How to pin an image/view inside a UIScrollView when scrolling - ios

I've been searching for a way to pin views/images to the top of a UIScrollView when scrolling. However the posts/articles I came across are not in swift 3. I'm not sure if I'm typing my question in the web correctly. So my question is how can we achieve the same behavior as a UITableView or UICollectionView. When you scroll, a section will stick to the top until another section pushes it up. I'm wondering would we be able to use views/image and pin them at the top of the UIScrollView. Down below is a screenshot of a UIScrollView that has 4 views.
So when scrolling I would like to pin the first view/image to the top until another view/image pushes it. Also would it be possible to determine which view sticks to the top. So lets say I only want the red views to stick until another red view pushes it. Been looking for a way to achieve this type of behavior for a while now.
Please help, would really appreciate any help provided at this point. Thanks.

A few ways to do this, but you can use the scrollView delegate’s scrollViewDidScroll to capture the contentOffset and use a combination of the target view’s origin/center/transform properties to keep the view where you want it.
There’s a neat video explaining how to do this that Apple released during WWDC 2010, called something like “Advanced Scroll View Behavior”, if I remember correctly. It’s definitely worth a watch.


How create a tableView that covers an image when it is scrolled

I'm trying to develop something like CSStickyHeaderFlowLayout but customized for my table, but I'm not sure how can I achieve this goal. The idea is
Someone can give me a hint how achieve this objective?
To add to Vollan's answer, to make the title stay still you could use a view that contains two subviews: the first is the scrollview (with the image and table as Vollan suggests) and then add another view (like a UILabel) for the title. Thus, while the image and table scroll in the scrollview, the title will stay still.
Best solution would be to wrap everything inside an UIScrollView. That will allow you to scroll to bottom of the screen and then only scroll the tableview. That way it will appear like the tableview will overlay the image.
While using a tableview within a scrollview would likely work, your tableview would have to always be it's full size (without some annoying constant re-sizing), so you'll lose the value of the enqueuing/dequeueing that makes tableViews work so well.
The CSStickyHeaderFlowLayout has example pretty similar to what you want to do, did you look at their examples? You may be able to play with it and get it to do what you want If your problem is simply having a constant title, you can just add a view above the table or use the NavBar and adjust the contentInsets
You might also consider using a collectionView instead. It's much more flexible as far as layout goes.

Make UIScrollView scroll from scrolling inside OR outside of it

Say I have a UIScrollView that scrolls horizontally just fine. It's height is around 50px. After usability testing, a lot of people are trying to scroll the contents by panning outside of it. Here is the setup:
Where it says "Amount" is the scrollview
I am wondering if it is possible to attach a UIPanGestureRecognizer on the blurred background it sits on top of and have it scroll along with that as well. If this is possible, could someone give me a start on what that approach would possibly look like?
Nah, the simple solution is simply make the scroll view bigger .. it's just that simple.
Have it mostly transparent, with your content sitting where you want it.
What you describe in your question is a good idea but it's extremely! hard to really implement well, a total pain. You simply "make the scroll view bigger".
Nice looking app.
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The UICollectionView "swipe-away" in iOS7 app manager?
Show/hide UIToolbar, "match finger movement", precisely as in for example iOS7 Safari

Embedded scrollview in tabbar item using storyboards won't scroll

For my current project I wanted to use storyboards and autolayout instead of coding everything by hand. It has gone well so far, but my design has a section of the app where there is a tab bar and one of those tab needs to show four views. The design is to swipe between the four and so I thought to use a scroll view. After some trial and error I found that embedding a Container View in the tab allowed me to easily set up a scroll view and put a couple of view inside it, carefully aligning them using positioning to put them side by side so that each page is one child view. I'm not sure how that plays with the autolayout, and in fact I have the problem that the scroll view won't scroll past the first page position. I can drag about 1/3 of the second page into view, but it never brings that page entirely in view.
I've checked the content size and offset and all of the view positions and it all seems correct. And when I use Spark Inspector to change the scroll offset to the position of the second view/page, the app shows the right page/view and I can even scroll back to the first page. I'm a bit perplexed as to what is causing it to not scroll properly. I don't have any code to show as this is all done in storyboards, but I am wondering if anyone has any ideas as to what is wrong?
Alternately, does anyone have an idea for how to use autolayout and storyboards to set up swiping four adjacent views in a tab? I suspect there are ways to do it. I can think of ways to do it in code, but I'm trying to avoid doing it that way.
EDIT: I set the scroll view delegate to the view controller around it and checked the values of contentSize on scrollViewWillBeginDragging and scrollViewDidScroll. It is always set to {0,0} even after I force set it on viewDidLoad. So I tried setting it every time scrollViewWillBeginDragging is called, which seems work, but I don't understand why this happens and it doesn't smell right. Is there some autolayout constraint that might account for this? Does something cause contentSize get set to {0,0} during the layout process?
For lack of any other answer, I'll use my unsatisfying solution as an answer in the hopes that helps someone else in the future:
I set the scroll view delegate to the view controller around it and checked the values of contentSize on scrollViewWillBeginDragging and scrollViewDidScroll. It is always set to {0,0} even after I force set it on viewDidLoad. So I tried setting it every time scrollViewWillBeginDragging is called, which seems to work.
I'd love to know why the contentSize is being reset if anyone finds out!

Replicating ScrollView functionality in UI

I'm trying to replicate the UI, and can't seem to figure out the basic structure of the interface.
When you just have one pass loaded, you can drag a pass up, and it snaps back in place. You can drag the pass down, and it snaps back in place.
I've created a UIScrollView and added a subview (representing a pass). I set the scrollView's contentSize to be greater than the device screen, but I don't get any snapping; the pass just scrolls off or on the screen. Anything less than the device screen and no scrolling occurs at all.
Any ideas how they are getting that effect? Possibly using multiple UIScrollViews?
Update: I've created a sample of how this can be achieved using UICollectionView, I hope it helps you to go in the right direction.
I've been digging into this. I used Reveal to explore the view hierarchy. Basically it uses a UIScrollView with many UIScrollViews inside each of them connected to a UIDynamicAnimator.
Look for the headers here.

Fluid full screen view transitions on iOS

I have a simple app that has a set of coloured views, one red, one green and one blue.
I am trying to make it so that when a swipe gesture is made the current view will switch to the next one in the list in a fluid manner, it looks like moving a long piece of paper with different colours on it.
Is there a way to do this (CoreAnimation)?
You could first look into UIScrollView. It seems to me that what you are trying to accomplish is the same you have, say, in Mobile Safari on an iPhone, when you show all your current pages and can go from one to the next by scrolling. This tutorial is particularly close to what you describe.
If you are looking into more advanced kind of transformations, than Core Animation would be the option.
Actually, nothing prevents using both approaches, UIScrollView to handle the swipe, Core Animation to add more animation to the pack...
You could use a UIScrollView to accomplish this. Add all of your colored views as subviews to the scroll view. Make sure your contentSize is setup appropriately and optionally setup paging to make the scrolling always snap to a certain border. See the scroll view programming guide for more info Scroll View Programming Guide
