Open iOS app automatically at a certain time - ios

Is this possible? Like the app will launch at 8AM and closes at 10PM. I'm new to developing an app that uses background. What I do know currently is that the app can run in the background for a long time.
What I also have right now is my project that updates the user location in the background. With the help of this - re-written in Swift 3.0.

This is not possible. But, you can use local notifications to tell user to run the app.


Does Flutter Background Fetch work on iOS when the app is terminated?

I'm building a Flutter app and need to call a function every day (to schedule some notifications). I came across the flutter_background_fetch package, which seems to be a perfect solution for Android, since the main limitation of the minimum 15 minute interval is not a problem.
However, I am supremely confused about how well the package works for iOS. According to the README, "When your app is terminated, iOS no longer fires events". However, I've also seen posts on Stackoverflow that claim that iOS Background App Refresh periodically relaunches your app to run background fetches (and posts that say it is unreliable or doesn't work at all).
So does flutter_background_fetch work on iOS when the app is terminated (eg. double tap home and swipe up)?
Edit: Also exploring flutter_workmanager, which seems promising.
There is no perfect Dart solution for iOS to schedule background task as android when app terminate, in android we can use Alarm Manager
But you can try native side implementation with BGTaskScheduler

Apple Watch : will the App on iPhone run in the background

Am trying a simple Apple Watch App. the question I have is : will the iPhone App be able to run always in the background? In the App, I want to fetch some files from a server & store them in the iPhone (I want to do this everyday at a specific time), so that when the user opens the Apple Watch App, the file can be showed immediately (and no need to wait for it be downloaded then).
You can run tasks in the background of an iPhone application yes. I have no idea about how this interacts with the Apple Watch (your post suggests this will just sync automatically perhaps). Good point of reading:

Create Geolocation plugin for phonegap iOS to run in background

since watchposition doesn't run for more than 30 min in background, i have to create a geolocation plugin in order to register position every 5 minute on my webserver.
Ther problem is that i don't know quite nothing about objective-c. So anyone can help me or give me some parts of code with i can do something? thanks in advance
You don’t need to create a plugin for your phonegap app to receive location updates in the background. I’ve produced an iOS version of my phonegap-based navigator app and successfully got it receiving position updates while running in the background. I’ve tested it extensively in the “real-world” and it works reliably without any limit on the duration for receiving location updates.
Firstly, you need to be using XCode to develop your phonegap app - I’m not sure you can set the correct properties in your iOS app if you’re using Phonegap Build. You can set the “UIBackgroundModes” key with a value of “location”, which will cause iOS to trigger the JS callback function you have registered with watchPosition() each time a location update is received.
See this page for details about iOS project keys.
See this page for how to set the background modes key in XCode. The value you want to select is “App registers for location updates”.
Hope this helps!

How to update Geofencing list of points in iOS into Background

I would create an iOS application with geofencing.
Can I send a new list of geofencing points to this app through Apple Server in Background or must I launch the app to update its list of points ?
More easily, can I from an external server change the geofence point without launching the app ?
Thanks you very much.
Best regards
Assuming your app doesn't use any of the available background modes, you can't change them remotely. The push notifications are received and shown by the OS, and only opening them will trigger your app to load and execute your code.

IOS 5 Application running in the background terminates after 4 days

I am running an app in the background with significant location change and monitor regions, the app works well but if the user don't use the app for a couple of days then the app gets terminated. Is there a way to prevent the app from being terminated ? like maybe triggering an alert to remind the user to open the app every 2 days ? does anyone knows how to get the app to run continually, and not to be terminated/suspended ?
"significant location changes" over 4 days means your app is not only draining the battery (a no-no since iOS 4.x), but it is taking resources away from the system in the background. Apps cannot process forever in the background, so the OS makes the choice to kill it. Just turn off background processing and only update the user's location when they open the app. And do you want to know the best part: It's all fairly random! The OS could have killed Mail or YouTube or some such other app to make room for yours, but it didn't, it killed your app. There is no documented way around it, sorry.
I think it is not possible for an app to run continuously, and not to be terminated/suspended. You can use push notification to remind user to open app in every two days.
