Google account linking existing example - oauth-2.0

I implemented a simple bot and I wanted to add it to google home platform but I really need help for the linking account part.
I don't understand if I need to implement an oauth2 protocol for my service or not. Is there any exemple or framework that allow implement this linking account step (any language is ok, it's just for a simple POC).
My goal is to ask my bot some informations and send him some orders to achieve simple processing on a server.
Hope that someone can help me, add a simple bot to google home to access and modify some informations in a server isn't really easy for me ^^

As #Leon noted, you will need to implement the OAuth2 server yourself. The Actions on Google documentation give details about what they are expecting and what steps you can do to implement it yourself. The Authorization Code flow is slightly preferred (additional features from the Assistant will require it in the future), but you're also allowed to use the if you wish since it is slightly easier.
There are several packages that are out there that allow you to provide OAuth2, but require you to build the connection to your own account database. I've seen packages for .NET and JavaScript, but it shouldn't be too difficult to find one that meets your needs or to write one yourself.

If you need to authenticate the user, then you will need your own OAuth server. How to hook that up to an action is described in the docs:
If however, this is just a personal project and you want to test it on your own device, then account linking is not necessary for you to get the action to work. You simply need to hook up your server logic to the action fulfillment. We recommend that you use the API.AI Actions integration. The docs cover how to do that:


Using Azure AD to secure a aspnet webapi

I'm writing an application that will be the backend for a react website. The website is to be used by our customers, but we will fully control the permissions of the user. We have decided to use Azure AD to secure requests, but will also be exposing the API for end users to use directly if desired.
My understanding is in Azure AD I will have to create an application that will allow web based implicit authentication (for the react site), as well as a native application that will allow a dameon based application to authenticate to the API.
This I believe means I will have two audience ids in my application.
I'm trying to get claims to include groups, and I can see if I edit the meta data of both applicaitons in azure AD to include "groupMembershipClaims": "SecurityGroup" I can get claims with the group IDs in, but no names.
I think I can also use appRoles to set roles the application uses, but I've yet to get that to come through as claims in the JWT, but I'm assuming it can be done, however I'd need to setup the roles on each applicaiton, then add the user twice which isn't really ideal. I also think that because my app is multi-teanated that external users could use this to set their own permissions, which isn't what I want to do.
Sorry I'm just totally lost and the documentation is beyond confusing given how frequently this appears to change!
TLDR: Do I need two applicaitons configured in azure ad, and if so whats the best way to set permissions (claims). Also is oAuth 2 the right choice here, or should I look at open id?
Right away I gotta fix one misunderstanding.
Daemon apps usually have to be registered as Web/API, i.e. publicClient: false.
That's because a native app can't have client secrets.
Of course the daemon can't run on a user's device then.
Since that's what a native app. An app that runs on a user's device.
This I believe means I will have two audience ids in my application.
You will have two applications, at least. If you want, the back-end and React front can share one app (with implicit flow enabled). And the daemon will need another registration.
I'm trying to get claims to include groups, and I can see if I edit the meta data of both applicaitons in azure AD to include "groupMembershipClaims": "SecurityGroup" I can get claims with the group IDs in, but no names.
Yes, ids are included only. If you need names, you go to Graph API to get them. But why do you need them? For display? Otherwise, you need to be using the ids to setup permissions. Names always change and then your code breaks.
I think I can also use appRoles to set roles the application uses, but I've yet to get that to come through as claims in the JWT, but I'm assuming it can be done, however I'd need to setup the roles on each applicaiton, then add the user twice which isn't really ideal. I also think that because my app is multi-teanated that external users could use this to set their own permissions, which isn't what I want to do.
Your thoughts for multi-tenant scenarios are correct. If you did want to implement these though, I made an article on it:
Why would you need to setup the roles in multiple apps though? Wouldn't they only apply in the web app?
If the native app is a daemon, there is no user.
Overall, I can see your problem. You have people from other orgs, who want access to your app, but you want to control their access rights.
Honestly, the best way might be to make the app single-tenant in some tenant which you control. Then invite the external users there as guests (there's an API for this). Then you can assign them roles by using groups or appRoles.
If I misunderstood something, drop a comment and I'll fix up my answer.
Azure AD is of course a powerful system, though I also find the OAuth aspects confusing since these aspects are very mixed up:
Standards Based OAuth 2.0 and Open Id Connect
Microsoft Vendor Specific Behaviour
This is not an area I know much about - Juunas seems like a great guy to help you with this.
I struggled through this a while back for a tutorial based OAuth blog I'm writing. Maybe some of the stuff I learned and wrote up is useful to you.
My sample shows how to use the Implicit Flow in an SPA to log the user in via Azure AD, then how to validate received tokens in a custom API:
Code Sample
Write Up
Not sure how much of this is relevant to your use case, but I hope it helps a little on the tech side of things...

How to delegate authorisation to external Auth 2.0 services

I'm working on a service that provides smart (hopefully) integration of different services supporting OAuth 2.0. The focus of our tool is on team work flow improvement, so we're combining Slack, GitHub, Asana (issue tracker), Cezanne (hr tool), etc.
We have ui and backend that work with all those tools (user is authorised to all of them, so I have required access and refresh tokens). We need to be able to hide different parts of the ui depending on person's role in a specific tool. Let's take GitHub as an example. The user can be a repository owner, contributor, company owner (for business account), etc, so those user might need different ui based on their rights.
Originally I was hesitant implementing authorisation on my own (another custom authorisation system is the last thing this world needs), I wanted to take advantage of other services' authorisation mechanisms and just create a lightweight wrapper around them. It seemed like a reasonable idea at first, but I can't figure out how to implement it and Google doesn't give valuable advice which means: 99.99% I'm trying to do something stupid, 00.01% I'm trying to do something rare/innovative.
I hoped to take advantage of OAuth 2.0 but it doesn't seem to support what we need. The closest thing is scopes but it doesn't look very relevant to our scenario.
The only idea I have for now is to create our own authorisation system and integrate other services using kind of reverse engineering. So I would request user's GitHub account details using API and apply him roles in our system appropriately: Owner for repository A, contributor for repository B, owner of company C, etc. I will have to reverse-engineer the permission for each role (i. e. repository owner can not change company name). And we would have to keep user roles for each service: so instead of typical Admin/User/Manager/etc. we will get: OwnerOfGitHubRepository (for repositoryA), ManagerOfAsanaTeam (for team B), etc.
It would be awesome if OAuth 2.0 services had an endpoint that would return the permissions available for a current user.
I'm not a security engineer, so I might be missing something obvious. So wanted to ask you guys for advice before investing into the implementation mentioned above.
The word, "authorization", is used in two different contexts.
In one context, authorization means "who has what permissions". Solutions for this authorization is "identity management".
In the other context, authorization means "who grants what permissions to whom". Solutions for this authorization is "OAuth".
In some cases, you may have to handle these two authorizations simultaneously. See this question and this answer for details.
You tagged your question with identityserver4.
This Issue for identityserver3 from last year may interest you.
But I'm afraid most providers don't support this oauth2 profile (yet).
UMA seems to be an oauth2 way to enable fine grained authorization, but may not be the best solution.

The authorization method of One Drive

I would like to know if One Drive supports those four ways of Authorization. Please refer to this link.
We are integrating our DVR and NVR with One Drive now and we need to understand which authorization method One Drive supports. We are trying to use OneDrive with embedded ARM processors, so the user does not have access to a browser as they would for a web-app.
Please kindly advise how we should proceed from here. Thanks for your time and I look forward to hearing from you.
Best Wishes,
Ted Yang
I am going to say yes, OneDrive probably supports those ways of authorization, because on their authentication documentations page they say the following:
The OneDrive API uses the standard OAuth 2.0 authentication scheme to authenticate users and generate access tokens.
That link takes us to the site page for OAuth 2.0. On that page, we find the following:
The final version of the spec can be found at
which is the document you linked. The OneDrive API documentation says it supports OAuth 2.0, and your linking the definition of OAuth 2.0, so I think it's safe to say it's supported. How to use it is another question entirely, and one I am unable to answer.
I will note, however, that on the OAuth page, they have this to say about it's uses (emphasis mine):
OAuth 2.0 focuses on client developer simplicity while providing specific authorization flows for web applications, desktop applications, mobile phones, and living room devices.
I would presume that living room devices could include DVRs, and although your DVRs are for security purposes, the development of cloud storage APIs for either would undoubtedly be similar. So I would say this is probably quite possible.
How to do it:
First things first, you'll need to register your app. This gets you a client id and a client secret which you'll need. Registration directions
There are two methods: token flow and code flow. Token flow is two steps, and code flow is three steps. However token flow uses tokens that expire, so it would require the user to reenter thigns periodically. You therefor want to use code flow. Here's some directions for that.
Basically the steps of the code flow are:
Get an authorization code
User authorization code to get an access token
User access token to make API calls
You WILL need to make HTTP requests. I'm sure you should be able to do this with ARM embedded C. However, step 1 is what gives you to the Microsoft account login page. I am note sure how to circumvent this, exactly. I'm not sure you're supposed to be ABLE to circumvent this, since Microsoft doesn't want you handling their customers' passwords.
They have an example in Javascript that might give useful details on oauth in the oauth.js file. Javascript sample project

Create Meteor Account based on Oauth token and Service (Facebook, Google, etc)

Is there an easy method call one can do to create a user on Meteor using an oauth token provided by a registered service such as Facebook or Google? Intuition says that such a method should exist, where it automatically pulls in details about the user, and adds it to the services field. However, I've poked around the codebase, and am so far unable to find this method.
Thanks for your help.
EDIT: To clarify, I don't want to use the built in Oauth flow, but my own flow - but still end up with a user account the same way as the built in system.
Try meteor add accounts-base accounts-google accounts-facebook accounts-ui. Those packages will do most of the work for you, and then you just need to add the `{{loginButtons}} to your template, and fill in your API information when the easy form asks you to.
EDIT: to roll your own, you might want to check out Arunoda's post on extending Meteor accounts, or maybe a community-contributed oauth package for inspiration.

CouchApp user registration

I'm building a standalone couchdb application. These are called couchapps. The idea is that the database itself is served on port 80 and returns HTML and works as the actual website. This is a very powerful idea and I'm entirely amazed by this new concept of having your code live inside your database.
But I'm having some issues with user registration. The one built into couchdb allows for cookies to be set and makes it really easy to plug it into your website. But there's several quite important things missing that my app requires in order to say that it has a "proper" user registration system.
There's no signup verification. No email is sent, no captcha is displayed. This means that anyone could spam your _users database and create as many new users as they please.
If a user forgets their password there's no facility to help them recover it.
Any idea how I could overcome these issues without doing any hardcore Erlang development at a lower level (not an Erlang guy)? It would also be great if anybody knew if I could be using OAuth to authenticate against Twitter or GitHub accounts and have that integrate seemlessly with how couchdb data is handled (inside validate_doc_update functions).
Thank you
While the built in user database can work, I would not recommend it for the workflow you describe. Here are some other options:
Browser ID
I would really recommend using BrowserID. IrisCouch has provided a plugin to couchdb here:
This will take care of the normal registration workflow.
If you want to take it a step further and have your users "Fairly Anonymous", you can follow the example of this couchapp called "Mingle"
Twitter Integration
Max Ogden's "DataCouch" project has a log in via twitter, although it is using some Node external processors to make it work. See here:
Facebook integration
I dont think you can use the oauth purely with Couch, as this post suggests:
so the closest you will get there is following what Datacouch has done.
Hope these suggestions help.
