Is there a way to limit number of selected items that are displayed on a Kendo UI multiselect? - kendo-multiselect

I have a Kendo UI multiselect that loads approximately 70 options. The requirement is to pre-select all the available options. All this is working from programming perspective. But from the GUI perspective, when all the options are pre-selected, the Kendo multiselect seems way too big on the screen and does not look user friendly.
Is there a way where I can show first few (for example, 5) pre-selected items and then show a custom item(for example, 65 more..)? Thank you in advance.

Found what I needed. I couldn't exactly show the kendo-multiselect with a customized item. But, I ended up using TagMode.
Please refer this link :

You can use tagRender property with appropriate logic inside.
Or tags


Is it possible to display the save/cancel buttons in Vaadin 14 on GridPro when editing the grid

In Vaadin 8's grid you would see the Save/Cancel button when doubleclicking on a row in GridPro. In Vaadin 14 Grid Pro doesn't seem to have that save save/cancel button by default. Is there a way to enable it?
It seems like it should be possible because we have getEditor().addSaveListener() etc.
As an extra question whenever I do any action in the grid it seems to only call the addCancelListener(). Is there a reason for this? The primary question of course is if it's possible to show the save/cancel buttons in GridPro
GridPro adds another editing functionality to the Grid, which is not using grid.getEditor() at all. So these are not to be mixed.
GridPro is designed for cell-based spreadsheet like editing with improved keyboard navigation, thus save/cancel buttons are not there. Editable columns are added using grid.addEditColumn(..) method and using either built in fields like below, or custom type. In both cases saving of the value is handled in the call back provided.
.text((item, newValue) ->
.setHeader("Email (editable)");
So save / cancel events from grid's editor are not emitted. Also this functionality does not use Binder by default. You need wire Binder yourself if you need it, see example in Vaadin's cookbook.
Basic Grid has builtin row based editor, which uses also Binder. With that one you can use it Binder and editor in buffered mode, and for example add an additional component column to where you have edit / cancel buttons, what ever you like. There is rather good code example at Vaadin's component pages.
In summary there are two different editing facilities provided and these are not to be mixed.

jqGrid: edit form in the subgrid area accordion

We are using Jqgrid but we need to perform a custom editing.
In particular we want to view/edit the detail of a row inside the accordion of a subgrid area (instead of real subgrid)...
Basically we are looking for a way to redirect the content of the edit popup to the subgrid area.
Anyone have some ideas about how to do it?
If I understand correct the problem you may look at this demo in case you use Guriddo jqGrid JavaScript. In your case the html file can contain template form, where you can get the values from the row and put it in the form.
If you have difficulties we can prepare a online demo.

Is there a specific component that works with Swift 3 to represent a "ComboBox / Spinner"?

I'm starting to work with Swift 3 and I'm having difficult to find a "easy" solution to create a "ComboBox/Spinner".
I saw some alternatives like using PickerView and Collapse TableView, but It seems to be a solutions to make these components to looks like a ComboBox, It's a adaptation, but It's not a "real comboBox".
I would like to know If there's a component that works with Swift 3 that really represents a ComboBox/Spinner.
Thank you.
As Eric says in his comment, controls aren't defined in Swift, they're defined in the OS frameworks.
iOS does not have a combo box. That's a Windows thing. The standard system component for picking items from a list is a UIPickerView. I've implemented a custom control that's rather like a combox box before, and you may be able to find a 3rd party control that does what you want.
Don't know if this is the kind of combobox system you are looking for:
If so you could create a custom button which looks like a combobox. Then if not selected you have an image of a not selected combobox and when someone selects the button change it to the image of a selected combobox.
You create an array, add the amount of custom buttons to the array as you want, you give each button the same selector. Then when someone selects an item, deselect another button if there is one selected and select the button the user did press.
I hope this helps you.

Is there a way navigate directly to a section in an Orbeon form?

This would save loads of time when testing a specfic section which is far down the form and the form is configured in a Wizard View.
I just wondered whether there is a querystring parameter or xpath setting to put in xforms-inspector which will save us endless clicks on the Next button! So far the best way I have found is to disable the Wizard View so that the form shows vertically.
This isn't currently supported, but it sounds like a worthwhile feature to have, and I've created an RFE for this feature.
I don't understand why you have to click next all the time, you should be able to just click on the section name in the table of contents.

display multiple checkbox in a single row of kendo UI Grid

I am working on Kendo UI. How to display multiple checkbox in a single row of Kendo UI Grid ?
each Kendo component accepts a template which is in kendo's own format. You could setup that grid cell any way you want with as many checkboxes as you want.
have a look here for an example on how to do it :
You might want to use telerik's forums for this kind of questions, they are very good at answering and you get replies from the people who actually created it.
