What happened if provisioning profiles are deleted of live app? - ios

I am just want to know if my provisioning profiles from developer account deleted then app will work or not.

You don't need to worry. Even if provisioning profiles are deleted , your live app will work.
However you will not be able to run the app in XCode using the old (deleted) provisioning profile, as It will show a code signing error I think.


iOS how to add a provisioning profile

I am using Xcode Version 8.3.3 (8E3004b). I have an app developed that I would like to deploy to Apple's App Store.
In order to Archive and deploy, I understand I first need a provisioning profile. So, in the developer console, I set up an iOS Distribution Provisioning Profile.
I also have the following certificates:
On my MacBook, I added the following certificates to the key chain:
Then when I go to Xcode, I would expect to have a Provisioning Profile:
But as you can see, it Failed to create provisioning profile and No profiles for 'com.ionicframework.thewhozoo912107' were found.
I am obviously missing some step in order to create the Provisioning Profile in order to distribute the app to the Apple App Store.
If anyone can suggest what I need to do in order to create a working provisioning profile in order to distribute the app, I would appreciate the help.
More info:
I fixed this in Xcode by unchecking Automatically Manage Signing, and then selecting my provisioning profile.
I had that problem as well when I was developing my first app. It took a while, since I managed it. Try to plug your iOS device in your computer and then it should work.

How to reset app signing process in Xcode

I can’t sign my app in Xcode, therefore I’m looking for a way to completely reset everything I have to in order to be able to sign it. I did
Revoke all certificates in the certificates, identifiers & profiles menu in http://developer.apple.com
Delete all provisioning profiles in http://developer.apple.com
Delete all iPhone development and iPhone distribution certificates in my keychain
Delete the provisioning profiles in Xcode
and then
Create new certificates in developer.apple.com
Create new provisioning profiles in http://developer.apple.com
Download certificates and add them to my keychain
Use new provisioning profile in Xcode
Unfortunately I’m still encountering this error (item can't be found in keychain), which leads me to the assumption that I did not successfully reset all the app signing process in Xcode. Can anyone give me a hint?
I had this issue last week with my own app. I did multiple things to fix this at once, so I'll tell you what I did, and hopefully one of them works.
Removing and deleting all certificates, devices, and provisioning profiles from your developer account and recreate them.
Download the developer and distribution certificates, and right click on them to add them to your keychain.
Download your provisioning profiles to your mac and right click on them to add them to whatever they get added to.
In xcode, go to accounts and make sure you are signed in with your developer account and you have the correct profiles downloaded. In your app's build settings/signing settings, make sure you don't have your "Personal Team" profile ANYWHERE that it asks for some sort of signing/developer/provisioning Profile.
If this answer helped you, please mark it as the answer.

Recently added UDID are not linked to the Xcode builds

I guess it's from Xcode 7, when I add a UDID to the device list it doesn't seems to be linked to the provisioning profile used by Xcode to build.
Since they have changed the way of refreshing the profiles, even redownloading the profiles doesn't seem to update the local profile, or the devices are not added by itunes connect to the profile before sending it to Xcode, I don't know...
Anyone has this problem?
I recently had to add a new device to a provisioning profile on the apple developer center, and I remember it not working immediately, but it fixed itself after a while.
Maybe try to delete the provisioning profiles, then remove the apple id account from xcode and log back in? That may trigger an update.

"TestFlight Users In The Provisioning Profile" doesn't coincide with users in the AdHoc provisioning profile

I have created a totally new TestFlight account, when I add the build to the account I see 79 users under TestFlight Users In The Provisioning Profile. The problem is that I have built the application using an ADHoc provisioning profile that contains just 3 devices, so why I'm seeing the full list of devices that I've registered with the Apple Developer Portal and not just the device that are available in the Provisioning profile (as stated by the sentence TestFlight Users In The Provisioning Profile) ?
I occasionally run into this problem and get it working again after trying a few things.
Restart Xcode. (It's amazing how often that solves the problem.)
Make sure that you are bundling the correct provisioning profile with the app when archiving and exporting. If you're using Xcode 6, the process has been changed a bit and you might be including the wrong profile. (Look in your Build Settings and then also look at the details on each screen as you are exporting the archive.)
Try re-generating your provisioning profile.
Make sure you have refreshed your account in Xcode so that it has the latest provisioning profile.
If those don't work, try creating a new signing certificate and generating your profile with that.
Then refresh your account in Xcode again.
If that's still not working, try removing your account from Xcode completely, restarting Xcode, and adding your account again.
Those are some of the tricks I use to get things working again. Maybe there is a more definitive answer out there.
I have also face the same problem.
This is because the provisioning profile you create from apple developer account.
Have that 79 devices register with that apple developer account.
Please check that account once.

Yet another Xcode provisioning profile query

I'm sick to my back teeth with this whole provisioning business.
After Xcode (4.4.1) got into a state where it would crash on launch I re-installed it. But now after doing so I'm no longer able to run on hardware as I get a Provisioning Profile can't be found error.
But I don't know what profile its talking about as the id number given in Xcode doesn't mean anything to me. It says
Provisioning profile '27F6BCB8-4876-4408-AA16-D749F5B62C2A' can't be found
After struggling pointlessly for a while, I've deleted all the profiles from the device and from Xcode and then refreshed them within Xcode and copied them to the device. I have 4 profiles in Xcode, all showing as Valid, they are:
AdHoc Distribution Profile
Apple Push Profile
Project Specific Development Profile
iOS Team Provisioning Profile
In the provisioning portal Provisioning section there are:
- Apple Push Profile
- Project Specific Development Profile
- iOS Team Provisioning Profile
All 3 of which are showing as being in my Development Certificate profile list.
If I examine any of the profiles in the portal, nowhere can I see any sort of identifier which is of the form ''27F6BCB8-4876-4408-AA16-D749F5B62C2A', so how does one find out which profile Xcode thinks is missing?
If this isn't co-incidental, a few hours ago I added some new device ids to the portal and to the profiles. But I was still able to build/run after doing this and updating/refreshing the profiles. It was only after I had to reinstall Xcode that the problem started.
Right now I'm so fed up, as this isn't the first time I, and I expect countless other's encounter these sorts of problems. But as I don't know what profile Xcode thinks is missing, and things look alright I don't know what else to try to try and sort things out.
Cheers if you can help.
You can change what profile the app is being code signed against. It is probably set to an old profile that no longer exists. This is done in the targets build settings.
