Docker container with Jmeter Jenkins stops after some time - docker

I am trying to integrate Jenkins and Jmeter inside the Docker. For this I am using official Jenkins docker file. My Job in Jenkins, starts the Jmeter's execution. All works fine. But after some time, the jenkins server stops (and so the docker container).
The docker logs only shows
"INFO: JVM is terminating. Shutting down Winstone".
Docker version - 17.04.0 CE,
Jmeter version - 3.1 and
Jenkins - 2.46.1
Not sure what and why JVM is terminated. Need help.


pending jenkins doesn't have label docker-slave

I am trying to configure jenkins slave as docker container, have enabled docker API and connections works fine to the API
Have added the configuration for docker template and docker cloud but it seems that my job does not starts
I can see container getting created on my docker node but the job does not start
Docker cloud configuration image
docker template image
One thing to note is that when i run the container specifically on the docker node and then try to ssh using the same credentials that i am using in jenkins i can ssh into the container.
This message of "Jenkins doesn't have label XXXX" is rather misleading and unhelpful.
You think the problem is something you did wrong in your configuration and when you find out what happen it is nothing to do with jenkins or how you set up the docker plugin.
I run into the same problem than you, and the problem was the docker installation I was using.
The steps I followed to fix it were:
(I was using CENTOS7,jenkins 2.1.38, docker version 1.13.1)
1) Go to the logs of your jenkins (centos logs are /var/log/jenkins.log)
2) Looking into the logs you are going to find out the problem. For instance for me was this:
com.github.dockerjava.api.exception.NotFoundException: {"message":"driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint happy_heyrovsky (cbfa0d43f8c89d2531323249468503be11e9dd603597a870530d28540c662695): exec: \"docker-proxy\": executable file not found in $PATH"}
As you see the problem is that docker it is not able to find docker-proxy ¿how to fix this?
Go to /usr/libexec/docker and you will see docker-proxy-current. so what you have to do is create a link:
sudo ln -s docker-proxy-current docker-proxy
Tha´s all. After doing this change I execute my build on jenkins and it works.

Jenkins inside container

Before someone shouts at me saying that Jenkins has a official docker container, I would like to say that I'm playing/testing anything that I can think of.
I have a container(php:7.2-apache) where I'm installing Jenkins and I have a problem starting the service to run Jenkins.
I have tried to start the service with CMD service jenkins start but when I run the container docker-compose up -d the log show me this and after this the container is stooped with exit code 0
test_1 | Correct java version found
test_1 | Starting Jenkins Automation Server: jenkins.
Could some one help me with this?
Could some one help me with this? I feel curiosity to know the reason
The reason is that you are starting Jenkins as a service which will run in the background.
The Docker container lives as long as the process running by the CMD is still alive. In this case, the process simply starts the jenkins
service and exists. This will cause the container to exit as soon as the command service jenkins start finishes.
Take a look at the script used by the official jenkins image to start jenkins.

Jenkins pipeline: docker.withServer(...) does not execute docker commands on remote server

I'm using Docker Pipeline Plugin version 1.10.
I have my Jenkins installed in a container. I have a remote server that runs a Docker daemon. The daemon is reachable from the Jenkins machine via TCP (tested). I disabled TLS security on the Docker daemon.
I'm not able to make the docker.withServer(...) step work.
As a basic test I simply put following content in a Jenkinsfile (if I'm correct this is a valid pipeline content):
docker.withServer('tcp://') {
def myImage ='myImage')
When the pipeline executes I get this error: line 2: docker: command not found like the docker command was still trying to execute locally (there is no docker command installed locally) rather than on my remote Docker daemon.
Am I missing anything ? Is it required to have the docker command installed locally when trying to execute Docker commands on a remote server..?
have you tried
withDockerServer('tcp://') {
Documentation here
docker needs to be installed on jenkins master in order for jenkins to be able to launch the docker on
the first docker command runs on jenkins master, but with a parameter to pass the command to
the container itself will then run on
Note that you only need to install docker on the jenkins master; the daemon does not need to be running on jenkins master.
Check if you have set up port correctly. Default port for daemon is 2375. It has to be checked on both docker daemon (option -H and on the jenkins client

jenkins pipeline docker build on docker agent

I've got a jenkins declarative pipeline build that runs gradle and uses a gradle plugin to create a docker image. I'm also using a dockerfile agent directive, so the entire thing runs inside a docker container. This was working great with jenkins itself installed in docker (I know, that's a lot of docker). I had jenkins installed in a docker container on docker for mac, with -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock (DooD) per With this setup, the pipeline docker agent ran fine, and the docker build command within the pipeline docker agent ran fine as well. I assumed jenkins also mounted the docker socket on its inner docker container.
Now I'm trying to run this on jenkins installed on an ec2 instance with docker installed properly. The jenkins user has the docker group as its primary group. The jenkins user is able to run "docker run hello-world" successfully. My pipeline build starts the docker agent container (based on the gradle image with various things added) but when gradle attempts to run the docker build command, I get the following:
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':docker'.
> Docker execution failed
Command line [docker build -t config-server:latest /var/lib/****/workspace/nfig-server_feature_****-HRUNPR3ZFDVG23XNVY6SFE4P36MRY2PZAHVTIOZE2CO5EVMTGCGA/build/docker] returned:
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?
Is it possible to build docker images inside a docker agent using declarative pipeline?
Yes, it is.
The problem is not with Jenkins' declarative pipeline, but how you're setting up and running things.
From the error above, looks like there's a missing permission which needs to be granted.
Maybe if you share what your configuration looks like and how your're running things, more people can help.

Calling docker commands from jenkins job as step running outside docker VM

I want to run a docker image create command from a Jenkins job which is running native on my machine with VM running Docker.
I've installed docker build step plugin and in manage Jenkins page command fails when I try to configure docker using url and version, it says:
Test Connection Something went wrong, cannot connect to, cause: null
I've got this docker url from the docker-machine env command.
In the version field, I tried both REST API version and Docker version, but no success.
Is it possible to call Docker from outside the docker VM and from a Jenkins job? If yes how to configure it in Jenkins?
