Geogebra plot range - geogebra

I created this plot through the GeoGebra spreadsheet:
I would be interested in getting the same plot, but only in range between the first (1;3) and the last (3;4.5) point. How can I do this?
Thanks in advance

Ok this is my firs answer , you can type that in the input line below : If(1 < x < 3, f(x))
where f(x) is your function

For example, for f(x) = x^2, you can input like this: x² / (x < -1 ∨ x > 1)
(x < -1 ∨ x > 1) is a boolean value, True == 1, and False == 0. 0 as a denominator is meaningless, and this can be used to limit the display range in Geogebra.


Implement Relu derivative in python numpy

I'm trying to implement a function that computes the Relu derivative for each element in a matrix, and then return the result in a matrix. I'm using Python and Numpy.
Based on other Cross Validation posts, the Relu derivative for x is
1 when x > 0, 0 when x < 0, undefined or 0 when x == 0
Currently, I have the following code so far:
def reluDerivative(self, x):
return np.array([self.reluDerivativeSingleElement(xi) for xi in x])
def reluDerivativeSingleElement(self, xi):
if xi > 0:
return 1
elif xi <= 0:
return 0
Unfortunately, xi is an array because x is an matrix. reluDerivativeSingleElement function doesn't work on array. So I'm wondering is there a way to map values in a matrix to another matrix using numpy, like the exp function in numpy?
Thanks a lot in advance.
That's an exercise in vectorization.
This code
if x > 0:
y = 1
elif xi <= 0:
y = 0
Can be reformulated into
y = (x > 0) * 1
This is something that will work for numpy arrays, since boolean expressions involving them are turned into arrays of values of these expressions for elements in said array.
I guess this is what you are looking for:
>>> def reluDerivative(x):
... x[x<=0] = 0
... x[x>0] = 1
... return x
>>> z = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (3,3))
>>> z
array([[ 0.41287266, -0.73082379, 0.78215209],
[ 0.76983443, 0.46052273, 0.4283139 ],
[-0.18905708, 0.57197116, 0.53226954]])
>>> reluDerivative(z)
array([[ 1., 0., 1.],
[ 1., 1., 1.],
[ 0., 1., 1.]])
Basic function to return derivative of relu could be summarized as follows:
f'(x) = x > 0
So, with numpy that would be:
def relu_derivative(z):
return np.greater(z, 0).astype(int)
def dRelu(z):
return np.where(z <= 0, 0, 1)
Here z is a ndarray in my case.
def reluDerivative(self, x):
return 1 * (x > 0)
You are on a good track: thinking on vectorized operation. Where we define a function, and we apply this function to a matrix, instead of writing a for loop.
This threads answers your question, where it replace all the elements satisfy the condition. You can modify it into ReLU derivative.
In addition, python supports functional programming very well, try to use lambda function.
This works:
def dReLU(x):
return 1. * (x > 0)
As mentioned by Neil in the comments, you can use heaviside function of numpy.
def reluDerivative(self, x):
return np.heaviside(x, 0)
If you want to use pure Python:
def relu_derivative(x):
return max(sign(x), 0)
If you want it with the derivative you can use:
def relu(neta):
relu = neta * (neta > 0)
d_relu = (neta > 0)
return relu, d_relu
When x is larger than 0, the slope is 1.
When x is smaller than or equal to 0, the slope is 0.
if (x > 0):
return 1
if (x <= 0):
return 0
This can be written more compact:
return 1 * (x > 0)

Find how many of the first n elements of an Array satisfy a condition in z3

I have a z3 Array:
x = Array('x', IntSort(), IntSort())
A fixed number n:
n = 10
And a filtering condition based on simple arithmetic:
lambda i: Or(i == 0, i > 2)
What I want is to know the total number of elements from index 0 to index n which satisfy this condition (something that, if this were a normal python list, would look like len(filter(lambda i: i == 0 or i > 2, x)).
I can't figure out how to do this in z3. I tried
y == Int('y')
solver.add(y == sum([1 if Or(x[i] == 0, x[i] > 2) else 0 for i in range(0,n)]))
but get the following error:
z3.z3types.Z3Exception: Symbolic expressions cannot be cast to concrete Boolean values.
Is there a way to proceed? Many thanks!
It'd be best to post the exact code you tried. For one thing, the if-then-else should be coded using the If construct and the sum is best expressed using Sum. The following works fine, for instance:
from z3 import *
x = Array ('x', IntSort(), IntSort())
solver = Solver()
n = 10
y = Int('y')
solver.add(y == Sum([If(Or(x[i] == 0, x[i] > 2), 1, 0) for i in range(0,n)]))
print solver.check()
print solver.model()
But this'll be satisfiable for all values of y since there is no constraint on the contents of the array x.

Is there a difference between 8 adjacency and m adjacency of pixels other than its definition?

The definition of 8-adjacency and m-adjacency are clear. But is there a case where two pixels p and q can be 8-adjacent, but not m-adjacent. I have given the definition of 8-adjacent and m-adjacent below:
8-adjacency: two pixels p and q with values from V are 8-adjacent if q is in the set N8(p).
m-adjacency: two pixels p and q with values from V are m-adjacent if
i) q is in N4(p), OR
ii) q is in ND(p) AND the set N4(p) N4(q) has no pixels whose values are from V.
There is a clear mathematical defition for these adjacencies. So no, there can be no difference other than that definition.
m adjacendy is used to resolve abiguities in 8-adjacency. m-adjacency is a special case of 8-adjacency. So yes there are cases where 2 pixels are 8-adjacent but not m-adjacent. Otherwise if they were the same, you wouldn't need a separate m-adjacency right?
May pixels p and q have the value 1 (from V).
Then in both examples p and q are 8-adjacent.
0 0 0
0 p 0
q 0 0
0 0 0
0 p 0
q 1 0
But only in the first one they are m-adjacent.
This is the definition
8-adjacency: two pixels p and q with values from V are 8-adjacent if q is in the set N8(p).
m-adjacency: two pixels p and q with values from V are m-adjacent if
i) q is in N4(p), OR
ii) q is in ND(p) AND the set N4(p) N4(q) has no pixels whose values are from V.
In our case here set N4(p) N4(q) has pixels hose values are from V.
So it is not 8-adjacency.

Comparing numbers in Lua

I'm checking for line-line intersection and need to figure out if the intersection point (x,y) is within the bounding box of a line segment l2 (consisting of points p1 and p2)
The following printout illustrates my problem:
the intersection point is (100,300)
print("x",x,">=",math.min(l2.p1.x,l2.p2.x),x >= math.min(l2.p1.x,l2.p2.x))
print("x",x,"<=",math.max(l2.p1.x,l2.p2.x),x <= math.max(l2.p1.x,l2.p2.x))
print("y",y,">=",math.min(l2.p1.y,l2.p2.y),y >= math.min(l2.p1.y,l2.p2.y))
print("y",y,"<=",math.max(l2.p1.y,l2.p2.y),y <= math.max(l2.p1.y,l2.p2.y))
which yeld:
x 100 >= 100 true
x 100 <= 100 false
y 300 >= 140 true
y 300 <= 300 false
What is going on and how can it be fixet?
(Lua version 5.2.3)
Say hello to float point arithmetic:
For example
> string.format("%.32f", 1/3)
> 1/3 == 0.3333333
So it depends on how your calculations of X and lp* looks like.
You should use a tolerance while comparing float point numbers.
> math.abs(1/3 - 0.33) == 0
> math.abs(1/3 - 0.33333) < 1/10^6
> math.abs(1/3 - 0.33333) < 1/10^5

Understanding the indexing of bound variables in Z3

I am trying to understand how the bound variables are indexed in z3.
Here in a snippet in z3py and the corresponding output. ( )
x, y = Ints('x y')
f1 = ForAll(x, And(x == 0, Exists(y, x == y)))
f2 = ForAll(x, Exists(y, And(x == 0, x == y)))
print f1.body()
print f2.body()
ν0 = 0 ∧ (∃y : ν1 = y)
y : ν1 = 0 ∧ ν1 = y
In f1, why is the same bound variable x has different index.(0 and 1). If I modify the f1 and bring out the Exists, then x has the same index(0).
Reason I want to understand the indexing mechanism:
I have a FOL formula represented in a DSL in scala that I want to send to z3. Now ScalaZ3 has a mkBound api for creating bound variables that takes index and sort as arguments. I am not sure what value should I pass to the index argument. So, I would like to know the following:
If I have two formulas phi1 and phi2 with maximum bound variable indexes n1 and n2, what would be the index of x in ForAll(x, And(phi1, phi2))
Also, is there a way to show all the variables in an indexed form? f1.body() just shows me x in indexed form and not y. (I think the reason is that y is still bound in f1.body())
Z3 encodes bound variables using de Bruijn indices.
The following wikipedia article describes de Bruijn indices in detail:
Remark: in the article above the indices start at 1, in Z3, they start at 0.
Regarding your second question, you can change the Z3 pretty printer.
The Z3 distribution contains the source code of the Python API. The pretty printer is implemented in the file python\
You just need to replace the method:
def pp_var(self, a, d, xs):
idx = z3.get_var_index(a)
sz = len(xs)
if idx >= sz:
return seq1('Var', (to_format(idx),))
return to_format(xs[sz - idx - 1])
def pp_var(self, a, d, xs):
idx = z3.get_var_index(a)
return seq1('Var', (to_format(idx),))
If you want to redefine the HTML pretty printer, you should also replace.
def pp_var(self, a, d, xs):
idx = z3.get_var_index(a)
sz = len(xs)
if idx >= sz:
# 957 is the greek letter nu
return to_format('ν<sub>%s</sub>' % idx, 1)
return to_format(xs[sz - idx - 1])
def pp_var(self, a, d, xs):
idx = z3.get_var_index(a)
return to_format('ν<sub>%s</sub>' % idx, 1)
