Yahoo finance api not working - yahoo-finance

I am using yahoo finance api. Before 2-3 days it's stop working and giving the result 'redirect'.
I am using the following request,
URL: '^OMX,^gspc/quote?format=json&view=detail'
If anyone having any idea about the same please share any link or view.

I found this problem too. I fix it by using yahoo YQL, but it looks like not as good as using yahoo web service.


Add place google api

I would like to add a location to google data base using Google API place action. For the same they are providing the api which is given below.
But when i tried using the same in iPhone objective C i get the error REUEST_DENIED. I have tried using server api key as mentioned in the tutorial.Can any one please help me to solve this out?
Seems that it is currently impossible to do this via API.
The process is so complicated and secured like this below
which is very unlikely that an API is opened for this currently

DotNetOpenAuth in MVC4 - Yahoo doesn't work

I am migrating my existing project from MVC3 to MVC4. In MVC3 I used Microsoft Azure's Access Control Service (ACS) for getting user identity. I would like to use DotNetOpenAuth.AspNet that comes with VS2012 to replace the old method, and I am studying this with the sample website that VS2012 created when you start a new 'Internet Application' project.
I followed the tutorial and made the necessary changes in AuthConfig.cs, trying to enable using facebook & google & yahoo to authenticate. The facebook works ok. Both Google and yahoo don't work, and result.IsSuccessful is always false in the function ExternalLoginCallback().
I did some google search and found this site: I followed this site and finally got google work.
However, I am still stuck with the yahoo problem. I wonder if there is any similar solution for yahoo like google.
Thank you.
Sorry I didn't see this sooner. Glad you like my Google OAuth2 adapter. I wrote one for Facebook also.
I checked, but I couldn't find any support from Yahoo for OAuth2. They appear to support only OpenID or OAuth 1. You might as well us the OpenID client that ships with OAuthWebSecurity in MVC4.
If anyone know of Yahoo OAuth2 support, please let me know. Thanks.

Examples using updated gdata-java-client with Oauth2?

According to the gdata-java-client library has recently (April 2012) been updated with OAuth2.0 support. I'd love to use that in a web application, to create and modify google spreadsheets. I want users of my web app to have their data stored in a google spreadsheet under their own credentials.
I'm new to using google apis, and am getting quite lost while trying to wade through examples. They all seem to refer to deprecated auth methods (oauth1 or authsub or clientlogin).
Has anyone seen any good, recent samples on how to use gdata apis with Oauth2.0 to accomplish the sort of thing I'm talking about? Thanks very much in advance. And sorry if the question is too n00by.

Foursquare and ASP.Net

does anybody work with foursquare api and, do you know some basic tutorial, how to set the environment, do I need some api, how can I make my app to conect to 4sq and ask something. I work with mvc2, and any clue on this would be helpful.
Thanks in advance.
There are a couple of C# libraries available for the foursquare API, you can see the complete list here:
In terms of tutorials, you can use the interactive query viewer on the foursquare website to get a sense of the data:
(click 'try it now' and it will give you an interactive query console for the api!)
You can also get a walkthrough of how to do OAuth2 authentication on the website too:
For what it's worth, when I was first playing with the API I found it useful to test out all of my queries using cURL, then once you use a library you're already a pro.
Hope that helps?

How to use OAuth2 in google-api-java-client?

I am trying to use the PredictionSample in google-api-java-client, but with ClientLogin authentication it gives me error:
User is not a trusted tester
I have activated the Google Prediction API in my APIs Console project. And I am able to run the Hello World prediction example from with the same user. It uses oacurl and oauth2.
But it does not work with google-api-java-client. I am also not able to make oauth2 work with google-api-java-client.
I have searched the documentation and samples and have found no solution. Is it possible to do what is done in the hello_world example using the google-api-java-client.
I ran into a similar problem using Blogger API in my Google APP Engine Project. Attached is the link to the Stackoverflow question and sample code I was able to get working. Hope it helps.
Proper Form of API request to Blogger using Java/App Engine -error 401
