Why does Octave output $ g = [... ...] $ - machine-learning

When I run this code (in a programming assignment for Coursera):
J = 1/m * [-y.*log(sigmoid((theta)'*X))-(1-y).*log(1-sigmoid((theta)'*X))]
where m = length(y), y is an m-dimensional vector, X is an m*2 matrix, and theta = 0.1, Octave outputs:
g =
[long (#rows)*2 matrix, each entry <1 but extremely close to 1]
g =
[another long (#rows)*2 matrix as before]
J =
[(#rows)*2 matrix with entries such as 3.4932e-002 and 7.8914e-005]
What is g? I never defined it, and it does not appear in my code, yet is outputted with some seemingly unrelated numbers? (I know that the function itself may have problems, but that is a separate issue from what I'm interested in here. I figured that if I know what g is, I might be able to troubleshoot better. If you have any comments on the function, please don't hesitate to point out what's wrong.)

Whenever you have a statement (inside a function or otherwise) which is not terminated with a semicolon, the output of that statement will display on the terminal.
Assuming that this is the only code you're running, then my guess is that inside your sigmoid function there is a statement of this kind:
g = dosomething() % note: not semicolon terminated!
resulting in terminal output during its execution.
The fact that g is reported twice in the terminal also makes sense, since you are calling the sigmoid function twice in that expression you just wrote.
Also, for the sake of clarity, please do not refer to your one-liner as a function, since that means something entirely different in the context of programming.


Performing an "online" linear interpolation

I have a problem where I need to do a linear interpolation on some data as it is acquired from a sensor (it's technically position data, but the nature of the data doesn't really matter). I'm doing this now in matlab, but since I will eventually migrate this code to other languages, I want to keep the code as simple as possible and not use any complicated matlab-specific/built-in functions.
My implementation initially seems OK, but when checking my work against matlab's built-in interp1 function, it seems my implementation isn't perfect, and I have no idea why. Below is the code I'm using on a dataset already fully collected, but as I loop through the data, I act as if I only have the current sample and the previous sample, which mirrors the problem I will eventually face.
%make some dummy data
np = 109; %number of data points for x and y
x_data = linspace(3,98,np) + (normrnd(0.4,0.2,[1,np]));
y_data = normrnd(2.5, 1.5, [1,np]);
%define the query points the data will be interpolated over
qp = [1:100];
kk=2; %indexes through the data
cc = 1; %indexes through the query points
qpi = qp(cc); %qpi is the current query point in the loop
y_interp = qp*nan; %this will hold our solution
while kk<=length(x_data)
kk = kk+1; %update the data counter
%perform online interpolation
if cc<length(qp)-1
if qpi>=y_data(kk-1) %the query point, of course, has to be in-between the current value and the next value of x_data
y_interp(cc) = myInterp(x_data(kk-1), x_data(kk), y_data(kk-1), y_data(kk), qpi);
if qpi>x_data(kk), %if the current query point is already larger than the current sample, update the sample
kk = kk+1;
else %otherwise, update the query point to ensure its in between the samples for the next iteration
cc = cc + 1;
qpi = qp(cc);
%It is possible that if the change in x_data is greater than the resolution of the query
%points, an update like the above wont work. In this case, we must lag the data
if qpi<x_data(kk),
%get the correct interpolation
y_interp_correct = interp1(x_data, y_data, qp);
%plot both solutions to show the difference
plot(y_interp,'displayname','manual-solution'); hold on;
plot(y_interp_correct,'k--','displayname','matlab solution');
leg1 = legend('show');
ylabel('interpolated points');
xlabel('query points');
Note that the "myInterp" function is as follows:
function yi = myInterp(x1, x2, y1, y2, qp)
%linearly interpolate the function value y(x) over the query point qp
yi = y1 + (qp-x1) * ( (y2-y1)/(x2-x1) );
And here is the plot showing that my implementation isn't correct :-(
Can anyone help me find where the mistake is? And why? I suspect it has something to do with ensuring that the query point is in-between the previous and current x-samples, but I'm not sure.
The problem in your code is that you at times call myInterp with a value of qpi that is outside of the bounds x_data(kk-1) and x_data(kk). This leads to invalid extrapolation results.
Your logic of looping over kk rather than cc is very confusing to me. I would write a simple for loop over cc, which are the points at which you want to interpolate. For each of these points, advance kk, if necessary, such that qp(cc) is in between x_data(kk) and x_data(kk+1) (you can use kk-1 and kk instead if you prefer, just initialize kk=2 to ensure that kk-1 exists, I just find starting at kk=1 more intuitive).
To simplify the logic here, I'm limiting the values in qp to be inside the limits of x_data, so that we don't need to test to ensure that x_data(kk+1) exists, nor that x_data(1)<pq(cc). You can add those tests in if you wish.
Here's my code:
qp = [ceil(x_data(1)+0.1):floor(x_data(end)-0.1)];
y_interp = qp*nan; % this will hold our solution
kk=1; % indexes through the data
for cc=1:numel(qp)
% advance kk to where we can interpolate
% (this loop is guaranteed to not index out of bounds because x_data(end)>qp(end),
% but needs to be adjusted if this is not ensured prior to the loop)
while x_data(kk+1) < qp(cc)
kk = kk + 1;
% perform online interpolation
y_interp(cc) = myInterp(x_data(kk), x_data(kk+1), y_data(kk), y_data(kk+1), qp(cc));
As you can see, the logic is a lot simpler this way. The result is identical to y_interp_correct. The inner while x_data... loop serves the same purpose as your outer while loop, and would be the place where you read your data from wherever it's coming from.

Matrix calculator - pascal program - command line

I would like to make matrix calculator, but I struggle a little bit, how to make an input of the program. I have commands that user can use in calculator. Some takes 1 argument, 2 arguments or 3 arguments. I was inspired by program on this website http://www.ivank.net/blogspot/matrix_pascal/matrices.pas
But I don't really understand, how the input is made. Program from the website use parse, split procedures, but I don't know, how does it work. Does it exists some website, where it is good explained (Parse in Pascal)? I would like to really understand it.
This is, how it should looks like:
command: sum X Y
command: multiply X
command: transpose X
In the sample which inspired you, all the calculation is realized by the 'procedure parse(command:String);'.
The first step consists to extract the command and all parameters by:
com := Split(command, ' ');
In your case, you will obtain for 'command: sum X Y':
Length(com) = 3
com[0] = 'sum'; com[1] = 'X'; com[2] = 'Y';
But, be carefull, the 'X' and 'Y' parameters shall not have characters between numbers.

Why should successive arguments involving method application be parenthesized?

Suppose the following F# function:
let f (x:int) (y:int) = 42
I suspect that the reason I need to parenthesize the arguments in example z2 below is because of type inference; my example might not be great, but it's easy to imagine how things could get very hairy:
let z1 = f 2 3
let z2 = f 2 (f 3 5)
However, the following case is less clear to me:
let rng = System.Random()
let z3 = f 1 rng.Next(5)
z3 doesn't work, with a clear error message:
error FS0597: Successive arguments should be separated by spaces or
tupled, and arguments involving function or method applications should
be parenthesized.
Fixing it is trivial (parenthesize all the things), but what I am not clear about is why such an expression is a problem. I assume this has to do with type inference again, but naively, it seems to me that here, methods having a list of arguments surrounded by a parenthesis would actually make things less potentially ambiguous. Does this have to do with the fact that rng.Next(5) is equivalent to rng.Next 5?
Can someone hint, give an example or explain why this rule is needed, or what type of problems would arise if it were not there?
I think that the problem here is that the code could be treated as:
let z3 = f 1 rng.Next (5)
This would be equivalent to omitting the parentheses and so it would be calling f with 3 arguments (the second being a function value). This sounds a bit silly, but the compiler actually does not strictly insist on having a space between parameters. For example:
let second a b = b
add 5(1) // This works fine and calls 'add 5 1'
add id(1) // error FS0597
add rng.Next(5) // error FS0597
add (rng.Next(5)) // This works fine (partial application)
I think the problem is that if you look at the sequence of the 4 examples in the above snippet, it is not clear which behavior should you get in the second and the third case.
The call rng.Next(5) is still treated in a special way, because F# allows you to chain calls if they are formed by single-parameter application without space. For example rng.Next(5).ToString(). But, for example, writing second(1)(2) is allowed, but second(1)(2).ToString() will not work.

Pathfinding in Prolog

I'm trying to teach myself Prolog. Below, I've written some code that I think should return all paths between nodes in an undirected graph... but it doesn't. I'm trying to understand why this particular code doesn't work (which I think differentiates this question from similar Prolog pathfinding posts). I'm running this in SWI-Prolog. Any clues?
% Define a directed graph (nodes may or may not be "room"s; edges are encoded by "leads_to" predicates).
leads_to(kitchen, living_room).
leads_to(living_room, stairs).
leads_to(living_room, den).
leads_to(stairs, hall).
leads_to(hall, bedroom1).
leads_to(hall, bedroom2).
leads_to(hall, bedroom3).
leads_to(hall, studio).
leads_to(living_room, outside). % Note "outside" is the only node that is not a "room"
leads_to(kitchen, outside).
% Define the indirection of the graph. This is what we'll work with.
neighbor(A,B) :- leads_to(A, B).
neighbor(A,B) :- leads_to(B, A).
Iff A --> B --> C --> D is a loop-free path, then
path(A, D, [B, C])
should be true. I.e., the third argument contains the intermediate nodes.
% Base Rule (R0)
path(X,Y,[]) :- neighbor(X,Y).
% Inductive Rule (R1)
path(X,Y,[Z|P]) :- not(X == Y), neighbor(X,Z), not(member(Z, P)), path(Z,Y,P).
?- path(bedroom1, stairs, P).
is false. Why? Shouldn't we get a match to R1 with
X = bedroom1
Y = stairs
Z = hall
P = []
?- neighbor(bedroom1, hall).
?- not(member(hall, [])).
?- path(hall, stairs, []).
true .
In fact, if I evaluate
?- path(A, B, P).
I get only the length-1 solutions.
Welcome to Prolog! The problem, essentially, is that when you get to not(member(Z, P)) in R1, P is still a pure variable, because the evaluation hasn't gotten to path(Z, Y, P) to define it yet. One of the surprising yet inspiring things about Prolog is that member(Ground, Var) will generate lists that contain Ground and unify them with Var:
?- member(a, X).
X = [a|_G890] ;
X = [_G889, a|_G893] ;
X = [_G889, _G892, a|_G896] .
This has the confusing side-effect that checking for a value in an uninstantiated list will always succeed, which is why not(member(Z, P)) will always fail, causing R1 to always fail. The fact that you get all the R0 solutions and none of the R1 solutions is a clue that something in R1 is causing it to always fail. After all, we know R0 works.
If you swap these two goals, you'll get the first result you want:
path(X,Y,[Z|P]) :- not(X == Y), neighbor(X,Z), path(Z,Y,P), not(member(Z, P)).
?- path(bedroom1, stairs, P).
P = [hall]
If you ask for another solution, you'll get a stack overflow. This is because after the change we're happily generating solutions with cycles as quickly as possible with path(Z,Y,P), only to discard them post-facto with not(member(Z, P)). (Incidentally, for a slight efficiency gain we can switch to memberchk/2 instead of member/2. Of course doing the wrong thing faster isn't much help. :)
I'd be inclined to convert this to a breadth-first search, which in Prolog would imply adding an "open set" argument to contain solutions you haven't tried yet, and at each node first trying something in the open set and then adding that node's possibilities to the end of the open set. When the open set is extinguished, you've tried every node you could get to. For some path finding problems it's a better solution than depth first search anyway. Another thing you could try is separating the path into a visited and future component, and only checking the visited component. As long as you aren't generating a cycle in the current step, you can be assured you aren't generating one at all, there's no need to worry about future steps.
The way you worded the question leads me to believe you don't want a complete solution, just a hint, so I think this is all you need. Let me know if that's not right.

Implementing post / pre increment / decrement when translating to Lua

I'm writing a LSL to Lua translator, and I'm having all sorts of trouble implementing incrementing and decrementing operators. LSL has such things using the usual C like syntax (x++, x--, ++x, --x), but Lua does not. Just to avoid massive amounts of typing, I refer to these sorts of operators as "crements". In the below code, I'll use "..." to represent other parts of the expression.
... x += 1 ...
Wont work, coz Lua only has simple assignment.
... x = x + 1 ...
Wont work coz that's a statement, and Lua can't use statements in expressions. LSL can use crements in expressions.
function preIncrement(x) x = x + 1; return x; end
... preIncrement(x) ...
While it does provide the correct value in the expression, Lua is pass by value for numbers, so the original variable is not changed. If I could get this to actually change the variable, then all is good. Messing with the environment might not be such a good idea, dunno what scope x is. I think I'll investigate that next. The translator could output scope details.
Assuming the above function exists -
... x = preIncrement(x) ...
Wont work for the "it's a statement" reason.
Other solutions start to get really messy.
x = preIncrement(x)
... x ...
Works fine, except when the original LSL code is something like this -
while (doOneThing(x++))
Which becomes a whole can of worms. Using tables in the function -
function preIncrement(x) x[1] = x[1] + 1; return x[1]; end
temp = {x}
... preincrement(temp) ...
x = temp[1]
Is even messier, and has the same problems.
Starting to look like I might have to actually analyse the surrounding code instead of just doing simple translations to sort out what the correct way to implement any given crement will be. Anybody got any simple ideas?
I think to really do this properly you're going to have to do some more detailed analysis, and splitting of some expressions into multiple statements, although many can probably be translated pretty straight-forwardly.
Note that at least in C, you can delay post-increments/decrements to the next "sequence point", and put pre-increments/decrements before the previous sequence point; sequence points are only located in a few places: between statements, at "short-circuit operators" (&& and ||), etc. (more info here)
So it's fine to replace x = *y++ + z * f (); with { x = *y + z * f(); y = y + 1; }—the user isn't allowed to assume that y will be incremented before anything else in the statement, only that the value used in *y will be y before it's incremented. Similarly, x = *--y + z * f(); can be replaced with { y = y - 1; x = *y + z * f (); }
Lua is designed to be pretty much impervious to implementations of this sort of thing. It may be done as kind of a compiler/interpreter issue, since the interpreter can know that variables only change when a statement is executed.
There's no way to implement this kind of thing in Lua. Not in the general case. You could do it for global variables by passing a string to the increment function. But obviously it wouldn't work for locals, or for variables that are in a table that is itself global.
Lua doesn't want you to do it; it's best to find a way to work within the restriction. And that means code analysis.
Your proposed solution only will work when your Lua variables are all global. Unless this is something LSL also does, you will get trouble translating LSL programs that use variables called the same way in different places.
Lua is only able of modifying one lvalue per statement - tables being passed to functions are the only exception to this rule. You could use a local table to store all locals, and that would help you out with the pre-...-crements; they can be evaluated before the expression they are contained in is evauated. But the post-...-crements have to be evaluated later on, which is simply not possible in lua - at least not without some ugly code involving anonymous functions.
So you have one options: you must accept that some LSL statements will get translated to several Lua statements.
Say you have a LSL statement with increments like this:
f(integer x) {
integer y = x + x++;
return (y + ++y)
You can translate this to a Lua statement like this:
function f(x) {
local post_incremented_x = x + 1 -- extra statement 1 for post increment
local y = x + post_incremented_x
x = post_incremented_x -- extra statement 2 for post increment
local pre_incremented_y = y + 1
return y + pre_incremented_y
y = pre_incremented_y -- this line will never be executed
So you basically will have to add two statements per ..-crement used in your statements. For complex structures, that will mean calculating the order in which the expressions are evaluated.
For what is worth, I like with having post decrements and predecrements as individual statements in languages. But I consider it a flaw of the language when they can also be used as expressions. The syntactic sugar quickly becomes semantic diabetes.
After some research and thinking I've come up with an idea that might work.
For globals -
function preIncrement(x)
_G[x] = _G[x] + 1
return _G[x]
... preIncrement("x") ...
For locals and function parameters (which are locals to) I know at the time I'm parsing the crement that it is local, I can store four flags to tell me which of the four crements is being used in the variables AST structure. Then when it comes time to output the variables definition, I can output something like this -
local x;
function preIncrement_x() x = x + 1; return x; end
function postDecrement_x() local y = x; x = x - 1; return y; end
... preIncrement_x() ...
In most of your assessment of configurability to the code. You are trying to hard pass data types from one into another. And call it a 'translator'. And in all of this you miss regex and other pattern match capacities. Which are far more present in LUA than LSL. And since the LSL code is being passed into LUA. Try using them, along with other functions. Which would define the work more as a translator, than a hard pass.
Yes I know this was asked a while ago. Though, for other viewers of this topic. Never forget the environments you are working in. EVER. Use what they give you to the best ability you can.
