Contextual popup system API - ios

Is there a default system API for contextual menus or popup menus such as seen in OmniFocus
or Apple's default iOS apps
The closest I could find is the UIPopover, which doesn't really seem to cover this specialized behavior.. and UIAction​Sheet appears to cover a different use case (dialog replacement).

You will not achieve 100 % of this kind of UI using default system API .
If you want to achieve something like this create on view put button on this etc.
Make your custom UI
Or else you can take help of COCOCONTROLS
There are many options available like
Hope it will help you


vaadin: why it is not recommended to use menu / menubar for navigation?

On Vaadin documentation page of Menubar, on Best practice section it's written:
Menu Bar should not be used for navigation. Use tabs to switch between
content, or anchor elements for regular navigation.
It could be useful to have a multilevel component that can be used for navigation between views too.
Thanks for the help.
Mainly because of semantics and accessibility. The Menu Bar component is not implemented to make it appear as a navigation element for assistive technologies like screen readers.
I’m not sure how it behaves if you wrap it inside a Nav/<nav> component/element, and use Anchor/<a> components/elements inside it. I also don’t know how screen reader users expect to navigate hierarchical navigation menus, when the HTML structure is not a standard nested <ul>.
That said, accessibility is not black and white. So I encourage you to test with your real users, see if they can use your application effectively if you implement the navigation using Menu Bar. That’s all that matters, unless you also need to comply with certain accessibility standards (see the Vaadin webinar about those).
It could be useful to have a multilevel component that can be used for navigation between views too.
Yes, that would be very useful in many/most applications. It’s on the radar, but it hasn’t been prioritized yet. Hopefully that’ll become an official component in the future.

MvvmCross dialog on android, modal on ios

I have a screen with 1 button. When clicking that button, a list of items should be shown (in which the user can select multiple items).
On android, i would like to do this using a dialog. I create a "DialogService" that does this, no problem.
On iOS, however, it seems that the best practice is to display a fullscreen tableview, for example as a modalView. Is it possible to do this without using a custom viewpresenter (e.g. modalViewPresenter)? I would very much prefer to have identical navigation on both platforms and just have different implementations of "DialogService"
I think trying to make one platform look and act like another is generally not a great idea as things start to look weird for the users.
But if you want to do it anyway I would start by trying to do something like this (it is in objective-c) then trying to bind to the tableview that is in the alertcontroller.

Xamarin Forms iOS - PickerView with Multi Row Selection

I am using Picker for displaying the items,I want to select multiple rows in picker, is there any way to achieve this in Xamarin Forms shared code or through rendering? any suggestion or idea would be much appreciated.
I don't would use Picker for multilselection.
You can do this with a ListView (100% XF-Code).
I have posted some code some time ago in the XF-forum:
If you have to show the "Multiselect-ListView" from a ScrollView, you may also be interested to use the PopUp-Control (XLabs):
And finally, if you want to install the XLabs-NuGet, a further posting to XLabs may help you (search for "How to install, setup and use XLabs" in the XF-forum).
As i don't have more than 10 rep-points here, I am not able to post more then two links :-)
Hope this helps...
No there isn't.
The Picker Class, has SelectedIndex property, but no SelectedItems collection. Also, the native control under the hood on iOS doesn't support selecting multiple rows and I don't think the Android or Windows one do either.
You could create use a Custom Renderer if there was a native control you wanted to use. But, it would probably be easier to use a ListView control and add some events and style it to look and behave like you want.

Tab Bar like WhatsApp

How do I create a tab bar like WhatsApp on BlackBerry in my BlackBerry app? I want that feature in BlackBerry OS 7.0. I have used managers -- HorizontalFieldManager and VerticalFieldManager -- to achieve it. But it doesn't look as attractive as WhatsApp. Can FieldTabController help me do this?
It's not going to look attractive if you are just making tweaks to the code, and then seeing what that looks like. You need to start with a design you find attractive. Once you have that goal put together as an image, you start writing code to make the UI look like the design image.
The WhatsApp tab bar is not a straightforward combination of built-in UI managers from RIM. It has a fair amount of customization - each tab has three visual states, and there is a tooltip that follows the focus, as well as a context tab on the right that changes depending on the currently selected main tab. This means there are several interacting UI components here, not just a single magic manager.
Essentially, you will probably want to start building your own custom Field objects.
Basically, subclass the Field class (or one of the other subclasses), and learn to love the paint(..) method and the Graphics API.

Reusing Views ios

Trying to develop a test app wherethe look is like ebook. user can flip the pages. However, app will have 40-50 pages to go through. Is there anyway to just update one view and even after re using you can easily turn it over and back. or do I have to create more views to achieve objective.
Can someone pls provide suggestion on which technique to use to solve this issue and also what to use for flipping like ebook?
Since you have tagged your question with iOS5 you can use a UIPageViewController (see also this one) to handle this behavior for you (datasource handling, gesture handling etc.). The logic behind it is that you provide an array of view controllers where each one controls and provides content for a page in your book.
One way is, please look in to "page base application". Please create a new project as page base application and work on that. You will find good amount of documentation online for this.
