I am not good with devops. I had created a user called deploy. Previously I could ssh into my server then
su deploy
and run
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails c
Some days ago, I completely forgot that I had a user called deploy. Being the root user, I installed ruby using rvm. RVM was already installed.
Now I remember that I have a user called deploy. I ran su deploy then ran
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails c
I got the following error
The program 'bundle' is currently not installed. To run 'bundle'
please ask your administrator to install the package 'ruby-bundler'
Before I had installed ruby in super admin env I could run bundle in the deploy user env.
Is there a way to fix this?
PS: My capistrano deployment script is running without any problem even if it is being deployed by the "deploy" user
The problem is that when you ssh into the directory, at the directory, no .ruby-version file exists, so it use the default ruby version(run which ruby to see the exactly path), not the rvm ruby version, so it can't find the installed gems like bundler.
It's a environment problem.The capistrano deployment is working because you have assign ruby version in your deploy.rb like
set :rvm_ruby_version, 'ruby-2.2.2#zhitaotao'
so it can find correct ruby version, then find installed gems for the version.
The solution is add a file called .ruby-version, set the content to something like ruby-2.3.1.
If this not works, i suggest to reinstall ruby, bundler, and run bundle install for deploy user. We need to make sure that at the production directory, the ruby version is matched with the ruby version assigned in the deploy.rb.
I'm setting up the staging and production server on Ubuntu, deploy with Capistrano. Both server has pretty much the same setup. But for for some reason. I can access console on production server with rails c produciton. But when I try to access console on staging server using rails c staging
The program 'rails' can be found in the following packages:
* ruby-railties-3.2
* ruby-railties-4.0
Try: sudo apt-get install <selected package>
The only way to access console on my staging server is to do
bundle exec rails console staging
On staging
the rvm seems to be correct, I can see the ruby version I'm using.
the gemset that the application use is there.
the application is running fine. Just can't access console with 'rails c'
But for some reason, I can't access console with rails c. Any idea how to solve this issue?
I guess you didn't install rails globally. First, check your rails version you are currently using by bundle exec rails -v. Then, install rails globally by gem install rails -v <version>. This should solve your issue.
Run bundle install only makes rails available inside bundler. In most cases, this should be enough, because bundler helps prevent headaches of version conflicts.
A couple of questions to understand better the situation...
Have you tried running bundle install for the current ruby version set on rvm for that application on that server?
Have you updated the gems for another application/branch? sometimes that happens because the rails c command uses the latest gems available and bundle exec... locates and uses the gems tied to the Gemfile.lock.
The application should run fine because it uses the gems that the Gemfile.lock has listed.
I have staging and productions servers through AWS. After a certain point of time(I think it was after I upgraded ruby version to 2.1), my staging/production servers couldn't find rails so I had to ssh in and redownload Rails and Ruby, but now when I run "rails -v" it gives me 2.3.14, but when I run "bundle exec rails -v" I get the proper 3.2.16.
I'm guessing this is because of paths, but not entirely sure how to solve this. Some of the answers I found suggested changing the .bashrc and changing the $PATH variable, but wasn't exactly sure what to change it to.
This is my .bashrc:
#PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.rvm/bin # how it was before
PATH = $PATH:$HOME/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/bin #edited this just now to see if it works. it didnt..
bundle exec rails will use the rails version defined in your Gemfile. On the other hand, a simple rails will run the latest version available on your computer.
What probably happened is this:
you had a rails version from rvm that was the same as the one used in your Gemfile (3.2.16), so you were not noticing any difference. After upgrading ruby, you have to reinstall all gems you did install on your previous version. Otherwise it will fallback to the latest available, which can be the system version (ie. not from rvm). This may explain why you have such an outdated one.
Note that a proper bundle install will install all the gems required in your Gemfile and then will do the job for you.
I recently set up a production server for a Rails 3 app.
On the initial deploy everything worked fine. On a subsequent deploy, new gems that were added to the project are not being found. I am getting uninitialized constant and undefined method errors when I reference classes and methods from the newly added gems, respectively.
When I originally set things up I was using a gemset with RVM, but have tried to simplify things by removing the gemset and only using RVM to manage rubies.
When I run bundle list every thing is there. All of the gem are in <app_root>/shared/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/
It seems like maybe it's loading the gems from some other location, like the original gemset, but I have deleted it.
Some other details, I am using Capistrano, of course, Unicorn, my GEM_HOME=/home/deployer/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p286
Let me know if there is any other info I can provide.
if you use bundle install --deployment then you also have to prefix commands with bundle exec when you execute the command, like:
bundle exec rake db:migrate
If you use bundler/capistrano integration then it does it for you in capistano but in console you need to use bundle exec manually.
RVM was helping you to avoid it with rubygems-bundler gem - but you changed gemset so the generated wrappers are no more available. You would have to clean <app_root>/shared/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/ and run bundle install again to regenerate the wrappers to avoid typing bundle exec again.
I have similar problems. It turns out Capistrano isn't properly restarting unicorn. SSHing into the server and stopping then starting unicorn did the job. Now to find a fix for Capistrano's shenanigans...
I need to run an application built in ruby on rails. I have installed ruby 1.9.2, rails 3.2.1, gem 1.8.15, Netbeans 6.8, glassfish v3, jdk6u30 and mysql but still, I can't get it run.
How do I install ruby on rails on WindowsXP?
I have to code on Windows at work and deploy to Linux and this is what I use
Ruby installer
Ruby Dev Kit
Install Rubygems
Open a Ruby command prompt for the next steps
gem install bundler
bundle install mysql
bundle install rails
Go to the directory you want to house your rails apps (e.g. cd \rails_source)
rails new (inserting the app name you want)
Once that is done, cd into the directory
Edit Gemfile to ask for gem 'mysql'
cd Config
edit Database.yaml to look for mysql db
cd ..
create a db for your mysql instance called _development
Go back to rails command line
bundle exec rails g scaffold (like blog_entry)
bundle exec rake db:migrate
bundle exec rake routes
Look for your desired route in the output
bundle exec rails s
Open a browser
Go to http://localhot:3000/
You should see a plain app
You can also check out Rails for Zombies which is a visual tutorial. It is not windows oriented but it helps fill in the gaps
I think its a quite simple to install ROR with mysql database on windows.
Follow the below instruction
Install Mysql Server 5.6 from [http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/] , use 32bit for XP and 64Bit for W7.
Go to mysql/bin folder under Program Files and copy and set the path in environment variable.Open command propmt and type mysql in order to check if mysql is installed correctly.
If still problem with Mysql, open run and type services.msc and check for MySQL service is started or not if not start manually.
Download ruby2.0.0, devkit 64-32 from http://rubyinstaller.org/downloads/
Download mysql connector from [http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/c/] and make sure the version should be "(mysql-connector-c-noinstall-6.0.2-win32.zip)", you will find in "Looking for previous GA versions?".
Install ruby in C folder and select add path to executable while installing in first/second prompt.
Create folder devkit and extract devkit into it.
Extract mysql connector in C folder.
Open command Prompt and type ruby -v in order to check if ruby is installed, if not check ruby/bin path have to be added in environment variable.
Go to devkit folder, where you have extracted devkit, open command prompt and type ruby dk.rb init and then ruby dk.rb install.
Now we go through test, follow the instruction is given in test installation section in https://github.com/oneclick/rubyinstaller/wiki/Development-Kit and check with command starts with gem and ruby.
Create directory called dev and go inside it and type command gem install rails.
rails new app -d mysql2
Run command "bundle config build.mysql2 --no-ri --no-rdoc -- --with-mysql-dir=c:\mysql-connector[select what folder name is there for mysql connector]".
bundle install.
If still problem is exist, delete app folder and repeat command rails new app -d mysql2 again.
Go to app folder and use command rails server to start services. Check in browser with localhost:3000.
To create DB, use rake db:create in app folder.
Hope it helps.
After finally managing to get my Rails app working, I've got stuck with a slightly perplexing problem. I've deployed my Rails 3.0.5 app to a Ubuntu 10.10 server with Capistrano, RVM and Nginx. All is working nicely and I can confirm Rails is working as I'm getting data from the database and meaningful log messages.
The problem is that on the server, I can't access the console. When I try
rails c
It says "The program 'rails' is currently not installed. To run 'rails' please ask your administrator to install the package 'rails'"
However it is installed otherwise my application wouldn't work! I've only got two RVM gemsets installed, the global one and one called "rails305". Trying
rvm gemset use rails305
gem list
doesn't show any of the gems that my app needs, however they must be installed because 1) the app wouldn't work without them and 2) in my Capistrano deploy script, bundler installs them (to that gemset). So the problem is obviously something to do with RVM but I can't work out what it is... anyone any ideas?
It looks like Capistrano uses bundler so you might want to try
bundle exec rails c
from the deployment directory.
See the Bundler deployment page for more information.
Bundler by default doesn't install gems into the default rvm environment when deployed via capistrano, it installs to the "shared/bundle" directory instead, to try and accommodate production installation environments that aren't using RVM. If you are using RVM in production, and want to just have bundler install to your default ruby/gemset (which is terribly useful if you are going to be logging into the production, running rake scripts, console, etc), add the following options to your config/deploy.rb:
set :bundle_dir, ""
set :bundle_flags, ""
This will remove the "--deployment" (and "--quiet", which you may or may not want to keep) and --path flags which cause bundler to try and package everything up nicely, so bundler will now install to the user's RVM environment; making your server environment work a lot more like your dev environment (which can be good or bad depending on what your needs are).