How events are delivered in iOS apps? - ios

what does this image I got from apple developer tells us? what is the whole process after the user makes an interaction with the screen say a tap?


Is there a way to suggest user to unlock the device when receiving a video call?

I'm receiving an incoming video-call (the app is in background), displaying system UI. When I slide to answer - call starts and there's a button to open the app. Can I somehow programmatically press this button on answering or suggest user to unlock his device without tapping app button?
Without use of a 3rd party API or a jailbroken iPhone, this is not possible. However, it would be possible to send a notification to the user to unlock their device.

Show advertisement at regular interval of time when iPhone is running

I am working on the app that shows Ads (Video or image) when iPhone is running. If I open any app(eg. Twitter) then also my Ads should be visible at particular interval of time. Is it possible to do so?
No. Your app will not be informed about any other apps being launched. Even if it were, you can't "force-grab" the foreground to display videos. That would totally violate any user interface principle established by iOS.
Besides the technical aspect I'd have my doubts of such an app surviving app review in general, though I don't know the specific part of the TOS right now.
It is possible to show your ads inside your application in intervals or in any pattern you like. However it is not possible to bring your app to foreground when in background to play ads, it is actually not recommended at all. Best thing you can do is set a timer when the app gets in background to send a notification.

How to programmatically control iPhone or device speaker in iOS

I am creating a conference app for iOS 9, which makes a call. Once call is made it takes user to native iPhone screen. Later user can come back to our app to do various tasks, when call is running in background. We need to give a user option to control that iPhone speakers On/Off from our app itself.
But unfortunately, we are not able to find any document or sample on ths.
Kindly advice us how to achieve ths functionality.

How to transfer user from Apple Watch Notification to Apple Watch App?

When a Push Notification is displayed on the Apple Watch, the only possibility to open the Apple Watch App is to tap the App icon in the upper left corner.
Now, as I´m reviewing our tracking data, no user seems to know this.
How can I install another tap area in the Notification View which transfers the user in the Watch App?
The first thing to understand is that notifications aren't specific to either the iPhone or the Apple Watch. They're the same old notifications we've been dealing with for years, and nothing has changed. That means that there's no such thing as an "Apple Watch-specific notification" or an "iPhone-only notification." iOS decides where to route a notification based on its own heuristics. There is no way to programmatically control which device receives an alert.
That said, stk is correct that you will have to add actions to a category that you set for your notification. The Notification Essentials section of the Apple Watch Programming Guide has some sample code.
Because there is no such thing as an iPhone- or Watch-specific notification, you're correct that you will see these actions on both devices. So, you'll have to do something meaningful on both platforms. This makes sense, because iOS decides where to send the notification, so it should be handled appropriately wherever it's sent.

Changing the behavior of the iOS Lockscreen

Is there a way to change the behavior of the iOS Lockscreen? For instance, can an app, if active, provide a user with dynamic content, such as pictures, as the phone's background, and, in addition, allow a user to swipe left (in addition to swiping right, if they want to unlock the phone) to engage said content?
Is there a way to change the behavior of the iOS Lockscreen?
For instance, can an app, if active...
iOS doesn't provide any API that would allow the sort of thing that you describe. It might be possible to modify or replace the lock screen if you jailbreak your phone -- all bets are off at that point. But an app that uses the Apple-provided API has no way to modify the lock screen.
Also, note that if the device is locked, your app won't be active. You may have intended a looser definition of "active," but looking at the linked chart of app states will help you understand that what you're looking to do isn't achievable with the current API. Apps have to be active to receive events, but a locked phone implies that your app will be in an inactive, background, or suspended state if it's running at all.
No. (Not if you're talking about an 'app' in the sense of the App Store)
The only way an app can interact with the lock screen is through notifications, and cannot alter the standard lock screen interface.
You can alter the lock screen with a MobileSubstrate tweak on a jailbroken phone, but this requires reverse-engineering SpringBoard (the iOS launcher app), can be quite complicated and obviously cannot be distributed through the App Store
