Grails 3 ElasticSearch nested objects query with belongsTo constraint giving wrong matches - grails

I want to search from my domain class with ElasticSearch, but it's a nested query and the match, that I want, is three levels deep.
Only the domain class that I'm searching from is set as root, all others are set as components and not root for searchable configuration.
When I do the search it gives me matches, but the count is wrong and there are totally wrong matches inside there.
I should get 4000 matches, but I get 20000 matches and I have no clue why it doesn't work as expected.
When I started fiddling around, I changed the mappings between my domain classes and it then gave me correct matches, but the thing is that I do not want to do this kind of changes in my prod environment.
I'm going to give two examples. The first one shows my domain classes' relations currently (the one that doesn't work) and the other one is with the change, that made the search work correctly.
Not correctly working example
class A {
String id
String name
B b
static searchable = {
b component: true
class B {
String id
String name
C c
static searchable = {
root false
c component: true
class C {
String id
String name
static belongsTo = [d: D]
static searchable = {
root false
d component: true
class D {
String id
String name
static searchable = {
root false
Correctly working example
class A {
String id
String name
B b
static searchable = {
b component: true
class B {
String id
String name
C c
static searchable = {
root false
c component: true
class C {
String id
String name
D d
static searchable = {
root false
d component: true
class D {
String id
String name
static searchable = {
root false
As you can see the only difference in relations is that in the first example class D belongs to class C and in the second example class D is just a field in class C. In the database D is referenced in C exactly the same in both cases.
The search closure that I created looks like:
bool {
must {
nested {
path = "b"
query {
nested {
path = "b.c"
query {
path = "b.c.d"
query {
bool {
must {
match("": "142342342342")
Do I really have to change my relations for the domain classes to make the search work or am I just doing the search wrong?
What could cause the issue in general?
ElasticSearch mapping for the field "d" inside "c", is exactly the same in both cases:
So it seems that the problem was not rooted in the mappings, but rather that when doing a search with at least three levels of nested objects, then ElasticSearch wasn't able to correctly find the matches with the word match. I got it working with match_phrase.
So important lesson, when searching through for example ids and you your query has multi level nesting and you want an exact match, then one should use match_phrase!

I suggest to use match_phrase over match.
match_phrase query will analyze the input if analyzers are defined for the queried field and find documents matching the following criteria :
all the terms must appear in the field
they must have the same order as the input value


How to save addTo in order by given date/id?

I need some help on my API, when I'm on web, the order is saving correct, but when its on API, it goes all wrong:
def test = parseJSON.sort { a, b -> a.ID <=> b.ID } //or dateTime, will print the same
//order when I print each of them
[IDWeb:0, conductivity:0, ReportId:2, dissolvedOxygen:0, levelWater:1, ID:1, ph:0, redoxPotential:0, temperature:0]
[IDWeb:0, conductivity:0, ReportId:2, dissolvedOxygen:0, levelWater:0, ID:2, ph:0, redoxPotential:0, temperature:0]
[IDWeb:0, conductivity:0, ReportId:2, dissolvedOxygen:0, levelWater:0, ID:3, ph:0, redoxPotential:0, temperature:0]
[IDWeb:0, conductivity:0, ReportId:2, dissolvedOxygen:0, levelWater:4, ID:4, ph:0, redoxPotential:0, temperature:0]
def sample = new SampleWater()
sample.levelWater = it.levelWater
sample.conductivity = it.conductivity
sample.dissolvedOxygen = it.dissolvedOxygen
sample.redoxPotential = it.redoxPotential =
sample.temperature = it.temperature
return water
My problem is that addTo is not saving in order. How can I solve this?
Make sure you have defined the type of samples as a List in your Water domain class so that we can maintain the insertion order:
class Water {
static hasMany = [samples: Sample]
List<Sample> samples = []
class Sample {
def levelWater
By default implementation of hasMany is of type Set which does not maintain the insertion order but is responsible for uniqueness.
Since, now you samples will be saved in the same order as they are inserted.
You have to specify with order you want to apply to the list of SampleWater in the "water" domain class.
class BlogCategory {
static hasMany = [
entries : BlogEntry
static mapping = {
entries: sort:'dateCreated', order:'desc'
In this example BlogEntry will be ordered respect dateCreated.

Grails Criteria dynamic AND conditions for one-to-many relationship

I have a domain class
class Url {
String url
static hasMany = [
class UrlIndication {
String name
static belongsTo = Url
I want to choose urls so that it has all the necessary UrlIndication elements in a given list indicationsId.
For that I use an association and criteria like this one:
indications {
and {
eq ('id',UUID.fromString(indication as String))
However, all I got is an empty result. Can you suggest any modifications/ other methods so that I can do this? Thanks in advance
Your query returned an empty list because it's the equivalent of the expression (pseudo-code): if 1 = 1 and 1 = 2 and 1 = 3
Such an expression would always be false. in or inList would not work for the reason #innovatism described.
In theory, Criteria's eqAll() or HQL's = ALL would work. But, I don't know for sure because I could not get either one to work.
What will work is to use inList to return a subset of Urls: those which contain at least one of the UrlIndication IDs. Then use Groovy's containsAll() to finish the job.
def ids = indicationsId.collect { UUID.fromString(it as String) }
.buildCriteria {
indications {
inList 'id', ids
.findAll {
Since the query has the potential to return duplicate Url instances, the ResultTransformer is set to return a unique list.
Finally, findAll() is used along with containsAll() to filter the list further.
Using eqAll (maybe)
Something like the following might work. Something funky is going on with Grails' HibernateCriteriaBuilder that causes the eqAll method to look up properties in the root entity; completely ignoring the sub criteria. So the following uses Hibernate directly. It didn't work for me, but it's as close as I could get. And it gave me a head-ache!
Url.createCriteria().buildCriteria {}
.createCriteria('indications', 'i')
.add('id', ids))
The problem I had is I could not get to work. Restrictions.eq works fine.
the in clause should do:
indications {
'in' 'id', indicationsId.collect{ UUID.fromString indication.toString() }

Grails searchable relationship

I am wondering how to return specific domain with searchable?
For example we have domain A and B. Both domain are searchable and have relationship: A has many B and B belongs to A. Another case A and B have many-to-many relationship.
Now when I search for item, I must always return A item. In my case let say I found matches in B, I need to return all As for each B. Other way around should work as well.
Currently I do a search query is searchable services:
def searchResults =, params)
Is there a way to get all related A domain for any search results?
Thank you.
Make both your domains(A & B) searchable and then add DomainObject component:true in searchable properties.
class A{
String name
static hasMany = [bclass: B]
static searchable = {
bclass component: true
class B{
String color
static belongsTo= [aclass: A]
static searchable = true
Suppose in B there are some rows with color field value as 'red'"red")
will return all the instances of A, which has its child class B with color field value as 'red'

Criteria on a one-to-many relation

My domain contains a one-to-many relationship like this:
class A {
B b
class B {
String name
I want to create a criteria query on A which will look for A to have the B object with the given name. It may return multiple entries. So... compare a given string with the "name" field from B and return the list of entries of type A for which B matches the name.
Unless I am missing something that should be pretty easy:
def instanceList = A.withCriteria {
b {

Can I recover from association (joinTable) with reference to missing data

I've read through a lot of posts and docs and must be missing something.
In my application (model below) I am having a data issue that seems to be out of my control where I have a categoryId in the join table JOBORDERCATEGORIES that has no corresponding row in the CATEGORY table. I am accessing the category data through getJobCategories() in the JobOrder. This is producing the following error when my Category table is missing a referenced row:
2012-03-07 08:02:10,223 [quartzScheduler_Worker-1] ERROR listeners.SessionBinderJobListener - Cannot flush Hibernate Sesssion, error will be ignored
org.hibernate.ObjectNotFoundException: No row with the given identifier exists: [com.matrixres.domain.Category#416191]
and my code is halting.
I have tried using ignoreNotFound but it is not helping me to get past the error above.
If I missed a post on the solution to this problem please link me to it otherwise thoughts are welcome on how to move forward. Perhaps there is a more direct route I will have to hammer in to achieve my goal of getting a good category list, but I am not familiar enough with the framework to know what is next. As a note, I cannot write to any of these tables.
thanks, rich
A simplified Version of my Model:
Job Order Object:
class JobOrder {
def getJobCategories() {
def cats = []
try {
def jocategories = this.categories
if(!jocategories.isEmpty() && jocategories!=null){
println "we got categories for ${}"
jocategories.each { cat ->
if(cat?.parentCategoryID == 0){
if(cat.occupation != null){
cats << cat.occupation
} else {
cats <<
} catch(e) {
cats << "Other Area(s)"
static mapping = {
table 'dbo.JOBORDER'
version false
id generator: 'identity', column: 'JOBORDERID'
* several other mapped columns deleted here
categories joinTable:[name:'jobOrderCategories', column: 'categoryId', key:'jobOrderID']
* several properties deleted here
static hasMany = [categories: Category] //several other hasMany associations exist
Category Object:
class Category {
static mapping = {
table 'CATEGORY'
version false
id generator: 'identity', column: 'categoryID'
occupation column: 'OCCUPATION'
name column: 'NAME'
parentCategoryID column: 'PARENTCATEGORYID'
* several other mapped columns deleted here
jobOrders joinTable:[name:'jobOrderCategories', column: 'jobOrderID', key:'categoryId']
String name
String occupation
int parentCategoryID
* several properties deleted here
static belongsTo = [JobOrder]
static hasMany = [jobOrders:JobOrder]
Join Table:
class JobOrderCategories {
static mapping = {
version false
isDeleted column: 'ISDELETED'
jobOrderID column: 'JOBORDERID'
categoryId column: 'CATEGORYID'
Boolean isDeleted
Integer jobOrderID
Integer categoryId
These kinds of situations aren't the most fun, but I have had to deal with this kind of Roll-Your-Own ORM problems before ;) Basically what you're going to want to do here is store the object properties not typed as Object references, but as ints, and while you'll lose some of the dynamic finder things GORM makes so nifty, you'll have a fairly straight-forward means of accessing the data that doesn't involve tangling yourself up with Hibernate's innards.
Basically, this will involve ditching your hasMany and belongsTo properties on JobOrder and Category. Instead, you'll want to do things like
def myJobOrder = JobOrder.get(yourId);
def myCategoryIds = JobOrderCategories.findAllByJobOrderID(
def myCategories = Categories.withCriteria {
in('id', myCategoryIds)
You can put variations of those traversals in helper methods on your classes, like for example, your getJobCategories method could become
class JobOrder {
def getJobCategories() {
def myCategoryIds = JobOrderCategories.findAllByJobOrderID(
def myCategories = Categories.withCriteria {
in('id', myCategoryIds)
And so on. This is definitely not the prettiest thing in the world to deal with, and you lose your ability to traverse through things easily with GORM (ex a
jobOrder.withCriteria {
categories {
eq('name', blah)
becomes a executeQuery type of situation.)
But overall, its not too bad to deal with :)
Hope that helps!
