Ruby on Rails helper prints out odd stuff - ruby-on-rails

I want to create a helper which iterates thru the list of user's communities and creates as many thumbnails as the number of comunities available. So I created these 2 helper methods
def print_admined_group_thumbs
#user_groups_hash[:admined_groups].each {
name = group_hash[:name]
group_id = group_hash[:group_id]
photo = group_hash[:photo]
members_count = group_hash[:members_count].to_i
concat(get_group_thumbnail_html(group_id, name, members_count, photo))
# creates a small preview for the selected comunity group
def get_group_thumbnail_html(group_id, name, members_count, photo)
content_tag(:div, :class => "col-md-55") do
concat(content_tag( :div, :class => 'thumbnail') do
concat(content_tag(:div, :class => 'image view view-first') do
concat(image_tag(photo, :class => "group_thumb_image"))
concat(content_tag(:div, :class => "mask") do
concat(content_tag :p, "Your text")
concat(content_tag(:div, :class => "tools tools-bottom") do
concat(content_tag(:div, :class => "caption") do
concat(content_tag(:p, name))
end #end get_group_thumbnail_html
So I simply add this call to my view
<%= print_admined_group_thumbs %>
It all works almost correctly and creates all thumbnails just like I want, except for one thing. It also prints out the entire contents of "group_hash" variable right after the thumbnails. Maybe I'm just too exhausted today, but I can't seem to figure out why? I'd be greateful if somebody helped me solve this problem and explain what am I doing wrong with it?

#some_hash.each {} automatically returns the hash after it completes. So your function print_admined_group_thumbs() adds your thumbnails to the template and returns the hash.
The problem is here:
<%= print_admined_group_thumbs %>
That = means "take whatever value is returned and add it to the template. So you're accidentally adding the hash to the template after printing the thumbnails to the template. You can easily fix it by removing the =:
<% print_admined_group_thumbs %>
This tells rails to run the function without adding its return value to the template.


if condition in haml view

I want to set a :data attr if a condition is met. In this case a user should have a role. So it's a boolean statement. Let me give an example.
- #data = 'contract-confirm'
.create_button= link_to 'Something', new_some_path(#customer), :class => 'btn btn-success', :'data' => #data ? 'contract' : nil
So I know this might look strange but I want to set a data attribute if customer is labeled and then hook js to that data attr. That part works. What does not work is that now I'm setting the attribute always. So even in the case that customer does not have the role the js gets hooked. I know that I am not explicitly indicating at all the role here. I have a #customer.role? but I cant seem to incorporate it properply. I managed it before with an if else statement but then with a lot of duplication which I'm not so fund of. Any tips?
You can try this piece of code:
link_to 'Something', ... , :data => #customer.role? ? 'contract' : nil
haml won't include nil attributes, so it should work as you expect.
Try to replace :'data' => #data ? 'contract' : nil with :'data' => 'contract' if #data.
I checked it and next code:
- #data_present = true
= link_to 'Something', root_path, :class => 'btn', :'data' => ('test' if #data_present)
renders to:
And code without - #data_present = true renders to:

How to display Rails select field values rather than stored integers in other views

I'm using a select field in a Rails app that is NOT tied to a related model, but stores integer values for a static series of options , i.e.,
<%= select (:this_model, :this_field, [['Option1',1],['Option2',2],['Option3',3],['Option4',4]] ) %>
In a show/ index view, if I want to display the option text (i.e. Option1, Option2, etc) rather than the integer value stored in the database, how do I achieve this?
Thanks for helping a noob learn the ropes!
Based on Thorsten's suggestion below, I implemented the following. But it is returning nil, and I can't figure out why.
Invoice model:
##payment_status_data = { 1 => "Pending Invoice" , 2 => "Invoiced" , 3 => "Deposit Received", 4 => "Paid in Full"}
def text_for_payment_status
Invoice show view:
Payment Status: <%= #invoice.text_for_payment_status %>
In the console:
irb > i=Invoice.find(4)
=> [#<Invoice id: 4, payment_status: 1 >]
irb > i.text_for_payment_status
=> nil
I've tried defining the hash with and without quotes around the keys. What am I missing?
something like this would work:
<%= form_for #my_model_object do |form| %>
<%= form.label :column_name "Some Description" %>
<%= :field_that_stores_id, options_for_select({"text1" => "key1", "text 2" => "key2"}) %>
<% end %>
If you later want to display the text you can get it from a simple hash like this:
{"key1" => "text 1", "key2" => "text2"}[#my_object.field_that_stores_id]
But you better store this hash somewhere in a central place like the model.
class MyModel < ActiveRecord
##my_select_something_data = {"key1" => "text 1", "key2" => "text2"}
def text_for_something_selectable
Then you can use it in your views like
There are many possible variations of this. But this should work and you would have all information in a central place.
Ok, I used something similar for our website. We need to store return_headers for rma. Those need to store a return reason as a code. Those codes are defined in an external MS SQL Server Database (with which the website exchanges lots of data, like orders, products, and much more). In the external db table are much more return reasons stored than I actually need, so I just took out a few of them. Still must make sure, the codes are correct.
So here goes he model:
class ReturnHeader < AciveRecord::Base
##return_reason_keys = {"010" => "Wrong Produc",
"DAM" => "Damaged",
"AMT" => "Wrong Amount"}
def self.return_reason_select
def return_reason
Model contains more code of course, but that's the part that matters. Relevant here is, that keys in the hash are strings, not symbols.
In the views i use it like this:
In the form for edit:
<%= form_for #return_header do |form| %>
<%= form.label :nav_return_reason_code "Return Reason" %>
<%= :nav_return_reason_code, options_for_select(ReturnHeader.return_reason_select, #return_header.nav_return_reason_code) %>
<% end %>
(Maybe no the most elegant way to do it, but works. Don't know, why options_for_select expects a hash to be "text" => "key", but that's the reason, why above class level method returns the hash inverted.)
In my index action the return reason is listed in one of the columns. There I can get the value simply by
#return_headers.each do |rh|
If you have trouble to get it run, check that keys a correct type and value. Maybe add some debug info with in the methods to see what actual data is used there.

How highlight found word with Sunspot?

I want to highlight found words in text, for example, as shown here.
As far as I know I must follow these steps:
1) In my model, I must add :stored => true option to the field which I want to highlight:
searchable do
text :title, :stored => true
text :description
2) In my controller, I have to declare which field I want highlighted:
def search
#search = do
keywords params[:search] do
highlight :title
3) In the view I'm not sure what to do, I tried this:
- #search.each_hit_with_result do |hit, result|
%p= link_to raw(hit_title(hit)), article_path(result)
It is what doing method hit_title:
def hit_title(hit)
if highlight = hit.highlight(:title)
highlight.format { |word| "<font color='green'>#{word}</font>" }
But it doesn't work as expected, it always highlights the first word of the title, even if the searched word is at the end of it.
Is there an easier way to do this?
I bumped into this looking for a solution to render highlights from sunspot search on rails view.
I didn't find much of a ready solution anywhere, so I used part of this post to make one of my one.
I am quite new to rails so this might not be fully the RoR way.
In my case, I did a full text search on two fields, call them notes and description.
In order to be able to render to html the highlights, I introduced a hash of values containing the id of the record, the name of the column and its highlighted value, adequately formatted. This allows me to highlight the search results on different fields.
searchable do
text :description, :stored => true
text :notes, :stored => true
#search =
if params[:search].nil? || params[:search].empty?
fulltext stext, :highlight => true
paginate(page: params[:page], :per_page => 10)
#search.hits.each do |hit|
hit.highlights(:description).each do |highlight|
fr=highlight.format { |word| "<result>#{word}</result>" }
#results.merge!(id => ["description",fr])
hit.highlights(:notes).each do |highlight|
fr=highlight.format { |word| "<result>#{word}</result>" }
#results.merge!(id => ["notes",fr])
and on the view, wherever I want to render any value of those, I do the following:
<% #entries.each do |f| %>
<% j=f[:id].to_s.to_sym %>
<% if !#results[j].nil? && #results[j][0]=="description" %>
<%= #results[j][1].html_safe %>
<% else %>
<%= f[:description] %>
<% end %>
[...] (likewise for notes)
<% end %>
Please, note I created a css definition for <result> markup to make the text notable.
Code looks good to me for highlighting the first matching word in the title, since I have similar code. Have you tried rebuilding your solr index and restarting the servers?
Also, can you try reverting your solrconfig.xml to its default values? Someone had a similar problem after modifying solrconfig.xml, Ref!searchin/ruby-sunspot/highlight/ruby-sunspot/kHq0Dw35UWs/ANIUwERArTQJ
If you want to override the highlighting option in solrconfig.xml, search for max_snippets on this site . You may want to try options like
highlight :title, :max_snippets => 3, :fragment_size => 0 # 0 is infinite
Are you using substring search? I've got the same problem here and realized that enabling substring match by following sunspot wiki tutorial led to the problem.

Rails Helpers with iterators

I have the following helper method:
def tile_for( photo, tileClass = nil )
div_for( photo, :class => tileClass ) do
link_to( image_tag( photo.image_url(:sixth) ), photo )
content_tag( :div, photo.location(:min), :class => 'caption' )
The problem is, it returns this kind of output:
<div id="photo_25" class="photo">
<div class="caption" style="display: none;">Berlin</div>
As you can see the link_to is not being output. I guess this is because only the returned value of the block is being included, rather than each executed line? I don't really understand why this kind of code works perfectly in views but doesn't work the same at all in helper methods. Can anyone enlighten me on what's going on and why it works the way it works? How would you build an loop helper method like this?
It works in views since ERB is really just a big concatenation engine. You need to "manually" do this work in your helper, since the code will not be interpreted by ERB:
def tile_for( photo, tileClass = nil )
div_for( photo, :class => tileClass ) do
  link_to(image_tag( photo.image_url(:sixth)), photo)
+ # <- Add this so the block returns the whole string
    content_tag(:div, photo.location(:min), :class => 'caption')
div_for also supports arrays, which will be collected into one continuous string. So you can also do like so:
[link_to(image_tag(photo.image_url(:sixth)), photo),
content_tag(:div, photo.location(:min), :class => 'caption')]
Any of the other answers would do. Now, an explanation on why it does works in ERB.
In an ERB template, when a <%= is found, it gets translated to "#{#insert_cmd}((#{content}).to_s)". A simple example: <%= "a" %> gets translated to print "a".
You can take a look at line 631 in erb.rb but skim the previous code for a shake of context (related to the content).
Only the last value of a block is returned. You'll need to make sure your block returns a single value:
def tile_for( photo, tileClass = nil )
div_for( photo, :class => tileClass ) do
link_to( image_tag( photo.image_url(:sixth) ), photo ) +
content_tag( :div, photo.location(:min), :class => 'caption' )

Passing parameter back to Model to refine Random action

I'm creating an application that'll display a random picture based upon a defined letter in a word.
Images are attached to a Pictures model (containing another "letter" field) using Paperclip, and will be iterated through in an each block.
How would I go about passing the letter back from the each block to the model for random selection.
This is what I've come up with so far, but it's throwing the following error.
undefined method `%' for {:letter=>"e"}:Hash
def self.random(letter)
if (c = count) != 0
find(:first, :conditions => [:letter => letter], :offset =>rand(c))
<% #letters.each do |a| %>
<%= Picture.random(a).image(:thumb) %>
<% end %>
One problem is your conditions has a syntax error. The hash notation is wrong:
:conditions => [:letter => letter]
should be
:conditions => {:letter => letter}
Also, it seems to me that your random scope will always exclude the first Picture if you don't allow an offset of 0. Besides that, do you really want to return nil if the random number was 0?
Picture.random(a).image(:thumb) would throw "undefined method 'image' for nil:NilClass" exception every time c==0. Can probably just use:
def self.random(letter)
find(:first, :conditions => {:letter => letter}, :offset =>rand(count))
EDIT: You'll either need to guarantee that your db has images for all letters, or tell the user no image exists for a given letter.
<% #letters.each do |a| %>
<% if pic = Picture.random(a).image(:thumb) %>
<%= pic.image(:thumb) %>
<% else %>
No image available for <%= a %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
Or the like...
EDIT: Actually I don't think your offset strategy will work. One other approach would be to return the set of images available for the given letter and randomly select from that collection, something like:
def self.random(letter)
pics = find(:all, :conditions => {:letter => letter})
pics[rand(pics.size)] if !pics.blank?
