I've got an easy one for you guys.
I want to have a featured content section where the current article is EXCLUDED
So this works using Middleman Blog with delete_if:
<% blog(content).articles.delete_if{|item| item == current_article}.each do |article| %>
<%= article_content %>
<% end %>
However I'm using Middleman proxies so I don't have access to the current_article method...
I've got an YAML structure that holds the following mock data (amongst others) with the folder setup like: data > site > caseStudy > RANDOM-ID423536.yaml (Generated by a CMS)
Inside each yaml file you'll find stuff like:
:id: 2k1YccJrQsKE2siSO6o6ac
:title: Heyplace
My config.rb looks like this
data.site.caseStudy.each do | id, this |
proxy "/cases/#{this.slug}/index.html", "/cases/cases-template.html", :locals => { this: this }, :ignore => true
My template file holds the following
<%= partial(:'partials/footer', :locals => {:content => data.site.caseStudy, :title => 'See more projects'}) %>
My loop that gets content
<% content.each do |id, this| %>
<%= partial "partials/tile" %>
<% end %>
So I guess my question is, how can I use delete_if in this instance so that the current article isnt being displayed?
I have tried stuff like, but to no avail:
<% content.delete_if{|e| e.title == content.title}.each do |id, this| %>
<%= partial "partials/tile" %>
<% end %>
Any help is appreciated! Thank you!
Solved, ended up doing
<% content.reject{ | id, item| item == this }.each do |id, this| %>
<%= partial "partials/tile", :locals => { :this => this, :dir => "/#{this.content_type_id.downcase}/", :secondary => 'View' } %>
<% end %>
Courtesy of #David Litvak
I'm the maintainer of contentful_middleman. Looks like you could just send the this to the partial as local, then iterate through your content and make sure that you exclude the one that matches the id of this.
I've got an easy one for you guys.
I want to have a featured content section where the current article link is hidden or removed
So already this works using Middleman Blog with delete_if:
<% blog(content).articles.delete_if{|item| item == current_article}.each do |article| %>
<%= article.href %>
<% end %>
However I'm using Middleman proxies so I don't have access to the current_article method...
I've got an YAML structure that holds the following mock data (amongst others) with the folder setup like: data > site > caseStudy > RANDOM-ID423536.yaml (Generated by a CMS)
Inside each yaml file you'll find stuff like:
:id: 2k1YccJrQsKE2siSO6o6ac
:title: Heyplace
My config.rb looks like this
data.site.caseStudy.each do | id, this |
proxy "/cases/#{this.slug}/index.html", "/cases/cases-template.html", :locals => { this: this }, :ignore => true
My template file holds the following
<%= partial(:'partials/footer', :locals => {:content => data.site.caseStudy, :title => 'See more projects'}) %>
My loop that gets content
<% content.each do |id, this| %>
<%= partial "partials/tile" %>
<% end %>
So I guess my question is, how can I use delete_if in this instance so that the current article isnt being displayed?
I have tried stuff like, but to no avail:
<% content.delete_if{|e| e.title == content.title}.each do |id, article| %>
<%= article.href %>
<% end %>
As well as:
<% content.reject{|key, value| key >= this.id }.sort_by{ |index| rand }.each do |id, this| %>
<%= partial "partials/tile" %>
<% end %>
(This deletes the data all together forever until you reload the page, strange!)
Any help is appreciated! Thank you!
Rails Newbie. Be gentle. If I need to show more stuff I'll do it.
Trying to insert a newsletter signup block above my footer on a project but didn't make it a partial in the layouts set up.
I have the yield outputting an index from a blog.
Right now it's just saying "false" on my local host.
Is it possible to have multiple yields to different indexes?
Is it possible to insert another page into a layout page?
<div id="blog">
<%= yield %>
<%= content_for?(:newsletter) ? yield(:newsletter) : yield %>
<%= render 'layouts/footer' %>
<% content_for :newsletter do %>
<h1>Get My Awesome News Letter</h1>
<p>Give me your email and keep up to date on my cat's thoughts.</p>
<%= form_tag('/emailapi/subscribe', method: "post", id: "subscribe", remote: "true") do -%>
<%= email_field(:email, :address, {id: "email", placeholder: "email address"}) %>
<%= submit_tag("Sign me up!") %>
<% end %>
class EmailapiController < ApplicationController
def newsletter
render params[:newsletter]
def subscribe
gb = Gibbon::Request.new
:email => {:email => params[:email][:address]}
root to: 'posts#index'
get "/:newsletter" => 'emailapi#newsletter'
post 'emailapi/subscribe' => 'emailapi#subscribe'
You shouldn't need this conditional test:
content_for?(:newsletter) ? yield(:newsletter) : yield
try just:
<%= content_for :newsletter %>
Here's the doc on content_for:
Ie only show the newsletter if newsletter is present.
The extra yield (if newsletter-content is not present) is repeated from the blog-section above.
You probably shouldn't have duplicate plain yields just the one... everything else should have a name (eg :newsletter)
Also - you seem to be missing an <% end %> in newsletter.html.erb
You should be able to just use another render block. I'm not sure where your newsletter.html.erb lives, but if, for example it lived in a folder such as includes/ you could do something like:
<%= render 'includes/newsletter' %>
There's a good number of related questions but their answers haven't helped me. I have a method fetch_all_sections which populates an array with this line:
all_sections << {:id => section.id, :sortlabel => section.sortlabel, :title => section.title, :depth => depth}
In a loop in a view, I would like to easily access the values by their key, like this:
<% fetch_all_sections(#standard).each do |section| %>
<%= section.id %>
<% end %>
This says no method id on section. section[:id] and #{section['id']} have similarly themed errors. I used a hash for ease of retrieval - should I use a different structure?
I'm hoping I don't need .map like section.map { |id| id[:id] } for every value.
EDIT: Here's the context. It's a little loopy (pun intended) but it does what's intended.
# Calls itself for each section recursively to fetch all possible children
def fetch_all_sections(standard, section = nil, depth = 0)
all_sections = []
if section.nil?
rootsections = standard.sections.sorted
if ! rootsections.nil?
rootsections.each_with_index do |section, i|
depth = section.sortlabel.split('.').length - 1
all_sections.push(fetch_all_sections(standard, section, depth))
all_sections << {:id => section.id, :sortlabel => section.sortlabel, :title => section.title, :depth => depth}
section.children.sorted.each do |section|
all_sections | fetch_all_sections(standard, section)
return all_sections
Try with the following:
<% fetch_all_sections(#standard).each do |section| %>
<%= section['id'] %>
<% end %>
If not working, try debugging using these methods:
<% fetch_all_sections(#standard).each do |section| %>
<%= section.inspect %>
<%= section.class %>
<% end %>
As the Question author said, this fixed:
all_sections << fetch_all_sections(standard, section, depth).first
And tell us the output of the inspect
In my rails application I wanted to use pagination for names. I'm fetching the names from a postgresql table.
def index
#users = User.order("name").paginate(:page=>params[:page],:per_page=>50)
Is there a way of alphabetic pagination that has page numbers as a,b,c..........z
Thanks for your help,
Im doing this too in one of my projects. I didnt use a gem for this. Its really easy using Ranges... For example:
<% ('A'..'Z').each do |char| %>
<% if char==params[:char] %>
<%= link_to :action => 'your_action', :char => char, :class => 'selected_char' %>
<% else %>
<%= link_to :action => 'your_action', :char => char %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
Then in the controller Action you select the Objects by the params[:char] given. For example:
#instance_var = ModelName.where("field LIKE ?", "#{params[:char]}%")
this did it for me. You can easy build a partial out of this and use it for many different Models.
I'm creating an application with ruby on rails where I have an items/_item.html.erb. Inside the partial is a yield statement so i can add extra content as needed. In this case, I want to add a specific button to item depending on what view calls partial.
This is what I've tried and it renders the partial, but it does not render the block:
<%= yield if block_given? %>
<%= item.name %>
<% render(:partial => 'items/item', :collection => current_user.items do %>
<%= "HELLO" %>
<% end %>
I have also tried using content_for and some other stuff with no success. Is there a way to be able to render specific content inside a partial via yield? I'm currently using Rails3
I've found out that it's the :collection hash that makes it impossible insert the block.
Both of this pieces of code work:
<%= render :layout => 'items/item' do %>
Hello world
<% end %>
<%= render :layout => 'items/item', :locals => {:item => current_user.items.first} do %>
Hello world
<% end %>
This means that if i do a .each i could accomplish what I want but it would be ugly code. Anyone know a way around this?
content_for should work fine in this case. Here is the code I just double checked locally.
<% content_for :foobar do %>
<% end %>
<% if content_for? :foobar %>
<%= yield :foobar %>
<% end %>