I'm using the IDM version 6.05 and the download option does not occurs in youtube after I switched to the crack version So how shall I resolve it?
I am trying to youtube-dl to get metadata information of some videos. It was working fine till dec 2020. Recently It started giving me this error "YouTube said: Unable to extract video data".
What did i try?
Update to latest youtube-dl: I did this everyday till dec 28
I tried using command line and python library
I used the option to remove cache directory (--rm-cache-dir)
Use different VPNs and try downloading it.
youtube-dl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hT_nvWreIhg --skip-download --rm-cache-dir
They blocked it after i downloaded info for ~30k videos.
Can anyone tell me how youtube is detecting my machine and if there is a way to bypass it using youtube-dl
Suddenly after few days reinstalling the youtube-dl library fixed this issue.
VLC cant play certain youtube videos. Currently using VLC 2.2.4 (Windowsx86). Got this error.
Your input can't be opened:
VLC is unable to open the MRL 'https://r14---sn-h557sn7r.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?lmt=1471880577481320&expire=1482936160&dur=280.427&ipbits=0&source=youtube&upn=58F0u2i73fk&itag=22&ei=AHtjWOrzM8-WoAOd9o-4DA&pl=24&ms=au&mv=m&sparams=dur%2Cei%2Cid%2Cinitcwndbps%2Cip%2Cipbits%2Citag%2Clmt%2Cmime%2Cmm%2Cmn%2Cms%2Cmv%2Cnh%2Cpl%2Cratebypass%2Crequiressl%2Csource%2Cupn%2Cexpire&mt=1482914235&ip='. Check the log for details.
Debug logs
Any help ?
This happened something due to https certificates. Mine was windows machine and restarting solved the problem. But if someone expert in vlc check the logs and provide the root cause would be very helpful.
I went to the Sony website to get the latest version of the SDK.
On that page is info about the SDK but no way to download. I have tried this from Chrome, Edge and InternetExplorer. Is the link broken or am I at the wrong link?
The main download page is broken for me also, but this link does work: https://developer.sony.com/downloads/camera-file/sony-camera-remote-api-beta-sdk/
I am using android 4.4.4,after latest update of youtube app,youtube app is not working anymore .after tap on to youtube app it says error 505,unable to connect to the network. After uninstalling the update youtube works but after update it doesn't work,help me
This may be the problem seeing 505 error ( HTTP version not supported):
Are you behind a firewall or Proxy
I have an async upload process working with Amazon S3 but I am having trouble when I try to cancel it.
I'm trying to call cancel on the request but I get an unrecognised selector crash. I think this is due to the cancel method not existing in the 1.4.6 version of the AWS iOS SDK but I could be wrong, I know it definitely exists in 1.6 but unfortunately I cannot use the latest version.
Is there a different way to cancel a request in 1.4.6?
I am one of the maintainers of the AWS SDK for iOS. The cancel method has been available on AmazonServiceRequest since version 1.4.4 as seen in GitHub. You may want to verify that you don't have an older version of the SDK in your Framework search path. You can verify the version of the SDK you are using with the code metioned on the AWS Mobile Developer Blog.
Can you let us know why you are unable to use the latest version of the SDK? Is there something we can change to help make it possible for you to upgrade?