How to accomplish a optional childview? - sproutcore

I have a view with two child views, and want the second view optionally to disappear, that is disabled including the dataBinding, and resize the first view, and vice versa. I need some hints or (pseudo) code how to accomplish this. Thx in advance.

There are quite a few views in SproutCore which do this in some way or another. While it is not the best example, have a look at the experimental select search view.
You are going to need to override createChildViews to set up the bindings manually, so you can also take them down when required.


Implementing PageViewController in Swift

I can't seem to get a simple answer to this anywhere. I have a Page View Controller and similar lay-outs for all of the other view-controllers.
This is working without problems if I have one view-controller per view, but it seems very inefficient given that all the lay-outs are the same.
I've seen tutorials like this, but not for Swift. Is it possible to use a single view controller for all the pages and just switch out the text or images? If so, can you please explain how this is done?
All you have to do is make each page link to the same viewController and then dynamically change the content on each page based on the page number associated with it. You could easily have some elements that were hidden or diabled on certain views.

How to use a segmented control to change container views

I actually just posted, but I am re-asking to give a better concept.
I'm trying to use a segmented control change through multiple views inside a container view. I'm also not sure how to embed multiple views inside the container view. I saw a tutorial how to do it in Objective-C, but I am coding in Swift.
This is a perfect example of what I'm looking for. There is a UITabBarController on the bottom, but there is a segmented control to alter between "Tweets" "Photos" and "Favorites." How could I achieve this?
Thanks in advance!!
I'm assuming you have a collection view or table view or something below the segmented control. If that's the case, I've had good luck using the segmented control to switch data sources (and delegates, if necessary) for the collection. If you just have views, you can use the segmented control to show one and hide the others.
Do you have any code or more specific questions?

iOS: Coding tips to prevent redundancy

I'm making a UITableView that is going to act as a settings view controller. Obviously its going to have a few types of input. One cell might have a slider, one might drill down to another view controller, one with a textbox etc. Is there any way to avoid making umpteen different subclasses for UITableViewCell?
Try this github project: QuickDialog.

How can I clone a UITableView from one controller to another so it stays in synch?

I found this in SO; it doesn't exactly answer my question, which is: is there a way to clone a UITableView from one controller to another while using Storyboards and maintain synchronization?
You can clone them in the sense that their initial property values remain the same, like position, layout etc. For this, just copy the UITableView from storyboard, go to destination view controller and paste it there.
If you share same UITableView object between two view controllers, it is still possible, but you must estimate how much work you would have to do yourself. When a view controller solely handles a table view, much of the work is done under the hood and table is handed over to you. In case of your UITableView shared between two view controllers, you would have to play with it quite carefully. You need to take care of entire life cycle of the view - see the usual methods like viewDidLoad, viewDidAppear and so on. How would you take care of them when your view exists in two scenes? Maybe you would be inventing a unique design pattern - if at all you find the most optimistic and programmatically correct way to accomplish it.
With storyboards, you cannot achieve cloning up to the level wherein data changes will reflect seamlessly between the two. Storyboard is, as the name suggest, just a board, where you can draw things to know how would they look initially, before your code takes over.
In order to achieve what you want, you have to create a shared model that updates two table views through proper delegate methods. Most likely such a model (NSArray, or any such collections as per your requirement) can reside inside a shared class (app delegate isn't a wrong choice), from where both your view controllers can refer to it. That is neat practice, it not only is right from programming perspective but also extensible and helpful to anyone who deals with the code any time.
For details about how to update UI from your model, there is nothing better than starting from scratch, going through the books I mean.
I am not aware of such possibilities.
I would pass the tableview source object amongst different controllers and let the view controller handle their own table view.
I think the best approach would be to use a framework such as the freely available Sensible TableView, then use the same model for both table views. This should be really straight forward.

How to add multiple instances of custom subviews in UIViewController

Often, when I'm making my apps, I'm in this situation : I have a UINavigationController, handling the view stack, some UIViewControllers, controlling their respective views...
But when I want to add several custom UIViews in my mainView, I don't know how to manage my code.
Each UIViewController needs to handle one and only one view (wich normally occupy all the screen size), and a view should not control their content (update it a the extrême limit).
You can't neither do this :
[myViewController1.view addSubview:childViewController.view];
So if I want to achieve something like this, what should I do ?
The orange parts have to be 3 instances of the same UIView(Controller?), but with a content depending of a NSObject (User, obviously).
I think this very important to segment your content, this should be an easy problem, but I found a lot of contradictory answers so, what's the best practice to handle this common issue?
Theses orange views should be instances of UIViewControllers in order for it to handle their UITableViewDatasource? Is addChildViewController relevant in this case?
I already found a lot of things which work, but I don't know what should I do...
Also, I'm using xibs.
Thanks in advance if you can help me (and other people I think).
You can do it either way (view or view controller) depending on how you want to handle things. Certainly, you can have one object be the data source for multiple tables, so in that case, you would just add multiple views. If, however, you want to keep your code more compartmentalized, then add view controllers, and have each control its own view -- to do this, you do need to use addChildViewController, and use the methods that Apple describes for creating custom container controllers. Alternatively, you can use container views in a storyboard which makes the process of creating custom container controllers simpler.
You're on the right path... Create separate instances of your subviews, and add them to your view. If you will have more than 3 (for instance, imagine coverview for your music, and you could scroll indefinitely left and right), I'd take a look at UICollectionViewController ... That will help manage cell re-use.
But, if it's just 3, just create three instances with different frames and add them to your view.
Here's how I'd do it:
each orange box will be a custom view (inherits from UIView)
the view will have the label, image and the tableview.
since you are not sure of the number of instances of these views you'd be using, its better to use some kind of tagging, so that you can have one place for the datasource and delegate methods of the tables in these orange views.
in the datasource and the delegate methods, you can make use of the tableView.tag (same as the orangeView.tag property).
I personally dislike having more than one viewController in a view (except the splitVC), probably because I haven't had a such requirement.
I dont see how a uiviewcontroller for orange box would help, over a uiview.
as #James Boutcher mentioned in his answer, UICollectionViews will simplify this issue further.
Why not creating a UIView class and overriding the drawRect method and then adding subView for this class in your myViewController1.view
