web api authentication in MVC application? - asp.net-mvc

I'm confused on how the Web API implements the authentication?
I have gone through the links 1.
and need to summarize what I understood.
Owin katana is a mechanism that can be implemented for authorization.
There will be Iprincipal which can be created either in the host or
in the httpmodule which will be attached to the currentthread to
Token based authentication implements owin.
I have very little idea about the authentication mechanism in web api. If someone can help me to understand this, It would be great.
I have the following doubts.
Owin is a new way of authentication in MVC? or its already exists as
a part of windows and form based authentication?
If I wrote a module to authenticate what are the different ways I can use to authenticate an api method/controller?

The answer to your question could be quite big, I will try to give you some guidelines:
Katana is Microsoft's implementation of the OWIN standard
Token based authorization is supported by OWIN and , therefore, by Katana.
There are two very usual ways to implement this token authorization, you can use Windows Authorization
or you can use a more standard and recommendable way using OAuth:
With ASP.net (netfx, not core), you use attributes on controller level to provide the metadata necessary to implement the authorization and authentication.


SPA calling a WebAPI calling a WebAPI

I am building a SPA (javascript) which will call WebAPI A (.net MVC API) and which in turn will call (server side) WebAPI B (.net MVC API).
All three entities are protected by ADFS4 (OAuth2). In my workflow I want WebAPI A to call WebAPI B on behalf of the user who has logged into the SPA.
In reading the various documentation by Microsoft I found that the scenario described in the following article applies best to my case:
The article assumes that the client application can perform the authorization grand flow. Nevertheless in my case I am dealing with a SPA which should be using the implicit flow of OAuth2. In addition even if I wanted to use the authorization grand flow I would still need to do a POST on the token endpoint of ADFS from the SPA which is not possible as ADFS4 does not offer a way to add CORS headers. I could of course deploy a proxy in front of it and add the headers... I have not explored this option yet.
I found a solution to make this work but it seems more like a hack to me; The SPA during login requests two tokens (1 for WebAPI A and 1 for WebAPI B) from ADFS4. It passes both tokens to the WebAPI A which knows that the 2nd token is for accessing WebAPI B.
Does this solution seem correct? Should I be doing something differently?
Thank you!
1) SPA cannot accesss directly WebAPI B as it is accessible only internally.
2) Assume I have total control over development on all three entities.
it's not a good idea to use the authorization code flow for SPA application, because you have to really keep the secret key that can generate access_token, which is not secure in that case.
i suggest that you use the implicit flow for you spa application and between your servers use the authorization code flow, this way you are sure about security

How to use IdentityServer as STS alongside ASP.NET Identity

I'm wondering if it is possible to use Thinktecture IdentityServer simply as an STS alongside an existing web app? That is, I want to use ASP.NET Identity for authentication in my web app because I want to use all of the built-in functionality like 2-factor, etc. However, I want to use IdentityServer as an STS to serve up tokens to access my web services (WCF and Web API).
I thought perhaps I need to authenticate normally through ASP.NET Identity, then again through IdentityServer to get the token. However, this seems heavy and wasteful.
Is there perhaps some way to authenticate against the IdentityServer directly from ASP.NET Identity? I saw the sample where we can integrate the two together (IdentityServer using ASP.NET Identity), but it seemed like I might lose the ability to use all of the built-in stuff like two-factor workflows.
I'm hoping I'm way off base here, and apologies if I have some fundamental misunderstandings about how IdentityServer works. Perhaps there is a way to get all of the added functionality that ASP.NET Identity provides from within IdentityServer?
Identity Server will handle all authentication, no need for double sign-ins if you are using it correctly.
You'll have to implement two factor authentication yourself though as it is not currently supported by Identity Server. However extending Identity Server's existing support for ASP.NET Identity to allow for two factor authentication is definately possible.
I think your first port of call should be to have a bit of a deep dive into the Identity Server documentation and the OpenID Connect protocol. After that check out UserService documentation and then derive from the existing ASP.NET Identity UserService to add support for two factor authentication.

How to secure WebAPI inside MVC 4 .NET SPA template with token-based HTTP basic authentication?

I've been reading different articles on the subject of securing WebAPI, including:
leastprivilege article
kevin junghans article
piotr walat's article
and many others.
I would like to use the MVC 4.NET SPA template (with either Backbone.js or another JS lib) and I'd like to secure WebAPI used by SPA with basic http authentication, using tokens in the headers because some of the WebAPI clients will not support cookies required by forms authentication.
The SPA template uses SimpleMembership and oauth, which I would like to use and combine with basic http authentication.
What's unclear to me is whether the SPA template out-of-the-box authenticate and authorize WebAPI with basic HTTP authentication and tokens, or do I have to follow and piece this together from the links above?
This is quite a large topic and its best to completely understand it before simply plugging in templates.
Here is a great video to help put everything in place: https://vimeo.com/43603474
You must be using SSL for any token based authentication (like oAuth)
Once the user is authenticated - via oAuth or your own membership provider, you can simply attribute any Web Api methods with [Authorize] to ensure that a non-authenticated user can't call those methods (will return a 401 - not authorized if not authenticated)

Basic Auth, falling back to Forms auth

This is a question regarding ASP.net MVC 4. You can assume SSL throughout.
I have a Web API which will be available to clients over SSL using HTTP Basic Auth.
I also have a CMS, on the same domain, which uses the Web API via jQuery.
The user logs into the CMS over Forms auth.
For this reason I would like that it be possible to login to the Web API using either HTTP Basic Auth or Forms auth.
I plan to implement this using a custom AuthorizeAttribute, which will first check the basic auth header against the database if present. If the basic auth header is not present, then it will delegate authorization to the base AuthorizeAttribute to handle Forms auth.
First of all, is this a good idea? Can anyone see any problems in allowing either type of auth? Can anyone see any implementation problems?
First of all, is this a good idea?
Yes, it seems like a good idea and I do not see anything wrong with implementing 2 types of authentication mechanisms:
Forms authentication for users that are already authenticated on the same domain
Basic authentication for users that are not yet authenticated but posses a username and password and want to directly invoke some method of your Web API

asp.net website wcf data service authentication

I am building a website using ASP.NET MVC 3 and have forms authetication setup correctly (user is able to register and login). I want to setup an OData WCF Data Services service so a Windows Phone 7 (Mango Beta 2 Refresh) client can authenticate and query the Odata service, with CRUD actions. This idea comes from the FullStack episodes here. They use OAuth login, but I wanted to use the user setup I already have, instead of an OAuth solution.
I do have this all working without auth currently (MVC app with Odata client on wp7), but am looking to make the Odata service secure. I guess I am looking for some articles or walkthroughs on how to get this working.
If forms authentication is not the correct choice, please let me know.
So lots of research done on this. There is an official how-to series on the blog for the WCF team here. Since forms auth is already configured on the web app, adding a check inside the QueryInterceptor provides the auth. However it uses a 'standard authentication endpoint' for client apps to actually 'login' that seems to use the base Membership providers, which I don't use. Is there a way to override this?
You could turn your custom forms authentication setup into a Claims based Federated Authentication Provider (STS) using Windows Identity Foundation. Then use that to authenticate your wp7 app with the STS provider and then send that claim (token) to your Odata service which will verify its an authentic claim. There is an example of this in the WIF training kit
