Neo4J end user interface - neo4j

I need to share a Neo4J graph visualization with end users. They should be able to interact with the graph, and perform some very basic querying. For example:
- show me the relationships up to 3 hops away from node named 'Joe'
A first option would be to just give them the standard user interface (usually exposed at port 7474); however this is too powerful as they could perform anything in Cypher.
Is there any way of restricting this interface (so that they cannot trigger expensive queries or even graph updates)? Or maybe other open source / community alternatives?

If you are using the Enterprise Edition of neo4j, you will have access to extensive authentication and authorization capabilities, including the ability to assign a reader role to specific user names.

If you do want to use the standard browser interface, you can apply some settings on the neo4j.conf file that may help you out:
dbms.transaction.timeout will terminate queries exceeding the timeout, so that can prevent expensive queries.
dbms.read_only makes the entire db instance read-only.

You may also build a custom web UI that calls the REST endpoint (need to auth in headers)
create an unmanaged extension

I suggest you the chapter 8 of the excellent book Learning Neo4j, by Rik Van Bruggen. This book is available for download at Neo4j web site.
One of the sections of this chapter shows some open source visualization libraries and visualization solutions.
Analyzing a bit more the chapter 8 of the Learning Neo4j book I believe that a promising tool for your use case is the paid solution (you can run a demo in the site). This solution has a native integration with Neo4j and others graph databases.
Alternatively you can build your own visualization solution with a graph visualization library in JavaScript, for example. Here a very useful answer from another StackOverflow question that lists more some libraries that can help you.


graph database revision control

GitHub for Neo4J?
I'm evaluating graph databases as a possible solution for modeling a complex computer network. It occurs to me something like a revision control system would be useful for planning and testing updates to the database. I had been assuming that either we would instantiate a test network graph for such planning and then write a routing to sync the changes.
I see that this question has been asked and answered for relational databases (How do you maintain revision control of your database structure?). But I'm asking for graph databases, probably Neo4J.
In that relational thread someone pitches the Rails approach of making rollback a required element of database development. I like this idea too; I'm not sure how easy it is in graph databases.
How is this handled in the real world?
I found your question while also searching for an answer, so I don't have tested solutions to offer. But I can share that there's some discussion of this at How do I implement revisions with neo4j?, including a specific case at Neo4j / Strategy to keep history of node changes.
There's also a more detailed blog post at, which weighs the read-time / write-time / storage requirements of several alternatives. It also includes a number of diagrams and example queries that helped me wrap my head around what all this would look like.
Hope that's still useful, lo these months later, and sorry I can't be of more help! If you've found something that works in the meantime, can you let us know?

How to visualise Neo4j graph database created from an embedded Neo4j java application

I created an application which embedded Neo4j. In that application I created and stored some nodes with some relationships. My application has saved this database to a file. I would like to visualise that data. I know I can see graphs if I fire up the Neo4j server but I do not know how to import my neo4j.db file into the Neo4j server so that I can visualise it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Depending on your use case you might have different solutions:
Use a web-based visualization
Use a desktop application to visualize your data
Use web-based visualization
In this case you have to take care of the web-app to visualize the data.
You have basically two solutions out there: Javascript or Java applets.
For the Javascript side you have many choices: D3js, VivaGraph, SigmaJS, KeyLines.
The first three are open source and free while the last one has a commercial licence and non-free.
There're already a million questions about these libraries on SO, so I'll link you to some of those to understand the various differences.
Desktop Application
The main solutions in this case I would recommend you, depending on the kind of data are: either Gephi or Cytoscape.
In both cases I believe you have to write your own adapter to communicate with your application.
Architecture Reference
The architecture in both cases will be the following:
The controller renders a webpage with the JS visualisation framework you want to use
The controller offers a couple of JSON endpoints the client can use to query the data from the Neo4J embedded
Each query fetch the data, put in a model and render the JSON to send to the client
If you're NOT using neo4j 2.0+ then really good way to visualize your graph is by using neoclipse.
it's really handy and it has cypher support too.
another quick hack is to copy your db folder (which you created by using embedded database) into $NEO4j_HOME/data/
change $NEO4j_HOME/conf/neo4j-server-properties file to point to
start your server (bin/.neo4j start). You'll be able to visualize your database at localhost:7474
I hope it helps!

best way to make BPMN graph for a ERP system

We have an ERP system made in java that we will adapt to 3-tier architecture, and we want to add transaction controls (JTA).
We read that the best way to analyze where to place the controls was to create a graph of the system scenarios using BPM and then adding controls to the graph.
the web give us 2 ways to make the graph:
By way of use (scenarios) of each module, adding to the graph the
different routes that can be done by using a module, for example: in
the invoice module the different ways to complete it (with detail,
without detail, etc...)
By relation between the modules, adding to the graph how passes from
module to module, for example in invoice how passes to client
Our question are:
Which is the best way?
Is there another way to do that?
Definitely, using a BPM solution like jBPM will help you to define your business scenarios and discover the interaction between the different departments and modules in your company. If you want to use BPM there will be some things to learn, I would suggest you to take a look at BPM solutions and see if that can help you in your specific implementation.

How to create Timeline per Node in Neo4j

I had tried to ask this question earlier and will try and restate the question. I have a graph of people or nodes representing people and each person has a calendar associated with him/her.
The calendar is represented using a Timeline. I came across this old thread (, which kind of says that implementing the model of Timeline-per-Node is difficult with LuceneTimeline and the older B-tree implementation was more efficient. Is it still true?
Is there a B-tree implementation available in version 1.8 and higher ?
Has anyone faced a similar problem ?
I am working on building a plugin to expose a REST interface for managing Timelines. The problems I'm facing are:
How to retrieve an existing LuceneTimeline ?
How to associate a Timeline with every Node ?
Are there any examples anywhere ?
Thanks, is probably what you should. This however does not work great over REST as it is using the Java Embedded API. Either send over Groovy code, or do a custom Neo4j Server plugin, see .
Also, you can do something like that with Cypher, see

Document-Oriented or Graph databases

It's a RoR project.
We want to store user activities, like uploaded a photo, voted for somebody, followed somebody, etc. When listing the activities, we need to list your friends activities as well. So, what is better to use in this case: a document-oriented database (couchdb, mongo db), a graph database (neo4js), or maybe some other approach?
Thank you for helping in advance guys :)
Yeah, I think Neo4j is a good choice, the Rails 3 support is excellent, see, see even the social examples with cypher like in, and for activity streams, there are various cool approaches like Graphity, see
Depending on the scale of your application, and volume of activity, I'd recommend a combination of Couchbase (not CouchDB) for actual activity data which is extremely scalable and fast, and Neo4J for the graph discovery (both databases at the same time). I've used the combination very effectively in my application that was both social and real-time.
If you want more info from me, please feel free to contact me directly and I can help with architectural decisions or implementation help.
Take a look at Infinitegraph. It is scalable unlike neo4j. I think they have a free download for 1 million nodes.
Consider using Sqlite. It is a flat file mimicing database and can be used as an embedded database.
