I'm trying to figure out how to do a to do list in F# using immutable objects. The to do list (not necessarily an F# list) might be pulled from a database or collected from user input or read from XML or JSON, etc. That part is not so important.
Pseudo code:
do for some length of time:
for each item in the to do list:
if item is ready to do:
do item
if it worked:
remove from the todo list
wait a bit before trying again
report on items that weren't ready or that failed.
The to do list will be some collection of F# records which will have at least an instruction ("Send Email", "Start a process", "Copy a File", "Ask for a raise") along with parameters as a sub-collection.
Can such a thing be done with immutable objects alone? Or must I use a .NET List or some other mutable object?
I don't need fully-fleshed out working code, just some ideas about how I'd put such a thing together.
UPDATE: First attempt at (half-)coding this thing:
let processtodo list waittime deadline =
let rec inner list newlist =
match list with
| [] when not List.isEmpty newlist ->
inner newlist []
| head :: tail when head.isReady->
let res = head.action
inner tail ( if res = true then tail else list)
| head :: tail when not head.isReady ->
inner tail list
| _ when deadline not passed ->
// wait for the waittime
inner list
| _ -> report on unfinished list
inner list []
I tried to write this in the typical fashion seen in many examples. I assumed that the items support the "isReady" and "action" methods. The thing I don't like is its not tail-call recursive, so will consume stack space for each recursion.
Recursion and/or continuations are the typical strategies to transform code with mutable structures in loops to immutable structures. If you know how to write a recursive "List.filter" then you'll probably have some ideas to be on the right track.
I am often wanting to take one list and cons every element into an existing list.
MyList = [3,2,1],
MyNewElements = [4,5,6],
MyNewList = lists:foldl(fun(A, B) -> [A | B] end, MyList, MyNewElements).
%% [6,5,4,3,2,1]
Assuming MyList has 1M elements and MyNewElements only has a few, I want to do this efficiently.
I couldn't figure out which of these functions- if any- did what I was trying to do:
Adding a short list to the beginning of a long list is cheap - the execution time of the ++ operator is proportional to the length of the first list. The first list is copied, and the second list is added as the tail without modification.
So in your example, that would be:
lists:reverse(MyNewElements) ++ MyList
(The execution time of lists:reverse/1 is also proportional to the length of the argument.)
Another option, aside from those already provided, would be just to have
NewDeepList = [MyList | DeepList]
and modify the reading/traversing to be able to handle [[element()]] instead of [element()].
Because erlang is function language and is different from c, javascript, it copy variable and modify it, not just modify it. Therefore it is impossible compression to o(A).length(A) is length of new added elements.
In F# I need to get a list from an existing list with the value at a particular index changed from the original. All I can find on google and here relates to changing something based on value rather than index (fair enough, because lists don't really have a concept of "index", but I bet everyone knew what I meant).
This is obviously easy enough to code. At the moment I have:
// Replace element at index with newElement in seq. Does nothing if index is outside seq.
let updateElement index newElement seq =
let rec updateElementHelper seq count result =
match seq with
| [] -> result |> List.rev
| head::tail ->
if count = index then
updateElementHelper [] (count + 1) (newElement::result)#tail
updateElementHelper tail (count + 1) (head::result)
updateElementHelper seq 0 []
which seems to work just fine, but is there a more native way than this?
(F# newbie - or rather, returing after a very long break and never having got all that far the first time around).
The easiest way to implement this is probably to use the List.mapi function - it calls a function you provide for each element of the list and gives you an index, so you can either return the original element or your new element, depending on the index:
let updateElement index element list =
list |> List.mapi (fun i v -> if i = index then element else v)
updateElement 4 40 [ 0 .. 9 ]
As noted by #Jarak, if you need to do this often, then it might be worth thinking whether there is some other more functional approach to your problem where you do not rely on indices - doing something like this would not be very typical thing to do in functional code.
I am assuming that you don't want to allow the list to be mutable. If you did, then you could just index into the list and update the value, e.g. mylist.[index] <- newValue.
I will say right now that any operation on a list that uses any other sort of access than the typical "head + tail -> recurse on tail" style is a strong sign that a list isn't the right data structure for your operation. See e.g. Juliet's answer here. Typically, if you want to be operating on a linear data structure by index, an array is your best bet.
The easiest way I can think of to do this if you still want to do it with a list, would be something like the following:
let newList = oldList.[..index - 1] # (newValue :: oldList.[index + 1..])
(I might possibly have the indices slightly off)
This will probably have very poor performance, however. I think it would be reasonably fair to say that many F#-ers would call any use of # or List slicing a code smell. As a very infrequent operation on small lists it might be alright, but if it will be used frequently, or on large lists, then it would be a good time to start thinking if a list is really the right collection data structure for your task.
Maps, filters, folds and more : http://learnyousomeerlang.com/higher-order-functions#maps-filters-folds
The more I read ,the more i get confused.
Can any body help simplify these concepts?
I am not able to understand the significance of these concepts.In what use cases will these be needed?
I think it is majorly because of the syntax,diff to find the flow.
The concepts of mapping, filtering and folding prevalent in functional programming actually are simplifications - or stereotypes - of different operations you perform on collections of data. In imperative languages you usually do these operations with loops.
Let's take map for an example. These three loops all take a sequence of elements and return a sequence of squares of the elements:
// C - a lot of bookkeeping
int data[] = {1,2,3,4,5};
int squares_1_to_5[sizeof(data) / sizeof(data[0])];
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(data) / sizeof(data[0]); ++i)
squares_1_to_5[i] = data[i] * data[i];
// C++11 - less bookkeeping, still not obvious
std::vec<int> data{1,2,3,4,5};
std::vec<int> squares_1_to_5;
for (auto i = begin(data); i < end(data); i++)
squares_1_to_5.push_back((*i) * (*i));
// Python - quite readable, though still not obvious
data = [1,2,3,4,5]
squares_1_to_5 = []
for x in data:
squares_1_to_5.append(x * x)
The property of a map is that it takes a collection of elements and returns the same number of somehow modified elements. No more, no less. Is it obvious at first sight in the above snippets? No, at least not until we read loop bodies. What if there were some ifs inside the loops? Let's take the last example and modify it a bit:
data = [1,2,3,4,5]
squares_1_to_5 = []
for x in data:
if x % 2 == 0:
squares_1_to_5.append(x * x)
This is no longer a map, though it's not obvious before reading the body of the loop. It's not clearly visible that the resulting collection might have less elements (maybe none?) than the input collection.
We filtered the input collection, performing the action only on some elements from the input. This loop is actually a map combined with a filter.
Tackling this in C would be even more noisy due to allocation details (how much space to allocate for the output array?) - the core idea of the operation on data would be drowned in all the bookkeeping.
A fold is the most generic one, where the result doesn't have to contain any of the input elements, but somehow depends on (possibly only some of) them.
Let's rewrite the first Python loop in Erlang:
lists:map(fun (E) -> E * E end, [1,2,3,4,5]).
It's explicit. We see a map, so we know that this call will return a list as long as the input.
And the second one:
lists:map(fun (E) -> E * E end,
lists:filter(fun (E) when E rem 2 == 0 -> true;
(_) -> false end,
Again, filter will return a list at most as long as the input, map will modify each element in some way.
The latter of the Erlang examples also shows another useful property - the ability to compose maps, filters and folds to express more complicated data transformations. It's not possible with imperative loops.
They are used in almost every application, because they abstract different kinds of iteration over lists.
map is used to transform one list into another. Lets say, you have list of key value tuples and you want just the keys. You could write:
keys([]) -> [];
keys([{Key, _Value} | T]) ->
[Key | keys(T)].
Then you want to have values:
values([]) -> [];
values([{_Key, Value} | T}]) ->
[Value | values(T)].
Or list of only third element of tuple:
third([]) -> [];
third([{_First, _Second, Third} | T]) ->
[Third | third(T)].
Can you see the pattern? The only difference is what you take from the element, so instead of repeating the code, you can simply write what you do for one element and use map.
Third = fun({_First, _Second, Third}) -> Third end,
map(Third, List).
This is much shorter and the shorter your code is, the less bugs it has. Simple as that.
You don't have to think about corner cases (what if the list is empty?) and for experienced developer it is much easier to read.
filter searches lists. You give it function, that takes element, if it returns true, the element will be on the returned list, if it returns false, the element will not be there. For example filter logged in users from list.
foldl and foldr are used, when you have to do additional bookkeeping while iterating over the list - for example summing all the elements or counting something.
The best explanations, I've found about those functions are in books about Lisp: "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" and "On Lisp" Chapter 4..
Following up my previous question, I'm slowly getting the hang of FParsec (though I do find it particularly hard to grok).
My next newbie F# question is, how do I extract data from the list the parser creates?
For example, I loaded the sample code from the previous question into a module called Parser.fs, and added a very simple unit test in a separate module (with the appropriate references). I'm using XUnit:
open Xunit
let Parse_1_ShouldReturnListContaining1 () =
let interim = Parser.parse("1")
let head = interim.Head // I realise that I have only one item in the list this time
Assert.Equal("1", ???)
Interactively, when I execute parse "1" the response is:
val it : Element list = [Number "1"]
and by tweaking the list of valid operators, I can run parse "1+1" to get:
val it : Element list = [Number "1"; Operator "+"; Number "1"]
What do I need to put in place of my ??? in the snippet above? And how do I check that it is a Number, rather than an Operator, etc.?
F# types (including lists) implement structural equality. This means that if you compare two lists that contain some F# types using =, it will return true when the types have the same length and contain elements with the same properties.
Assuming that the Element type is a discriminated union defined in F# (and is not an object type), you should be able to write just:
Assert.Equal(interim, [Number "1"; Operator "+"; Number "1"])
If you wanted to implement the equality yourself, then you could use pattern matching;
let expected = [Number "1"]
match interim, expected with
| Number a, Number b when a = b -> true
| _ -> false
How can a value of type:
type Tree =
| Node of int * Tree list
have a value that references itself generated in a functional way?
The resulting value should be equal to x in the following Python code, for a suitable definition of Tree:
x = Tree()
x.tlist = [x]
Edit: Obviously more explanation is necessary. I am trying to learn F# and functional programming, so I chose to implement the cover tree which I have programmed before in other languages. The relevant thing here is that the points of each level are a subset of those of the level below. The structure conceptually goes to level -infinity.
In imperative languages a node has a list of children which includes itself. I know that this can be done imperatively in F#. And no, it doesn't create an infinite loop given the cover tree algorithm.
Tomas's answer suggests two possible ways to create recursive data structures in F#. A third possibility is to take advantage of the fact that record fields support direct recursion (when used in the same assembly that the record is defined in). For instance, the following code works without any problem:
type 'a lst = Nil | NonEmpty of 'a nelst
and 'a nelst = { head : 'a; tail : 'a lst }
let rec infList = NonEmpty { head = 1; tail = infList }
Using this list type instead of the built-in one, we can make your code work:
type Tree = Node of int * Tree lst
let rec x = Node(1, NonEmpty { head = x; tail = Nil })
You cannot do this directly if the recursive reference is not delayed (e.g. wrapped in a function or lazy value). I think the motivation is that there is no way to create the value with immediate references "at once", so this would be awkward from the theoretical point of view.
However, F# supports recursive values - you can use those if the recursive reference is delayed (the F# compiler will then generate some code that initializes the data structure and fills in the recursive references). The easiest way is to wrap the refernece inside a lazy value (function would work too):
type Tree =
| Node of int * Lazy<Tree list>
// Note you need 'let rec' here!
let rec t = Node(0, lazy [t; t;])
Another option is to write this using mutation. Then you also need to make your data structure mutable. You can for example store ref<Tree> instead of Tree:
type Tree =
| Node of int * ref<Tree> list
// empty node that is used only for initializataion
let empty = Node(0, [])
// create two references that will be mutated after creation
let a, b = ref empty, ref empty
// create a new node
let t = Node(0, [a; b])
// replace empty node with recursive reference
a := t; b := t
As James mentioned, if you're not allowed to do this, you can have some nice properties such as that any program that walks the data structure will terminate (because the data-structrue is limited and cannot be recursive). So, you'll need to be a bit more careful with recursive values :-)