Jira issue status not getting updated - asp.net-mvc

I am trying to update Jira issue fields through REST Api, I am able to update summary, description, priority, reporter fields but the status.
Here is the code I am trying to run:
string jSonContent = (#"
""fields"": {
""summary"": ""data"",
""description"": ""modified."",
""priority"": {""name"": ""val""},
""reporter"": {""name"": ""abcdef#gmail.com""},
""status"": {""name"": ""WORK IN PROGRESS""}
}").Replace("data", summ).Replace("modified.", desc).Replace("val", pri);
request.AddParameter("application/json", jSonContent, ParameterType.RequestBody);
var response = Execute(request);

You cannot change the status of an issue the way like that.
To determine what type of fields could be changed with a simple PUT request do a GET for metadata:
This query in turn will provide you all the fields that you can modify. You won't find status field in the returned JSON object.
Back to your problem: How could be the status of an issue changed? In Jira you have a workflow that holds the possible transition between the states. In order to change the state you need to do a transition. (Exactly the same way as you would do it on UI.)
So first do a GET request like that:
This request will return all possible transitions of your issue's current state. Check which transition you want to perform and note it's ID (in my case the wished ID is 11). With this transition ID you can do a POST request with the JSON payload:
"transition": {
"id": "11"
One additional thing to note: If your transition isn't a simple one then you have to provide more data. I mean a simple transition here where you simply would click on a button on the UI and you wouldn't get an extra screen for the transition. (E.g. you can setup a transition like: you only could resolve an issue if you add a comment to it.) Fortunately, the previously returned transition list contains all the fields that could or that must be provided together with the transition ID.
You can find more information in official Jira documentation.


How to set a work item state while creating or updating work item in Azure Devops Rest API?

I have been working to create an API which programatically creates/updates work item in Azure Devops. I have been able to create a work item and populate almost all fields. I have problem with setting the state.
When I am creating a POST request to Azure Devops rest api with any state name like "Active", "Closed", "Rejected", it throws a 400 Bad Request error.
I don't know if I am missing anything or if there something wrong with the way I am trying to set the value.
"op" : "add",
"path": "/fields/System.State",
I have found the solution to this problem and hence I am answering it here.
I was getting a 400 Bad Request error whenever I tried Creating an Item and Setting the state in the same call. I debugged the code and caught the exception. I found out that, there are some validation rules for some of the fields. State is one of them.
The rule for System.State field is, whenever a Work Item is created it takes its configured default value. ( In my case it was "Proposed", in your case it could be "New"). If you try altering the value at the time of work item creation, it throws a 400 Bad Request.
What should I do if I have to Create a Work Item with a specific State?
As of now, the solution that I have found out is to make two calls. One for Work Item Creation and another for Changing the state of the work item to desired state.
var result = await _client.Post(url, jsonData);
var result2 = await _client.Put(result.id, jsonData); // or maybe just the state
return Ok(result2);
Check the example here: Update a field
You have to use "value":"Active" in the request body.
"op" : "add",
"path": "/fields/System.State",
"value": "Active"

setting 'replace_original' to false while responding to Slack message action request doesn't work

I am using the python slack API (slackclient) to build an iterative sequence of data-gathering actions in ephemeral messages.
The core of this works fine. After processing the incoming request that contains the user's interaction with a set of message buttons (or menus), I respond immediately with a JSON body, as described in the "Responding right away" section of the official slack docs.
The problem:
Every response replaces the preceding message+attachments. In many cases, this is what I want, but there are situations where I want to add a response rather than replace the previous message.
Per the slack docs,setting replace_original to false should do just that. But the following code, snipped from my handling of a simple button click (for example), replaces the original button (and the text message to which it was attached):
r = {
'response_type': 'ephemeral',
'text': 'foo',
'replace_original': 'false'
log.debug("Returning: {}".format(json.dumps(r)))
resp = Response(response=json.dumps(r),
return resp
I have tried this with and without the delete_original and response_type fields, with no change.
In short, it appears that in this case the replace_original field isn't doing anything at all; behavior is always as if it were set to 'true'.
I feel like I must be missing something here - any help is greatly appreciated.
Simple solution here: the slack API is expecting a boolean, not a string. So 'replace_original': 'false' in the above snippet ends up as {"response_type": "ephemeral", "text": "foo", "replace_original": "false"} after the json.dumps() call, which is invalid.
Instead, setting 'replace_original': False becomes {"response_type": "ephemeral", "text": "foo", "replace_original": false}, which then has the expected behavior

$batch request resulting in error "Default changeset implementation allows only one operation"

I am making a worklist application using SAPUI5. The problem is that when I create an entry and then create another one right after that, I get the following error:
Default changeset implementation allows only one operation.
I checked the $batch header and I see that there is a MERGE and a POST, with the MERGE updating the previous entry for some reason. Can anyone shed some light? Could it be a backend error and not a UI5 error?
Creating the new entry:
_onMetadataLoaded: function() {
var oModel = this.getView().getModel();
var that = this;
// ...
oModel.read("/USERS_SET", {
success: function(oData) {
var oProperties = {
Qmnum: "0",
Otherstuff: "cool"
that._oContext = that._oView.getModel().createEntry("/ENTITYSET", {
properties: oProperties
// ...
handleSavePress: function(oEvent) {
// ...
success: function(oData) {
// ...
error: function(oError) {
// ...
tl-dr: Apparently you must be using the SAP Gateway. If you do not need to process those requests in one transaction then send them in different changesets. If you do not need batch calls at all consider turning it off by supplying your model with "useBatch": false upon instantiation. However if you need to process the requests together in one transaction then you have to read the details below.
In order to understand the problem you have to understand how the gateway and the batch and changeset requests work.
Batch requests consist of multiple requests bundled together. The purpose is to open only one connection and group together relevant requests so that the overhead is minimalized. Changesets form smaller blocks inside batch requests, where modification requests can be bundled and processed together in order to ensure an all-or-nothing characteristic.
So on the gateway side: there are two relevant classes for your OData service, assuming that you have used the SAP Gateway Service Builder (SEGW transaction). There is one with the ending ...DPC and one with ...DPC_EXT. Don't touch the former, it will be always regenerated when you update your service in the service builder. The latter is the one that we will need in this example. You will have to redefine at least two methods:
By default the changeset_begin method will only allow changeset processing for changesets where the number of requests equals to one. This can be handled automatically that's why a limitation exists. If there were more requests one could not ensure their processing automatically as they could have a business dependency on each other.
So make sure to allow a bundled (deferred mode) processing of changesets under the desired conditions:
/IWBEP/IF_MGW_APPL_SRV_RUNTIME~CHANGESET_BEGIN: first call the super->/iwbep/if_mgw_appl_srv_runtime~changeset_begin method in a try catch block, then loop at it_operation_info to decide and narrow down processing only in selected cases and then allow cv_defer_mode only for the selected cases, otherwise throw a /iwbep/cx_mgw_tech_exception=>changeset_not_supported exception.
/IWBEP/IF_MGW_APPL_SRV_RUNTIME~CHANGESET_PROCESS: all requests will be available in the it_changeset_request. Make sure to fill the ct_changeset_response table with the responses.
METHOD /iwbep/if_mgw_appl_srv_runtime~changeset_process.
lv_operation_counter TYPE i VALUE 0,
lr_context TYPE REF TO /iwbep/cl_mgw_request,
lr_entry_provider TYPE REF TO /iwbep/if_mgw_entry_provider,
lr_message_container TYPE REF TO /iwbep/if_message_container,
lr_entity_data TYPE REF TO data,
ls_context_details TYPE /iwbep/if_mgw_core_srv_runtime=>ty_s_mgw_request_context,
ls_changeset_response LIKE LINE OF ct_changeset_response.
<fs_ls_changeset_request> LIKE LINE OF it_changeset_request.
LOOP AT it_changeset_request ASSIGNING <fs_ls_changeset_request>.
lr_context ?= <fs_ls_changeset_request>-request_context.
lr_entry_provider = <fs_ls_changeset_request>-entry_provider.
lr_message_container = <fs_ls_changeset_request>-msg_container.
ls_context_details = lr_context->get_request_details( ).
CASE ls_context_details-target_entity.
WHEN 'SomeEntity'.
"Do the processing here
From the error I can tell you must be using SAP GW :-) This happens only for batch requests containing more than one create/delete/update calls and it's related to transaction security ("all or nothing"). What you have to do is redefining the corresponding GW method, I think it was CHANGESET_BEGIN. See https://archive.sap.com/discussions/thread/3562720 for some details (can't offer more for now...).

webix: Validating edits from datatable on the server

I have the following scenario:
An datatable with some editable columns which validate for input on the client with the webix rules. There are columns though, that cannot be validated on the client, but on the server only (ie for unique id/code).
An approach would be to create a rule and validate with webix.ajax in synchronous mode that I would prefer to avoid this at all means.
I thought I could validate on 'save'. The server can return a status response with error or success. I can catch this with onAfterUpdate event of the datatable (correct me if there is a better way, but it works this way).
At this point, I would like to display a validation error on the datatable if the server script returns an error status and mark the row (and possibly the corresponding column/cell) with error.
I thought I could use the callEvent method on the datatable and fire a onValidationError event but I didn't manage to make that work.
save: {
url: "save.php",
autoupdate: true,
onAfterUpdate:function(response, id, details) {
if (response.status == 'error')
The documentation states that I can pass some parameters to the event from callEvent but I could not find any specification on the docs. The code above does not work (the event is not fired).
So the question is: How can I fire a onValidationError event for the datatable using callEvent?
or what would be another approach to use webix to show the error on the datatable with validation on the server side?
Thank you.
Instead of calleing onValidationError event you can use
//mark cell, call after error response
myDataTable.addCellCss(id, columnId, "webix_invalid");
//remove mark, call after success response
myDataTable.removeRowCss(id, "webix_invalid");
which will mark the cell as non-valid.
On a side note, if you want to trigger some event with parameters, you can use code like next. Just beware that triggering an event is not a good way to change the component's state ( it can be used to trigger your own event handler though )
myDataTable.callEvent("event name", [param1, param2, param3])

How to Add Tag via Asana API

I am trying to do a simple Salesforce-Asana integration. I have many functions working, but I am having trouble with adding a tag to a workspace. Since I can't find documentation on the addTag method, I'm sort of guessing at what is required.
If I post the following JSON to https://app.asana.com/api/1.0/workspaces/WORKSPACEID/tasks:
{"data":{"name":"MyTagName","notes":"Test Notes"}}
The tag gets created in Asana, but with blank notes and name fields. If I try to get a bit more fancy and post:
{"data":{"name":"MyTagName","notes":"Test Notes","followers":[{"id":"MY_USER_ID"}]}}
I receive:
{"errors":[{"message":"Invalid field: {\"data\":{\"name\":\"MyTagName\",\"notes\":\"Test Notes\",\"followers\":[{\"id\":\"MY_USER_ID\"}]}}"}]}
I'm thinking the backslashes may mean that my request is being modified by the post, though debug output shows a properly formatted json string before the post.
Sample Code:
JSONGenerator jsongen = JSON.createGenerator(false);
jsongen.writeStringField('name', 'MyTagName');
jsongen.writeStringField('notes', 'Test Notes');
jsongen.writeStringField('id', 'MY_USER_ID');
String requestbody = jsongen.getAsString();
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
//===Auth header created here - working fine===
Http http = new Http();
HTTPResponse res = http.send(req);
return res.getBody();
Any help appreciated. I am inexperienced using JSON as well as the Asana API.
The problem was that I was posting to the wrong endpoint. Instead of workspaces/workspaceid/tags, I should have been using /tags and including workspaceid in the body of the request.
Aha, so you can add tags and even set followers despite the API not mentioning that you can or claiming that followers are read-only.
So to sum up for anyone else interested: POSTing to the endpoint https://app.asana.com/api/1.0/tags you can create a tag like this:
{ "data" : { "workspace": 1234567, "name" : "newtagname", "followers": [45678, 6789] } }
where 1234567 is your workspace ID and 45678 and 6789 are your new followers.
Since you posted this question, Asana's API and developer has introduced Tags. You documentation lays out the answer to your question pretty clearly:
I'm a bit confused by your question. Your ask "how to add a tag" but the first half of your question talks about adding a task. The problem with what you describe there is that you are trying to set a task's followers but the followers field is currently read-only according to Asana's API documentation. That is why you are getting an error. You can not set followers with the API right now.
The second part of your question - with the sample code - does look like you are trying to add a tag. However, right now the Asana API does not support this (at least according to the API documentation). You can update an existing tag but you can't add one.
So, to sum up: at this time the API does not allow you to add followers to a task or to create new tags.
