Failed to execute './tools/motelist-linux' - contiki

I am using sky motes in cooja simulator of contiki. I want to use collect-view. So I added few sky motes in a simulation and right clicked one of the nodes to start collect-view. Then I clicked 'Program-Nodes' button.
I got the following error:
Programming failed: Failed to execute './tools/motelist-linux'.
For sky motes, I noticed the motelist-linux file is here. So I updated the lines to
public static final String MOTELIST_LINUX = "./tools/sky/motelist-linux";
public static final String MOTELIST_MACOS = "./tools/sky/motelist-macos";
I have verified that motelist-linux & motelist-macos files have necessary permissions. But I got the same error again.
Programming failed: Failed to execute './tools/sky/motelist-linux'.
How do I get rid of the error? or
Is there any other way to use collect-view?

You need sudo permissions for accessing serial port in linux. Please open cooja with sudo and try. it might work. There is another possibility that serial port of the mote might be opened by another application. Make sure that no other application is using serial port of the mote which you are trying to program.


How to record screen while testing in Robot framework Appium?

I'm looking the way how to record screen on Robot framework Appium.I've check on Appium Robot Framework Doc but it doesn't describe about it but i have try to write custom lib with python but it's doesn't support.
import os
import subprocess
from appium import webdriver
from robot.api import logger
desired_caps = {}
desired_caps['platformName'] = 'iOS'
desired_caps['platformVersion'] = '12.3.2'
desired_caps['bundleId'] = 'xxxxxx'
desired_caps['udid'] = 'xxxxxxx'
desired_caps['deviceName'] = 'iPhone'
driver = webdriver.Remote("http://localhost:4723/wd/hub",desired_caps)
def start_screen_recording():
def stop_screen_recording():
filepath = os.path.join("/Users/keo.sidara/Desktop/Mobile_Test/testcases/regression", "screen_recording_110918-205655.mp4")
payload = driver.stop_recording_screen()
with open(filepath, "wb") as fd:
and i got message
[W3C] Matched W3C error code 'invalid session id' to NoSuchDriverError
[W3C (1530275d)] Encountered internal error running command:
Anybody experience with it ? please share me. Thanks
The Appium documentation on the start Recording method is here.
In the AppliumLibrary documentation the source code for keyword Open Application shows that the keyword returns number of the application in the registry.
This means that there is no AppiumLibrary supported way of retrieving the webdriver. This means that a modification to the original library is needed. This has been done already in a fork: nichotined / robotframework-appiumlibrary
Removing the original library from your python installation and installing this one, you then have access to the keyword Get Current Application that returns the driver. Now, you can use the below approach or add another keyword yourself in the same fashion to create the custom Start and Stop Screenrecording.
As I don't have a working Appium Setup, I'm unable to validate this myself:
*** Settings ***
Library AppiumLibrary
*** Test Cases ***
Open Application
... http://localhost:4723/wd/hub
... alias=Myapp1
... platformName=iOS
... platformVersion=7.0
... deviceName='iPhone Simulator'
${driver} Get Current Application
Call Method ${driver} start_recording_screen
As of robotframework-appiumlibrary v1.5.0.6, support for screen recording has been implemented. Can check
Happy Coding!
I've never used Robot Framework before but I tried a lot of ways to record with the appium driver but I couldn't get it working. The only solution that I found was to use ADB SHELL Commands to record the screen of a device. You should have in mind that not all devices are capable of getting their screen recorded.
adb shell screenrecord /sdcard/test.mp4 --size 480x720 #To start recording
Once you kill the process above you can get the video from the device with these commands
adb pull /sdcard/test.mp4 "C:/"
adb shell rm /sdcard/test.mp4

couldn't get interactive broker historical data

I am working on IB Gateway and want to get the historical data.
As i have completed the steps on IB Gateway software to enable the API.
I am using python notebook for this.
For now i am running this code and i am able to import the given library but rest of the code giving me this error. Important thing is connection is established as I have mention client id 1. then it is created and can be seen on IB Gateway application.
My code is here.
from ib_insync import *
#util.startLoop() # uncomment this line when in a notebook
ib = IB()
ib.connect('', 5021, clientId=1)
bars = ib.reqHistoricalData(
contract=Stock('TSLA', 'SMART', 'USD'),
durationStr='30 D',
barSizeSetting='1 hour',
Here is the error.
Peer closed connection
clientId 1 already in use?
API connection failed: CancelledError()
As i am using notebook if i uncomment the second line (util.startLoop()) it adds one more error about timeout..
Need help to get this done.
Big Thanks
Assign a different clientID to this connecion:
ib.connect('', 5021, clientId=2)
Apparently you already have another connection with clientId=1.

How to create a new demo in automotive?

I'm trying to separate out some code from drake/automotive/ As a first step, I'm trying to copy and into differently named files ( and and then running bazel run automotive:test -- --num_simple_cars=1. I modified automotive/BUILD.bazel and to take into account the new dependencies.
The problem is that after I bazel run, the simulator window opens but no car gets rendered. Eventually it just crashes with the following errors:
[lcm-spy] ClassDiscoverer: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: apple/laf/AquaPopupMenuUI
[lcm-spy] jar: ../com_jidesoft_jide_oss/jide-oss-2.9.7.jar
[lcm-spy] class: com/jidesoft/plaf/aqua/AquaJidePopupMenuUI.class
[drake_visualizer] Qt WebEngine seems to be initialized from a plugin. Please set Qt::AA_ShareOpenGLContexts using QCoreApplication::setAttribute before constructing QGuiApplication.
[lcm-spy] LCM: Disabling IPV6 support
[lcm-spy] LCM: TTL set to zero, traffic will not leave localhost.
[lcm-spy] Can't assign requested address
Here is an (unresolved) Github issue that points to the problem being that test is a "custom plug-in". But if automotive_demo can work, surely there's a way to reproduce that behavior for test? I also tried grepping for QGuiApplication and only found a series of binary files, so I didn't know how to follow the error message's suggestion.
when trying out your steps on Mac I unfortunately cannot reproduce your specific errors. I do not think that having test as a target name should cause problems (at least I did not experience issues).
Could you please make sure:
You're able to run bazel run automotive:demo -- --num_simple_car=1?
After having renamed automotive_demo.* to test.*, in your, files the following are mapped correctly: demo -> test and automotive_demo -> test_cc (or whatever unique name you choose)?

ServiceController seems to be unable to stop a service

I'm trying to stop a Windows service on a local machine (the service is Topshelf.Host, if that matters) with this code:
serviceController.WaitForStatus(ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped, timeout);
timeout is set to 1 hour, but service never actually gets stopped. Strange thing with it is that from within Services MMC snap-in I see it in "Stopping" state first, but after a while it reverts back to "Started". However, when I try to stop it manually, an error occurs:
Windows could not stop the Topshelf.Host service on Local Computer.
Error 1061: The service cannot accept control messages at this time.
Am I missing something here?
I know I am quite late to answer this but I faced a similar issue , i.e., the error: "The service cannot accept control messages at this time." and would like to add this as a reference for others.
You can try killing this service using powershell (run powershell as administrator):
#Get the PID of the required service with the help of the service name, say, service name.
$ServicePID = (get-wmiobject win32_service | where { $ -eq 'service name'}).processID
#Now with this PID, you can kill the service
taskkill /f /pid $ServicePID
Either your service is busy processing some big operation or is in transition to change the state. hence is not able to accept anymore input...just think of it as taking more than it can chew...
if you are sure that you haven't fed anything big to it, just go to task manager and kill the process for this service or restart your machine.
I had exact same problem with Topshelf hosted service. Cause was long service start time, more than 20 seconds. This left service in state where it was unable to process further requests.
I was able to reproduce problem only when service was started from command line (net start my_service).
Proper initialization for Topshelf service with long star time is following:
namespace Example.My.Service
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Topshelf;
internal class Program
public static void Main()
x =>
s =>
MyService testServerService = null;
s.ConstructUsing(name => testServerService = new MyService());
s.WhenStarted(service => service.Start());
s.WhenStopped(service => service.Stop());
context =>
if (testServerService == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Service not created yet.");
public sealed class MyService
private Task starting;
public void Start()
this.starting = Task.Run(() => InitializeService());
private void InitializeService()
// TODO: Provide service initialization code.
public void AfterStart(HostControl hostStartedContext)
if (hostStartedContext == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(hostStartedContext));
if (this.starting == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Service start was not initiated.");
while (!this.starting.Wait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(7)))
public void Stop()
// TODO: Provide service shutdown code.
I've seen this issue as well, specifically when a service is start pending and I send it a stop programmatically which succeeds but does nothing. Also sometimes I see stop commands to a running service fail with this same exception but then still actually stop the service. I don't think the API can be trusted to do what it says. This error message explanation is quite helpful...
I run into a similar issue and found out it was due to one of the services getting stuck in a state of start-pending, stop pending, or stopped.
Rebooting the server or trying to restart services did not work.
To solve this, I run the Task Manager in the server and in the "Details" tab I located the services that were stuck and killed the process by ending the task. After ending the task I was able to restart services without problem.
In brief:
1. Go to Task Manager
2. Click on "Detail" tab
3. Locate your service
4. Right click on it and stop/kill the process.
That is it.
I know it was opened while ago, but i am bit missing the option with Windows command prompt, so only for sake of completeness
Open Task Manager and find respective process and its PID i.e PID = 111
Eventually you can narrow down the executive file i.e. Image name = notepad.exe
in command prompt use command TASKKILL
example: TASKKILL /F /PID 111 ; TASKKILL /F /IM notepad.exe
I had this exact issue internally when starting and stopping a service using PowerShell (Via Octopus Deploy). The root cause for the service not responding to messages appeared to be related to devs accessing files/folders within the root service install directory via an SMB connection (looking at a config file with notepad/explorer).
If the service gets stuck in that situation then the only option is to kill it and sever the connections using computer management. After that, service was able to be redeployed fine.
May not be the exact root cause, but something we now check for.
I faced the similar issue. This error sometimes occur because the service can no longer accept control messages, this may be due to disk space issues in the server where that particular service's log file is present.
If this occurs, you can consider the below option as well.
Go to the location where the service exe & its log file is located.
Free up some space
Kill the service's process via Task manager
Start the service.
I just fought this problem while moving code from an old multi partition box to a newer single partition box. On service stop I was writing to D: and since it didn't exist anymore I got a 1061 error. Any long operation during the OnStop will cause this though unless you spin the call off to another thread with a callback delegate.

Using pfccomp or pint to run Pascal-FC programs

I'm using the Pascal FC implementation for Windows Vista found on
I'm trying to run the dining philophers problem found on the link but I don't get how to make the compiler work.
In the screen shot, the program appears to be waiting for you to enter the name of the file to use for the compiler output. Enter a file name.
Better yet, use the pfc.bat command and let it choose the output names for you. The batch file will also run the program automatically after it has been compiled. At the command prompt, run the command like this:
C:\pascalfc-vista> pfc philchan.pas
