Yahoo Fantasy Sports API routing/post errors - ruby-on-rails

As a quick background: I've already successfully set up a small application that will connect to Yahoo's API and set my lineups on a daily basis using PUT requests on my team's roster per the Yahoo Developer's Guide.
Specifically, where I'm having problems now:
Using POST, players can be added and/or dropped from a team, or trades
can be proposed. The URI for POSTing to transactions collection is:
The input XML format for a POST request to the transactions API for
replacing one player with another player in a team is:
My method for making a request is as follows:
def self.make_signed_request(address, method, user_id, input_file=nil )
# format http method and return false if not accepted API method
method = method.upcase
return false if ( method != "GET" ) && ( method != "POST" ) && ( method != "PUT")
# find user
user = User.find(user_id)
if ( user.yahoo_access_token_expiration.nil? || user.yahoo_access_token_expiration < )
# expired token, so renew
# normalize text HMAC-SHA1
digest ='sha1')
nonce = rand(10 ** 30).to_s.rjust(30,'0')
timestamp =
text = method + "&" + CGI.escape("#{address}") + "&" + CGI.escape("oauth_consumer_key=#{YAHOO_OAUTH_API[:CLIENT_ID]}&oauth_nonce=#{nonce}&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_timestamp=#{timestamp}&oauth_token=#{CGI.escape(user.yahoo_access_token)}&oauth_version=1.0")
# create key for HMAC-SHA1
key = CGI.escape("#{YAHOO_OAUTH_API[:CLIENT_SECRET]}")+ "&" + CGI.escape("#{user.yahoo_access_token_secret}")
# create HMAC-SHA1 signature for api request
hmac = OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(digest, key, text)
signature_sha1 = CGI.escape(Base64.strict_encode64(hmac))
# make API request
response = nil
if method == "GET"
response = Curl.get("#{address}?oauth_consumer_key=#{YAHOO_OAUTH_API[:CLIENT_ID]}&oauth_nonce=#{nonce}&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_timestamp=#{timestamp}&oauth_token=#{CGI.escape(user.yahoo_access_token)}&oauth_version=1.0&oauth_signature=#{signature_sha1}")
elsif method == "POST"
# return "Not implemented"
response ="#{address}?oauth_consumer_key=#{YAHOO_OAUTH_API[:CLIENT_ID]}&oauth_nonce=#{nonce}&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_timestamp=#{timestamp}&oauth_token=#{CGI.escape(user.yahoo_access_token)}&oauth_version=1.0&oauth_signature=#{signature_sha1}", input_file) do |http|
http.headers['Accept'] = 'application/xml'
http.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xml'
elsif method == "PUT"
response = Curl.put("#{address}?oauth_consumer_key=#{YAHOO_OAUTH_API[:CLIENT_ID]}&oauth_nonce=#{nonce}&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_timestamp=#{timestamp}&oauth_token=#{CGI.escape(user.yahoo_access_token)}&oauth_version=1.0&oauth_signature=#{signature_sha1}", input_file) do |http|
http.headers['Accept'] = 'application/xml'
http.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xml'
# return raw XML result
return response.body
When I make my request --
def add_drop(players)
# players are added in [{player_key}, {add/drop}, {faab_bid (or nil if not FAAB)}] form
url = "{self.league.league_key}/transactions"
builder = => 'UTF-8') do |xml|
xml.fantasy_content {
xml.transaction {
xml.type "add/drop"
xml.faab_bid players[0][2] unless players[0][2].nil?
xml.players {
players.each do |player|
xml.player {
xml.player_key player[0]
xml.transaction_data {
xml.type player[1] # this will be "add" or "drop"
# adds use "destination_team_key," drops use "source_team_key"
if player[1] == "add"
xml.destination_team_key self.team_key
xml.source_team_key self.team_key
} # transaction_data
} # player
} # players
} # transaction
} # fantasy_content
end # builder
xml_input = builder.to_xml
YahooOAuth.make_signed_request(url, 'put',, xml_input)
--the XML generated is shown below --
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<fantasy_content>\n <transaction>\n <type>add/drop</type>\n <players>\n <player>\n <player_key>357.p.10171</player_key>\n <transaction_data>\n <type>add</type>\n <destination_team_key>370.l.4801.t.7</destination_team_key>\n </transaction_data>\n </player>\n <player>\n <player_key>357.p.9317</player_key>\n <transaction_data>\n <type>drop</type>\n <source_team_key>370.l.4801.t.7</source_team_key>\n </transaction_data>\n </player>\n </players>\n </transaction>\n</fantasy_content>\n"
-- and the two responses I'll get from Yahoo are:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <error xml:lang="en-us"
> yahoo:uri=";oauth_nonce=892057444475304460343340318332&amp;oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&amp;oauth_timestamp=1492097395&amp;oauth_token=A%3D2.86iTDxtT4nQ.wxTcn33mgnA8dm3AeME87YRjNthVjxiwfhqKr_oWt0HBgbBeS2DC_dNObN72m0ucgi7CsSFaRjpc5IcnZ_bpJNTC3pUXc37bgH8f0S4irpyXLz8s9ONAYYB.LIDT0sOUvdTgk_lPDnlr1GlPhCe7u54Sq.m_vwq1JQlNUzEVrEs3kOW9wiXk17BditA9OGaVE.tuepvpthDRVBhOye8qjb_ic7UZtT.lvccoGEdgvcShHSyg.YYcnShl7ks23G01hAcXrfGveEk0UncWKNmma42cYbg7bzSOY9ZZj3_hvU5rK3SjB1ADPe8bsIEe_Ba9KBhYxlWd9iyyAR_bloL9n0eeL_OQ6PoR4uGJ6VMUDn9n_ovDGvfgAfvtJs15pCcXPhYusuo1S7SJF1O3fLtR8TitmU1qW88x3SenY2U50dlRG9Y73iNUdnyYBpIHLg._pPkms26QhnuxSFfqpXcGleGXOuZ0.TNOE3Cp8VbLEOEIg6QkavgGLKyFetYhSQ879T4rfhfeEoWvwkjsO1BL2Y3n4Hp9cgfU4y3wZvT.b8qhP7QY0UTYtZkyYH.sydFUXUCec.yVGm29S.s.2N96tfr4qWaI0qntRE.X5MVdwfbhz94n9JshmduqurjKRLlMYVWnLZ_Yderm0HDvT7dnowjyUwBx2UxUKJooauQnNU67QQECmh.HZqcm_OBysLABvdtTtaPhnvJ1QViN_UUjslToVPOs1oyxoTNRbL0VL8yxJc&amp;oauth_version=1.0&amp;oauth_signature=UVmcj2S8c5vqkRgAxsdQ3MQZI54%3D"
> xmlns:yahoo=""
> xmlns="">
> <description>subresource 'transactions' not supported.</description>
> <detail/> </error>
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <error xml:lang="en-us"
> yahoo:uri=";oauth_nonce=503128074504907304111221170641&amp;oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&amp;oauth_timestamp=1492097198&amp;oauth_token=A%3D2.86iTDxtT4nQ.wxTcn33mgnA8dm3AeME87YRjNthVjxiwfhqKr_oWt0HBgbBeS2DC_dNObN72m0ucgi7CsSFaRjpc5IcnZ_bpJNTC3pUXc37bgH8f0S4irpyXLz8s9ONAYYB.LIDT0sOUvdTgk_lPDnlr1GlPhCe7u54Sq.m_vwq1JQlNUzEVrEs3kOW9wiXk17BditA9OGaVE.tuepvpthDRVBhOye8qjb_ic7UZtT.lvccoGEdgvcShHSyg.YYcnShl7ks23G01hAcXrfGveEk0UncWKNmma42cYbg7bzSOY9ZZj3_hvU5rK3SjB1ADPe8bsIEe_Ba9KBhYxlWd9iyyAR_bloL9n0eeL_OQ6PoR4uGJ6VMUDn9n_ovDGvfgAfvtJs15pCcXPhYusuo1S7SJF1O3fLtR8TitmU1qW88x3SenY2U50dlRG9Y73iNUdnyYBpIHLg._pPkms26QhnuxSFfqpXcGleGXOuZ0.TNOE3Cp8VbLEOEIg6QkavgGLKyFetYhSQ879T4rfhfeEoWvwkjsO1BL2Y3n4Hp9cgfU4y3wZvT.b8qhP7QY0UTYtZkyYH.sydFUXUCec.yVGm29S.s.2N96tfr4qWaI0qntRE.X5MVdwfbhz94n9JshmduqurjKRLlMYVWnLZ_Yderm0HDvT7dnowjyUwBx2UxUKJooauQnNU67QQECmh.HZqcm_OBysLABvdtTtaPhnvJ1QViN_UUjslToVPOs1oyxoTNRbL0VL8yxJc&amp;oauth_version=1.0&amp;oauth_signature=oNaLute5djkIryUEKq0zF6prVFU%3D"
> xmlns:yahoo=""
> xmlns="">
> <description>Invalid XML POSTed. Error code 25 at line 3, column 0 of input XML.</description>
> <detail/> </error>
I'm honestly not sure what differentiates between the two responses, as I've gotten both responses with what I'm pretty sure are the same XML inputs and POST parameters.
Does anybody have any insight?

Just ran into the same issue, and this Stack Overflow article was the only relevant link I found on the web. Decided it was time I gave back to this community...
The problem is that one of the sample XMLs on Yahoo's transaction page is wrong. The sample with the { } placeholders and without the <faab_bid> node is correct, but the FAAB example below it has <destination_team_key> instead of <source_team_key> as part of the "drop" transaction. When I made sure to use "source_team_key" instead of "destination_team_key" for the drop set of nodes, the transaction started working.
I'm guessing that Error Code 25 is a generic error indicating that some part of the XML is wrong or unexpected. If this doesn't resolve your issue, try starting with the first add/drop sample XML and filling in values one by one.
Hope this helps.


Bulk Item Setup endpoint on Walmart no working with JSON

I am trying to submit a feed to Walmarts API following this guide and this api documentation
In their guide it says
Send an item feed to Walmart with payload in either XML or JSON format
I am sending this JSON
Via a POST request like so:
# Submits a feed to Walmart
# #param feed_data [Hash] data that will be submited with the feed
def submit_feed(feed_data, type)
# To add a param to a multipart POST request you need to append the params to the URL
endpoint = "" + type
headers = self.api_client.headers.with_indifferent_access
uri = URI(endpoint)
request =
# Add Required Headers
request['Authorization'] = headers["Authorization"]
request['WM_SVC.NAME'] = headers["WM_SVC.NAME"]
request['Accept'] = headers["Accept"]
# Set form wants an array of arrays, basically the first item is the key and the second the value
request.set_form([["file", feed_data]], 'multipart/form-data')
response = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port, use_ssl: true) do |http|
The feed successfully submits, but when i check the status this is the response:
"description":"Unexpected character '{' (code 123) in prolog; expected '\u003c'\n at [row,col {unknown-source}]: [1,1]"
Judging by the error message
Unexpected character '{' (code 123) in prolog; expected '\u003c'\n at [row,col {unknown-source}]: [1,1]
It seems like they are expecting me to be sending an XML file, i can't figure out what it is i am doing wrong.
They require that the data is sent as multipart so i can't set the Content-Type to application/json
Is there anything i am missing to tell them in the request that the payload is JSON?
I figured it out with the help of this answer on another question.
You are better off referencing this than Walmarts official documentation
You need to submit a post request to the " endpoint appending your type on the url ?feedType=[something]
You need to make sure that your "Content-Type" is "application/json" if you are sending them JSON.
You do not need to send it multipart like the documentation suggests, just send your entire JSON file as the body and it should work correctly.
Here is my new ruby code to get this done:
# Submits a feed to Walmart
# #param feed_data [Hash] data that will be submited with the feed
def submit_feed(feed_data, type)
# To add a param to a multipart POST request you need to append the params to the URL
endpoint = "" + type
uri = URI.parse(endpoint)
http =, uri.port)
http.use_ssl = true, feed_data, self.api_client.headers)
If someone from Walmart is looking at this question, please improve your documentation.

Pretty print webservice response on ruby

I have to call a webservice but I don't know the format of the response. In any case (xml, json or html) I have to pretty print the response.
For example, if it is a xml I have to indent and show it properly. Same thing if it is a json. I have two problems here:
Detecting the format
Apply a format depending on the type.
I think that (1) is the most challenging problem.
Any help?
As several of the comments have suggested, the http header will contain the content type.
net/http has methods for this:
require 'net/http'
require 'json'
require 'rexml/document'
response = nil
Net::HTTP.start('', 80) {|http|
response = http.get('/index.html')
header = response['content-type'].split(';').first # => "text/html"
body = response.read_body
then you can conditionally operate:
if header == "text/html"
puts response.read_body
elsif header == "application/json"
puts JSON.pretty_generate(JSON.parse(body))
elsif header == "text/xml"
xml = body
out = ""
xml.write(out, 1)
puts out
Most of this was pulled form other SO posts:
pretty JSON: How can I "pretty" format my JSON output in Ruby on Rails?
pretty XML: How to beautify xml code in rails application
This is the code that I finally used:
raw_response = response.body
response_html = ''
if response.header['Content-Type'].include? 'application/json'
tokens = CodeRay.scan(raw_response, :json)
response_html = tokens.div
elsif response.header['Content-Type'].include? 'application/xml'
tokens = CodeRay.scan(raw_response, :xml)
response_html = tokens.div
elsif response.header['Content-Type'].include? 'text/html'
tokens = CodeRay.scan(raw_response, :html)
response_html = tokens.div
response_html = '<div>' + raw_response + '</div>'
It's using the coderay gem.

Read response with Nokogiri from a SOAP call with Savon

I have make a soap-call with Savon. This works fine and give the
following response:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi=""
xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="http://">
<GetTop10Response xmlns="">
Now I want to take all of the string elements out of the response. But
I can't get it to work.
def query(params=nil)
client = do
wsdl.document = ""
response = client.request :get_top10
if response.success?
xml = Nokogiri::XML(response.to_xml)
print "Until here oké!"'//GetTop10Result').each do |result|
print "How are you Ruby?"
#result['string').inner_text] ='string').inner_text
raise "Error!"
But he never prints my beautiful "How are you Ruby?" Can somebody help
me? What I'm doing wrong?
You could to this but this isnt the best way to deal with problems like this! You might have experience using Nokogiri and XML but its easier to use .to_hash like this.
def query
client = do
wsdl.document = ""
response = client.request(:get_top10)
response.to_hash[:get_top10_response][:get_top10_result] if response.success?
Thanks for both reactions! I figured out. Here is my code:
# Prepare SOAP-request
client = do
wsdl.document = ""
# Execute SOAP-request
response = client.request :get_top10
if response.success?
names =
index = 0
hash = response.to_hash[:get_top10_response][:get_top10_result][:string]
hash.each do |value|
names[index] = value
index += 1
#result = {
raise "Error occurred during the request to the top 10 movies!"

Ruby, forming API request without implicitly stating each parameter

I'm trying to make a request to a web service (fwix), and in my rails app I've created the following initializer, which works... sorta, I have two problems however:
For some reason the values of the parameters need to have +'s as the spaces, is this a standard thing that I can accomplish with ruby? Additionally is this a standard way to form a url? I thought that spaces were %20.
In my code how can I take any of the options sent in and just use them instead of having to state each one like query_items << "api_key=#{options[:api_key]}" if options[:api_key]
The following is my code, the trouble area I'm having are the lines starting with query_items for each parameter in the last method, any ideas would be awesome!
require 'httparty'
module Fwix
class API
include HTTParty
class JSONParser < HTTParty::Parser
def json
parser JSONParser
base_uri ""
def self.query(options = {})
query_url = query_url(options)
puts "querying: #{base_uri}#{query_url}"
response = get( query_url )
raise "Connection to Fwix API failed" if response.nil?
def self.query_url(input_options = {})
#defaults ||= {
:api_key => "my_api_key",
options = #defaults.merge(input_options)
query_url = "/content.json?"
query_items = []
query_items << "api_key=#{options[:api_key]}" if options[:api_key]
query_items << "province=#{options[:province]}" if options[:province]
query_items << "city=#{options[:city]}" if options[:city]
query_items << "address=#{options[:address]}" if options[:address]
query_url += query_items.join('&')
For 1)
You API provider is expecting '+' because the API is expecting in a CGI formatted string instead of URL formatted string.
require 'cgi'
my_query = "hel lo"
this should give you
as you expect
for Question 2) I would do something like
query_items = options.keys.collect { |key| "#{key.to_s}=#{options[key]}" }
def self.query_url(input_options = {})
options = {
:api_key => "my_api_key",
query_url = "/content.json?"
query_items = []
options.each { |k, v| query_items << "#{k}=#{v.gsub(/\s/, '+')}" }
query_url += query_items.join('&')
I'm a developer at Fwix and wanted to help you with your url escaping issue. However, escaping with %20 works for me:
wget ''
I was hoping you could provide me with the specific request you're making that you're unable to escape with %20.

RubyAmf and Rails 3

I have recently been trying to upgrade my app form Rails 2.3.8 to newly-releases Rails 3.
After going through fixing some Rails 3 RubyAMF doesn't seem to work:
>>>>>>>> RubyAMF >>>>>>>>> #<RubyAMF::Actions::PrepareAction:0x1649924> took: 0.00017 secs
The action '#<ActionDispatch::Request:0x15c0cf0>' could not be found for DaysController
/Users/tammam56/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/actionpack-3.0.0/lib/abstract_controller/base.rb:114:in `process'
/Users/tammam56/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/actionpack-3.0.0/lib/abstract_controller/rendering.rb:40:in `process'
It doesn't seem to be able to find the proper controller. Might have to do with new changes in Rails 3 Router. Do you know how to go about finding the root cause of the problem and/or trying to fix it?
I'm pasting code from RubyAMF where this is happening (Exception happens at the line: #service.process(req, res)):
#invoke the service call
def invoke
# RequestStore.available_services[#amfbody.service_class_name] ||=
#service = #handle on service
rescue Exception => e
puts e.message
puts e.backtrace
raise, "There was an error loading the service class #{#amfbody.service_class_name}")
if #service.private_methods.include?(#amfbody.service_method_name.to_sym)
raise RUBYAMFExc, "The method {#{#amfbody.service_method_name}} in class {#{#amfbody.service_class_file_path}} is declared as private, it must be defined as public to access it.")
elsif !#service.public_methods.include?(#amfbody.service_method_name.to_sym)
raise, "The method {#{#amfbody.service_method_name}} in class {#{#amfbody.service_class_file_path}} is not declared.")
#clone the request and response and alter it for the target controller/method
req = RequestStore.rails_request.clone
res = RequestStore.rails_response.clone
#change the request controller/action targets and tell the service to process. THIS IS THE VOODOO. SWEET!
controller = #amfbody.service_class_name.gsub("Controller","").underscore
action = #amfbody.service_method_name
req.parameters['controller'] = req.request_parameters['controller'] = req.path_parameters['controller'] = controller
req.parameters['action'] = req.request_parameters['action'] = req.path_parameters['action'] = action
req.env['PATH_INFO'] = req.env['REQUEST_PATH'] = req.env['REQUEST_URI'] = "#{controller}/#{action}"
req.env['HTTP_ACCEPT'] = 'application/x-amf,' + req.env['HTTP_ACCEPT'].to_s
#set conditional helper
#service.is_amf = true
#service.is_rubyamf = true
#process the request
rubyamf_params = #service.rubyamf_params = {}
if #amfbody.value && !#amfbody.value.empty?
#amfbody.value.each_with_index do |item,i|
rubyamf_params[i] = item
# put them by default into the parameter hash if they opt for it
rubyamf_params.each{|k,v| req.parameters[k] = v} if ParameterMappings.always_add_to_params
#One last update of the parameters hash, this will map custom mappings to the hash, and will override any conflicting from above
ParameterMappings.update_request_parameters(#amfbody.service_class_name, #amfbody.service_method_name, req.parameters, rubyamf_params, #amfbody.value)
rescue Exception => e
raise, "There was an error with your parameter mappings: {#{e.message}}")
#service.process(req, res)
#unset conditional helper
#service.is_amf = false
#service.is_rubyamf = false
#service.rubyamf_params = rubyamf_params # add the rubyamf_args into the controller to be accessed
result = RequestStore.render_amf_results
#handle FaultObjects
if result.class.to_s == 'FaultObject' #catch returned FaultObjects - use this check so we don't have to include the fault object module
e =['code'], result['message'])
e.payload = result['payload']
raise e
#amfbody.results = result
if #amfbody.special_handling == 'RemotingMessage'
#wrapper = generate_acknowledge_object(#amfbody.get_meta('messageId'), #amfbody.get_meta('clientId'))
#wrapper["body"] = result
#amfbody.results = #wrapper
#amfbody.success! #set the success response uri flag (/onResult)
The best suggestion is to try rails3-amf. It currently is severely lacking in features in comparison to RubyAMF, but it does work and I'm adding new features as soon as they are requested or I have time.
