Handling buttons in textview iOS - ios

I am displaying a information in the textview which consists of phone numbers and mail_id on clicking on the numbers the users should be able to dial to the contact, for that i have added a button in that particular place.
When the users scrolls the button is not scrolling only the text is scrolling.
So i have called the Textview & ScrollView Delegate and got the offset value of the scroll View. so that i can set buttons frame .
func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView){
let rol_y = aboutTextView.contentOffset.y;
let rol_x = aboutTextView.contentOffset.x;
After getting the offset value, how can i set the frame..?
Is this method works..?
How can i do this ...?

Just select the UITextView in your storyboard and go to "Show Attributes inspector" and select phone numbers and links in Data Detectors.


Slide view together with UICollectionView cell

i have this structure. Scrollview -> UICollectionview + Label
This viewcontroller has array of items (BlockItem). On scrollViewDidScroll i change current test label (description)
func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView:UIScrollView)
let midX:CGFloat = scrollView.bounds.midX
let midY:CGFloat = scrollView.bounds.midY
let point:CGPoint = CGPoint(x:midX, y:midY)
let indexPath:IndexPath = collectionView.indexPathForItem(at:point)
let currentPage:Int = indexPath.item
if let found = items.first(where: {$0.id == String(block[currentPage])}) {
description.text = found.description
The main issue that i want my description label will be moving together when i move my collectionview cell and appear from the next cell. In other words, if I scroll to the left my description should move along with the cell, i.e. go to the left and appear on the right of the screen.
How can i do this? I know i could make a big collectionview but i need that only image part should be scrollable, not the entire block.
Here is what i want to achieve
Here is video example: scroll works only if i swipe on the image area, and doesn't work when i scroll down the page
You exactly said this:
"The main issue that I want my description label will be moving together when I move my collection view cell and appear from the next cell."
If you want your description label moving together, just include them into your collection cell. It's very clear from your point there
I don't understand why u need to separate it, but you want it to slide from new cell.
If you insisted that you want to archive the label, not in a scroll view, then use 2 label
One label for this cell and one label will come from scroll direction, u can archive this by creating manually. This is a simple code for a swipe left to scroll
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.5) {
//insert your label animation
//current label moved with the scroll to left
//create a new label from the outer right of the current view, scroll it to the middle of your view
But it will be hard work for good animation or scroll support.

How to modify view controller after pressing a button?

Let's say that if you press the button from the bottom of the screen after typing something in the account text field, you would be required to also enter the password like in the second image.
How should I do this? I don't think that creating a new view controller would be good. So, should I somehow modify the same view controller?
How could I add the new password text field under the account text field?
Keep in mind that they are still centered. Hiding and unhiding wouldn't work in this case and I also need to modify more things than only adding that text field.
First, create a UIView with everything you need on them. in this example I will have only two text fields and they are all color coded.
The view needs to be centered both horizontally and vertically, with width and height. Set identifiler for the height constraint to be updated later. Set the clip to board to true so that when we redeuce the height of the view, text fields below will hide. The settings for the view will be like this
For your text fields, they must have a constant padding to top. In my example, they are set to be in center horizontally, having a constant height, width and padding to opp.
Now, all you need to do is to get the height of the view from code and set the height to show or hide the text fields.
var flag = true
#IBAction func click(_ sender: Any) {
if flag {
flag = false
let filteredConstraints = theView.constraints.filter { $0.identifier == "viewHeight" }
if let heightConstraint = filteredConstraints.first {
heightConstraint.constant = 60
} else {
flag = true
let filteredConstraints = theView.constraints.filter { $0.identifier == "viewHeight" }
if let heightConstraint = filteredConstraints.first {
heightConstraint.constant = 128
Here is the code running in simulater.
another option is you can make tableView at Center, you need to create tableview height constraint outlet,
then you can maintain a counter how many time you want to add View, the counter should be return in tableView numberOfRowsInSection,
and you can make this view in Prototype Cell or using NIB, then just adjust header label text, textField placeholder and text on specific cell index,
when you increase or decrease counter update tableView Constraint, example you have a cell height as 50, in first case when you have on cell in tableView, you can set your tableView height constraint's constant as 50, when cells are two the 100 and so on.....
I think it's a simple logic

How to prevent UILabel to fill the entire screen?

I am trying to display a UILabel that may take up multiple lines but I'm having problem with how the height is resized.
Here is what it looks when I have text over a single line, displaying correctly:
When the text spans multiple lines however this happens:
Here's the interface builder settings I'm using:
Ideally I'd like the text view to remain at athe top of the screen and just take up as much space as it needs to diaplay the text but I really can't tell where I am going wrong.
The text view is a bit tricky to handle with automatic layout. If possible use an UILabel. If not then there are several issues with the text view and the most manageable solution is to add the height constraint which is then manipulated in the code.
The height of the text view content can be determined as:
let height = textView.sizeThatFits(textView.frame.size).height
It is also possible to use
let height = textView.contentSize.height
But the results are sometimes incorrect.
You do need to then set the delegate for the text view so that on change you will refresh the size of the text view.
Well you did give it permission to do so based on your constraints. Any height > 0 as long as it's 20 from the top margin. Since you don't have any other views to base your height off of you can hook up an outlet to your label and use this:
#IBOutlet weak var label: UILabel!
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
Uncheck the "Preferred Width" explicit checkbox(In Size Inspector)
Remove the height constraint on you UILabel.
It will definitely work.

UITextView bounces uncontrollably while typing

I have been having this problem with a few of my UITextViews on my most recent project. All I have done is added a UITextView onto a ViewController and added some constraints to it. When I run my program and attempted to type in the UITextView it begins to bounce out of control. For instance, when I type the first character, the view will slide down and out of the screen. Then when I type the next few characters the textview will bounce back up to where I can see what I typed. Then I type a few more, and once again it bounces out of the screen. Has anyone else experienced this?
Also, sometimes the text will start in the middle of the UITextView.
Try add this code to textViewDidChange: method
func textViewDidChange(textView: UITextView) {
if textView.text?.characters.count ?? 0 > 0 {
let range = NSMakeRange(textView.text!.characters.count - 1, 1)
It helped me.

Disable scrolling in a UITextView while avoiding both bouncing to top and invisibility of text at the present location for ios

I've tried a lot of things but couldn't come up with a solution. Any words of thought can help me evaluate on this. I made a full view DrawBoard class which is inherited from a UITextView class.When the switch on the view controller is on the user can type and scroll, when it is off the user can draw on the Drawboard.
#IBAction func changeSwitch(sender: UISwitch) {
if sender.on{
drawBoard.scrollEnabled = true
drawBoard.editable = true
drawBoard.selectable = true
drawBoard.switchBool = false
}else if !sender.on {
let a:CGPoint = drawBoard.contentOffset
drawBoard.scrollEnabled = false
drawBoard.setContentOffset(a, animated: false)
drawBoard.editable = false
It updates the scrolling but scrollEnabled= false just saves the text that is in the first page range of the textview so that it scrolls to the top automatically and disable the scrolling there.Then when I do the setContentOffset the drawable view of the background is visible and it draws on the right place of the textview. However the text that should be on top of it is not visible. This only happens when the switch button is set to off while I am out of the first page's range.How do I also make the text at that range visible?
Sorry if it's a really easy question I'm new to programming and got stuck for a considerable amount of time for this.Thank you.
You have to update the content size of the UIScrollView.
Like this:
scrollView.contentSize = CGSize(width: 100, height: 100)
"Content Size" determines the size of scrollable content, if it's not large enough to cover new views, you won't be able to see it in your scroll view.
