Google Sheets Coding by column NAME not letter/number? - google-sheets

Google Sheets :
Is it possible to code a cell in a sheet to pull in information from another cell in another sheet, inside the same workbook, by the title of the column that I give it, instead of using something like :
so that it looks for the Column Header Text to bring in the info no matter where it is in Sheet 1?
I have csv files that vary with some columns, the most important columns, so they won't always be at the same LetterNumber location.

OFFSET in conjunction with MATCH might suit.
A formula such as above should return a value from Row2 (1 lower/higher number than the row of the reference cell A1) of Sheet1 from the column defined by the match function. name1 (a column label) might be anywhere in the first row of Sheet1.


How can I use arrayformula so I got the cell value that used last time?

I have a table of content on google sheet where word list on column B and image name on column C. On column C image name is not given for every cell. Now I need to use ARRAYFORMULA on Cell D1 where it will give the output (Word name and Image Name) on Column D if Row of Column A is not empty. If you look at the attached screenshot, for some Word there is no image name given on column C. In this case I need the image name that used last time.
For example: On Row 17 for WORD 4 there is no image name given. So, in this case the image name will be Image 2 from cell C12 that used previously for WORD 3. I tried it in many different ways but never able to do it with ARRAYFORMULA. The only solution I am using right now is using formula for every row which is not a good solution. I need to do it with ARRAYFORMULA. I don't want to do it with google script.
➡ Spreadsheet link (Please check Tab 1)
➡ Please check the Screenshot
I have added a sheet ("Erik Help") with the following formula in D1:
=ArrayFormula({"Header";IF(A2:A="",,B2:B&" : "&VLOOKUP(ROW(A2:A),FILTER({ROW(A2:A),C2:C},C2:C<>""),2,TRUE))})
This one array formula creates a header and then fills the entire column with results.
You can change "Header" to whatever you like.
IF(A2:A="",, just leaves D2:D null if nothing is in that row of Col A.
Otherwise, whatever is in B2:B is concatenated with a space-colon-space and then a VLOOKUP of all rows within a FILTERed virtual array that contains only rows and Col-C data where Col C is not blank. Because TRUE is chosen as the final parameter, all rows will "look backward" to the last row where Col C did contain data and return that data as the final piece to be concatenated.
=if(isnumber(SEARCH("WORD",B2,1)),join(" : ",B2, indirect(ARRAYFORMULA(address(IFNA(match(2,1/($C$2:$C2<>"")))+1,COLUMN(C2))))),"")
past this formula in D1 cell and drag it ...

Transpose google spread sheet row values to column in different sheet

I have a google spreadsheet that has Sheet1 (tab 1) column values I want to be row value in a column in sheet (tab 2)
So I wrote formula ={'Sheet1'!A2:A35} and it does give me column values from sheet value but the outputs to multiple row (vertically)
is it possible that the row values of column A in sheet 1 to become column values of a single row in sheet 2.
the reason why I want is because in sheet 2 they act has Header to columns.
Did the job what I was after.
You actually include the answer in your own title. Use this:

Making a formula that checks for a sheet with the same name as the cell next to it

I have this formula which sums up several columns in another sheet. The sheet that the formula is referencing to always has the same name as the cell next to it.
Instead of having to rewrite the formula for every cell in the column, is there a way I can just simply check for a sheet with the same name as the cell next to it? The cell ranges will always be the same.
You should use INDIRECT formula. This allows you to write references as strings.
Instead of 'Round 3'!C5:C you can write: INDIRECT("'"&C2&"'!C5:C") (assuming that word Round 3 is in C3).
Whole function looks like this (assuming that active cell is D2)

Freeze formula that references cell in another sheet

I'm working in a Google Sheets document that has two sheets, Sheet1 and Sheet2. Sheet2 has a cell, A3, with the formula =Sheet1!A3. This pattern holds throughout the column – e.g. A4 in Sheet2 has formula =Sheet1!A4, etc. Without getting into too much detail of the why, essentially the A column in Sheet1 is to be reflected in the A column of Sheet2. My desire is that when Sheet1 is updated, those changes will be reflected in Sheet2.
The problem is that when I add/delete entries into/from column A in Sheet1, Google Sheets automatically updates the formulas in Sheet2 in a way I don't want it to. For example, say I insert a cell above A3 in Sheet1, so that there is now new information in A3 and the previous A3 is now shifted down to A4. When I check out Sheet2 I want the new A3 from Sheet1 to be reflected in Sheet2's A3. However, the formula in Sheet2's A3 cell has now been updated to =Sheet1!A4 (so that Sheet2's A3 still shows the information from Sheet1's original A3), and all subsequent cells have been shifted by one as well. I can see a reason for this auto-updating functionality, but it is a hinderance in this case.
In looking up a solution, I've found out about absolute reference, i.e. changing the formula in A3 to =Sheet1!$A$3, but this unfortunately does not help in my case.
Is there any way to prevent this autoupdating of the cell reference?
On Sheet2 use INDIRECT. Example
Add the following formula to Sheet2!A1
The above will not be "affected" by row/column changes made into Sheet1 because it doesn't make a direct reference to rows/columns on Sheet1.
Non-volatile equivalent of INDIRECT could be INDEX.
=index(Sheet1!a:a, 3)
Unfortunately, filling down for index(Sheet1!a:a, 4), etc is difficult if not impossible. You could represent the 3 with a row reference to a worksheet that will never have rows deleted; e.g. row(sheet2!b3). That shouldn't change unless you add/delete rows on sheet2 while allowing add/delete rows on sheet1.

google sheet conditional formatting for grading

On my google sheet for its form, I have the answers in Row 2.
There are 109 columns in which I need to check if the descending rows of each column match the contents of Row 2 of that column. On top of that, I have to have conditional formatting for the cells that DO NOT match the contents of Row 2 in their respective column.
Is there a way that I don't have to add a formula to each any every column?
You can do this with conditional formatting - for the "apply to range" section (pretending your data starts in column A and ends in D, although in reality you will put whatever the last column is) enter in
then for the rule, choose custom formula and enter in this exact formula:
This will dynamically highlight all of the answers that do not match the value in row 2
