Jenkins. How to get Trigger builds remotely data from POST BODY - jenkins

Jenkins. How to get Trigger builds remotely data from POST BODY (private docker containers registry) has notification about build status through Webhook POST, data is in body. I tried to google and read Jenkins docs, but found only how to read parameters from URL.
I found a plugin (Generic Webhook Trigger), which is capable to do it partially. It is able to work only with one link (http://{JENKINS_URL}/generic-webhook-trigger/invoke). And to start different jobs i need to use regexp.
At the same time i need to set up minimum 3 notifications on and a lot of webhooks from different services. Maybe somebody knows how to set up in Jenkins such stuff:
Create route like {JENKINS_URL}/jobName/ …
Take whole parameters and write it down into $POST_DATA variable.
Execute script with $POST_DATA parameter.
Another manipulations i’m able to do myself in script.

If you have a job like some-job-name.
Question 1:
Check the "Trigger builds remotely". Specify a token, like some-job-name.
Point the webhook to http://{JENKINS_URL}/generic-webhook-trigger/invoke?token=some-job-name .
Now this will be the only job triggered from this request.
Question 2:
Set the json-path to just $ and it will evaluate to the entire post data. Use any variable like variable.
Question 3:
Just use the variable from 2 like $variable.


Prevent GitHub Webhook being sent from Pushing of Tag

I am having an issue with my Jenkins pipeline that pushes a tag as one of the steps, this ultimately kicks off the build again causing a loop.
Doesn't GitHub have a way of only sending a webhook with a source commit to the repo and not a tag?
When you register for a given type of webhook with GitHub, you get notifications for every webhook of that type. Filtering is not possible for efficiency reasons, since GitHub sends massive numbers of webhook payloads. The assumption is that your service will discard any events you don't care about.
If you don't want Jenkins to build when a tag is pushed, then configure it not to do that. From some quick Googling, it appears you can control the refs to be built, so you may want to configure it to just build refs/heads/*, which doesn't include tags.

how to get json response for build details from Jenkins build after it finishes

I have a Jenkins Server which runs a Jenkins job - JobA
and I have a Java Spring boot web service, where I store the Jenkins build data and serve it to various other systems.
I want that whenever JobA finishes each build, it should call an endpoint on my web service and post the build data (bascically the same data that I get from calling the Jenkins API: https://<my-jenkins-server>/job/JobA/<buildNumber>/api/json) to the end point of my web service, which accepts a POST requests and JSON payload to update the build details like job name, build number, build result, build url, build duration, timestamp, test results etc. in my database.
The endpoint of my web service should still be called even if the build fails.
I can already get all this data from the above REST API call, but I do not want to use that because, using that if I want to get the updated data in my database, I will have to poll the Jenkins REST API multiple times, (like maybe every 15 minutes or more frequently) which will increase the load on my Jenkins server.
I know that I can set up a Jenkins job to either call a script or call another downstream job through which I can then call a curl POST request to my end point.
But my problem is that I do not know where/how to get the JSON data for the build be sent in the POST request?
Can someone help me out please?
You can get the lastbuild information and there is a field called building which says if the build is running or not.

How to modify the Webhook Step Plugin in Jenkins to meet my pipeline needs

I Currently have a Pipeline built in Jenkins to run my newman Test Cases. So the definition for it is in three steps
Call the Async Test cases.
Register a Webhook and Wait for it to respond back to continue forward.
Call the remaining Test cases.
I'm using the existing "Webhook Step Plugin" to register and wait for my Webhook in Jenkins.
Pipeline Definition
This resgisterWebhook() method is returning a random URL everytime because it is using the UUID logic to generate a random token. And since its random everytime, my external System cannot know it.
So i'm looking for a way, where the hook URL will be constant always, so that it can be hardcoded in my external System and called once the Async Operation is completed.
Don't use the webhook step, either use the webhook trigger plugin, or use the generic webhook trigger inside pipeline. (these may be the same thing - I may have just stuttered. Sorry if so!).
Anyway, that lets you set up a static URL you can use to trigger builds.

Jenkins Remote Trigger User Name

I am developing a Dashboard on top of Jenkins. The Dashboard would list all the jobs available and would also have a trigger button to initiate a build which shoots a post request using the secret token. The problem is every build would have the same cause which says "Started by remote host 19.XX.XX.XX". Since the dashboard needs to display the user name triggering the job as the person who logged, is there a way we can pass the a username as well in the jenkins remote trigger url like below so that jenkins would capture the cause as the user name.
There is no parameter that you can use for this. A workaround that I've used is adding &cause=This+was+started+by+abc which results in
Started by remote host 192.168.x.x with note: This was started by abc
Perhaps this might help you.

update Jenkins build parameter via remote API

I am looking for a method to remotely update a build parameter for a Jenkins jobs after the job has started (or even after the job has completed perhaps).
Looking over the API docs, I have seen plenty of examples of doing a GET to retrieve information, and some examples of doing a POST to trigger build configurations to run.
I'm struggling to find any examples or information on whether it's possible to set information such as a parameter via API, e.g. using POST.
