Why is QWebEngineView not ready for mobie apps? - webview

My apps will use some widgets to show web pages. But QTextBrowser just support HTML 4.1, and QtWebView just support QML, and QWebEngineView just spoport Linux/Unix/MacOSX/Windows. Why does QWebEngineView not support Android and IOS? It is the reason of Chromium donot support Android and IOS ?
Current mobie apps often use WebView to show web pages, so we can't wait for QWebEngineView. What is the official idea and plan?

It is the reason of Chromium donot support Android and IOS ?
Apple does not allow Chromium on iOS.
See rule #2.5.6 at https://developer.apple.com/app-store/review/guidelines/#software-requirements -- Apps that browse the web must use the appropriate WebKit framework and WebKit Javascript.
It is technically possible to add support for Qt WebEngine on Android, but this support does not exist at the moment.
See http://lists.qt-project.org/pipermail/development/2013-September/013169.html for the reasons.
This is my interpretation:
It requires a lot of work. The Qt Company's resources are being spent in other areas.
An Android app that uses QWebEngineView will need to include the Qt WebEngine library, which is very large (~30 MB?). This is not desirable.


iOS PhoneGap app using WebGL

Which is the WebView of a PhoneGap app, is the Safari mobile or desktop one?
Is it possible to use WebGL in PhoneGap apps? If not which they work around to use them being able to submit the app to the Apple Store and Android Store
Will I be able to submit to Apple Store a PhoneGap app that uses WebGL?
iOS 8 brought WebGL support on the UIWebView and WKWebView, so if you don't want to support previous versions you can use it without CocoonJS
See more details on ludei's website
If you want to create HTML5 apps with WebGL for iOS and android, try CocoonJS
Right now it's the only way to create WebGL apps that run on iOS and android
I just figured out your issues in two points.They are-
phonegap build app links won't open in safari. For More details Please check HERE
Neither the iOS nor Android browsers support WebGL so it is pretty much a non-starter in PhoneGap.
Apple are clearly working towards supporting WebGL in a more general sense, as can be seen in their support for it in iAds.
It’s possible to take advantage of WebGL using standard embedded web views ( using private APIs).
check HERE too fro browser support.
I personally recommend Ejecta for it being open source:
The Android port doesn't seem widely active, but the main ios port seems well maintained, supporting WebGl.
The latest Android versions support webGL directly - if using older Android versions, Crosswalk can also be used along with phonegap to utilize webgl support.

Mobile Safari uses Webkit1/Webkit2?

I am researching a bit about Mobile safari and have searched the web for any information about the process model being used.
Webkit1 was a single process framework and with Webkit2 the chromium style multi-process model was introduced in Webkit. But no where is there a mention of Mobile Safari using the same.
Is there anyway to detect which Webkit(1/2) is being used in the latest Mobile Safari? Is there any changelog of the same?
I'm not sure in my answer, but there is a private framework called WebKit2.framework in iOS7. You can check it here.
So, it's quite possible, that Safari uses WebKit2.

Difference of Native packaging between Sencha touch2 and PhoneGap

What is the difference of native packaging between Sencha touch2 and PhoneGap?
Many people use PhoneGap to natively package app based on Sencha touch, but I find that Sencha touch 2 has a new feature of native packaging.
So which type of native package is better in Performance, scalability, functionality, maturity, etc. ?
How do you choose?
PhoneGap is a middle-platform which is able to access some native APIs on many platforms and its interface language is Javascript. This means that PhoneGap is able to work with many cross-platform mobile web frameworks, such as: Sencha Touch, Titanium, jQuery Mobile, etc.
Sencha Touch 2 also provides a few native APIs (currently available on iOS, Android) through its SDK.
If you are not going to use any native APIs, then they don't have any major differences on performance and functionality as the only work done is just to wrap your Javascript code into a webview native component on corresponding device.
Lastly, the 2 main differences are:
PhoneGap provides much more APIs than Sencha Touch SDK.
PhoneGap supports 7 platforms, while Sencha Touch SDK only 2.
I had the same questions, I agree it's a real mess at first glance. Here is a very good article that "clears up confusion" quite well.
To quote the gist of the article:
Sencha Touch (and jQuery Mobile) are mobile web frameworks. You can use these technologies to create web-based, mobile apps. They don’t have access to any native API’s.
You can use Sencha Touch and jQuery Mobile inside both PhoneGap and Titanium. If you decide your html/js is cool as a native app too, you can use either PhoneGap or Titanium to wrap a browser around your app and put it in the app store or marketplace. This is where, I think, the confusion comes. Putting your Sencha Touch or jQuery Mobile apps in a native wrapper doesn’t make it a native app. It makes it appear as if it is a native app. You might get some extra functionality from PhoneGap or Titanium API’s, but it’s still not necessarily a ‘native’ app. It’s a web app running locally on the device. It’s a great way to use web technologies inside a native-like area.
The difference is that Sencha Touch allows you to build native iOS-Applications even on Windows, whereas PhoneGap 'only' bundles your HTML files into an XCode project, which further needs to be compiled on OSX for distribution/packaging.

PhoneGap Support for Blackberries 6.0+

I need to decide whether to use phonegap to create a blackberry application. The lure of the app being deployable to various platforms is enticing however I need to know if it will be able to support Blackberry versions 6.0+. So far the website claims support for 5.0, and 6.0. There is a link at: PhoneGap Supported Versions that is meant to explain which ones are supported however one link doesn't work and another takes you to a dated stackoverflow thread. I get the same results from other searches.
My question is can phonegap support higher blackberry operating systems such as 7.0 and later developments by RIM? Also if stability in terms of not having to continuously modify the application for oncoming OSs was important, would it be better to use RIM's WebWorks SDK rather than PhoneGap?
If you are only going to target RIM phones then the WebWorks SDK is probably the best way to go. If you want to target other devices that run iOS and Android then you should look at PhoneGap.
We get really good involvement from RIM on PhoneGap. They did all the code to add Playbook support to PhoneGap and are currently involved in the unified JS project as well.

Will Phonegap current version work on BlackBerry OS version 5?

I am new to mobile development and I was wondering if the applications I develop using phonegap will work correctly on Blackberry OS 5 since they don't support it yet. I won't need any fancy features in my app and wanted to use phonegap to develop for Android, IPhone and Blackberry. But of course I am having problems with the different versions of Blackberry OS just like everyone else.
I had a chance to test this once. I have put my Phonegap application on 5.0 and observed how it behaves. Application has launched properly. But i Observed following issues.
HTML5 is supported but localStorage and sessionStorage is not supported.You need to find an alternative.
HTML Page transition is too slow. End used will certainly not accept the performance.
Few jQueryMobile API's don't work.
You cannot be sure that page will be viewed same as you see in 6.0+. Few elements get distorted.
You need to test each and every UI element and see if it is working proper.For example datepicker displays date on right side of the page instead of left
Few PhoneGap API's don't work or they crash.For example API to launch camera crashes.
After observing above issues i felt that even if phonegap is supported in 5.0 it doesn't make big sense.
Yes, but to run on OS version 4.x you have to target the PhoneGap BlackBerry application, while to run on OS version 5 or 6 you need to target BlackBerry Widgets / WebWorks -- the same application may work on both if you use compatible features, but you'll need two different builds, as though they were two different kinds of phone.
Now the support for earlier versions of BlackBerry has been withdrawn from Cordova 3.0 onwards, which in turn supports BlackBerry 10 only. Refer the following link for more details.
PhoneGap - BlackBerry Support
