IOS Firebase Invitation crashing while loading contacts Objective-C - ios

I implemented Firebase invite method and it works great for the first time. But after that, while I trying to invite it crashed. I can't trace where it from but asked in log about:
While I add this symbolic breakpoint in my project it hangs my app and give these errors: (see in pics)
which I can't trace why happened this? If any anyone can't give a solution at least help me trace the problem out.


Can't see any app data or crash reports on NewRelic platform

I am a new iOS developer, and I was attempting to implement NewRelic as my crash reporting platform for a test application before I use it with a different application, but I cannot seem to receive any data on NewRelic. I went through the Cocoapods installation here: with my own app on Swift. After that didn't work, I used a coworkers test app, who had the crash reporting working, and it still wouldn't work for me.
One difference that we have noticed is that I receive this notification from Apple when crashing my test app on XCode simulator...
We figure the data isn't being sent because something is getting in the way of the process, but we can't figure out why. I have tried disabling debugging on XCode. I have tried almost everything that NewRelic suggests on their website and through their technical support. Has this happened to anyone else before?

Firebase Crash report

my app crashed, and while i was relying on firebase crash report to get some answers; the stack trace just didn't make any sense to me.
this is what I was able to get from them, how can I make use of those numbers they offer me:

How does crashlytics manage to upload crash-log even the crash happens in applicationDidFinishLaunching?

As $title, just wondering how they do this.
This is what they say in their webpage 'Is there a quick way to force a crash?'
And I followed this, successfully got the crash-log in applicationDidFinishLaunching:.
They only upload it, once the application is restarted.
They gather information before the crash, and send the crash log after a restart.
That is how I understood it.
See the answer from #marcr here: Offline crash reporting in Crashlytics

iOS Crash Follower

Is that possible to complete a function(iOS Crash Follower) in the code for finding crash address or grasping the last called function in the callstack when app crashed?
With this function,we can easily to find out where the app crashed and then show crash information on the console, or maybe it can collect crash information before it feedback to us when mobile-net works.
Is anybody knows?
And give BugHD a try, iOS OSX & Android all supports, with very detail crash report.

How can i relaunch the app after it crashed

Handling unhandled exceptions and signals
I just read this blog, and find it is a good way to handle the crash.
Can we repalce the "continue" button to "relaunch",and relaunch the App if end user want to relaunch our App, or it is correct to do so?
Is there a way we can programing relaunch our App in this situation?Can I push a localNotification to report the crash and let the user know it?
If anyone can give some sample code to do, I will very thanks.
Sorry, my english is not good, hope you can understand me!
You should rather use a library that leverages PLCrashReporter by Landon Fuller. It is much safer, creates standard crash reports, you get all threads including last exception backtrace, allows you to symbolicate them and get the line numbers of your own code. See this blog post for more details why it is safer:
There are multiple frameworks and services build on top of PLCrashReporter, which I mentioned in this answer: Including custom data into iOS crash dumps
In addition you can NOT re-launch the app after it crashed (one exception is, if your app is providing voice over ip functionality). There is no code, especially Objective-C code that you should launch once your app crashed, see the linked blog post above, so you can't invoke a local notification either.
