Creating a checkbox and printing it to pdf file is not working using pdfbox 1.8.9 api - grails

I'm using grails with pdfbox plugin. I'd like to print checkboxes in pdf some are checked and some are not.
To print checkbox I did not a direct way(Even by using PDCheckbox class). So I've used the other way to print the checkbox with tick mark using the below code:
public static writeInputFieldToPDFPage( PDPage pdPage, PDDocument document, Float x, Float y, Boolean ticked) {
PDFont font = PDType1Font.HELVETICA
PDResources res = new PDResources()
String fontName = res.addFont(font)
String da = ticked?"/" + fontName + " 10 Tf 0 0.4 0 rg":""
COSDictionary acroFormDict = new COSDictionary()
acroFormDict.setBoolean(COSName.getPDFName("NeedAppearances"), true)
acroFormDict.setItem(COSName.FIELDS, new COSArray())
acroFormDict.setItem(COSName.DA, new COSString(da))
PDAcroForm acroForm = new PDAcroForm(document, acroFormDict)
PDGamma colourBlack = new PDGamma()
PDAppearanceCharacteristicsDictionary fieldAppearance =
new PDAppearanceCharacteristicsDictionary(new COSDictionary())
if(ticked) {
COSArray arr = new COSArray()
arr.add(new COSFloat(0.89f))
arr.add(new COSFloat(0.937f))
arr.add(new COSFloat(1f))
fieldAppearance.setBackground(new PDGamma(arr))
COSDictionary cosDict = new COSDictionary()
COSArray rect = new COSArray()
rect.add(new COSFloat(x))
rect.add(new COSFloat(new Float(y-5)))
rect.add(new COSFloat(new Float(x+10)))
rect.add(new COSFloat(new Float(y+5)))
cosDict.setItem(COSName.RECT, rect)
cosDict.setItem(COSName.FT, COSName.getPDFName("Btn")) // Field Type
cosDict.setItem(COSName.TYPE, COSName.ANNOT)
cosDict.setItem(COSName.SUBTYPE, COSName.getPDFName("Widget"))
if(ticked) {
cosDict.setItem(COSName.TU, new COSString("Checkbox with PDFBox"))
cosDict.setItem(COSName.T, new COSString("Chk"))
//Tick mark color and size of the mark
cosDict.setItem(COSName.DA, new COSString(ticked?"/F0 10 Tf 0 0.4 0 rg":"/FF 1 Tf 0 0 g"))
cosDict.setInt(COSName.F, 4)
PDCheckbox checkbox = new PDCheckbox(acroForm, cosDict)
This code is working fine in my application, this method is adding checkboxes with tick marks also.
But I can see those rectangle checkboxes or tick marks in only pdf readers, not in all other readers(Like chrome default pdf viewer), and even when I try to print the pdf its not printing the checkboxes, rather its printing some random ASCII numbers.
Please let me know if there is any other way to do this or even if I have to refactor the code.

What is wrong
Your AcroForm checkbox field construction is wrong: You treat it as a text field for which a PDF reader should create an appearance based on the default appearance (DA) value of the field in particular if NeedAppearances is true.
Checkboxes are different, though: you do have to supply an appearance stream at least for the on state, cf. the specification ISO 32000-1:
A check box field represents one or more check boxes that toggle between two states, on and off, when manipulated by the user with the mouse or keyboard. Its field type shall be Btn and its Pushbutton and Radio flags (see Table 226) shall both be clear. Each state can have a separate appearance, which shall be defined by an appearance stream in the appearance dictionary of the field’s widget annotation (see 12.5.5, “Appearance Streams”). The appearance for the off state is optional but, if present, shall be stored in the appearance dictionary under the name Off. Yes should be used as the name for the on state.
(ISO 32000-1 section "Check Boxes")
Thus, instead of constructing a DA entry you have to construct an AP ("appearances") entry, itself a dictionary with at least a N ("normal appearances") entry, itself a dictionary with at least an entry for the on state appearance which is recommended to be called Yes.
The specification provides an example which shows a typical check box definition:
1 0 obj
<< /FT /Btn
/T (Urgent)
/V /Yes
/AS /Yes
/AP << /N << /Yes 2 0 R /Off 3 0 R>>
2 0 obj
<< /Resources 20 0 R
/Length 104
0 0 1 rg
/ZaDb 12 Tf
0 0 Td
(4) Tj
3 0 obj
<< /Resources 20 0 R
/Length 104
0 0 1 rg
/ZaDb 12 Tf
0 0 Td
(8) Tj
(The resources in 20 0 obj appear to include a font resource named ZaDb referencing ZapfDingbats.)
By the way, you mention that there is a PDF viewer which actually displays a tick for your document as is. You might want to inform their development that they are doing the wrong thing there.
An example
In a comment you asked for sample code and indicated that it was ok if it were for a current 2.0.x version of PDFBox. So I tried it and came up with this code:
PDDocument document = new PDDocument();
PDPage page = new PDPage();
PDAcroForm acroForm = new PDAcroForm(document);
COSDictionary normalAppearances = new COSDictionary();
PDAppearanceDictionary pdAppearanceDictionary = new PDAppearanceDictionary();
pdAppearanceDictionary.setNormalAppearance(new PDAppearanceEntry(normalAppearances));
pdAppearanceDictionary.setDownAppearance(new PDAppearanceEntry(normalAppearances));
PDAppearanceStream pdAppearanceStream = new PDAppearanceStream(document);
pdAppearanceStream.setResources(new PDResources());
try (PDPageContentStream pdPageContentStream = new PDPageContentStream(document, pdAppearanceStream))
pdPageContentStream.setFont(PDType1Font.ZAPF_DINGBATS, 14.5f);
pdPageContentStream.newLineAtOffset(3, 4);
pdAppearanceStream.setBBox(new PDRectangle(18, 18));
normalAppearances.setItem("Yes", pdAppearanceStream);
pdAppearanceStream = new PDAppearanceStream(document);
pdAppearanceStream.setResources(new PDResources());
try (PDPageContentStream pdPageContentStream = new PDPageContentStream(document, pdAppearanceStream))
pdPageContentStream.setFont(PDType1Font.ZAPF_DINGBATS, 14.5f);
pdPageContentStream.newLineAtOffset(3, 4);
pdAppearanceStream.setBBox(new PDRectangle(18, 18));
normalAppearances.setItem("Off", pdAppearanceStream);
PDCheckBox checkBox = new PDCheckBox(acroForm);
List<PDAnnotationWidget> widgets = checkBox.getWidgets();
for (PDAnnotationWidget pdAnnotationWidget : widgets)
pdAnnotationWidget.setRectangle(new PDRectangle(50, 750, 18, 18));
// checkBox.setReadOnly(true);
// checkBox.unCheck(); File(RESULT_FOLDER, "CheckBox.pdf"));
(CreateCheckBox test testCheckboxForSureshGoud)
Be sure to use either
as otherwise the state of the box is undefined.

#mkl has a good answer, but I think it can be simplified a little bit in case you already have a Document and just want to add a PDCheckbox (scala):
def addCheckboxField(
doc: PDDocument,
form: PDAcroForm,
name: String,
pg: Int, // page number
x: Float,
y: Float,
width: Float,
height: Float
) = {
val normalAppearances = new COSDictionary()
"Yes", {
val appearanceStream = new PDAppearanceStream(doc)
appearanceStream.setResources(new PDResources())
val appearanceDictionary = new PDAppearanceDictionary()
appearanceDictionary.setNormalAppearance(new PDAppearanceEntry(normalAppearances))
appearanceDictionary.setDownAppearance(new PDAppearanceEntry(normalAppearances))
val field = new PDCheckBox(form)
val widget = field.getWidgets.get(0)
val page = doc.getPage(pg)
widget.setRectangle(new PDRectangle(x, y, width, height))
// do what you want with it
It's likely there are other simplifications that can be made, but this is what worked for me.
PdfBox version: 2.0.21


A list of Dart StringBuffers seem to interfere with each other

I'm doing a nested iteration over two lists, in which I am populating some StringBuffers, like this:
var int_list = [1, 2, 3];
var letters_list = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
var row_strings = List.filled(3, StringBuffer());
var single_buffer = StringBuffer();
int_list.asMap().forEach((int_index, column) {
letters_list.asMap().forEach((letter_index, letter) {
// debug the writing operation
print('writing $letter_index - $letter');
// try a buffer not in a list as a test
if (letter_index == 0) {
What I expect to happen is that in the list of StringBuffers, buffer 0 gets all the 'a's, buffer 1 gets all the 'b's, and buffer 3 the 'c'.
The debug output confirms that the writing operation is doing the right thing:
writing 0 - a
writing 1 - b
writing 2 - c
writing 0 - a
writing 1 - b
writing 2 - c
writing 0 - a
writing 1 - b
writing 2 - c
and the single string buffer gets the right output:
But the output of the list is this:
[abcabcabc, abcabcabc, abcabcabc]
What is going on here? There seems to be some strange behaviour when the StringBuffers are in a list.
Your problem is this line:
var row_strings = List.filled(3, StringBuffer());
This constructor is documented as:
List.filled(int length, E fill, {bool growable: false})
Creates a list of the given length with fill at each position.
So what you are doing is creating a single StringBuffer instance and uses that on every position in your row_strings list.
What you properly want, is to create a new StringBuffer for each position in the list. You need to use List.generate for that:
List.generate(int length,E generator(int index), {bool growable: true})
Generates a list of values.
Creates a list with length positions and fills it with values created by calling generator for each index in the range 0 .. length - 1 in increasing order.
Using that, we end up with:
final row_strings = List.generate(3, (_) => StringBuffer());
We don't need the index argument in our generator so I have just called it _. The function (_) => StringBuffer() will be executed for each position in the list and saved. Since out function returns a new instance of StringBuffer each time it is executed, we will end up with a list of 3 separate StringBuffer instances.

dxl script to paste the clipboard contents in selected objects

I want to add clipboard contents in existing Object Text using dxl script.
I searched around, including dxl_reference_manual but nothing helped.
The object in selection has some text for example "Already existing text in this object" and clipboard contents for example "My Clipboard text" should add at the beginning and form as a single object.
(Output should be something like below in a single object.)
My Clipboard text
Already existing text in this object
My code:
Skip fGetSelectedObjects(Module in_mod)
Skip skpObjects = create() // Return KEY and DATA both 'Object'
if (null in_mod) return(skpObjects)
Object oCurr = current,
for o in entire (in_mod) do
{ if (isSelected(o) or
o == oCurr) put(skpObjects, o, o)
} // end fGetSelectedObjects()
Skip skpObjects = fGetSelectedObjects(current Module)
Object o
for o in skpObjects do
{ // deal with the selected o
string s = o."Object text"
// I don't know the way to activate the object text attribute instead of manual click. Thus it loops through selection and pastes the clipboard contents.
//For Single Indentation use 360 points, double indentation 720 points and so on...
o."Object text" = richText (applyTextFormattingToParagraph(richText s,false,360,0))
Not sure why you would be using a Skip for this. I would look to do the following:
// Create Variables
Module mod = current
Object obj = null
Buffer buf = create
string str = stringOf ( richClip )
// Loop through Module
for obj in entire ( mod ) do {
// Grab the rich text from the clip and reset the buffer
buf = str
// Check if it's selected and object heading is empty
if ( ( isSelected ( obj ) ) && ( obj."Object Heading" "" == "" ) ) {
// If it is, add the text to the buffer
buf += " " richText ( obj."Object Text" )
// Set the object text with the clip stuff in front
obj."Object Text" = richText ( buf )
delete buf
Of note, this only works on items that have been specifically selected.
Edit- added exclusion for objects with an Object Heading. Unfortunately, DOORS does not (as far as I know) allow for non-contiguous object selection (the equivalent of ctrl-left click in Windows) which can be very frustrating.

Elm - textarea selection range disappearing

I implemented a <textarea> in Elm such that tabs indent and unindent instead of change focus to another HTML element. Works great except that unindenting sometimes causes the selection to disappear! If I'm selecting the 5th character to the 12th character, I press shift-tab, then it removes 2 tab characters, but it also makes the selection change to a cursor at position 10. The selection range should remain the same..
I have an SSCCE at Ellie:
Here are some screenshots to illustrate the problem. Pressing Setup shows this:
Then pressing Unindent should show the following (with the selection of "def\ng" still intact):
Unfortunately, pressing Unindent actually shows the following. The text is unindented fine, but the selection range goes away and there's just a cursor between the g and the h:
Interesting issue and excellent problem illustration!
The problem is that for some reason re-rendering doesn't occur when one of the selectionStart/selectionEnd properties remains the same. Try changing 5 to 6 on line #42.
It works when you introduce a forced reflow in the element structure. See here: (I updated it to 0.19 to see if that would solve the problem, but it didn't).
Note that this probably re-renders the whole textarea anew so it might cause problems if the textarea is a huge piece of code. You could solve that by alternating between two identical textareas where you toggle their visibility every render.
module Main exposing (Model, Msg(..), main, update, view)
-- Note: this is Elm 0.19
import Browser
import Browser.Dom exposing (focus)
import Html exposing (Html, button, div, text, textarea)
import Html.Attributes exposing (attribute, class, cols, id, property, rows, style, value)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Html.Lazy exposing (lazy2)
import Json.Encode as Encode
import Task exposing (attempt)
type alias Model =
{ content : String
, selectionStart : Int
, selectionEnd : Int
-- keep counter of renderings for purposes of randomness in rendering loop
, renderCounter : Int
main =
{ init = initModel
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = \s -> Sub.none
initModel : () -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
initModel flags =
( Model "" 0 0 0, Cmd.batch [] )
type Msg
= Setup
| Unindent
| NoOp (Result Browser.Dom.Error ())
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
newRenderCounter =
model.renderCounter + 1
case msg of
Setup ->
( { model
| content = "\tabc\n\tdef\n\tghi"
, selectionStart = 5
, selectionEnd = 12
, renderCounter = newRenderCounter
, attempt NoOp <| focus "ta"
Unindent ->
( { model
| content = "\tabc\ndef\nghi"
, selectionStart = 5
, selectionEnd = 10
, renderCounter = newRenderCounter
, attempt NoOp <| focus "ta"
NoOp _ ->
( model, Cmd.batch [] )
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
(viewTextarea model model.renderCounter
++ [ button [ onClick Setup ] [ text "Setup" ]
, button [ onClick Unindent ] [ text "Unindent" ]
viewTextarea : Model -> Int -> List (Html msg)
viewTextarea model counter =
rerenderForcer =
div [attribute "style" "display: none;"] []
ta =
[ id "ta"
, cols 40
, rows 20
, value model.content
, property "selectionStart" <| model.selectionStart
, property "selectionEnd" <| model.selectionEnd
-- this is the clue. by alternating this every render, it seems to force Elm to render the textarea anew, fixing the issue. Probably not very performant though. For a performant version, use an identical textarea instead of the div and make sure the two selectionStart/end properties both differ from the previous iteration. Then alternate visibility between the two every iteration.
if isEven counter then
[ ta, rerenderForcer ]
[ rerenderForcer, ta ]
isEven : Int -> Bool
isEven i =
modBy 2 i == 0

Zebra Printer - Not Printing PNG Stream *Provided my own answer*

I think I'm very close to getting this to print. However it still isn't. There is no exception thrown and it does seem to be hitting the zebra printer, but nothing. Its a long shot as I think most people are in the same position I am and know little about it. Any help anyone can give no matter how small will be welcomed, I'm losing the will to live
using (var response = request.GetResponse())
using (var responseStream = response.GetResponseStream())
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
if (responseStream == null)
stream.Position = 0;
using (var zipout = ZipFile.Read(stream))
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
foreach (var e in zipout.Where(e => e.FileName.Contains(".png")))
if (ms.Length <= 0)
var binaryData = ms.ToArray();
byte[] compressedFileData;
// Compress the data using the LZ77 algorithm.
using (var outStream = new MemoryStream())
using (var compress = new DeflateStream(outStream, CompressionMode.Compress, true))
compress.Write(binaryData, 0, binaryData.Length);
compressedFileData = outStream.ToArray();
// Encode the compressed data using the MIME Base64 algorithm.
var base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(compressedFileData);
// Calculate a CRC across the encoded data.
var crc = Calc(Convert.FromBase64String(base64));
// Add a unique header to differentiate the new format from the existing ASCII hexadecimal encoding.
var finalData = string.Format(":Z64:{0}:{1}", base64, crc);
var zplToSend = "~DYR:LOGO,P,P," + finalData.Length + ",," + finalData;
const string PrintImage = "^XA^FO0,0^IMR:LOGO.PNG^FS^XZ";
var client = new System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient();
client.Connect(IpAddress, Port);
var writer = new StreamWriter(client.GetStream(), Encoding.UTF8);
catch (Exception ex)
// Catch Exception
private static ushort Calc(byte[] data)
ushort wCrc = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
wCrc ^= (ushort)(data[i] << 8);
for (var j = 0; j < 8; j++)
if ((wCrc & 0x8000) != 0)
wCrc = (ushort)((wCrc << 1) ^ 0x1021);
wCrc <<= 1;
return wCrc;
The following code is working for me. The issue was the commands, these are very very important! Overview of the command I have used below, more can be found here
Start Format Description The ^XA command is used at the beginning of ZPL II code. It is the opening bracket and indicates the start of a new label format. This command is substituted with a single ASCII control character STX (control-B, hexadecimal 02). Format ^XA Comments Valid ZPL II format requires that label formats should start with the ^XA command and end with the ^XZ command.
Field Origin Description The ^FO command sets a field origin, relative to the label home (^LH) position. ^FO sets the upper-left corner of the field area by defining points along the x-axis and y-axis independent of the rotation. Format ^FOx,y,z
x = x-axis location (in dots) Accepted Values: 0 to 32000 Default
Value: 0
y = y-axis location (in dots) Accepted Values: 0 to 32000
Default Value: 0
z = justification The z parameter is only
supported in firmware versions V60.14.x, V50.14.x, or later. Accepted
Values: 0 = left justification 1 = right justification 2 = auto
justification (script dependent) Default Value: last accepted ^FW
value or ^FW default
Image Move Description The ^IM command performs a direct move of an image from storage area into the bitmap. The command is identical to the ^XG command (Recall Graphic), except there are no sizing parameters. Format ^IMd:o.x
d = location of stored object Accepted Values: R:, E:, B:, and A: Default Value: search priority
o = object name Accepted Values: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters Default Value: if a name is not specified, UNKNOWN is used
x = extension Fixed Value: .GRF, .PNG
Field Separator Description The ^FS command denotes the end of the field definition. Alternatively, ^FS command can also be issued as a single ASCII control code SI (Control-O, hexadecimal 0F). Format ^FS
End Format Description The ^XZ command is the ending (closing) bracket. It indicates the end of a label format. When this command is received, a label prints. This command can also be issued as a single ASCII control character ETX (Control-C, hexadecimal 03). Format ^XZ Comments Label formats must start with the ^XA command and end with the ^XZ command to be in valid ZPL II format.
Media Tracking Description This command specifies the media type being used and the black mark offset in dots. This bulleted list shows the types of media associated with this command:
Continuous Media – this media has no physical characteristic (such as a web, notch, perforation, black mark) to separate labels. Label length is determined by the ^LL command.
Continuous Media, variable length – same as Continuous Media, but if portions of the printed label fall outside of the defined label length, the label size will automatically be extended to contain them. This label length extension applies only to the current label. Note that ^MNV still requires the use of the ^LL command to define the initial desired label length.
Non-continuous Media – this media has some type of physical characteristic (such as web, notch, perforation, black mark) to separate the labels.
Format ^MNa,b
a = media being used Accepted Values: N = continuous media Y = non-continuous media web sensing d, e W = non-continuous media web sensing d, e M = non-continuous media mark sensing A = auto-detects the type of media during calibration d, f V = continuous media, variable length g Default Value: a value must be entered or the command is ignored
b = black mark offset in dots This sets the expected location of the media mark relative to the point of separation between documents. If set to 0, the media mark is expected to be found at the point of separation. (i.e., the perforation, cut point, etc.) All values are listed in dots. This parameter is ignored unless the a parameter is set to M. If this parameter is missing, the default value is used. Accepted Values: -80 to 283 for direct-thermal only printers -240 to 566 for 600 dpi printers -75 to 283 for KR403 printers -120 to 283 for all other printers Default Value: 0
Download Objects Description The ~DY command downloads to the printer graphic objects or fonts in any supported format. This command can be used in place of ~DG for more saving and loading options. ~DY is the preferred command to download TrueType fonts on printers with firmware later than X.13. It is faster than ~DU. The ~DY command also supports downloading wireless certificate files. Format ~DYd:f,b,x,t,w,data
When using certificate files, your printer supports:
- Using Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) formatted certificate files.
- Using the client certificate and private key as two files, each downloaded separately.
- Using exportable PAC files for EAP-FAST.
- Zebra recommends using Linear sty
d = file location .NRD and .PAC files reside on E: in firmware versions V60.15.x, V50.15.x, or later. Accepted Values: R:, E:, B:, and A: Default Value: R:
f = file name Accepted Values: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters Default Value: if a name is not specified, UNKNOWN is used
b = format downloaded in data field .TTE and .TTF are only supported in firmware versions V60.14.x, V50.14.x, or later. Accepted Values: A = uncompressed (ZB64, ASCII) B = uncompressed (.TTE, .TTF, binary) C = AR-compressed (used only by Zebra’s BAR-ONE® v5) P = portable network graphic (.PNG) - ZB64 encoded Default Value: a value must be specified
Description The ^ID command deletes objects, graphics, fonts, and stored formats from storage areas. Objects can be deleted selectively or in groups. This command can be used within a printing format to delete objects before saving new ones, or in a stand-alone format to delete objects.
The image name and extension support the use of the asterisk (*) as a wild card. This allows you to easily delete a selected groups of objects. Format ^IDd:o.x
d = location of stored object Accepted Values: R:, E:, B:, and A: Default Value: R:
o = object name Accepted Values: any 1 to 8 character name Default Value: if a name is not specified, UNKNOWN is used
x = extension Accepted Values: any extension conforming to Zebra conventions
Default Value: .GRF
const string PrintImage = "^XA^FO0,0,0^IME:LOGO.PNG^FS^XZ";
var zplImageData = string.Empty;
using (var response = request.GetResponse())
using (var responseStream = response.GetResponseStream())
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
if (responseStream == null)
stream.Position = 0;
using (var zipout = ZipFile.Read(stream))
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
foreach (var e in zipout.Where(e => e.FileName.Contains(".png")))
if (ms.Length <= 0)
var binaryData = ms.ToArray();
foreach (var b in binaryData)
var hexRep = string.Format("{0:X}", b);
if (hexRep.Length == 1)
hexRep = "0" + hexRep;
zplImageData += hexRep;
var zplToSend = "^XA" + "^FO0,0,0" + "^MNN" + "~DYE:LOGO,P,P," + binaryData.Length + ",," + zplImageData + "^XZ";
var label = GenerateStreamFromString(zplToSend);
var client = new System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient();
client.Connect(IpAddress, Port);
var cmd = GenerateStreamFromString(PrintImage);
var client2 = new System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient();
client2.Connect(IpAddress, Port);
client2.Close();var clearDownLabel = GenerateStreamFromString("^XA^IDR:LOGO.PNG^FS^XZ");
var client3 = new System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient();
client3.Connect(IpAddress, Port);
Easy once you know how.
Zebra ZPL logo example in base64
import crcmod
import base64
crc16 = crcmod.predefined.mkCrcFun('xmodem')
s = hex(crc16(ZPL_LOGO.encode()))[2:]
print (f"crc16: {s}")
Poorly documented may I say the least

How do I create a multi-level TreeView using F#?

I would like to display a directory structure using Gtk# widgets through F#, but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to translate TreeViews into F#. Say I had a directory structure that looks like this:
How would I show this tree structure with Gtk# widgets using F#?
gradbot's was the answer I was hoping for with a couple of exceptions. If you use ListStore, you loose the ability to expand levels, if you instead use :
let musicListStore = new Gtk.TreeStore([|typeof<String>; typeof<String>|])
you get a layout with expandable levels. Doing this, however, breaks the calls to AppendValues so you have to add some clues for the compiler to figure out which overloaded method to use:
musicListStore.AppendValues (iter, [|"Fannypack" ; "Nu Nu (Yeah Yeah) (double j and haze radio edit)"|])
Note that the columns are explicitly passed as an array.
Finally, you can nest levels even further by using the ListIter returned by Append Values
let iter = musicListStore.AppendValues ("Dance")
let subiter = musicListStore.AppendValues (iter, [|"Fannypack" ; "Nu Nu (Yeah Yeah) (double j and haze radio edit)"|])
musicListStore.AppendValues (subiter, [|"Some Dude"; "Some Song"|]) |> ignore
I'm not exactly sure what you're looking for but here is a translated example from their tutorials. It may help you get started. Image taken from tutorial site.
I think the key to a multi-level tree view is to append values to values, iter in this line musicListStore.AppendValues (iter, "Fannypack", "Nu Nu (Yeah Yeah) (double j and haze radio edit)") |> ignore
// you will need to add these references gtk-sharp, gtk-sharp, glib-sharp
// and set the projects running directory to
// C:\Program Files (x86)\GtkSharp\2.12\bin\
module SOQuestion
open Gtk
open System
let main() =
// Create a Window
let window = new Gtk.Window("TreeView Example")
window.SetSizeRequest(500, 200)
// Create our TreeView
let tree = new Gtk.TreeView()
// Add our tree to the window
// Create a column for the artist name
let artistColumn = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn()
artistColumn.Title <- "Artist"
// Create the text cell that will display the artist name
let artistNameCell = new Gtk.CellRendererText()
// Add the cell to the column
artistColumn.PackStart(artistNameCell, true)
// Create a column for the song title
let songColumn = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn()
songColumn.Title <- "Song Title"
// Do the same for the song title column
let songTitleCell = new Gtk.CellRendererText()
songColumn.PackStart(songTitleCell, true)
// Add the columns to the TreeView
tree.AppendColumn(artistColumn) |> ignore
tree.AppendColumn(songColumn) |> ignore
// Tell the Cell Renderers which items in the model to display
artistColumn.AddAttribute(artistNameCell, "text", 0)
songColumn.AddAttribute(songTitleCell, "text", 1)
let musicListStore = new Gtk.ListStore([|typeof<String>; typeof<String>|])
let iter = musicListStore.AppendValues ("Dance")
musicListStore.AppendValues (iter, "Fannypack", "Nu Nu (Yeah Yeah) (double j and haze radio edit)") |> ignore
let iter = musicListStore.AppendValues ("Hip-hop")
musicListStore.AppendValues (iter, "Nelly", "Country Grammer") |> ignore
// Assign the model to the TreeView
tree.Model <- musicListStore
// Show the window and everything on it
// add event handler so Gtk will exit
window.DeleteEvent.Add(fun _ -> Gtk.Application.Quit())
