How to disable TestFlight beta testing? - ios

I'm not able to transfer my application to iTunes connect. It is said that I have to disable my Beta testing of the application. Actually, I have stopped testing, deleted all builds from beta testing. App was set up for only internal testers. I have removed all testers as well. But still same issue. Here is the snap.

I spoke with an Apple representative on the phone regarding this issue. They are aware of this bug and working on it. That's all she could answer me.
Try again next week, if the issue is still there (which probably will be), I had to call again...

Pay attention to application localization. If your application has support multi language, then you could leave the information in the TestFlight menu.
You must delete the test information not only from the main language, but from other languages that are supported in your application. Go to TestFlight tab -> Test Information. Then click blue button with your language in right side of webpage. You shall choose other language supported in your application and remove all appeared information about testing. After this, click Save button (see attachment)
And try to transfer app. Next to the text TestFlight Beta Testing should be a green checkmark.
P.S. This solution was suggested by the Apple Support Team. Here is a part of their letter:
After checking your iTunes Connect account, we could see that you have
started to test a build internally, and you still have a feedback
email listed under Test Information in the English (U.S.)
localization. Therefore, I would kindly ask you to expire the build
and remove the feedback email.
After you have followed the information above, you should be able to
proceed further with your transfer.

Remove all testers and all testing information from the application in iTunesConnect on tab TestFlight.

You need to remove all testers, all builds (detail each one and expire it) and remove all information about how to test the app. I did this and worked for me.

I was able to fix this bug going to TestFlight section in Appstoreconnect and in Test Information switch to another language and clear all field also there.

Had the same problem.
If nothing helps, maybe these steps will help you.
You have to go to the TestFlight tab, then Test Information, and in the top right corner press language button. If you have more than one language, delete them from the list.


iTunesConnect: cannot transfer app because of "You must turn off TestFlight beta testing for the app that you want to transfer"

Below you can see that testing for external testers are turned off:
same for internal testing:
but when I transfer app, one of the criterias are not met:
I had the exact same issue, resolved by removing all Tester and Build from the TestFlight as discussed above also (!important) remove everything fields at the App Information - Test Information.
For me it was localised test descriptions. Make sure you check that drop down list on the right and clear out info for all languages.
I just solved the transfer issue, you just need to expire your build from tester by following the steps below. and then app will available for transfer..
open your app and click on testflight then click on the icon of your app as shown in below screenshot.
The click on expire build.
Now you can transfer your app :)
I've search for a long time and to me this worked:
Clean all builds inside: My Apps --> App Name --> TestFlight
Go to: Itunes Connect --> Users and Roles --> Tab "TestFlight Beta Testers" and click in the name from another user that isn't you.
Go back to the App in Itunes Connect: "Itunes Connect --> App Name --> Transfer App" and attempt to transfer again by clicking in "Transfer App".
To me this works. Hope help someone.
i had the same issue i deleted (mark expired) all the versions of app testing version in App TestFlight section and done the trick for me ;) attach is the screen shot of activity.
Another possible reason:
When you delete all test information from TestFlight, make sure you delete it for every language.
In the testinformation page, select every localised language and check if the form is empty.
I struggled with this for an entire day, I tried everything and finally found another workaround:
1) Expire all the builds
2) Delete all testers
3) Clear all the informations in the Testflight tab
4) Delete all langages except the main one
And finally the step which fixed the Testflight criteria for us
5) Create a new app version (no need to submit or even edit it)
now you check transfer.
Good Luck.
I know it's an old question, but it still bugs people to this day.
So the solution here, after you have removed all the testers, and expired all builds, go to TestFlight > Test Information and clear all the fields.
Also make sure you delete any localization you might have there. Give it 5 minutes, after which transfering will be possible.
Not sure if this is going to help,
Check Users and Roles > TestFlight Beta Testers
Do you have a tester who is testing the app that you want to transfer?
I have the exact same issue and I'm currently getting from Apple "our engineering team is still working diligently to have this resolved for you". I have been supplied with a workaround:
Enable TestFlight by adding a tester to a build
Then deactivate the build, by turning off TestFlight beta testing
Attempt to transfer again
unfortunately, I still haven't been able to resolve the issue.
We found that in addition to the other answers here, logging out and logging back in to iTunesConnect allowed us to continue after it was saying TestFlight was still enabled.
I was facing the same issue, going inside tranferring app console multiple times automatically fixed the issue and started showing all criteria as met.
Do the same step as #Imran Iqbal answer, if your app is Sign-in Required, uncheck Sign-in Required also, like:
then, you can transfer app.
I've exactly the same problem and could not solve it. The good news: After contacting Apple, they have confirmed a bug and they're working on a solutions. Apple confirmed also, that many developers ran into this.
Got that workaround from the support (that did not work for me):
1. Enable TestFlight by adding a tester to a build
2. Then deactivate the build, by turning off TestFlight beta testing
3. Attempt to transfer again
It looks like this is being done on purpose for new apps.
Now, A newly created app CANNOT be transferred into an account, until 14 - 21 days have passed.
An expiration period.
First, You must remove all build and user from TestFlight of that app. After its looks like below.
If you still not match last criteria than Sign Out and login again.
Creating new app version did it for me! Thanks!
The tricky solution is to enable testing again, add some tester in. The visit the TestFlight and under test flight users, you will see old active test flight users. Simple delete them.

TestFlight Provide feedback button

I am using latest testflight version for iOS 8. I added myself as internal tester and now when I open the application using testflight, nowhere I can find the feedback button.
Please let me know if anybody has any clue.
You provide feedback in the Testflight app.
Open the Testflight app.
Tap on the icon of the application you want to provide feedback on.
Tap "Send Feedback" in the center towards the top of the screen.
If you are not seeing the feedback button then make sure that you have set a feedback email address for the build in iTunesConnect.
People still asked it today so please after checking Your TestFight configuration, remember one more thing: Tester has to have Apple Mail app configured in order for TF feedback to work. For Apple this seems natural and they think that every iPhone user has built-in iOS Mail app configured. But in reality, many people simply don't use it and prefer other e-mail apps. For these people feedback button will appear hidden in TestFlight. I tested it myself and it works.

How to remove feedback button?

I have Customize Aviary toolbar as per my ios app needs,now i want to remove feedback button completely, as with the presence of this button my client would not accept the app.could anyone tell how to remove it.?
i appreciate the efforts behind developing the SDK but it is must for me to remove it from my app.
Can you take a screen-shot? I know it is not fair to modify their SDK or libs (your app may/will be rejected) and is better to buy a version but, well, let's see how it looks in your project.
If you remove the beta program profile, it will remove the Feedback app too.
Go to Preferences -> General -> Profiles. There you will see the Apple beta program profile, press Delete. Then, the feedback app will be removed.
Hope it helps you.

Removal of TestFlight apps?

Is there a way to remvoe TestFlight apps from users that have installed them? Also is there a way that TestFlight can bake into the app some sort of password that the users all have to log in with (in case of a lost phone, we don't want our developement apps exposed).
If left untouched, the provisioning of your apps will eventually expire automatically. Even without the native ability to remove applications with TestFlight there is still something of an expiration date on the application.
That would still leave your question of a "baked in password prompt" and removing the application itself physically from the device.
The first part, the app checking for authentication could be solved by implementing a solution with a more robust SDK that happens to have that sort of security-minded approach. As far as I know, and based on TestFLight's feature grid, this exceeds the abilities of their tool.
The second part, removing the application itself from the device, would be accomplished by using a tool that has the ability to use MDM (Mobile Device Management) for device-level control. Specifically you'd want to look for something that can selectively control a single application, rather than having to apply a blanket MDM policy. Again based on knowledge of TestFlight and based on their web page this is also not something TestFlight is capable of.
There are solutions out there that will give you exactly what you are asking about - easy beta testing with the added ability to force the app to check in and re-authenticate as well as the ability to remove applications from the device when you're done testing. If you hit your search engine of choice you can find a few tools that will give you a "yes" to all of your questions here. The list is very short so they're easy to find. :)
If it is at all helpful to you, I am associated with one of those companies, AppBlade, and would be happy to answer questions about this sort of thing. We're at and you're welcome to give us a call or even log into the tool to see how it works for yourself.
Unfortunately you can't delete apps that are already installed on the device via TestFlight, unless you do it on the device itself. As for the password, TestFlight doesn't exactly support that either. You could however put a passcode lock feature in all of the Beta versions of your apps through your code. Sorry thats probably not the answers that you wanted to hear, but TestFlight is still in its early stages.
You are not able to delete apps from a users device, however TestFlight is testing in their 'Area51' an option to force users to update to a new build if there is one available.
If you no longer want testers to access your app you probably could add a new build which justs shows some info screen.
There is a way to expire the builds in the app store connect when you click on build.
Another way if you want to get rid of it as a tested to open the app page and click on stop testing.

My app is now in the Apple App Store but crashes during the splash screen

My application is in the Apple App Store but when downloaded it crashes after the splash screen.
I thought the week long approval process was to ensure the quality of the app.
Version 1.0 of my app does run but I hear there is no way to roll it back. For now I have changed the availability date to the future so that people do not download it. When will it be taken out of the search results?
The approval process is not for QA testing. (Of course, they will reject an app if it crashes while testing they are other for things, such as violation of various SDK rules, HIG guidelines, etc.) A developer has to test and QA your apps themselves on the OS versions and the iOS device types for which they submit the app as appropriate for, and under stress conditions as well. A developer also needs to make very certain that the build they submit is identical (except for certificate signing) to the builds they have tested. (It is a common mistake to have different Build Settings or source files selected between the Release and Distribution builds.)
Check to see if a bad preference setting is the culprit.
Or if it worked only for you, then it may be the lack of a preference setting. You may have created a good preference before the bug was introduced.
Was taken out of search results by the end of the day.
