Allow YouTube iFrame in Rails Application (saved in Textarea) - ruby-on-rails

I have a Rails model called Posts and I want my users to be able to embed a YouTube video in the content section of their post.
The post model has fields: title (string) and content (textarea).
Right now they can add the YouTube embed code (iframe tag) to their content; however, the iframe does not appear in the show view for the post.
Why is this and what can I do to display the embedded video?
Thanks in advance.

Here's how I did it:
<%= simple_format(#post.content, {}, sanitize: false) %>

maybe you missed adding .html_safe
<%= #post.iframe.html_safe %>


page with params between search and show page

So i have this page that shows a result of events with a button that takes you to the eventid (which has a list of prices)
What im wanting to do is one of my api's is only showing all tickets available (how considerate). So i'm having to adjust to them.
What im wanting (and have made but not put in yet) is to have a page inbetween the search results and the show.html.erb
This page has a bunch of buttons on it, Asking how many tickets your looking for. e.g. 2 tickets for the event.
Now what im wondering is how i can go about this?
Currently the button is linked up like this (on the search results page)
<%= link_to 'Compare', event_path(, class: "btn btn-info" %>
However what im going to want to do is have this button link off to a page called ticket_numbers.html.erb This will sit inbetween these two pages and when a user clicks said button on that page it shall allow me to use the number in the view and related jquery files.
Any help would be great!!
You need to define a route for this new page:
match '/ticket_numbers' => 'controllerName#ticket_numbers'
And to create the file ticket_numbers.html.erb on the corresponding view folder.After this your new page will work.
If you need any controller logic define a method ticket_numbers on the corresponding controller:
class controllerNameController < ApplicationController
def ticket_numbers

How to fix rails 4 hyperlinks?

I'm trying to display someone's profile links to their social media profiles. My current code is
<%= link_to #person.linkedin, #person.linkedin %>
It works and the link does load, but it goes to localhost:3000/user/ instead of
You need to add make sure the linkedin hyperlinks have a protocol (http, https, etc).
Any link without a protocol is assumed to be a relative path, which is why the hyperlinks are getting appended to your website url.
A solution would be to manually add a "http://" string at the beginning of every person's linkedin hyperlink in your database. Your code should work fine after that.
Edit: Or you can change it on the fly like so (the other answers won't work since it looks like #person.linkedin contains the entire hyperlink not just the linkedin user)
<%= link_to #person.linkedin, "https://#{#person.linkedin}" %>
Rails link helpers follow the format:
link_to(name = nil, options = nil, html_options = nil, &block)
The second #person.linkedin path is a local path as determined by your routes file in your config folder. If the link you need follows a certain format you can do something like
<%= link_to "LinkTextHere", "{#person}/profile" %>
I can answer in more detail if you give me the exact outcome you need as well as what you want from the .linkedin value. Also, typing "rake routes" in your console will show all paths you currently have and can help troubleshoot issues like why #person.linkedin is routing locally.

Using Scaffold Form to Embed SoundCloud Link

I'm trying to create a form in an app that takes a song's title, artist and soundcloud embed link so that these can be used in a post.
I created a scaffold, and set soundcloudembed:text
I added a link <%= post.soundcloudembed %> at the position where I want the embedded player to be displayed. This link does not work.
Does anyone know of a way to fix this?
Since your soundcloadembed field contains html tags you should tell rails to output raw data using one of these two methods:
<%== post.soundcloudembed %>
<%= post.soundcloudembed.html_safe %>

Upload an image without displaying file_field and "apply" button. What's the correct way?

I am working in a rails 3.2 app,where the user has the avatar picture.
The user can chose his avatar in these way:
1) chose the file clicking the "Browse..." button in the edit user view (using file_field)
2) chose the file and click OK
3) then click on the "Apply Photo" button (on the right of the field containing the filename) to load the image to the server and update the view
I want improve the user experience, removing the field and the button in the view. This should be the way:
1) click a link 'Update avatar' (or directly click on the picture)
2) chose the file and click OK
No (visible) fields and no Apply button
What's the best way to do that ?
should I continue to use the file_field in the view but hide it and trigger the user#update action using some javascript code ? or is there some other better way to do that ?
Thank You
You can use one of js plugins to upload files. I.e. if you are using jQuery, you can try using plupload
I have encountered this issue with hiding the input element and putting a label instead.
For eliminating submit button, I have added onchange method.
<%= file_field_tag :file, class: "d-none", onchange: "this.form.submit()" %>
<%= label_tag :file, role: "button" do %>
<%= image_pack_tag('logo.svg') %>
<% end %>
PS: I'm using bootstrap class here, styles can be used instead for hiding the element.
The button near upload field is generated by browser and is standart widget for browser. You can use js plugin for that or realize iframe upload method (allow you async file upload even on IE). Simple tutorial for iframe - there Iframe method allow to you to customize upload link/field as you want =)

Rendering field data as a link in Ruby on Rails

Ok, I think this is probably an easy question but for the life of my I can't figure it out. I have created a table called ugtags and in that table I have two columns (beyond the basics), 'name' and 'link'.
I am trying to allow a user to add a link to a page. Ideally they would enter the link title (name) and the url (link) and in the view it would display the title as a link to the url that was entered in the link column.
I there a way to do it by simply affecting the <%= link_to h( %> code?
You should just be able to do:
<%= link_to h(, %>
See the documentation for all of the relevant options.
