jtsage-datebox theme override - jquery-mobile

I am using JQMobile 1.4.5 and datebox 4.1.1. I have a custom theme. Latest as of this message.
My code does work to display a calbox or timeflipbox, the problem is, datebox uses (inherits?) the theme of the underlying JQMobile. I want it to use the standard look of a jtsage databox widget. However, the class ui-btn (and others) is applied and the buttons appear too large and colored as if part of the themed site.
I have searched around and seen mention of a JQuery Mobile attribute:
as described, it is supposed to suppress any enhancement. However, I have observed that it does nothing.
How do I instruct datebox not to allow JQM classes from being applied to the output?


Double clicking on a div with contenteditable inside and iframe disables div

If i create a div that has contenteditable true inside of an iframe and if you double click it it becomes non functional.the focus is still in the iframe and you can see the cursor, however it does not respond to keydown
Does anyone have an idea of how I can i overcome this?
i have implemented a dojo editor. if you open this link in ipad you will see the problem as described above.
Which OS you are using? You should make sure that you are using OS 5.0 or later. According to the (Apple's Technical Notes) and Safari Web Content Guide. It is written:
The HTML contenteditable attribute is supported in iOS 5.0 and later. In earlier versions, replace contenteditable, used to enable text input within a styled element, with a styled textarea element. In Safari, you can customize the appearance of textarea elements using CSS. If necessary, you can even disable any platform-specific, built-in styling on a textarea element by setting -webkit-appearance to none.
So, if you are using an old OS version, you could use textarea elements instead of contenteditable. Then, it is guaranteed that your application will work as well.
PS. you can use your IPAD to go on this website, to try how does it work with textarea. It might be an example for you.
Hope that helps.
Trying to get a contenteditable div to work inside of an iframe is one level of complicated, if you are trying to get it to work inside of a specific WYSIWYG editor like Dojo editor, is another level harder, as there is a lot of JavaScript affecting the interactions. It would help to explain the parameters a little better in your question.
Have you used a browser debugger (like Firebug) to see what's happening when you click?
This other SO question and answer about contenteditable div vs iframe is useful.
Finally, if you are using iOS Safari, make sure you are using Safari 5.0 or better as the contenteditable attribute was only recently supported on that browser.
Since you are using iOS 6, you should be using the iOS Safari JavaScript Debugger to let you know what's happening a little more clearly when you click on the editable div. If you can find some more specific error messages, please update us.

Getting a dual range slider working with twitter bootstrap

I'd like to use this upgraded jQuery Mobile dual range slider.
jQuery Mobile dual range slider working but buggy
I need to use it with twitter bootstrap. However, jQuery Mobile doesn't play nice with Twitter bootstrap and is killing the dropdown menu when the javaScript files are placed at the bottom of the page (as per yslow). Here are 3 jsbin examples to illustrate the problem:
with jQuery Mobile added, twitter bootstrap menu fails:
without jQuery Mobile .js file, twitter bootstrap the menu works fine:
with all javaScript in the header (bad practice) the menu also works, but I'd need to avoid putting all the javaScript in the header:
I can see there's a broken link to the twitter bootstrap js, I've fixed it and your sample works fine for me, both the dropdown menu and the progress bar
If all you're trying to do is get jquerymobile's Range Slider to work with Bootstrap, you can use the Custom Download tool to download just the slice that (sort of) makes the Range Slider work.
What you get is unfortunately incomplete, and above all it doesn't self-initialize, so you'll need to do that manually:
And you'll need to apply some styles of your own to make up for a bit too much being left out in the custom download. But you will get Range Sliders without breaking Bootstrap.
The cause of the Bootstrap break when you use all of jquery mobile is more complex. The Init module applies a ton of classes all over your code, in particular .ui-btn to buttons. That's the main thing that blows up Bootstrap - the nav menu uses a button tag, and that tag gets that problematic class applied, and then in come all the problem styles from jquerymobile.
The hackier way to solve that in the large is to just use jquerymobile without the Init module then Init only what you need - hopefully their buttons aren't one of those things. The best way to solve it is pretty intense: Improve jquerymobile so that there's either no conflict with Bootstrap ever, or, some sort of special noBSconflict() method or something you can run that avoids applying classes that will break Bootstrap but otherwise proceeds as normal.

jquery mobile left menu

Throughout the jQuery Mobile docs, they use a left-side menu for navigation that changes to a more mobile friendly version when the browser width is smaller. You can see an example on this page.
They use this layout throughout the docs, and I can see in the source that they use two divs with the IDs "content-primary" and "content-secondary." My question relates to the fact that I can't find anything about this structure actually discussed in the documentation. It seems very strange that they would not include such a useful widget in the Framework. Did they use custom code to make this, or did I miss it in the documentation somehow?
I'm frankly quite surprised to see how challenging it's been to find a left nav example that works consistently and as expected in JQM.
I wound up copying code directly from the JQM docs, including grabbing their custom .js and .css scripts (which defines the .content-primary and .content-secondary classes, as well as the various #media queries which make the menu responsive).
The JQM docs do not use the "multi-page" format. Instead, each nav menu item links to a wholly separate URL (presumably prefetched into the DOM by adding data-prefetch="true" to the link), so each new page/URL must redefine the same nav menu over again.
This immediately makes my developer brain think "let's abstract the menu and include it on each page automatically". But how to 'include' the menu on each page without PHP (or other server-side language)? This is the problem I have yet to solve.
You may be able to call the $(document).bind('pageinit', function to manually inject your menu into the loading page by using javascript/jquery, but I have yet to figure out how to do this properly.
I'll keep you posted if/when I have a workable solution.
Actually this is not specific to jquery mobile, this is CSS3. You can check documentation here: http://www.css3.info/preview/media-queries/. Essentially what they do is specify style rules for different screen width using media query as shown in this example:
#media all and (min-width: 650px) { // you can define your width here
// style rules here
Are you talking about something like the left menu at http://jquerymobile.com/demos/1.3.0-beta.1/docs/demos/panels/panel-nav-form.html# ? Haven't played with it but it looks like these days it just takes
<div data-role="panel" data-position="left" data-position-fixed="false" data-display="reveal">

How can I customize jQuery Mobile themes for buttons?

jQuery Mobile has a fine collection of themes for buttons.
However, I want a button with a red gradient in the background. I could just override the CSS for one button's theme directly, but is there way to do this without breaking jQuery Mobile's abstraction barriers?
In other words, can I add my own themes through the interface that jQuery Mobile offers?
Use the ThemeRoller at http://jquerymobile.com/themeroller/index.php
You can import the existing jQuery Mobile theme and then customize it. Note that if you have less than 5 themes, you need to edit the CSS yourself and specify the style for .ui-body-e because the error message uses it.

JQuery mobile, is there a way to prevent the SELECT box from becoming a dialog page?

SO I have a select box that I fill dynamically. I discovered that once the SELECT gets longer than the page, it automatically becomes a dialog listview.... which is TERRIBLE!
When this happens, the page refreshes when the dialog is closed and my whole page starts over....
Has anyone experienced that and do you know how to shut it off?
You could use the native look and feel?
Native form elements & buttons Although the framework automatically enhances form elements and buttons into touch input
optimized controls to streamline development, it's easy to tell jQuery
Mobile to leave these elements alone so the standard, native control
can be used instead.
Adding the data-role="none" attribute to any form or button element
tells the framework to not apply any enhanced styles or scripting. The
examples below all have this attribute in place to demonstrate the
effect. You may need to write custom styles to lay out your form
controls because we try to leave all the default styling intact.
