Accessing SimpleHTTPServer on iPhone - ios

I'm developing with WebVR and I'm serving my HTML using the SimpleHTTPServer on my Mac. I want to figure out a way to access this website on my iPhone so I can see what I have created with my Google Cardboard.
I looked through a bunch of stack questions and none of them talked specifically about accessing a local website that is being served via SimpleHTTPServer
I tried getting my ip address and then concatenating the port
Ex. xxx.xx.xx.x : 8000
But it didn't work :( Also, both my phone and computer are on the same network too
Says This site can't be reached. IP_ADDRESS took not long to respond

The way I tried is the correct way. I was using school wifi so I'm assuming they're configured in a way that we aren't able to do that. Once I got home and tried on my local connection, it worked like a charm!


How to see “rails s” from other ip or ssid

I wanna see the local web development built by rails from other ip.
I mean when I run “rails s” I can see web which I built.
And I wanna share it to my friend.
And I know I can see the same page from other devise if it is connected to the same wifi.
But how I can see local developing web from far away like other wifi.
I don’t think it’s impossible.
Because in aws cloud9, I can see the preview, even ec2 is not local server.
How does it work?
You can use a tool called ngrok. So you start your local server, like you're currently doing rails s, then in a second tab you can run ./ngrok http 3000. It will provide you both an http and https url which can be accessed.

ddns and port forwarding on a huawei hg633

Has anybody succedeed in creating a web server at home using a huawei hg633 router ?
I started by using the no-ip service and didn't get very far, as stated in this document this router is not compatible with no-ip.
So I tried using duckdns, following the instructions in the same document but that didn't work either. I also read in this relatively old post that dynamic dns is broken on those routers. In fact when I save my ddns settings, the password looks truncated.
Any port forwarding I set on my router doesn't seem to work, but that's probably related with the problems above (?)
Anything else I could try here ?
Thanks a lot !
For the record, my web server works, I can access it from within my network.

How to connect to localhost using external IP address?

I've searched in general, and looked at suggested responses here, so I hope this isn't immediately marked as a duplicate. So here goes.
I'm building a simple web app with an Angular server using port 3000 on my desktop. I've been testing it with the standard "localhost:3000" URL. I then wanted to make it accessible to others outside my home for testing and review. So I did the expected port forwarding in my router of port 3000 to my local machine at I then constructed a link using my external IP (router's "WAN IP") like "[wan ip]:3000". And this has worked as expected, enabling external access as well as internal access. The only thing funny at the time was having to add "--host" to the server invocation.
But here's the problem. My original setup, where everything worked, was a Comcast modem with my router (TP-Link) hanging off of it. Recently, I switched to their Xfinity Gateway combo modem/router (Arris TG1682G). Now, I can't get to the server using the [wan ip]:3000 URL. I can't even ping that URL, they all time out. So, while on the phone with Comcast tech support, and not being able to determine why I had this problem (even after upgrading router firmware and rebooting it), I asked him to try [wan ip]:3000, and it worked! It also doesn't work from any other machines on my local network. But, when I changed my laptop wireless connection from my house Xfinity router to an external one (one of the many "xfinitywifi"s seen in a list of networks, besides numerous neighbors), it again worked! Poking around in Xfinity router admin pages, I didn't see anything that sounded like it was involved with this.
So, any idea what's going on, and how to fix? Thanks for any ideas or guidance.
OK, I think I see what's going on. A colleague mentioned that for this to work, the router needs to support "NAT reflection/loopback". Looking at every setup page on this router, I don't see anything that sounds like that. Further searching shows a page where they state that this router does not support it. Oh well.

How can I view my rails localhost from other devices on the network?

How can I connect to a rails localhost (over wifi) from my mobile phone.
I found my network IP. I've turned off my firewall. I've browsed to my_ip:3000 from my phone.
It takes like 20 seconds to load, and then its a page with no css, angular mixed in {{flashMessage}} and few to no images.
So it looks like I'm connecting, but I really don't understand what the problem is.
Any guesses?
I tried my_ip:3000 from the local computer running the thin server: works fine.
Also I just used ngrok to create a local tunnel. It connects, and looks the same as my phone (no css and angular mixed in). I'm thinking it might be some problem with assets or sprockets now.
Check out ngrok - it creates a tunnel to your local machine and exposes it online (only while the service is running).

Referrer restrictions and localhost

I have a page where I am using swfobject and invoking the API's to control the youtube player.
When I run the application:
If the address is the local server (localhost) I can see all videos.
If I change the URL to my 192 internal address I get hit with the deadly restriction fail if these videos are marked as per the white and blacklists.
This seems like cheating but if I were to have a http server running on each client would this be illegal? If I could spin up an instance Cassini and now localhost solves the referrer issue.
Any thoughts?
Well, I run into the same problem and did some testing...
It seems, that Youtube restricts referers which consists of IP-Adresses.
For example, http://localhost/ works perfectly fine, no restrictions whatsoever, but with, bam, you're getting screwed.
Try putting test.asd
into your hosts-file and surf to http://test.asd/. Should work fine.
So... what this means is, get yourself a domain (probably dyndns?) and everything should be fine.
