given prefix and end on any one character. Basically:
Model.where('field LIKE ?', "#{prefix}_").count
The problem is that the prefix itself might contain special characters (like % or _).
Is there a way to escape the prefix, but not the trailing _ without rolling my own sanitizer with a bunch of #gsubs?

There is no better solution than replacing all _ with \_ and all % with \% to escape their special meaning.

Model.where("field LIKE ?||'_'", escapeDataFunction("#{prefix}")).count
The idea is to escape what needs to be escaped and hard code the other part in the "where" condition. Also note that when using substitution variables (? or :1), then the data need not be escaped at all in general, but "like" expressions are an exception, and in that case, you should escape the special characters with meaning in the like operator.


Validate name to have no tabs or backslashes - Rails [duplicate]

I need a regular expression able to match everything but a string starting with a specific pattern (specifically index.php and what follows, like index.php?id=2342343).
Regex: match everything but:
a string starting with a specific pattern (e.g. any - empty, too - string not starting with foo):
Lookahead-based solution for NFAs:
Negated character class based solution for regex engines not supporting lookarounds:
a string ending with a specific pattern (say, no world. at the end):
Lookbehind-based solution:
Lookahead solution:
POSIX workaround:
a string containing specific text (say, not match a string having foo):
Lookaround-based solution:
POSIX workaround:
Use the online regex generator at
a string containing specific character (say, avoid matching a string having a | symbol):
a string equal to some string (say, not equal to foo):
a sequence of characters:
PCRE (match any text but cat): /cat(*SKIP)(*FAIL)|[^c]*(?:c(?!at)[^c]*)*/i or /cat(*SKIP)(*FAIL)|(?:(?!cat).)+/is
Other engines allowing lookarounds: (cat)|[^c]*(?:c(?!at)[^c]*)* (or (?s)(cat)|(?:(?!cat).)*, or (cat)|[^c]+(?:c(?!at)[^c]*)*|(?:c(?!at)[^c]*)+[^c]*) and then check with language means: if Group 1 matched, it is not what we need, else, grab the match value if not empty
a certain single character or a set of characters:
Use a negated character class: [^a-z]+ (any char other than a lowercase ASCII letter)
Matching any char(s) but |: [^|]+
Demo note: the newline \n is used inside negated character classes in demos to avoid match overflow to the neighboring line(s). They are not necessary when testing individual strings.
Anchor note: In many languages, use \A to define the unambiguous start of string, and \z (in Python, it is \Z, in JavaScript, $ is OK) to define the very end of the string.
Dot note: In many flavors (but not POSIX, TRE, TCL), . matches any char but a newline char. Make sure you use a corresponding DOTALL modifier (/s in PCRE/Boost/.NET/Python/Java and /m in Ruby) for the . to match any char including a newline.
Backslash note: In languages where you have to declare patterns with C strings allowing escape sequences (like \n for a newline), you need to double the backslashes escaping special characters so that the engine could treat them as literal characters (e.g. in Java, world\. will be declared as "world\\.", or use a character class: "world[.]"). Use raw string literals (Python r'\bworld\b'), C# verbatim string literals #"world\.", or slashy strings/regex literal notations like /world\./.
You could use a negative lookahead from the start, e.g., ^(?!foo).*$ shouldn't match anything starting with foo.
You can put a ^ in the beginning of a character set to match anything but those characters.
will match everything but =
Just match /^index\.php/, and then reject whatever matches it.
In Python:
>>> import re
>>> p='^(?!index\.php\?[0-9]+).*$'
>>> s1='index.php?12345'
>>> re.match(p,s1)
>>> s2='index.html?12345'
>>> re.match(p,s2)
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0xb7d65fa8>
Came across this thread after a long search. I had this problem for multiple searches and replace of some occurrences. But the pattern I used was matching till the end. Example below
import re
text = "start![image]xxx(xx.png) yyy xx![image]xxx(xxx.png) end"
replaced_text = re.sub(r'!\[image\](.*)\(.*\.png\)', '*', text)
start* end
Basically, the regex was matching from the first ![image] to the last .png, swallowing the middle yyy
Used the method posted above by Firish to break the match between the occurrence. Here the space is not matched; as the words are separated by space.
replaced_text = re.sub(r'!\[image\]([^ ]*)\([^ ]*\.png\)', '*', text)
and got what I wanted
start* yyy xx* end

Lex won't recognize double operators- !=, :=, <<, etc. Can I give a Lex expression precedence?

Trying to parse operators (+, -, =, <<, !=), using states like
OP ["+"|";"|":"|","|"*"|"/"|"="|"("|")"|"{"|"}"|"*"|"#"|"$"|
DOUBOP [":="|".."|"<<"|">>"|"<>"|"<="|">="|"=>"|"**"|"!="|"{:"|"}:"|"\-"]
and later on
{DOUBOP} { printf("%s (operator)\n", yytext); }
{OP} { printf("%s (operator)\n", yytext); }
but Lex is identifying operators like "<<" as "<" and "<". I thought since it was in double quotes this would work, but I see that's not the case.
Is there anyway I can give a regular expression precedence, ie have lex check for a double operator first, and then a single operator?
Thanks in advance.
[...] is a character class, not an eccentric type of parenthesis. If you want to parenthesize a sub-expression in a pattern, use ordinary parentheses. In this case, however, parentheses are not necessary. (Indeed, most of the quotes aren't necessary either, but they don't hurt and some of them would be useful.)
"==" recognises the two character-sequence consisting of two equal signs. "=="|"++" recognizes either two equal signs or two plus signs.
By contrast, ["=="] recognises a single character, which could be either a quote or an equals sign. Since a character class is a set, the fact that each of those appears twice is irrelevant (although I think it would save a lot of grief if flex issued a warning). Similarly, ["=="|"<<"] recognises a single character if it is a quote, an equals sign, a vertical bar or a less than sign.
Flex pattern syntax is documented in the flex manual. It differs in a few ways from regexes in other systems, so it's worth reading the short document. However, character classes are mostly the same in all regex syntaxes in common use, especially the use of square brackets to delimit the set.
An easier way is to put all single characters together, and run the * command on the end up curly braces.
OP ["+"|";"|":"|","|"*"|"/"|"="|"("|")"|"{"|"}"|"*"|"#"|"$"|

Non-reserved yet safe characters for delimiters in a URL

I have seen the following on StackOverflow about URL characters:
There are two sets of characters you need to watch out for - Reserved and Unsafe.
The reserved characters are:
ampersand ("&")
dollar ("$")
plus sign ("+")
comma (",")
forward slash ("/")
colon (":")
semi-colon (";")
equals ("=")
question mark ("?")
'At' symbol ("#").
The characters generally considered unsafe are:
question mark ("?")
less than and greater than ("<>")
open and close brackets ("[]")
open and close braces ("{}")
pipe ("|")
backslash ("\")
caret ("^")
tilde ("~")
percent ("%")
pound ("#").
I'm trying to code a URL so I can parse it using delimiters. They can't be numbers or letters though. Does anyone have a list of characters that are NOT Reserved but ARE safe to use?
Thanks for any help you can provide.
Don't bother trying to use safe/unreserved characters. Just use whatever delimiters you want and URLencode the whole thing. Then URL decode it on the other end and parse normally.
Is there a reason you can't just use the standard delimiter for URL parameters (&)? That is the most straightforward way to do it instead of trying to roll your own.
For example the standard URL syntax already allows for multi-valued paramaters natively. This is perfectly legal and doesn't require any trickery.
The result is that the page would be passed "A,B" in the parameterName attribute.

username regex in rails

I am trying to find a regex to limit what a person can use for a username on my site. I don't need to have it check to see how many characters there are in it, as another validation does this. Basically all I need to make it do is make sure that it allows: letters (capital and lowercase) numbers, dashes and underscores.
I came across this: /^[-a-z]+$/i
But it doesn't seem to allow numbers.
What am I missing?
The regex you're looking for is
Meaning one or more characters of range a-z, range 0-9, - (needs to be escaped with a backslash) and _, case insensitive (the i qualifier)
\w is shorthand for letters, digits and underscore.
\A matches at the start of the string, \z matches at the end of the string. These tokens are called anchors, and Ruby is a bit special with regard to them: Most regex engines use ^ and $ as start/end-of-string anchors by default, whereas in Ruby they can also match at the start/end of lines (which matters if you're working with multiline strings). Therefore, it's safer (as #JustMichael pointed out) to use \A and \z because there is no such ambiguity.
Your regular expression contains a character class [-a-z] that allows the characters - (dash) and a through z. In order to expand the range of characters allowed by this character class, you will need to add more characters within the [].
Please see Character Classes or Character Sets for further information and examples.

Regex to check consecutive occurrence of period symbol in username

I have to validate username in my app so that it cannot contain two consecutive period symbols. I tried the following.
but found out that this matches "a." and "a..". I expected to get nil as the output of the match operation for input "a.". Is my approach right ?
You need to put a \ in front of the periods, because period is a reserved character for "any character except newline".
So try:
Short answer
You can use something like this (see on
The . is escaped by preceding with a backslash, {2} is exact repetition specifier, and the brackets are removed since capturing is not required in this case.
On metacharacters and escaping
The dot, as a pattern metacharacter, matches (almost) any character. To match a literal period, you have at least two options:
Escape the dot as \.
Match it as a character class singleton [.]
Other metacharacters that may need escaping are | (alternation), +/*/?/{/} (repetition), [/] (character class), ^/$ (anchors), (/) (grouping), and of course \ itself.
References and metacharacters, Dot: ., Character Class: […], Anchors: ^$, Repetition: *+?{…}, Alternation: |, Optional: ?, Grouping: (…)
On finite repetition
To match two literal periods, you can use e.g. \.\. or [.][.], i.e. a simple concatenation. You can also use the repetition construct, e.g. \.{2} or [.]{2}.
The finite repetition specifier also allows you write something like x{3,5} to match at least 3 but at most 5 x.
Note that repetition has a higher precedence that concatenation, so ha{3} doesn't match "hahaha"; it matches "haaa" instead. You can use grouping like (ha){3} to match "hahaha".
On grouping
Grouping (…) captures the string it matches, which can be useful when you want to capture a match made by a subpattern, or if you want to use it as a backreference in the other parts of the pattern.
If you don't need this functionality, then a non-capturing option is (?:…). Thus something like (?:ha){3} still matches "hahaha" like before, but without creating a capturing group.
If you don't actually need the grouping aspect, then you can just leave out the brackets altogether.
