iOS deployment: Errors when trying to Archive - ios

I'm trying to build my app for iOS and the more I go further, the more errors I get. I spent hours dealing with them, and I need your help with some issues. I have all certificates needed.
When trying to Archive my app, I ge the following errors:
Check dependencies
Failed to create provisioning profile. There are no devices registered in your account on the developer website. Plug in and select a device to have Xcode register it.
No profiles for '' were found: Xcode couldn't find a provisioning profile matching ''.
Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 10.2'
There are no devices registered in my account developer website? Huh? I don't have an iPhone, I bought mac for the develoyment process, why do I get this error and how I can overpass it?
No profiles for my package - why? what does it checks exactly? I followed every single step of the deployment proccess..
Code signing is required.. ok where?
My settings for signing:
If I pick my profile I get error about conflict, and that I should change the settings to iOS developer.


Is iphone needed just to build an archive in ios?

I'm new in ios development. I have an existing app in android made from flutter that I want to build an os version of. My problem is I have this errors when trying to create an archive build.
Failed to create provisioning profile. There are no devices registered in your account on the developer website. Plug in and select a device to have Xcode register it.
No profiles for '' were found: Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching ''.
I already have an apple developer team but I can't create identifiers. Its always saying
An App ID with Identifier '' is not available. Please enter a different string.
Do i really need to have an iphone just to make an archive? Is there any other way cause I don't have an iphone.

Create an IPA file with ionic

I'm trying to compile my ionic app for iOS.
It compiles well with the simulator, so I'd like to test it on some friend's iDevices (I don't have any iphone or ipad), so I'd like to send them the IPA in order to test.
To do that I saw that I have to archive my project, I tried to do so and I got an error:
Code Sign error: No provisioning profiles found: No non–expired provisioning profiles were found.
I checked my profile, XCode suggests me to fix the issue. But when I try to do so, I got this error:
Creating a provisioning profile requires one or more devices to be registered with your team. Connect a device to your Mac to add it to your team.
So I thought that having an iDevice wasn't mandatory in order to compile for iOS. Am I wrong ?
You required provisioning profile to archive your project to make build. Now if you don't have create provisioning profile from your apple developer account, then you have option automatic, but to generate provisioning profile you required your device connected with your xcode,so that xcode takes udid of that device and can make automatic provisioning profile!
Now, if you don't have real device then from your developer account - Add some device first - I mean your friend's device(for that you required udid of it!) - create provisioning profile for development - download it - set it as provisioning profile from general or build settings from your xcode. Then you will able to make build!
If you have device then also you need to create provisioning profile that contains your friend's device, other wise application will not install on it!
You can refer Raywenderlich's tutorials to manage these kind of stuff that i have mentioned above!

Unable to fix code signing issue: Xcode7.3

I am trying to run my application on different devices for testing purposes. It successfully allows me to run the app on iPhone4S, iPhone6 & iPhone6S. I tried to run it on my iPhone 5 however I am getting the following error:
"Failed to code sign. None of the valid provisioning profiles include the devices "DEVICE NAME". Xcode can attempt to fix this"
When I click "Fix Issue" I get the following:
"Unable to fix code signing issue" "Xcode failed to resolve this issue. Check your code signing setting; ensure you have matching signing certificates and provisioning profiles installed and try again".
I have tried following various answers such as None of the valid provisioning profiles include the devices however I am using a free account and as a result i don't have access to the devices portal on
How can I fix this error without adding a device on the develop portal? Its odd that I only have this issue on this device.
Any help would be appreciated
P.s. I am using Xcode 7.3
My apple ID looks like the below:
Go to PRODUCT click Profile! It will resolve your issue or just go for build for profiling.
firstly you have to Make sure you have a valid apple developer account then you have access to and generate profiles for your app.
for more please check i hope it will solve your issues :
Xcode 7 error: "Missing iOS Distribution signing identity for ..."
If you are using Developer account, make sure that the device on which you are trying to install the build is registered in your Developer account and Provisioning profile. Otherwise Xcode won't let you install the build in there.
There is no limit on the number of devices that we can test our app using a free developer account. I tested my app on 5 devices, and all are working. But the only catch is that the provisioning profiles expire in 7 days, so the app does not not work after 7 days unless we re-launch it from XCode. The code signing issue could be due to some other issue. But I still dont understand why someone from the apple team told you that the limit is 3 devices.
More info on that - Is there a limit on the number of devices on which we can launch our app using the free apple developer account?

iTunes Store operation failed: Invalid signature

I want to submit a new application to the App Store. The application is build with IBM MobileFirst Platform 6.3 so the application itself is a Cordova application. When trying to validate before submitting it to the store, I get the following error message:
After searching for several hours. I can't find any solution which helps for me. The code signature seems to be OK, at least, I think so.
Does anyone know how to solve this problem? I tried to run the application on an iPad 2 with iOS 7.2 and this works great. When connecting my iPhone 5s with iOS 8.3, I can't run the application as Xcode throws an error, he doesn't recognize my iOS version or something while Xcode is completely updated. The archive creation was successful, but the validation not.
New Signing:
Your provisioning profile doesn't seem right.If there are so many "junk numbers" then we can say something's wrong.So I recommend you to check your steps or make everything from scratch:
Steps to make your app ready for App Store submit:
1-You create an App ID from member center
2-You create a Distribution Certificate
3-You create a Distribution Provisioning Profile with this App ID and Distribution Certificate included
4-Download this Provisioning Profile to your Mac
5-Double Click on this Provisioning Profile
6-in xCode make sure you selected the right team under Target -> General -> Team (This must be the team that includes App ID and Distribution Certificate that you just created)
7-Click xCode -> Preferences (or cmd,)
8-Under Accounts section, choose your team
9-Click "View Details" button
10-Click the "Refresh" button and wait for refreshing to finish
11-If you see the recently-created and downloaded provisioning profile, it is ok to click 'Done' button
12- Now, under Project and Targets, choose the recently-downloaded provisioning profile for "release" and "distribution" (also for the 'Any iOS SDK')
13- Then choose the right code signing identities that are derived from this provisioning profile (for release and distribution and also for 'Any iOS SDK')
14- Now it must be successsful
The problem had nothing to do with the incorrect settings of the project, but with IBM Mobile First Platform. This platform creates an file which is not signed. Apple won't allow this anymore, so this is why the error message keeps appearing.
For future reference:

Titanium gives error: Specified Provisioning Profile is invalid or is the wrong type

I can't get Titanium to accept my provisioning profile.
I am using Titanium to build a development app to run on my iPhone and that of two others. I have created the certificates, app ids, and provisioning profiles but when I come to create a package for distributing via iTune I get the error:
"Specified Provisioning Profile is invalid or is the wrong type"
I have tried pretty much every option I can think with respect to ways to build the package and types of provisioning profiles but it consistently fails with this message.
Is there a solution to this problem?
I always get xCode to build correctly first. I set up a blank helloWorld application in xCode and follow the Apple guide there on their resources site. Once this is set up titanium will pick up on your valid certificate and provisioning profiles.
Check that when you are trying to run the project you have removed any invalid or old provisioning profiles. This can be done under xCode device manager > Selected device , click the settings wheel in the bottom left > Show provisioning profiles... You'll then see a list of profiles you re trying to build with, if you've created a couple that have the same name it could be selecting the wrong one.
