Visual Studio Online - Error TFS 22501 with XAML Build Definition 2 - tfs

Currently, we are using TFS 2012 and we have a heavily customized build process as described below.
1. Build the source
2. Run an EXE as console to host WCF services
3. Restore databases on local sql server
4. Run functional test
5. delete databases
6. close the exe started in step 2.
7. Create an Installable exe using WiX ( Wix with custom bootstratpper)
8. Update version number file to TFS
Now we want to move to Visual Studio online from onpremise. Trying to setup a build process with Private Build agent. I have created an VM , installed and registerd agent. I do see agent name back in website.
When I go back to Visual studio and try to create new xaml build definition I am getting below error.
TFS22501: Creating a build definition requires a build controller be defined for this team project collection. There may not be any controllers configured or you may not have permissions to view them. contact your team foundation server administrator.
can somebody please help ?

If you're using XAML build, you have to use the old-style XAML build controller/agent. The VSTS agent is for the new build system.
I would strongly recommend migrating your builds to the new build system as part of your migration to VS Team Services, as the XAML build system is effectively dead.


How to auto generating setup file while check-in the code in to TFS

How do I integrate InstallShield/Wix/IsWix with TFS? I wish to auto generate setup files during successful TFS checkin/release?
I am comparing InstallShield with Wix and IsWix! to choose the right candidate for upcoming product development.
Tools Used
v.Next Builds
Team Foundation Version Control
Update from InstallShield support team
To integrate InstallShield with Team Foundation Server, install InstallShield on each machine that u want to be able to create, update, or build InstallShield projects.It should also be installed on a machine that is designated as a build agent for InstallShield projects that are stored in Team Foundation Server.
NOTE: The Standalone Build is a build engine that enables you to build InstallShield projects without installing the full version of InstallShield on a build machine.If you have the Standalone Build, you can install it on a machine that is designated as a build agent for Team Foundation Server."
I have very limited experience with InstallShield, but I can advocate for WiX. Recently they added a no-install option that allows you to build WiX project by just adding a few files along to your sources.
WiX code is an XML dialect and it is simple to generate, but the simplest pattern is to write a Product and a Project file and let Heat generating the remaining code you need for a simple install.
At a high level you need to create an .ISPROJ (MSbuild ) and .SLN for your .ISM. In the ISPROJ you'll want to write some code to regex parse the build number and generate a random ProductCode for major upgrades.
You'll add a build vs sln step to your build and tell it to use 32bit MSBuild (InstallShield doesn't support 64bit).
You'll need an on-prem build server and install the InstallShield Stand Alone Build engine one it. I'd go ahead and install the Automation Interface also as you don't know when you'll need it some day.

Jenkins slave machine Windows configuration

I am very new to Jenkins and sort of new to build .net application, but the guy left team so I have been assigned to do this. I have read tons of articles online about setting up Jenkins master, but little about slave configuration. The guy created a new slave and connect with Jenkins master successfully before he left. And he told me that slave is responsible for 1) downloading source code from TFS server and 2) building them.
now my issue is what do I need to install in the slave machine( windows system) to be able to perform that two tasks?
1) for downloading source code, do I need to install TFS client on slave ?
2) for building source code, do I need to install MSbuild or entire Visual studio ?
Thank you very much !
Assuming you installed a recent version of the Team Foundation Server Plugin, then no TFS Client is required (see
Depending on what you are building, installing Visual Studio maybe required or not. In my experience, only a limited set of project types build with just MSBuild and without Visual Studio. There are hacks or supported tips but they work only in specific cases: YMMV.
The new Build Tools for Visual Studio 2017 RC are making this requirement a thing of the past: if you can migrate your code to Visual Studio 2017 you will be able to use them.

How do I install prerequisites for TeamCity to connect to Team Foundation Server Version Control?

I've installed the prerequisite (Team Explorer 2013) to the best of my knowledge, but when I try to set up a VCS root to connect to our TFS Version Control server, I continue to get this error message:
"No TFS assemblies were found on the system. Please make sure you have
Microsoft Team Explorer installed. Supported versions: 2015 2013 2012
2010 2008 2005"
The Team Explorer I downloaded from Microsoft just seemed to be a plugin for Visual Studio, which doesn't make much sense as a server-side component. Anyway, I configured a connection to our TFS box within Team Explorer/Visual Studio on my TeamCity server.
So I have two questions that seem to be undocumented by JetBrains:
What does it mean to set up and configure Team Explorer? How can I validate that I have set up and configured Team Explorer on my TeamCity server correctly?
How does TeamCity know how to find the Team Explorer assemblies? Is there some sort of configuration I am supposed to do? Where is this documented?
I guess I'm looking for a true step-by-step set of instructions that make no assumptions about my understanding of TFS or Team Explorer, or any assumptions about what I may have already installed on my TeamCity box.
I've read the two articles on the JetBrains site regarding how to set this up, and they don't cover actually installing and configuring the prerequisites or configuring TeamCity to discover the Team Explorer assemblies it needs.
Team Explorer is the client software that you use to access Visual Studio Team Foundation Server functionality from Visual Studio. You can simply launch Team Explorer on your TeamCity server to create a team project and check in a project, to validate whether it is installed correctly.
I couldn't find any documentation that mentioned how does TeamCity find Team Explorer assemblies. But, based on my understanding, there is no configuration needed to detect Team Explorer. Please make sure your TeamCity server is running under Windows.
If the issue that can't find Team Explorer persists, you can install VS Premium instead of Team Explorer.
Setting up Jetbrains TeamCity for CI with Team Foundation Server:
Install Jetbrains TeamCity
If you are planning on using IIS or TFS on the same server, configure Jetbrains TeamCity to run on a port other than 80 or 8080
Once TeamCity is up and running, you can begin configuring your TeamCity installation for CI Builds.
Log into TeamCity with your user name and password
Create a new TeamCity Project
Create a new build configuration
You will now see a series of build configuration settings that you will have to complete presented in a Wizard-style navigation view.
Enter General Settings
Enter VCS Settings
After entering VCS Settings, Create and attach new VCS Root
Enter the relevant information for your TFS instance
Create a Build Step using Visual Studio as your build runner. You can create as many build steps as you need and specify the order of the steps (similar to a TFS Build Workflow).
For setting up Continuous Integration builds, you will need to specify a Build Trigger. CI Builds will generally use a VCS Trigger that is triggered on each source control check-in.
If you need to pass any parameters to your build, you can configure these in your Build Parameters.
That is all! You can then either run your Builds manually by clicking on the Run button in TeamCity or simply verify that your builds are triggered by the next check-in into TFS.

Web Api Project Fails to build with Visual Studio Team Services (was TFS Online)

I have a project inside a solution and Visual Studio Team Services is setup to do continuous build.
The test project that includes the Web API project builds fine and even includes the artifacts from the web api project, but when I look at the drop folder from artifacts view it doesn't have a sub folder for the website.
This is done with a new default Visual Studio Build definition with bone stock settings. (no amount of playing around works either)
(I'd put in a screen shot but literally just create a new build definition as choose visual studio and continuous integration and click ok, and that's exactly what this is.)
The log file for the build step doesn't show that it even tries to build the csproj for the web api project and just skips right to the Tests project. (and no errors in the log either)
Going to configuration manager for that configuration (and all configurations) and the project in question is set to build.
It builds properly in that configuration with that project just fine.
It publishes from Visual Studio with that project just fine.
Any ideas why it won't build the project?
According to the information you provided, you are using a default build definition for Visual Studio CI without any other settings. This definition does not generate the web app publish files.
Try adding following MSBuild Arguments in "Visual Studio Build" step and then queue a new build:
/p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:outdir=$(build.artifactstagingdirectory)
Since you want to deploy the website by Azure Deploy from Release Management, you can just upload the deployment packages to drop. To do this, change the MSBuild Arguments to following:
/p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:WebPublishMethod=Package /p:PackageAsSingleFile=true /p:PackageLocation="$(build.artifactstagingdirectory)\\"
And then you can go to Release Managament, in the "Azure Web App Deployment" step, set "Web Deploy Package" to "$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\**\".

How do I increment the build/version number automatically on TFS Team builds?

I just downloaded the Automatic Versions add-in for VS here ( and it works great locally, but how do I get it to work with Team Builds? Is there something I should install on the build server?
Firstly, the Automatic Version addin is not called in TFS build even if it is installed on TFS build server machine. In other words, you can't use it to generate incremental assembly version during TFS build process.
Instead, you need to create one custom build process activity to update assembly version, then customize the TFS build process template to add the activity. Please check the following links for the details of the sample build activity and how to customize build process template to use it.
